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Using two empirical studies, this article compare assessment methods and tools used in personnel selection and career counseling. Subjects are requested to point up their methods and assessment tools, on the one hand by 327 recruiters, on the other hand, by 318 competences reports. The results indicated a spread tendency to use interview and personality assessment tools. This spread tendency to use work psychology tools whatever the assessment context raises thought about choices and representations associated with psychometrical methods.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe present study focuses on space acquisition process in dependant elderly people living in institution.ObjectiveOur aim was to assess the role of the type of space and level of control on the quality of life in dependant elderly people living in institution.MethodThree variables were examined. The type of space (private versus collective, evaluated with two scales), the level of control (Levenson's IPC and EHIPA) and the quality of life (SF-36 and Geriatric Depression Scale). Our sample consisted of 30 elderly people living in institution.ResultsOur results showed that: (1) subjects appropriate more the private space than the collective space; (2) the level of control influences the acquisition process of collective space but not private space; and (3) the more subjects appropriate the collective space, the better is their quality of life.ConclusionThe results propose that potential applications should be developed in institution.  相似文献   

Objective and methodThe aim of this article is to provide a portrait of the emotional competencies developed by school principals (n = 359) in a mentoring context by developing a seven-step questionnaire by Frenette et al. (2019) presenting various proofs of validity.ResultsThe analyses conducted support a factorial structure with two correlated aspects of emotional competencies (self and others). School principals in Quebec develop more emotional competencies related to the aspect of others than for themselves during mentoring. A further analysis indicates that school principals develop more two dimensions of Emotional competencies: Identification and Understanding. The results also show that 77.26 % of respondents indicated that they developed emotional skills during mentoring.ConclusionThe results provided an understanding of the importance of emotional competencies in education, and specifically in school management. It also revealed the importance of emphasizing the role of mentoring in their development. To our knowledge, the questionnaire developed in this study is one of the first to measure the development of emotional competencies during a mentoring relationship.  相似文献   

BackgroundMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a medical imagery exam, which is considered stressful/worrying for patients. This anxiety is related to several factors: negative beliefs linked to the lack of knowledge about the procedure of the exam, duration, noise of the MRI, etc. Several interventions, before and during the MRI were proposed and evaluated with the aim of reducing anxiety for patients (information given to patients, psychological preparation before the exam and hypnosis, aromatherapy, sedation, environment and positioning of the patient). While the health service is more and more centered on cost-efficiency and pressure for greater patient throughput, it is important to find appropriate interventions to improve patient tolerance of MRIs.ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to compare anxiety of patients based on the MRI luminous environment.Methods208 patients aged 18–70 years participated in the study. Four subgroups were created according to the presence or absence of luminous environment, screen and music: G1 (60 participants, with luminous environment, without screen, music with fast tempo); G2 (60 participants, with luminous environment, with screen, music with slow tempo); G3 (27 participants, without luminous environment, without music); G4 (61 participants, without luminous environment, music with fast tempo). All participants completed a questionnaire to evaluate their anxiety regarding the exam (anxiety-state, AE) and in everyday life (anxiety-trait, AT): STAI-Y. Open questions were also asked to participants in order to gain an understanding of their experience of the exam (positive points and suggestions for improvements).ResultsThe results showed a significant difference between the groups of the AE: patients of group G1 showed more AE than patients in group G2 (p = 0.037), patients of group G2 showed less AE than those of group G3 (p = 0.001), and patients of group G3 showed more AE than patients in group G4 (p = 0.019). No significative difference was found between the 3 groups in the AT. The participants who underwent exams in a room with a luminous environment equipped with a screen with slow tempo music reported more satisfaction and offered fewer suggestions for improvement compared with the two other groups.ConclusionThis study has revealed that the environment in which patients undergo their exam affects their level of anxiety during the exam. A luminous environment equipped with a screen led to a considerable decrease in patient anxiety during the MRI exam. Technological innovations are allowing the patient to be the center of radiographers focus more and more. Trying to priorities improvement of patient well-being consequently facilitates their work. Taking into account the cost and increasing number of medical imagery exams, prevention of anxiety and its undesirable side-effects is not only important for patients, but also avoids wastage of staff and of time. The results of this study should encourage health centers to invest in these new installations, keeping in mind that new technologies can never replace information and support offered before the exam by radiologists and radiographers.  相似文献   

