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Attachment theory, as a developmentally based theory of personality formation, provides a viable framework for understanding the development and maintenance of personality disorders, or what A. E. Ivey and M. B. Ivey (1998) have referred to as “developmental personality styles.” Using K. Bartholomew's (1990) 4‐dimensional model of adult attachment as an organizational framework, 10 developmental personality styles are differentiated regarding their unique attachment experiences, working models of self and other, and feedforward beliefs. Implications of an attachment theory framework for counseling clients with problematic developmental personality styles are discussed.  相似文献   

Bhaskar’s articulation of his ‘transcendental realism’ includes an argument for a form of causal emergence which would mean the rejection of physicalism, by means of rejecting the causal closure of the physical. His argument is based on an analysis of the conditions for closure, where closed systems manifest regular or Humean relations between events. Bhaskar argues that the project of seeking closure entails commitment to a strong (and implausible) reductionism, which in turn entails the impossibility of science itself; and concludes that we should endorse causal emergence. I argue that Bhaskar’s case grossly overreaches itself; and that he fails to establish the emergentist conclusions which he asserts. Consequently his programme poses no significant threat to physicalism.  相似文献   

A conceptualization of support groups, differentiating them from counseling and psychotherapy groups, is offered, and its implications for group formation, membership;, and format are discussed.  相似文献   

Obsessive-compulsive models of workaholism do not allow diagnosing it as an addiction. We introduce an empirical evidence for conceptualization and measurement of work addiction as work craving. The Work Craving Scale (WCS) comprises: (a) obsessive-compulsive desire for work, (b) anticipation of self-worth compensation, (c) anticipation of reduction of negative affect or withdrawal symptoms resulting from working, and (d) neurotic perfectionism. Results (N = 1,459) confirmed the four-factorial structure of the WCS and indicated its good validity and reliability. The conceptualization of work craving significantly contributes to understanding of workaholism as an addiction, and should stimulate future research on work craving.  相似文献   

Clinicians and social scientists have attempted to demonstrate the advisability of open versus closed adoption (communication and/or contact vs. no communication and/or contact between biological and adoptive parents) from a variety of theoretical perspectives. In our article, we seek a conceptual framework that will (a) elaborate how such divergent conclusions about openness versus confidentiality have heretofore been drawn, and (b) provide a comprehensive analysis of the behavior and experiences of all members of the adoption triad (birthparents, adoptive parents, adoptees). Employing structural aspects of organismic-developmental theory ( Werner, 1957 ) and dynamic aspects of self-in-relation theory ( Miller, 1976 ), we propose an organizational-relational approach to open adoption. Preliminary research findings are also provided.  相似文献   

In this literature review, the author focuses on several ethical considerations in case conceptualization and diagnosis, including diagnostic training and competence. Meeting the American Counseling Association's (1995) ethical standard for diagnostic training has several ethical implications for counselors, counselor educators, and supervisors. For counselors who might struggle with how to meet their ethical responsibilities in diagnosis but who want to remain true to their developmental counseling emphases, the author discusses some of their concerns, the implications of and possible approaches to this aspect of their work. Conclusion Yalom (2002) asked a poignant question of counselors in his book, The Gift of Therapy: “If you were in personal psychotherapy or are considering it, what DSM‐IV diagnosis do you think your therapist could justifiably use to describe someone as complicated as you?” (p. 5). This question and continued dialogue about the ethics and implications of diagnosis are essential aspects of diagnostic training. Yalom's poignant and deeply personal question seems especially appropriate for increasing a counselor's empathy toward the client's sensitivity and vulnerability during the diagnostic process. Counselor educators might ask how one remains true to a developmental model of counseling while adhering to the ethical and accreditation standards of teaching the DSM's medical model of diagnosis. Counselors may also question how to use diagnosis ethically and empathically. Seligman (1999) recommended that clinicians view the DSM as one of many important sources of information about a person. Furthermore, counselors should seek to incorporate diagnostic information into a holistic context, recognizing that a diagnosis does not reflect the totality of the client. Some counselor educators have advised students to integrate the DSM model into their work with clients rather than abandoning their developmental roots (Waldo et al., 1993). Some counselors may not actually put their diagnoses in writing; Seligman believed, however, that thinking diagnostically may assist counselors in determining the best approaches to help clients and to help clients help themselves. This clinical and ethical debate about how, and in fact, whether, to integrate the medical model of the DSM and the developmental origins and distinctiveness of counseling continues. However, the CACREP (2001) standards, managed care systems, and other forces have pushed counseling professionals toward a medical model by mandating counselor knowledge and use of the DSM. Whatever a counselor's stance and behavior on client assessment and diagnosis may be, the literature presented in this review and discussion seems to suggest a need for heightened sensitivity to, preparation for, and accuracy in all facets of client assessment, especially diagnosis.  相似文献   

