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The present study examined whether the locations of patterns on the skin affected the ability to process information about their shapes. In Experiment 1, pairs of spatial vibrotactile patterns, using the array from the Optacon, were presented sequentially to subjects’ left index fingerpads. The location of each pattern in a pair was varied randomly among four locations on the skin. The subjects responded “same” or “different” on the basis of the shapes of patterns, regardless of their locations. Discrimination accuracy was highest and response time fastest when patterns occupied identical locations (ILs), and performance suffered with increasing distance between patterns. In Experiment 2, pairs were presented to corresponding points or to noncorresponding points on separate fingerpads. When patterns occupied corresponding points on separate fingers, accuracy was lower than when patterns occupied ILs on a single finger, but higher than when patterns occupied noncorresponding points on separate fingers. The results suggested that discriminability declined partly because patterns did not occupy ILs, and partly because separate locations had different densities of innervation.  相似文献   

Two modes of generating vibrotactile patterns, static and scanned, were examined. In the static mode, all elements making up the pattern were turned on and off simultaneously. In the scanned mode, the pattern to be identified was moved across the tactile array. The patterns were letters of the alphabet presented to the fingertips by means of the Optacon, a reading aid for the blind. The results of the first experiment showed that the performance on a letter recognition task decreased as pattern duration decreased and that at all durations below 200-msec performance in the static mode was better than in the scanned mode. Good letter recognition was possible at durations of 4 msec in the static mode. The results of the second experiment showed that letter recognition in the static mode was highly dependent on the perceived intensity of the letters presented, whereas intensity changes in the scanned mode had little effect on letter recognition. The results of the third experiment showed that both modes of pattern presentation produced similar results in the presence of masking stimuli. The implications of the results for cutaneous pattern perception and information transmission and visual letter recognition are discussed.  相似文献   

Pairs of vibrotactile patterns were presented to subjects’ left middle and index fingerpads (unilateral presentation) or left and right index fingerpads (bilateral presentation), using two Optacon arrays. A set of simple (one-line) patterns and a set of complex (two-line) patterns were constructed sothat they were equally identifiable when presented individually. In Experiment 1, discrimination performance was lower for two-line patterns than it was for one-line patterns, and it was lower for unilateral presentation than it was for bilateral presentation. Communality, the number of lines that two patterns share in common, was a major factor in reducing discrimination performance for two-line patterns. Subjects’ abilities to identify one member of the pair of patterns were measured in Experiment 2. There were no significant differences in performance between pattern sets or type of presentation when subjects attended to a single pattern. However, when subjects were required to attend to both patterns, identification performance was lower for two-line patterns than it was for one-line patterns, and it was lower for unilateral presentation than it was for bilateral presentation. The results suggest that there are limited attentional resources for processing vibrotactile patterns and that more resources are available bilaterally than are available unilaterally.  相似文献   

Pairs of vibrotactile patterns were presented to subjects' left middle and index fingerpads (unilateral presentation) or left and right index fingerpads (bilateral presentation), using two Optacon arrays. A set of simple (one-line) patterns and a set of complex (two-line) patterns were constructed so that they were equally identifiable when presented individually. In Experiment 1, discrimination performance was lower for two-line patterns than it was for one-line patterns, and it was lower for unilateral presentation than it was for bilateral presentation. Communality, the number of lines that two patterns share in common, was a major factor in reducing discrimination performance for two-line patterns. Subjects' abilities to identify one member of the pair of patterns were measured in Experiment 2. There were no significant differences in performance between pattern sets or type of presentation when subjects attended to a single pattern. However, when subjects were required to attend to both patterns, identification performance was lower for two-line patterns than it was for one-line patterns, and it was lower for unilateral presentation than it was for bilateral presentation. The results suggest that there are limited attentional resources for processing vibrotactile patterns and that more resources are available bilaterally than are available unilaterally.  相似文献   