Health care and social care professionals are increasingly encouraged to exchange views and to define prevention actions, in order to respond to the needs of the users in a targeted and personalized way. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of interdisciplinary work between a group of nursing students and a group of third-year degree students in social intervention, on their respective representations concerning their future profession. One hundred and twenty-nine nursing students and 41 third-year degree students in social intervention responded twice to a specific questionnaire, built up from the skills listed in the respective competency framework of the two groups of students. The results indicate that after designing and carrying out a public health action with specific audiences (children, teenagers, students, people in precarious situations, people with disabilities), the two groups of students experience a meaningful change in the social representation of each other's profession: it moves from a role of care or animation technician to a more complex vision of the two professions, more in connection with the competency frameworks. It is therefore for the initial training to prepare them early for interdisciplinary work, so that they become professionals capable of responding appropriately to the specific needs of users.  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory study was to deal with the questions of stress and emotions in the sports fields based on transactional theory and reversal theory. Competitive marathon runners (n = 36) completed self-report questionnaires a few hours before and after a marathon. Results highlighted the importance to precompetitive phase in terms of the subjective states of tension–stress, effort–stress, anxiety and excitation. Interesting links were observed between some of these expressions of emotional experience and the performance. It was also demonstrated that the same coping strategy could be associated with pleasant and unpleasant emotions. The limits of this study and the practice perspectives for marathon running will be reviewed in this study.  相似文献   

This study intends (1) to investigate the predictive validity of clinical (integrative) judgement based on personality data collected in psychological assessment and (2) to verify the capacity of assessors to formalize their judgment in a standardised algorithm. Three psychologists had the task to predict results of 78 managers on multisource assessment measuring two performance criteria (results orientation and relationship building). Results show that the psychologists’ integrative judgement predicts one of performance criteria up to .39. However, it appears that the standardisation of their judgment in mechanic decision rules was less predictive of performance criteria than their global clinical judgement. Overall, this research suggests there is still much to understand in the interpretative process.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to study the evolution of exploratory haptic procedures with different subjects (blindfolded, early and late blind subjects). Can a haptic training facilitate an emergence of particular and specific processes? A recognition task of bidimensional geometrical figures is proposed before and after a haptic training. Results show that when the criterion of differentiation of geometrical figures is discovered, subjects look for more details and compare more often figures between them. Otherwise, while sighted subjects use all exploratory procedures, blind subjects adopt preferably more metric procedures. However, a training effect is observed in sighted subjects with a decrease of less relevant procedures. Applications of this research could be developed in haptic therapy by proposing different training according to visual status.  相似文献   

Avoiding the use of abortion by minors is the aim that has been pursued since 2000 through the facilitated access of young girls to emergency contraception : breaking numerous rules relative to health security and to Social Security, the dispensation is done anonymously and free of charge. However, the analysis shows that the three postulates from which this policy was built – satisfactory benefit/risk ratio of emergency contraception, safety of repeated medication and real efficiency to reduce numbers of unwanted pregnancies and abortion – are not validated. In addition, there are some indications that this policy is not devoid of adverse effects.  相似文献   

IntroductionHemodialysis is associated with dietary and fluid restrictions, which can be a source of frustration, suffering and non-compliance in many patients. Hypnosis, a booming therapeutic tool in the health field, could improve patients’ feelings. The objective of this study is to assess the effect of hypnosis on fluid restrictions experience.MethodThe effectiveness of the hypnotic intervention was evaluated using a single-case protocol (ABA type) with two patients. A protocol in 3 phases of 3 weeks was used with three sessions of hypnosis. Several measurement tools have been used: the KDQoL-36 for quality of life, the Health-Specific Self-Efficacy Scales (adapted for dialysis patients) for self-efficacy, and numeric scales for therapeutic compliance and thirst.ResultsSome significant changes were observed with maintenance of the effects after hypnosis: improvement in the global quality of life for patient 1, improvement of self-efficacy (barrier) for patient 2. The visual analysis showed improvements but without significant effect as alleviation of thirst and discomfort, improvement of perceived compliance.ConclusionThese preliminary results concerning the effects of hypnosis on the experience of fluid restrictions are mixed reflecting variability between patients. However, these results are encouraging and show the need to continue this evaluation with more patients thanks to the advantages of the single-case protocol method.  相似文献   

