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The purpose of this study was to measure the specificity of the 21-Item Test for detecting malingering in an elderly sample. The 21-Item Test was administered to 20 community-dwelling elderly individuals with means for age, education, and Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ) error scores of 76.25 years (SD?=?7.19), 14.30 years (SD?=?3.89), and 0.30 (SD?=?4.70). None of these healthy elderly participants were cognitively impaired. A second group of 53 nursing home residents had means for age, education, and SPMSQ error scores of 82.79 years (SD?=?8.56), 11.14 years (SD = 2.46), and 3.17 (SD?=?2.46). Approximately 60% of the nursing home participants had cognitive impairment based on the SPMSQ. The cut offs provided by Iverson (1998 Iverson, G. L. 1998. 21 Item Test Research Manual, Vancouver, BC: Author.  [Google Scholar], 21 Item Test Research Manual) for interpretation of the forced-choice component of the 21-Item Test were insensitive to age and relatively insensitive to cognitive deficits. Specificity was 100% since no elderly participant from either group scored in the range indicative of sub-optimal effort or biased responding.  相似文献   

Three groups of people ranging in age from 64 to 88 years performed tasks of word generation, paired-associate recall, and free and cued recall. The groups differed in socioeconomic status, verbal intelligence, and apparent levels of daily activity. A fourth group, consisting of young undergraduates, was also tested. Results showed that whereas there were age-related differences in some tests, these age differences were strongly modulated by characteristics of the participants and characteristics of the tasks. The findings are discussed in a contextualist framework.  相似文献   

The study aims were to identify the interpersonal style characteristics of Vietnam Era veterans by comparison with World War II veterans. The sample included 3,075 veterans in treatment in 47 VA health care facilities. Patients were categorized as medical-surgical, psychiatric, and drug addicted, and divided by age into the 24 or less, and the 45 to 55 age groups. The measuring device was the Interpersonal Style Inventory. Group differences on the 17 scores were tested by discriminant function analyses. The Vietnam Era veterans were found to be more rebellious, mistrustful, adventure-seeking and expedient than the older veterans.  相似文献   

HORST P  SMITH S 《Psychometrika》1950,15(3):271-289
Nineteen different anthropometric measures were obtained on all members of each of two racial groups. A procedure was developed and applied to the data to give maximum differentiation between the groups. The method is applicable wherever we have a large number of independent variables and a dependent variable. In such cases, the conventional methods for determining multiple regression constants are very laborious. An iteration method is presented which is more rapid than any with which the writers are familiar. The method selects in sequence those variables which together yield the largest multiple correlation with the criterion. At each step in the procedure, rapid estimates of the regression weights and the multiple correlation at that point are available.  相似文献   

The concept of career burnout has been investigated in a wide variety of human services settings. Several investigations have extended the study of burnout to individuals in private sector reorganizations although burnout factors have only been derived on one sample of private sector employees. In the current research, burnout factors from previous private sector research were replicated. Results showed a strong congruency between factors from the two studies. Support was provided for rewording burnout questions from the human services scales for private sector research.  相似文献   

The Boston Naming Test has enjoyed increasing use in many research studies since its introduction. However, there is little normative data on the age group above 60 years of age. This study presents data from a sample of 58 well-defined healthy elderly males and females between the ages of 60 and 85. In comparison with published normative data, our sample has higher means, smaller standard deviations, and narrower ranges. These results suggest that aging alone does not significantly alter recognition-cued word-finding ability as defined by the Boston Naming Test. Also there is remarkably consistent performance throughout our age range.  相似文献   

In this article, we evaluate internal validity, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability of the MMPI-2 Restructured Clinical (RC) scales in the Dutch MMPI-2 normative sample (N = 1,244) and a Dutch outpatient psychiatric sample (N = 1,066). We pay special attention to a critique regarding construct drift of RC3 and the redundancy of the RC scales with existing MMPI-2 scales. The results indicate that the RC scales in both samples show comparable or better internal consistencies than the Clinical scales. Also, in both samples, the RC scales demonstrate lower scale-level intercorrelations than the Clinical scales. As to the structural characteristics, principal component analysis of the RC scales provided a clearer pattern than an analysis of the Clinical scales. Furthermore, mean raw scores on the RC scales for men in the Dutch normative sample corresponded highly with those in the U.S. normative sample except for RC2 and RC4. Less correspondence was found for women. Overall, we conclude that the RC scales show satisfactory reliability and promising internal validity in our Dutch samples. We suggest that U.S. validation studies on the RC scales may be generalized to the Dutch-language version of the MMPI-2 RC scales.  相似文献   

