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This experiment compared the extent to which students learned facts included in computer-based-training frames that required an overt response to those that did not. Frames included two types of facts: Some facts had one word missing which had to be supplied by the student (active facts). Other facts had no missing words and required no overt response (passive facts). Each student completed four 14-fact modules in random order. Two of the modules contained frames with all active facts. Each frame in the other two modules contained one active and six passive facts. Paper pretests and posttests showed that students learned twice as many facts when all facts in the module were active than when only one in seven were active. The modules that included passive facts required one-fifth the time to complete than those with only active facts. Students learned more facts per minute of training in one of the two modules that included passive facts than in the two modules with only active facts.  相似文献   

This experiment evaluated the effects of requiring overt answer construction in computer-based programmed instruction using an alternating treatments design. Four college students worked through an instructional program that alternated between presenting frames with blanks requiring overt responses and complete frames without blanks. All students produced a higher percentage of correct posttest answers corresponding to program segments that required overt answer construction.  相似文献   

A rat was trained on a schedule that programmed reinforcements only when a minimum waiting time between successive responses was exceeded (DRL schedule). It was observed to fill much of the pause between lever presses with a stereotyped behavioral chain: it would take its tail in its mouth and nibble it. This behavior was shown to be functionally related to the efficiency with which the subject spaced its responses. It is thought to have served as mediating behavior, providing discriminating stimuli for appropriate lever presses.  相似文献   

In two experiments, rats received minimal (16) pairings of one auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) cue with a sucrose reinforcer, and extensive (112) pairings of another auditory CS with that reinforcer. After sucrose was devalued by pairing it with lithium chloride in some rats (Devalue groups) but not others (Maintain groups), taste reactivity (TR) and other responses to unflavored water were assessed in the presence of the auditory CSs alone. The minimally trained CS controlled substantially more evaluative TR responses than the extensively trained CS. Those TR responses were hedonic (positive) in the Maintain groups, but aversive (negative) in the Devalue groups. By contrast, food cup entry and other responses thought not to reflect evaluative taste processing were controlled more by the extensively trained cue. These responses were reduced by sucrose devaluation comparably, regardless of the amount of training. The results suggest rapid changes in the content of learning as conditioning proceeds. Early in training, CSs may be capable of activating preevaluative processing of an absent food reinforcer that includes information about its palatability, but that capability is lost as training proceeds.  相似文献   

Within-session temporal distributions of responding were investigated in three experiments using rats pressing a lever in a discrete-trial omission procedure. This schedule entailed 60, one-minute trials, and a sucrose solution was made available at the end of each trial in which no lever press occurred. In Experiment I, nonnaive rats acquired and maintained responding during this training. Moreover, the probability of a response during any session showed a strong and reliable tendency to increase from the beginning to the end of the session. These results were replicated in Experiment II, using naive animals. In Experiment III, alterations were made in the training procedure, including elimination of response-contingent and noncontingent stimulus changes. Results indicate that stimulus change may be sufficient to maintain low levels of responding whether or not this change is contingent on responding.  相似文献   

This research examined the effect of a brief training procedure for enhancing responding to questions about witnessed events. The training was based in research on metacognition and memory, and emphasized: attending to questions, searching for multiple responses, and weighing confidence in and considering the source of responses. In the main study, adult participants viewed a video of a burglary and after a 25 min delay half received the training. All participants were then asked answerable and unanswerable questions about the video. The training resulted in fewer errors and more rejections to unanswerable questions. Analysis of response diagnosticity indicated that responses made by the trained group were more likely to be correct responses to answerable questions. A second study showed that these findings were not due to awareness of the presence of unanswerable questions. The procedure has potential as a supplement when questioning is pursued.  相似文献   

Rabbits were classically conditioned under a single-CS dual-ISI paradigm. Contrary to a previous experiment by Frey (1970), a separate CR was conditioned at each interstimulus interval (ISI), producing a double response (DR) on long-ISI trials. Further experiments indicated that DR development is facilitated by (a) circumorbital US-location and (b) relatively high US-intensity. However, subsequent shifts to nonoptimal conditions did not produce substantial decreases in DR frequency. The presence of DRs appears to be readily amenable to interpretation in terms of a Pavlovian stimulus-trace mechanism in which the US becomes associated with a particular temporal portion of the CS. An instrumental-response-shaping hypothesis of classical conditioning can explain these data only if the hypothetical reinforcement mechanism is assumed to be considerably more complex than had previously been supposed.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to assess the effects of training procedures on fixed-interval (FI) performance of rats with septal lesions. In Experiment 1, rats with septal lesions that had extensive preoperative FI experience responded at higher rates than did control rats in early periods of the FI and at lower rates during the later period of the FI for the first 10 sessions after surgery. Their subsequent FI behavior became equivalent to that of control rats. In Experiment 2, septal rats that were trained on an FI schedule of reinforcement entirely after surgery by gradually increasing the FI requirements had FI performance equivalent to that of rats with control operations. The results suggest that septal lesions result in a transient disruption in the FI performance of rats with previous FI experience without affecting the acquisition of appropriate FI behavior.  相似文献   

