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This study relates the realization of a norm of verbal associations in French starting from 150 words. This norm was established on 130 old people between 56 and 86 years. The proportion of women and men is the same one as in France (55 vs. 45%). Several tables present the alphabetical list of the answers and their associated frequency (for all the sample, the women, the men).  相似文献   

IntroductionThe EAS temperament survey (Buss & Plomin, 1984) allows the measurement of four heritable and relatively stable dimensions of temperament, that is, Activity, Emotionality, Sociability and Shyness.ObjectiveA French translation of this tool has been validated with children aged from 6 to 12 years (Gasman et al., 2002), our goal is to extend the validation process to a group of younger children.MethodThe temperament of 350 children aged from 2 to 5 years and of 290 children aged from 6 and 9 years was assessed by the EAS and DOTS-R questionnaires (parental ratings).ResultsMulti-group confirmatory factor analysis allowed to confirm the measurement invariance and the structural invariance of the EAS (four-factor model) on both samples and showed that the scale scores are good approximations of the factor scores. Furthermore, there were no significant sex differences in temperament scores and we found that older children were on average less active and more emotional compared to younger ones. Finally, internal consistency and convergent validity of each scale were fairly satisfying.ConclusionThe EAS (parental ratings) can thus be used from the age of 2 years, facilitating the study of temperament development during childhood.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to study the concept of energy in case where animates and inanimates objects interact. We questioned pupils between 10 and 17 years old with regard to the existence of energy in inanimates and energy consumption by animates. Our results show that pupils use a small number of coherent conceptions dependent on the context. These conceptions develop differently for inanimate and animate objects. In the case of inanimates, some evolution is observed, while for animates the concept evolves slowly. In general, the materialist character of energy, its confusion with force and its attribution, in preference, to animates are among the naive conceptions which constrain the scientific understanding of energy.  相似文献   

Work abilities are defined as a balance between worker own characteristics and the job requirements. The VOW/QFT has been developed in Belgium in order to understand older workers work ability by taking account of the risk factors related to the job strains, and in particular the psychosocial risk factors. The validation analysis of the VOW/QFT was carried out following the proposals of Churchill paradigm (Churchill, 1979; Roussel, 2005): exploratory analysis, confirmatory analysis and correlation analysis. The factorial structure of the questionnaire appeared stable; dimensions internal consistency is high. The regression analysis showed that work ability is explained to nearly 30% by the psychosocial risk factors, and mainly by the pleasure felt at work.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe purpose of the present investigation is to study the routinisation process in elderly persons according to physical, functional, psychological and cognitive resources.MethodsA person-centered approach revealed six profiles of resources in 235 elderly French participants from the 13-year follow-up of PAQUID cohort study.ResultsDifferent functioning profiles were highlighted and were significantly associated with different degrees and functions of routinisation. For the most routinised persons, the routinisation was associated with adaptive functioning. Instead for the less routinised persons, the routinisation was defined as a vulnerability marker. It seems also that this adaptive strategy was less used in persons with dementia.DiscussionThe adaptive attitudes, in particular the routinisation, would be less effective at higher levels of vulnerability.  相似文献   

This study investigates men and women perceptions in the work, accros the relations between work conditions and job satisfaction. Similarity and difference are questionned about the mean dimensions of the work conditions (factor analysis) as well as the prédictive value of theses dimensions for the job satisfaction (regression analysis). In the same point of view, similarity and difference are analysed about health, importance of life domains and work-family interferences. Men and women seem to organize in the same way work conditions. Three factors are retained (Relations with superiors, Development and autonomy, Work intensity), wich the first two predict job satisfaction, for the men and the women. Nevertheless we note some differences, both about the force of the prediction and about specific item. Results and and futur works are discussed.  相似文献   

The present article describes the development, administration, scoring procedure and sampling of a Reading Span Task assessing the controlled attention component of working memory. This task was standardized on a French speaking population of 775 young and older adults. The task holds satisfactory reliability, validity and sensibility and thus appears to be a reliable tool to measure working memory capacity. The norms were established as a function of participants’ age, gender and socio-cultural level.  相似文献   



The present study focuses on patient-centered care and quality of life in dependent aging people living in nursing home.


Our aim was to assess the links between the perceptions of patient-centered care, autonomy, satisfaction with care, and quality of life, according to aging dependent people and to their proxies.


Twenty-nine elderly residents in a nursing home and 32 close-relatives were jointly questioned on all indicators.


Our results showed that: (1) aging dependent people and proxies have inconsistent perceptions for quality of life and patient-centered care; (2) quality of life is linked to autonomy perception and satisfaction with care in aging dependent people, but only with autonomy perception in proxies; (3) patient-centered care is linked to satisfaction with care in aging people and in proxies.