Questions on multiple modes of mandated community treatment (e.g. outpatient commitment, advance directive, representative payee, and special housing) were included in two studies of persons with mental illness, using a mail survey of Medicaid enrollees receiving SSI and interviews conducted as part of an evaluation of a specialty mental health court. Results indicate that the majority of individuals reported no experience with any forms of mandated community treatment. However, respondents from the two samples who had been subject to community mandates reported comparatively similar experiences. Additional studies of the prevalence of mandated community treatment are necessary to garner expanded information regarding the use of such mandates. In addition, future studies must assure that the language employed to query individuals regarding such mandates is clearly understood by respondents, as certain terms (e.g. "outpatient commitment") may mean different things to different respondents.  相似文献   

The constructs of accuracy and speed were adopted as performance criteria against which to define two clinical samples of disabled readers. Accuracy-disabled subjects had failed to achieve reliable age-appropriate word recognition skills. Rate-disabled readers were age-appropriate in word recognition accuracy but deficient on measures of contextual accuracy and reading speed. When their eye-voice spans were measured under different text manipulations, accuracy-disabled and rate-disabled children differed in the magnitude of their perceptual spans during the act of reading. The two samples did not differ in the extent to which they availed themselves of contextual constraints to extend their spans in the reading of connected text. Both samples of disabled readers appeared able to use syntactic information as an independent source of sentential information in reading, even the sample whose reading disability was associated with oral syntax deficits. Comparisons with a previous sample of normal beginning readers suggested both types of disabled readers to be reading with perceptual spans of reduced dimensions.This research was supported by operating funds from the Medical Research Council of Canada, the Ontario Mental Health Foundation/COMSOC Provincial Lottery Grants Program, and The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation. The author gratefully acknowledges the generous contributions of Terry Smialy and Judy Millington in assisting with all phases of data collection and data analysis. Special thanks are due Judy Millington for her skill in computing and analyzing the phrase boundary and pseudoboundary counts. Identification of the present rate-disabled subjects was made possible through the assistance of Andrew Biemiller, Donald G. Doehring, and Roger T. Lennon, who made previously unpublished normative data on reading speed available for use in this research project. The generosity of these individuals is very gratefully acknowledged. This paper was presented in part to the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Anaheim, California, August 1983.  相似文献   


The original Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) is an international 240 item validated self-report questionnaire measuring character strengths. A validated and reliable English 120-item short form (VIA-120) is available. However, there is limited information about the psychometric properties of the German VIA-120. This article addresses this gap and reports the reliability, validity and comparability of the German VIA-120 with the German VIA-240 version. Two independent samples were recruited: a general population sample (N = 1073, Sample 1) and a sample consisting of medical students and physicians (N = 685, Sample 2). Internal consistency of the VIA-120-scales ranged from α = .58 (modesty) to α = .87 (spirituality) in Sample 1 and α = .63 (honesty) to α = .90 (spirituality) in Sample 2. Intercorrelations between the scales of the 120-item version and the original 240-Items version (Sample 1) ranged from r = .52 (hope) to r = .89 (prudence). Criterion validity with the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and the Brief Inventory of Thriving (BIT) was demonstrated. The comparison of the factor structure between the original and the short form showed a good convergence (Tucker’s Phi .93–.99 Sample 1, .95–.98 Sample 2). Overall, the German VIA-120 was reliable, showed good convergence with the German VIA-240 and thus presents a similar level of validity for the assessment of character strengths. This study provides the first indication that the VIA 120 short form is comparable regarding the validity and reliability of the original VIA 240-item version indicating its potential to be used in large scale research studies.