儿童外显视空间注意转移   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
隋光远  吴燕 《心理学报》2006,38(6):841-848
采用提示范式探讨了三、六年级儿童的外显视空间注意转移。实验结果表明:内源性提示下儿童表现出显著的提示效度效应,其效度效应量在年龄组间没有显著差异;较短SOAs的外源性提示下,儿童表现出显著的提示效度效应;较长SOAs的外源性提示下儿童没有表现出返回抑制效应。用注意的过滤器理论和对象文件模型讨论了本研究的结果  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to assess the impact of modality of production of think-aloud protocols on reading strategies. Readers in two studies spoke or typed protocols for narrative or science texts and completed comprehension tests for each text. Human judges identified the presence of paraphrasing, bridging inferences, and elaborating within the protocols. Reading comprehension skill was assessed with the Nelson-Denny test. With respect to narrative texts, paraphrasing and bridging were less frequent when readers were typing than when they were thinking aloud. With respect to science texts, less-skilled readers made bridging inferences more frequently when typing than when speaking. Conversely, skilled readers generated more paraphrases than bridges when typing thoughts but not when speaking. These results have implications for computer-based tools for reading assessment and intervention.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, 5 subjects were exposed to a stimulus-pairing procedure in which two nonsense syllables, identified by a letter-number code as A1 and C2, each predicted the onset of a sexual film clip, and the nonsense syllables A2 and C1 each predicted the onset of a nonsexual film clip. Subjects were then exposed to a matching-to-sample test in which the nonsense syllables A1 and A2 were presented as sample stimuli and C1 and C2 were presented as comparison stimuli and vice versa (i.e., C stimuli as samples and A stimuli as comparisons). All subjects matched A1 with C2 and A2 with C1. Subjects were then trained on the conditional discriminations A1-B1, A2-B2, B1-C1, B2-C2, after which the matching-to-sample test was again administered. All subjects continued to match A1 with C2 and A2 with C1 in accordance with the earlier stimulus-pairing contingencies. An additional 5 subjects were exposed first to conditional discrimination training and testing before being exposed to the incongruous stimulus pairing and matching-to-sample testing. Under these conditions, 4 of the 5 subjects always matched A1 with C1 and A2 with C2. Experiment 2 replicated Experiment 1, except that a matching-to-sample test was not administered following the initial training procedure. Under these conditions, matching-to-sample test performances were controlled by the contingencies that had immediately preceded the test. Experiment 3 indicated that initial matching-to-sample test performances were unlikely to change, even after repeated exposure to incongruous training and testing. Experiment 4 demonstrated that pretraining with unrelated stimulus sets increased the sensitivity of matching-to-sample test performances to incongruous contingencies when they were similar in format to those arranged during pretraining. These data may have implications for a behavior-analytic interpretation of attitude formation and change.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined responding in the presence of a triple-element compound ABC after discrimination training in which 2 compounds, AB and BC, signaled the delivery of food and 1 element alone, B, signaled the absence of food. In Experiments 1 and 2, using rats, responding during ABC was more vigorous than in a control group for which A and C but not B had been individually paired with food. This finding was replicated in Experiment 3, which used pigeons, and in Experiment 4, where all 3 stimuli of the control condition were individually paired with food. The results are more consistent with a configural than with an elemental theory of learning.  相似文献   

Rats that had received septal lesions either prior to acquisition of a position habit (Group SAR) or immediately after position habit acquisition (Group SR) were tested on two reversals of the task. Compared with control-operated rats, both groups of rats with septal lesions exhibited position-habit reversal deficits. The two groups with septal lesions could not be distinguished in terms of the total number of errors made during reversal learning, but could be distinguished on the basis of the type of error committed. Compared with Group SR, Group SAR made significantly more perservative errors on the first reversal and significantly fewer perserverative errors on the second reversal. Group SR made significantly more nonperservative errors than Group SAR on both reversals.  相似文献   