In the present research, we introduced a conceptual framework of inclusion and subsequently used this as a starting point to develop and validate a scale to measure perceptions of inclusion. Departing from existing work on inclusion and complementing this with theoretical insights from optimal distinctiveness theory and self‐determination theory, we proposed that inclusion is a hierarchical two‐dimensional concept consisting of perceptions of belonging and authenticity. In addition, we posed that in the process of inclusion, it is the group rather than the individual that has primary agency. From this conceptualization, we developed and validated the 16‐item perceived group inclusion scale (PGIS). Data from two samples supported our proposed configuration of inclusion. In addition, the PGIS appeared to be a reliable measure of inclusion and was demonstrated to possess both nomological and predictive validity. Taken together, this research contributes to the conceptual refinement of the inclusion construct and offers researchers a reliable and valid tool to conduct future inclusion research. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper offers a theoretical and methodological formulation of setbacks in the process of assimilation of problematic experiences in psychotherapy. It is based on a series of theory-building case studies, in which case observations were used to modify and confirm an evolving understanding. Assimilation typically follows a sawtoothed progression in which advances alternate with setbacks. Research has identified two main types of setbacks, called exceeding the therapeutic zone of proximal development, and the balance strategy, which occur under systematically different conditions. Both types of setbacks can be understood as switching strands within a problematic theme. This formulation defines and elaborates the methodological concepts of topic, theme, and strand, as well as the underlying theoretical concepts of internal voices and sub-voices. These are illustrated with examples from a clinical case. This elaboration of the assimilation model is related to other perspectives that emphasize people’s multiplicity of internal voices and used to suggest further studies.  相似文献   

组织氛围是员工对组织环境的主观知觉。文章在回顾组织氛围研究起源、总结归纳组织氛围定义的基础上, 给出了组织氛围的新定义。组织氛围有个体、团队和组织三个分析水平, 分别对应着不同的测量方法。组织氛围与组织文化既存在区别又密不可分。组织氛围的形成机制及可能的影响因素常用社会信息加工、社会交互作用、吸引选择磨合、涌现和意义建构等理论来解释。未来研究应进一步加强对组织氛围概念、研究方法、影响因素等方面的深入探讨, 拓展组织氛围的跨文化及其差异研究。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to fill a gap in the literature regarding the conceptualization and measurement of entrepreneurial curiosity. Although research in other fields suggest that different types of curiosity exist, no conceptualization research has yet been done in the field of entrepreneurial curiosity. This research aimed to develop a construct of entrepreneurial curiosity and tested it on multi-country empirical samples (Slovenia and the United States). Items for the questionnaire were developed after an in-depth literature review and detailed interviews with entrepreneurs and experts in two stages. The data from the survey were analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The results of this study showed that entrepreneurial curiosity can be an independent construct dimension in relation to other types of curiosity. Entrepreneurial curiosity can be used as a new concept and measure in research. The construct can be tested on a sample of nonentrepreneurs in a multi-country sample and together with other determinants in a future model. With the measure of entrepreneurial curiosity, society can test individuals and encourage them to become active in entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

In this paper, father-daughter incest is examined from the perspective of general systems theory. Three characteristics of an open system--information exchange with the environment, negentropy, and dynamic homeostasis--are described and examined with respect to the functioning of incestuous families. Two case studies of families with father-daughter incest illustrate the tendency of these families to be more characteristic of the "closed" end of the continuum. The role of the environment in the origin and maintenance of the incestuous symptom is also examined. Implications for treatment are presented within the context of this theoretical perspective.  相似文献   

洪自强  王重鸣 《心理科学》2000,23(5):542-546
研究一调查了解我国工作差错概念以及对待差错的基本态度与行为。研究二通过问卷调查,分析差错取向因素结构及其影响因素,结果发现,差错是一种目标导向的行为;差错取向由差错处理、差错掩盖、差错压力和差错预防四个因素组成,并且管理层次和文化程度对差错取向有较大的影响。  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - The conjunction fallacy (CF) comes about when the occurrence of two events is rated as more likely than either in isolation. A typical participant in a CF study is...  相似文献   

共同冗思指个体在双向关系中过度讨论个人问题的行为。共同冗思对个体产生适应权衡效应,即它不仅与积极的友谊属性有关,还与抑郁和焦虑等内化问题相关。以往研究主要分析共同冗思的性别差异、发展特点及其在不同亲密关系中的表现。结果发现共同冗思的适应权衡效应在女性群体中比在男性群体中更为突出,在青少年群体中比在儿童群体中更为突出。研究者主要从同伴传染、压力生成、共情痛苦以及生理机制等角度解释共同冗思与内化问题的关系。友谊等亲密关系中的共同冗思对个体适应的负面影响难以察觉,它可以作为个体抑郁和焦虑等内化问题的危险信号。后续研究可以从考察共同冗思的人格以及环境影响因素等角度深化对该主题的理解。  相似文献   

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