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This paper attempts to review and evaluate the theoretical models used in family therapy. Speer's ( 20 ) critique is given special attention. This critique provides a starting point for a theoretical reformulation, supported by the author's ( 20 , 21 ) and other workers' ( 5 ) experimental findings. A theoretically derived, three-dimensional typology of family systems is described. This is based on the notion of a balance between morphostatic and morphogenic properties of the family system, as defined. Using a high and low value for each of the three dimensions, eight family types are isolated and each type is tied to therapeutic predictions. The proposed typology is discussed in relation to an inductively derived typology recently reported by Reiss ( 16 ) The need for further validation of the typological scheme is stressed, and its possible clinical applications are outlined.  相似文献   

The Motivations to Volunteer: Theoretical and Practical Considerations   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Why do significant numbers of people engage in the unpaid helping activities known as volunteerism? Drawing on functional theorizing about the reasons, purposes, and motivations underlying human behavior, we have identified six personal and social functions potentially served by volunteering. In addition to developing an inventory to assess these motivational functions, our program of research has explored the role of motivation in the processes of volunteerism, especially decisions about becoming a volunteer in the first place and decisions about continuing to volunteer.  相似文献   

The two approaches described here may clarify the role of design in sociocultural evolution by making best use of information already available. The first, holistic in nature, explores possible advantages of a convergence between the design, systems, and social evolution communities which, to date, have worked largely in isolation of one another. The benefits of juxtaposing the three disciplines are examined by reviewing three works on social evolution for their insights into design practice. The second approach is reductionist in nature, and proposes working across the evolutionary literatures of disciplines contiguous with design, again in order to quickly inform design practice. The two approaches are considered complementary rather than exclusionary.  相似文献   

As more and more mental health clinicians become involved in the criminal justice system, family therapists will see increasing numbers of crime victims in their caseloads, and some of these families will have lost loved ones to murder. Part I of this two-part article described the common and atypical symptoms, syndromes, and reaction patterns shown by families who have experienced the murder of a loved one. Part II presents a practical model for treating family survivors of homicide that incorporates cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic, family systems, and existential components. Throughout, the emphasis is on therapists being equipped with a sufficiently broad range of clinical tools to treat these survivors flexibly, effectively, competently, and compassionately.  相似文献   

This paper updates the theoretical work on the Circumplex Model and provides revised and new hypotheses. Similarities and contrasts to the Beavers Systems Model are made along with comments regarding Beavers and Voeller's critique. FACES II, a newly revised assessment tool, provides both "perceived" and "ideal" family assessment that is useful empirically and clinically.  相似文献   

Given the fundamental importance of higher-order cognitive skills for military personnel, increasing learning efficiency during training is paramount. The current article expands upon the state-based information-loss processing model, a comprehensive framework elucidating the processes involved in acquiring higher-order cognitive skills, to enumerate best practices for military training. Emphasis is placed on identifying empirically supported, state-of-the-art learning efficiency strategies and methodologies to address points of information loss throughout the learning process. Implications and pragmatic recommendations for simulation-based military training are discussed.  相似文献   

Using the psychoanalytic self-psychology of Heinz Kohut as the theoretical foundation of this article, the authors discuss the role of shame in adolescent suicidal behaviors. Shame is described as a central component of suicidal behavior within the context of adolescence, a fundamental stage in the development of the healthy self. Normal and pathological self-development are described and important issues pertaining to the development of the self during adolescence are explored. A theoretical explanation of adolescent suicidal behavior from a self-psychology perspective is offered. Finally, suggestions for treatment of the suicidal adolescent and an illustrative clinical vignette are presented.  相似文献   

HELM STIERLIN  M.D.  Ph.D. 《Family process》1973,12(2):111-125
Fantasies, when shared in groups, have special meaning and functions. These meaning and functions vary with the types of groups under study. In this paper, I consider families to be groups in which fantasies are typically shared and utilized. These family groups can. Be compared with other groups. Such comparison, I shall try to show, casts into relief the differing theoretical and therapeutic implications of different types of shared group fantasies.  相似文献   

Pragmatic differentiation in bilinguals is the ability to use two languages appropriately with different speakers. Although some sensitivity emerges by 2 years, the effects of context on these skills and their relation to other developing metacognitive capacities have not been examined. The current study compared the language use of 28 bilingual children (aged 2;7 to 3;10 and 4;1 to 4;11) across two tasks. All children were bilingual in English and Marathi, an Indian language. Theory of mind measures were included to assess whether developing cognitive capacities relate to pragmatic language ability. Results indicated that pragmatic differentiation is not an all-or-none ability but one which develops during the preschool years and varies based on the conversational context. This development is also related to metacognitive abilities which emerge during this time.  相似文献   

The vast majority of pet owners regard their companion animals as family members, yet the role of pets in family systems and family therapy has received little attention in research, training, and practice. This article first notes the benefits of family pets and their importance for resilience. It then examines their role in couple and family processes and their involvement in relational dynamics and tensions. Next, it addresses bereavement in the loss of a cherished pet, influences complicating grief, and facilitation of mourning and adaptation. Finally, it explores the ways that clients' pets and the use of therapists' companion animals in animal‐assisted therapy can inform and enrich couple and family therapy as valuable resources in healing.  相似文献   