A series of experiments examined the effect of masking stimuli on the ability of observers to recognize letters of the alphabet through their fingertips. The letters were generated on the 6 × 24 vibrotactile array of the Optacon, a reading aid for the blind. Letter recognition was interfered with by the presence of masking stimuli occurring at the same site on the skin either before (forward masking) or after (backward masking) the target letter had been presented. In general, backward masking interfered with letter recognition more than did forward masking. Backward masking was particularly effective for letters in which the information critical for identification is located on the right side of the letter. Presenting the letters reversed resulted in more forward masking for those letters with critical information now located on the left side. Increasing the time between the target letter and the masking stimuli resulted in improved letter recognition. The implications of the results for tactile reading are discussed.  相似文献   

Discriminative capacities for vibrotactile spatiotemporal patterns were examined in 62 college students with three tasks: identification, masking, and discrimination of the letters “X” and “O” presented tactually on the Optacon, a reading machine for blind persons. Individual differences in performance and interrelations among scores within and across paradigms were explored. In identification, most persons quickly achieved consistently better than 90% performance, but others failed to identify the patterns above 80%, even after prolonged training. The same performance variance was found when the task was repeated by 23 Naval student pilots. Masking and discrimination measured susceptibility to interference when patterns followed one another closely in time. The resulting functions were typical, with poorest performance at short stimulus onset asynchronies. Again, a wide range of performance was seen. Individual performance, however, appeared to be consistent across tasks, suggesting that abilities in a variety of pattern-perception tasks might be predictable.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of the ability of subjects to identify vibrotactile patterns presented to their fingertips. The patterns were letters of the alphabet generated on the tactile display of the Optacon. Five different modes of pattern generation were examined. Two of the modes, static and scan, involved full-field presentations of the letters. In the remaining three modes, patterns were generated by presenting parts of the letters sequentially. In one mode, the letters were exposed by a slit passing across them. In the other two modes, the patterns were generated as though the letter were being drawn on the skin. Performance in all five modes was examined as a function of pattern duration, with durations ranging from 4 to 1,000 msec. Increasing duration, up to 400 msec, resulted in generally improved performance, although the functions relating performance and duration differed according to the mode of presentation. Contrary to previous results, the static mode produced the best overall performance level. Some possible reasons for the disagreement between the present results and previous results and some models of cutaneous pattern recognition are discussed.  相似文献   

Although tactile acuity has been explored for touch stimuli, vibrotactile resolution on the skin has not. In the present experiments, we explored the ability to localize vibrotactile stimuli on a linear array of tactors on the forearm. We examined the influence of a number of stimulus parameters, including the frequency of the vibratory stimulus, the locations of the stimulus sites on the body relative to specific body references or landmarks, the proximity among driven loci, and the age of the observer. Stimulus frequency and age group showed much less of an effect on localization than was expected. The position of stimulus sites relative to body landmarks and the separation among sites exerted the strongest influence on localization accuracy, and these effects could be mimicked by introducing an "artificial" referent into the tactile array.  相似文献   

Cholewiak RW 《Perception》1999,28(7):851-875
Vibrotactile prostheses for deaf or blind persons have been applied to any number of different locations on the body, including the finger, wrist, forearm, abdomen, back, and nape of the neck. The discriminability of patterns presented by such devices can be affected by the acuity of the site of application and the resolution of the display. In addition, the mutual influences among stimuli close together in both space and time can affect percepts within a broad range of parameters. For example, consideration must be given to a variety of tactile illusions often associated with the spatial separations and the range of temporal intervals typically used in cutaneous communication displays. Experiments are reported in which magnitude estimates and cross-modality matches of perceived extent produced by pairs of vibrotactile taps presented to separate loci were obtained on three different body sites. Perceived distance was directly related both to the timing between the taps and to their physical separation. The findings show a consistent relationship to cortical magnification across body sites.  相似文献   

Spatially informative auditory and vibrotactile (cross-modal) cues can facilitate attention but little is known about how similar cues influence visual spatial working memory (WM) across the adult lifespan. We investigated the effects of cues (spatially informative or alerting pre-cues vs. no cues), cue modality (auditory vs. vibrotactile vs. visual), memory array size (four vs. six items), and maintenance delay (900 vs. 1800 ms) on visual spatial location WM recognition accuracy in younger adults (YA) and older adults (OA). We observed a significant interaction between spatially informative pre-cue type, array size, and delay. OA and YA benefitted equally from spatially informative pre-cues, suggesting that attentional orienting prior to WM encoding, regardless of cue modality, is preserved with age. Contrary to predictions, alerting pre-cues generally impaired performance in both age groups, suggesting that maintaining a vigilant state of arousal by facilitating the alerting attention system does not help visual spatial location WM.  相似文献   