The authors examined the validity of D. R. Lynam and T. A. Widiger's (2001) prototypes for personality disorders (PDs) derived from the facets of the 5-factor model (FFM) of personality in 2 clinical samples. In the 1st sample (N = 94), there was good agreement between the prototypes generated by experts and the profiles reported by patients. These FFM PD similarity scores also demonstrated good convergent and discriminant validity with results from a semistructured interview and a self-report measure of Axis II pathology. In the 2nd sample (N = 132), the FFM PD similarity scores demonstrated excellent longitudinal stability and good predictive validity with regard to consensus ratings of PD features. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to investigate the factor structure of the 41-item version of the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale within a South African nursing environment. An availability non-probability sample (N =290) of nurses from hospitals in the North-West and Gauteng Provinces of South Africa were taken. Participants completed the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEIS). The data were analysed by employing Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) via AMOS. The data fitted the original model of Emotional Intelligence of Salovey and Mayer (1990), best explaining 58.52% of the variance. The results supported a five-factor structure of the SEIS. The five factors were named: Emotion Utilisation; Emotion Management; Emotion Awareness; Emotion Perceiving and Emotion Integration.  相似文献   

Research shows that using highly self-aware participants yields studies of higher reliability, validity, and statistical power; dispositional self-awareness is commonly measured using the Fenigstein Self-Consciousness Scale (Fenigstein, Scheier, & Buss, 1975). This study used confirmatory factor analysis to compare various factor models that may underlie that scale. Two independent student samples (296 from Bernstein, Teng, & Garbin, 1986, and 350 from a large Canadian university) completed the scale. Using 6 fit criteria, results from both samples supported the Burnkrant and Page (1984) 4-factor model, namely, that self-consciousness consists of 3 principle scales: Social Anxiety, Public Self-Consciousness, and Private Self-Consciousness (divided into Internal State Awareness and Self-Reflectiveness). We discuss the psychometric implications of enhancing scale reliability, validity, and self-awareness.  相似文献   

Reduced autobiographical memory specificity (AMS) is an important cognitive marker in depression that is typically measured with the Autobiographical Memory Test (AMT; Williams & Broadbent, 1986). The AMT is widely used, but the over-reliance on a single methodology for assessing AMS is a limitation in the field. The current study investigated memory narratives as an alternative measure of AMS in an undergraduate student sample selected for being high or low on a measure of depressive symptoms (N=55). We employed a multi-method design to compare narrative- and AMT-based measures of AMS. Participants generated personally significant self-defining memory narratives, and also completed two versions of the AMT (with and without instructions to retrieve specific memories). Greater AMS in self-defining memory narratives correlated with greater AMS in performance on both versions of the AMT in the full sample, and the patterns of relationships between the different AMS measures were generally similar in low and high dysphoric participants. Furthermore, AMS in self-defining memory narratives was prospectively associated with depressive symptom levels. Specifically, greater AMS in self-defining memory narratives predicted fewer depressive symptoms at a 10-week follow-up over and above baseline symptom levels. Implications for future research and clinical applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Some previous research has questioned the appropriateness of using McCroskey's Personal Report of Communication Apprehension with participants of non-Western countries. Rival measurement models of the scale were examined on two samples of 216 and 177 college students in Taiwan. Confirmatory factor analysis of the data showed that although a four-factor model was more representative of the data than the models with one, two, or three factors, this model did not generate an acceptable fit to the data. Further testing of discriminant validity suggested that Taiwanese college students do not differentiate a meeting setting from group, dyadic, and public speaking settings. Findings of this study suggest a re-examination of the conceptualization of communication apprehension before evaluating the relative importance of biological and environmental causes.  相似文献   

Our study compared 26 young and 28 elderly subjects on the Gollin Incomplete Pictures Test. Young and elderly subjects differed, the older group requiring less fragmentation and more time for identification; response accuracy and latency were not correlated with one another.  相似文献   

The nature of children's productive structures can be investigated via two types of structural error which are manifest in their surface data: the overextension of a very general adult rule to a context from which it is excluded, and the introduction of a novel rule in a specific context. Examples of these two types of errors are shown, on the one hand, to undermine theories which treat language development largely as a process of projecting and testing innately specified hypotheses; on the other hand, they provide support for more recent theories which conceive of abstract linguistic structure as the outcome of a process relating specifically acquired items and combinations of items. The implications of this conception for the goals and tasks of developmental psycholinguistics are explored.This paper is based on research undertaken for the Ph.D degree under the supervision of Dr. N. V. Smith, University College, London, and with the financial support of the Social Science Research Council of Great Britain.  相似文献   

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