The results propose that fostering patient-centered care in nursing home for aging people may increase satisfaction with care, by involving both dependent residents and close-relatives.  相似文献   

How fathers perceive their paternal competence when they live in disadvantaged conditions and how it affects young children's socioemotional behaviors? One hundred and eighty-seven fathers of 2 to 6 years old children completed the Child Behavior CheckList as well as the Parenting Sense of Competence Scale. Living in disadvantaged conditions, fathers feel in average less competent in their paternal role (P < 0.05) and children manifest more socioemotional problems (P = 0.001). However, children's behaviours are not affected by socioeconomic disadvantage when paternal sense of competence is strong. These results highlight the importance to take into consideration paternal sense of competence when treating young children's socioemotional problems living in disadvantaged conditions.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe present study focuses on space acquisition process in dependant elderly people living in institution.ObjectiveOur aim was to assess the role of the type of space and level of control on the quality of life in dependant elderly people living in institution.MethodThree variables were examined. The type of space (private versus collective, evaluated with two scales), the level of control (Levenson's IPC and EHIPA) and the quality of life (SF-36 and Geriatric Depression Scale). Our sample consisted of 30 elderly people living in institution.ResultsOur results showed that: (1) subjects appropriate more the private space than the collective space; (2) the level of control influences the acquisition process of collective space but not private space; and (3) the more subjects appropriate the collective space, the better is their quality of life.ConclusionThe results propose that potential applications should be developed in institution.  相似文献   

Our study focuses on the stakes of the school (de)mobilization of junior-high school high potential pupils; it hinges around the interconstruction between their family experiences and the meaning of their school experience. Two hundred and fifty-five high potential, 9 to 15 year-old pupils have responded to a questionnaire made up of 65 items divided into six headings (school path, school experience, their relationship to knowledge and their future; support and parental investment into the children's school-life; sociobiographic information) and a self-evaluation of their self-esteem. Their class-teachers have filled in an evaluation grid for each student's skills and behavior at school. The descending hierarchical classification highlights different sorts of evidence regarding these pupils’ school (de)mobilization, thus evincing singular experiences. These manifestations can be related to a variety of school paths, relationship to schooling, learning and the different ways parents support their children and invest themselves in them – as the children perceive them as doing so.  相似文献   

Although elders’ social isolation has been a topic of interest for public policies in the recent years, its prevention, specifically in relation to suicide prevention, has not stimulated the interest of researchers, yet. This paper present the results from a literature review aiming to identify the actions in elders’ suicide prevention. From the 425 initial papers identified on elders’ suicide prevention, only 57 describe “actions” in suicide prevention, 47 of which are actions targeting individuals, with psychological, psychiatric or psychotherapeutic interventions. Only eight researches integrate the social environment as a facilitator for suicide prevention. We discuss the particularity of this field, the limits of an individual-centred approach, and the interests of community, integrative interventions.  相似文献   

Despite abuse, children placed in childcare homes have parental representations which are marked by ambivalence. This ambivalence is characterized by the coexistence of negative and positive representation towards their biological parents. However, the fact that positive representations towards neglecting parents persist can possibly harm self-esteem. Placement aims not only to protect the child, but also to offer him the possibility of reconstructing his self-image with more secure attachment figures. When a placement is decided, the children are entrusted to Child Welfare and are placed either with their siblings or separately. This study aims to examine the parental representations and the self-esteem of 33 children that are placed with siblings and 25 children that are placed alone; all children were between the ages of 10 and 18. Then, the relation between parental representations and self-esteem was examined in each group. Those two dimensions have been respectively measured with the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale and the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI). The results show that participants placed with their siblings were less depressed and had a better self-esteem than participants placed separately. Moreover, although the two groups had neglecting parents, the participants placed with their siblings had significantly better parental care representations. This study also put into light that the links between parental representations and self-esteem are significantly different whether the participant is placed with his siblings or not. Among children placed with siblings, the more positive the images of the father and the mother, the lower the self-esteem level. These results confirm the hypothesis according to which a positive parental care representation could reinforce the negative image those children have of themselves. The results also question the effects (positive or negative) of the defensive exclusion process on the evolution of self-representations among placed children. Finally, from a therapeutic point of view, they stress the importance of working on self-esteem with placed children.  相似文献   

The aim of the present research was to investigate whether written word recognition performance varies as a function of age by mean of studying the word frequency effect in French. Three lexical decision experiments were performed by young (range = 18–31 years) and older adults (range = 60–83 years). As a whole, the results showed a decrease of the word frequency effect with aging (Experiments 1, 2 and 3). The data specified that this change was not due to orthographic neighbourhood (Experiment 2), but depended on the congruency between objective and subjective word frequencies (Experiment 3). These findings are discussed in the framework of word recognition models and aging theories. They further highlight the importance of using frequency measures adapted to the populations in the field of aging research.  相似文献   

Health care and social care professionals are increasingly encouraged to exchange views and to define prevention actions, in order to respond to the needs of the users in a targeted and personalized way. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of interdisciplinary work between a group of nursing students and a group of third-year degree students in social intervention, on their respective representations concerning their future profession. One hundred and twenty-nine nursing students and 41 third-year degree students in social intervention responded twice to a specific questionnaire, built up from the skills listed in the respective competency framework of the two groups of students. The results indicate that after designing and carrying out a public health action with specific audiences (children, teenagers, students, people in precarious situations, people with disabilities), the two groups of students experience a meaningful change in the social representation of each other's profession: it moves from a role of care or animation technician to a more complex vision of the two professions, more in connection with the competency frameworks. It is therefore for the initial training to prepare them early for interdisciplinary work, so that they become professionals capable of responding appropriately to the specific needs of users.  相似文献   

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