Perceptual learning was examined in two experiments in which subjects, originally unfamiliar with vibrotactile stimulation, were required to identify dynamic vibrotactile patterns with static visual patterns of the same two-dimensional shapes. In Experiment 1 we examined changes in performance with practice under a variety of vibrotactile spatial and temporal conditions. In Experiment 2 we investigated transfer of learning from one set of vibrotactile patterns to another different set. In neither experiment were subjects supplied with knowledge of results. Substantial perceptual learning (improvement in identification with practice) was observed in Experiment 1, although a minority of subjects did not exhibit improvement. Experiment 2 confirmed the general findings of Experiment 1 and also provided evidence of substantial positive transfer. In both experiments, multidimensional scaling of pattern confusion data revealed that practice (and improvement in identification) did not qualitatively change the relative confusability of patterns, suggesting that the (informative) structure of the patterns, irrespective of familiarity with a specific set of patterns, determined confusability. The findings are interpreted in terms of learning constructs offered by E. J. and J. J. Gibson. We conclude by considering the prospects that a connectionist mechanism can account for the observed perceptual learning.  相似文献   

In a letter recognition task in which the letters were presented temporally across two columns of a vibrotactile array, the masking effects of added columns of steady vibrotactile stimulation were investigated. The primary variable studied was the spatial separation between the masking columns and the letter-carrying columns. The results indicate a spatially dependent masking effect which is independent of the tactile masking associated with mask onset. A comparable masking effect was obtained with visual letter recognition using the same relative stimulus configurations viewed under conditions of optical blurring. An interpretation of the tactile masking is offered in terms of the limited spatial resolution of the cutaneous sense.  相似文献   

The identification of a spatial pattern (target) presented to one fingerpad may be interfered with by the presentation of a second pattern (nontarget) to either the same fingerpad or a second fingerpad. A portion of the interference appears to be due to masking and a portion to response competition. In the present study, vibrotactile spatial patterns were designed to extend over two fingerpads. Target and nontarget patterns were presented to the same two fingerpads with a temporal separation between the two patterns. The function relating target identification to the temporal separation between the target and nontarget was very similar to the functions obtained with one-finger patterns in temporal masking studies. Subsequent measurements showed that a substantial portion of the interference resulted from response competition. Pattern categorization was better when patterns were presented to two fingers on opposite hands than to two fingers on the same hand; however, there was more interference for patterns presented bilaterally than for patterns presented ipsilaterally. The results supported the conclusion that similar processes are involved in the perception of sequences of spatial patterns whether the patterns are presented to one or to two fingers.  相似文献   

Vibrotactile patterns, generated on the 6×24 array of the Optacon, were presented to subjects’ left index fingertips. The subjects identified these patterns in the absence of any masking stimuli and in the presence of spatially adjacent masking stimuli. The amount of interference in recognizing the patterns was measured as a function of the interval between target and masker onsets. Masking functions similar to those reported in visual metacontrast studies were found; that is, more masking occurred when masker onset followed target onset by 25 to 50 msec than when onsets were simultaneous. Subjects showed more metacontrast when masker energy was reduced, a finding paralleled in the visual literature. The relevance of some models of visual metacontrast to the tactile findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Vibrotactile patterns were presented to subjects' left index fingerpads using the array from the Optacon. A set of simple (one-line) patterns and a set of complex (two-line) patterns were constructed so that they were equally identifiable when presented individually. In Experiment 1, discrimination performance was lower for two-line patterns than for one-line patterns. Communality, the number of lines that two patterns share in common, appeared to be the major factor in reducing discrimination performance for two-line patterns. Experiment 2 measured the time required to identify individual patterns. There was no significant difference in identification times for one- and two-line patterns, suggesting that features within a pattern were processed simultaneously. In the presence of a temporal masking stimulus (Experiment 3), two-line patterns were more difficult to identify than one-line patterns, but reaction times were similar for the two sets of patterns. The results suggest that varying complexity affects perception of patterns at later stages of processing.  相似文献   