Women in an eating disorders partial hospital program and a psychiatric partial hospital program were compared on a self-report measure of group climate following a psychodynamic-interpersonal therapy group. Those with eating disorders experienced their groups as more engaged and as more avoiding than those in the psychiatric partial hospital group. Therapists may be able to use initial heightened engagement in eating disorder groups to counteract the tendency to avoid content.  相似文献   

This article explores the pattern of relationships between family World View and adult Health in a community-based sample of 225 families. Family World View refers to the beliefs, appraisals, and values that define a family's orientation to the world. The interrelationships among eight self-reported family World View variables are described, using principal components analyses (PCA) and multidimensional scaling analyses (MDS). Derived, joint-spouse World Views also are examined using inter-battery factor analysis. The World View variables then are analyzed as a set with 14 self-reported health variables for husbands and wives separately, using canonical correlation. The PCAs for family World View yielded poor solutions for both husbands and wives. The MDS displayed the eight variables in a circular pattern for husbands and for wives, indicating the absence of a single broad dimension, or subgroupings of separate dimensions, that could be used to "describe" the domain. In the canonical analyses, family World View was a strong correlate of Health, with approximately 50% of the variance accounted for by the respective canonical variates. For husbands, what we called Family Coherence, Family Religiousness, Family Life Engagement, and Family Optimism, were correlated with Health. For wives, Family Coherence, Family Religiousness, and Family Optimism, were correlated with Health. Different patterns of health scores emerged by gender, with behavioral indicators, such as Smoking and Drinking, more salient for husbands, and mood indicators, such as Anxiety and Depression, more salient for wives.  相似文献   

The Corsi Block-Tapping Task: Methodological and Theoretical Considerations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Corsi block-tapping task has enjoyed extensive use in clinical and experimental studies for a quarter of a century and is arguably the single most important nonverbal task in neuropsychological research. Nevertheless, there has been considerable inconsistency not only in the administration and scoring of this measure, but also in the physical properties of the test apparatus. In this paper, we survey a wide range of studies that have made use of the block-tapping task during the past 25 years and provide a detailed appraisal of the manifold methodological variations. Additionally, we discuss the historical context in which the Corsi originated and offer a critical examination of the cognitive processing operations purported to underlie performance on this task.  相似文献   

创新是引领发展的第一动力,工程是实现创新的重要载体。工程哲学是哲学学科综合创新的学科生长点,工程方法论是工程哲学的一个重要研究方向。工程方法作为一个核心的范畴,有必要从工程本体论、工程方法论、工程知识论和工程价值论四个维度对工程方法的本质、特征与意义进行全面分析,这种分析有助于对工程方法的理论视域与现实旨归获得更为清晰地认识,因而具有重要的理论价值与现实意义。  相似文献   

Family therapists are being exhorted to adopt a social constructionist epistemology and to abandon science as a valid form of knowing. Epistemological objections to science are usually directed at 'positivism', an outmoded view that is largely discredited among practising scientists. Contemporary science, is rather, constructionist, differing from other constuctionist approaches only in ways of arbitrating between world views. Criticisms aimed at science apply to all forms of discourse, including family therapy. I conclude that science has failed family therapy at the practical, not the philosophical level.  相似文献   

Family competence and family style are the two main dimensions of the Beavers Systems Model of Family Functioning. The competence dimension ranges from optimal through adequate, midrange and borderline to severely dysfunctional. The style dimension ranges from centripetal to centrifugal. When the two dimensions are combined, they diagramatically define nine distinct family groupings, three of which are relatively functional and six of which are thought to be sufficiently problematic to require clinical intervention. A family's status on the competence and style dimensions may be established with the Beavers interactional scales. The self-report family inventory may be used to evaluate family members' perceptions of their status on the competence dimension. The reliability and validity of the self-report instrument and observational rating scales have been documented in over thirty papers and books published by the Beavers research team since 1970. The model has proved useful in training, research and clinical work.  相似文献   

The wish to adopt ideas and metaphors from science can have a constricting effect on thinking about family therapy theory and practice. We describe three examples from the recent literature. The two problems describe: (a) borrowing the prestige and certainty of scientific ideas and metaphors and using them as cultural representations of reality, and (b) embracing certain philosophically comprehensive systems of thought. We then recommend some appropriate borrowing from the natural history tradition of science, and give some examples of ways in which that tradition has widened rather than narrowed the range of ideas that are used in family therapy.  相似文献   

Emmanuel Levinas sets up alterity as a fundamental ontological category, irreducible to being and nothingess. There are two difficulties in understanding this ontological alterity. On the one hand, Levinas formulates it with negative terms – infinition, abstraction, ab‐solutenes, trace of a past that has never been present. On the other hand, Levinas invokes the notions of the superlative, the Good, and God. These notions are very difficult to separate from the notion of a redoubling of the positivity by which the things of the world are posited in their own subsistent being. The quasi‐concepts with which Levinas has thematized the alterity of the others who face us in an ontological sphere of infinition, absoluteness, and abstractness have determined negatively what he envisions as beyond negativity and positivity. They reduce the determinateness of the wants and needs of another, and reduce the otherness of one other from other others. In addition, the positivism with which Levinas eliminates the imperatives with which the elements summon us and the material imperatives with which the things put demands on us effaces the phenomenality of the other whose want and needs are inscribed on the susceptibility and vulnerability of his surfaces of skin.  相似文献   

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