IntroductionOne of the major life goals is to pursue and to boost happiness (e.g., life satisfaction). Thus, exploring how people proceed to maintain an optimal level of happiness throughout their life course, and exploring which are the specific personal and social processes that contribute to this feeling of well-being within various stages of life, remain central topics for contemporary psychological science.ObjectiveThe objective of this cross-sectional research was to study the relationships between time perspective as defined by Zimbardo and Boyd (1999) and life satisfaction among a sample of aged people (n = 188). We hypothesized that these relationships were mediated by the generalized self-efficacy.MethodTo do this, a path model using a Bootstrap procedure was tested. Age, sex, self-perceived health and depressive mood were entered into the model as control variables.ResultsOur findings showed that: only present hedonistic has a positive indirect effect on life satisfaction through self-efficacy; the past negative seems to have a negative effect both directly and indirectly on life satisfaction; the present fatalistic exerts exclusively a direct negative effect on life satisfaction; and neither the past positive nor the future exert any effect on life satisfaction.ConclusionThe results emphasize the adaptive as well as maladaptive roles of different dimensions of time perspective in older people. These roles were discussed in light of some theoretical models, such as functions of reminiscence model and the socioemotional selectivity model.  相似文献   

This research treats of the relevance concerning participative training models within the medical and social sector, and more precisely about the commitment theory's effects into professional formation. It consists in inducing workers to change their own attitudes, first, towards the management concept based on competences, and, secondly, towards the evaluation concept working. At random 51 voluntary people (27 managerial staff, 24 trade unionists) were divided into two groups: the first one following a traditional formation, the other one with an engaging formation. The attitudes’comparisons, based on filled up questionnaires (before and after formation) reveal more evolutions in engaging condition than in the classical one.  相似文献   

Does only refer to effort or powerful others (hierarchy intervention) to explain a success have an effect on evaluation ? In this short note article, we propose to develop some results obtained by Chambon (2005) and Dompnier and Pansu (2007). Two causal explanation types have been studied (effort and powerful others) in a socio-professional evaluation. Our results showed that effort differs from those in term of others authority only in motivational evaluation. However, these two types of explanations lead to similar evaluation in term of institutional reinforcement (access to leader status) and socio-professional utility. Deferential explanations lead more socio-professional desirability than effort explanations.  相似文献   

The educators’ work in juvenile justice residential communities and their capacity of affective attunement to the adolescent's needs is essential for the creation of a protective and enriching context for the adolescent and his life trajectories. This article aims to explore the social representations of educators and young people in residential communities in Italy, through the analysis of their discourses gathered during focus groups. Our results reveal the need to compare these representations and work to narrow the gap between the caregivers and the users, in order to improve the relationship between the different protagonists of the interaction and, consequently, the possibilities of good success of interventions.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of two studies designed to develop and validate the emotional self-efficacy scale (ESE). The emotional intelligence model of Mayer and Salovey (1997) and self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1997) are used in this study. The results of confirmatory analysis support the seven-factor structure: self-efficacy to perceive emotions in the self and others, self-efficacy to use emotion, self-efficacy to understand emotion in the self and others and self-efficacy to manage emotion in the self and others. In addition, results reveal that the ESE subscales display satisfactory internal consistency values. Furthermore, the construct validity is supported by correlations between the seven factors and between several variables associated with ESE (Big Five, the positive and negative affect and the alexithymia). Altogether, results provide preliminary support for the psychometric properties the ESE.  相似文献   

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