Across three experiments, participants made speeded elevation discrimination responses to vibrotactile targets presented to the thumb (held in a lower position) or the index finger (upper position) of either hand, while simultaneously trying to ignore visual distractors presented independently from either the same or a different elevation. Performance on the vibrotactile elevation discrimination task was slower and less accurate when the visual distractor was incongruent with the elevation of the vibrotactile target (e.g., a lower light during the presentation of an upper vibrotactile target to the index finger) than when they were congruent, showing that people cannot completely ignore vision when selectively attending to vibrotactile information. We investigated the attentional, temporal, and spatial modulation of these cross-modal congruency effects by manipulating the direction of endogenous tactile spatial attention, the stimulus onset asynchrony between target and distractor, and the spatial separation between the vibrotactile target, any visual distractors, and the participant’s two hands within and across hemifields. Our results provide new insights into the spatiotemporal modulation of crossmodal congruency effects and highlight the utility of this paradigm for investigating the contributions of visual, tactile, and proprioceptive inputs to the multisensory representation of peripersonal space.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to measure the temporal integration of vibrotactile patterns presented to the fingertip. In Experiment 1, letters were divided in half and the time between the onsets of the first half of the letter and second half of the letter, stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), was varied. The recognizability of the letters declined as the SOA was increased from 9 to 100 msec. In Experiment 2, the time between two patterns constituting a masking stimulus was varied and the stimulus effectiveness in interfering with letter recognition was determined. The amount of masking increased as the SOA increased from 9 to 50 msec. In Experiment 3, the SOA between a letter and its complement (the portions of the tactile array not activated by the letter) was varied. Increasing SOA from 9 to approximately 50 msec led to increasingly accurate letter recognition. The results of the three experiments suggest that the skin is capable of complete temporal integration over a time period of less than 10 msec, and that the temporal integration function becomes asymptotic in 50 to 100 msec. The results also suggest that the onset of a vibrotactile pattern is critical for generating contours. The implications of the results for modes of generating tactile patterns and for temporal masking functions are discussed.  相似文献   

Temporal imbalances between the successive stimulation of pairs of loci on each forearm altered judgments of the equality of the spatial extents between sets of loci. The spatial judgments became increasingly inaccurate as the temporal imbalance was increased, i.e., the Tau effect. Changes in stimulus intensity also influenced the dependency of spatial judgments on temporal factors. The data suggest that concomitant variations of spatial, temporal, and intensitive components of a vibrotactile stimulus "package" can produce systematic perceptual effects of potential significance in the design of vibrotactile sensory substitution systems.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, the effects of spatial layout on vibrotactile pattern perception were explored by testing the ability to discriminate between two sequentially presented patterns that share active elements in the same spatial locations. Two-dimensional displays were used in order to examine the functional relationship between discrimination performance and patterncommunality, defined as the sharing elements, on different body sites. Accuracy of discrimination judgments was inversely proportional to communality, regardless of the number of pattern elements. For compact arrays fitted to the finger, palm, and thigh, the effects of communality appeared equivalent. The similarity between finger and thigh functions is remarkable, considering the dramatic differences between these sites in receptor components and structure. When these data were compared with those from arrays with distributed contactors, performance was substantially better with well-separated pattern elements. Such findings help to explicate how information from apposed patterns can best be delivered to the skin through tactile communication systems.  相似文献   

Vibrotactile patterns were presented to subjects’ left index fmgerpads using the array from the Optacon. A set of simple (one-line) patterns and a set of complex (two-line) patterns were constructed so that they were equally identifiable when presented individually. In Experiment 1, discrimination performance was lower for two-line patterns than for one-line patterns. Communality, the number of lines that two patterns share in common, appeared to be the major factor in reducing discrimination performance for two-line patterns. Experiment 2 measured the time required to identify individual patterns. There was no significant difference in identification times for one- and two-line patterns, suggesting that features within a pattern were processed simultaneously. In the presence of a temporal masking stimulus (Experiment 3), two-line patterns were more difficult to identify than one-line patterns, but reaction times were similar for the two sets of patterns. The results suggest that varying complexity affects perception of patterns at later stages of processing.  相似文献   

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