To examine the role of perceptual object representations in the control of eye movements and attention, a pair of experiments adapted the object-cuing paradigm of Egly, Driver, and Rafal (1994) to require eye movements. Displays were pairs of adjacent rectangles, each containing two characters. Observers were asked to make a speeded judgment of a target character’s orientation, and a cue was provided prior to target/distractor onset to indicate the target’s likely location. Gaze-contingent presentation of target and distractors was used to demand overt scanning of displays. Eye movements during task performance evinced two forms of object-based effects. First, saccades following fixation on an invalidly cued item were more likely to be made within the cued rectangle than between rectangles. Second, saccades within the cued rectangle were preceded by shorter dwell times than saccades between rectangles. Extrafoveal processing of stimuli within the cued rectangle, however, was not facilitated, suggesting that covert attention was not allocated more densely within the cued than within the uncued object.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1 with 7 autistic children (3 to 6 years old), auditory-visual exclusion was tested with four unknown word-item pairs for each child. One child demonstrated exclusion and positive learning outcomes unequivocally with the four auditory-visual relations. Three children demonstrated exclusion, though inconsistently, and failed to demonstrate positive learning outcomes. The remaining 3 children failed to demonstrate exclusion; therefore, the learning outcome test was omitted. The 6 children who failed to demonstrate exclusion or positive learning outcomes participated in the second experiment. In Experiment 2, nonreinforced exclusion trials with four new unknown word-item pairs were included in trial blocks that also contained reinforced exclusion trials with the unknown exemplars from Experiment 1. Five children demonstrated exclusion with the new word-item pairs, and 4 of these demonstrated positive learning outcomes in further tests. One child demonstrated some limited but inconsistent improvement in exclusion and was not tested for learning outcomes. The data suggest that contemporaneous presentation of multiple examples of reinforced exclusion facilitated nonreinforced exclusion performances and that the resulting reduction in errors was critical in producing accurate learning outcomes with the new word-item discriminations.  相似文献   

Four experiments are reported in which the amount of CRF training prior to extinction is examined as it effects transient changes in response frequency and duration immediately following extinction onset. The first two experiments, using albino rats as subjects and water reinforcement, revealed a reliable relationship between length of time on CRF and the tendency to increase response frequency, duration, and the variability of response frequency and duration. Two comparative experiments were conducted using 53-to-69-month old children as subjects, and recorded music as reinforcement. The results of the first child study failed to conform with those obtained in the rat experiments. However, manipulation of the reinforcer in a subsequent study reproduced the rat extinction effect. Despite the differences in the rat and child experiments, the qualitative similarity of the results of the four studies suggests a basic underlying comparability of the relationship between the amount of training and transient changes in response frequency.  相似文献   

Two experiments used eye-tracking procedures to investigate the relationship between attention and associative learning in human participants. These experiments found greater overt attention to cues experienced as predictive of the outcomes with which they were paired, than to cues experienced as nonpredictive. Moreover, this attentional bias persisted into a second training phase when all cues were equally predictive of the outcomes with which they were paired, and it was accompanied by a related bias in the rate of learning about these cues. These findings are consistent with the attentional model of associative learning proposed by Mackintosh (1975), but not with that proposed by Pearce and Hall (1980).  相似文献   

This article introduces a new self-report instrument designed to measure the frequency of parental behaviors thought to promote or undermine children's sense of family. Members of 103 married couples rated their behavior in both public (all family members present) and private (alone with child) contexts. Factor analyses of these data revealed four distinct factors indexing: behaviors in the service of promoting a sense of Family Integrity; largely covert parent-to-child communications undermining, or conveying Disparagement of, the coparental partner; overt interparental Conflict in the presence of the child; and coparental disciplinary activities (Reprimand). Significant husband-wife correlations were found on each of the four individual subscales. Construct-specific intercorrelations also obtained between like scales on the new measure and on the Family Environment Scale and Quality of Coparenting Scale. Cluster analyses of husbands' and wives' scores on the four Coparenting Scale factors suggested five “types” of coparenting families: Disconnected, Supportive, Average, Distressed-Conflicted, and Passionate. These clusters, along with the value of self-report instruments in assessing coparenting behaviors that may be largely clandestine in nature, are discussed.  相似文献   

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