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As a measure of visual information storage (VIS), Haber and Nathanson (1968) have used a retinal painting task involving passing a narrow slit across a drawing which the S has to see as a single percept. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate this task as a measure of VIS. In experiment 1 it was shown that contrary to other measures of VIS, adults have longer values than children. In experiment 2 dyslexic and control children performed at equivalent levels on this task. It is suggested that retinal painting involves a different persistence effect to that normally used as a measure of VIS.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the sensitivity of the perceptual and motor systems to target acceleration information using verbal magnitude estimations of target acceleration and manual interception of these targets. The results showed that in the perceptual task the participants were responding mainly to acceleration threshold values, which is acceleration as a function of initial, final, and average velocities, rather then to the absolute accelerations. When manually intercepting the targets the participants responded mainly to the absolute acceleration value and target initial velocity. Thus, these results suggest that target motion can be processed in the ventral (perception) and dorsal (action) visual streams however different motion characteristics are processed in these streams depending on the required output.  相似文献   

Schioldborg, P. Attention and information storage in visual short-term memory. Scand. J. Psychol., 1973, 14, 1–3.- Information retrieval from STM was examined with Sperling's (1960) method. Of nine letters displayed in rows of three, the number of letters correctly reported from each row differed significantly, the mean being 2.4, 2.2, and 1.6 letters for the middle, upper, and lower row, respectively. By increasing exposure time, number of correctly reported letters increased for each row at equal rate. However, by increasing the delay period of the selection signal, number of letters decreased at different rates, the reduction being 48%, 24%, and 10% for the lower, upper, and middle row respectively. The results are assumed to reflect differences in the initial attention level for the individual item; the smaller this level, the lower the level of information processing and the faster the erasure from STM.  相似文献   

A partial report technique was used to determine how much visual information subjects of four ages (ranging from 5-year-olds to adults) were capable of taking in and what the course of information loss was over a 1-sec time period. Subjects were tachistoscopically presented eight items followed by an indicator at variable intervals after array offset and were required to report that item in the indicated position. No reliable age differences were found at the earliest “memory point,” 50 msec. There were, however, age differences both before and after this point. Results suggested an absence of age differences in visual intake capacity, but important differences in other stages of processing.  相似文献   

We test 3 theories of global and local scene information acquisition, defining global and local in terms of spatial frequencies. By independence theories, high- and low-spatial-frequency information are acquired over the same time course and combine additively. By global-precedence theories, global information acquisition precedes local information acquisition, but they combine additively. By interactive theories, global information also affects local-information acquisition rate. We report 2 digit-recall experiments. In the 1st, we confirmed independence theories. In the 2nd, we disconfirmed both independence theories and interactive theories, leaving global-precedence theories as the remaining alternative. We show that a specific global-precedence theory quantitatively accounted for Experiments 1-2 data as well as for past data. We discuss how their spatial-frequency definition of spatial scale comports with definitions used by others, and we consider the suggestion by P. G. Schyns and colleagues (e.g., D. J. Morrison & Schyns, 2001) that the visual system may act flexibly rather than rigidly in its use of spatial scales.  相似文献   

Our major goal is to account for some simple digit-recall data with a theory that integrates two models from two scientific traditions. Therandom-sampling model, founded in the memory and attention literature, holds that (1) stimulus features are randomly sampled throughout the course of stimulus presence and (2) proportion correct recall is equal to the ratio of sampled features to total features.The linear-filter model, founded in the vision and sensation literature, holds that the initial stages of the visual system act as a low-pass temporal filter on the input stimulus, resulting in a time-varyingsensory response in the nervous system. We report two experiments in which a variable-duration, masked, four-digit string had to be immediately recalled. Experiment 1 was designed principally to replicate past data confirming the basic random-sampling model. Like others, we were able to confirm the model only by endowing it with an additionalprocessing-delay assumption: that feature sampling does not begin until the stimulus has been physically present for some minimal duration. Experiment 2 was an extension of Experiment 1 in which the target stimulus was preceded, 250 msec prior to its onset, by a 50-msec pre-presentation ofthe same stimulus called aprime. The Experiment 2 results allowed the following conclusions. First, the initial processing delay found in Experiment 1 is immutably tied to stimulus onset; that is, if there are two stimulus onsets, separated even briefly in time, there are two associated processing delays. Second, processing rate is essentially unaffected by the prime’s presentation. Third, being presented with a 50-msec prime is equivalent, in terms of memory performance, to increasing unprimed stimulus duration by approximately 30 msec; the prime can thus said to beworth 30 msec of additional exposure duration. This third conclusion seems superficially paradoxical, in the sense that one would expect that having seen a 50-msec prime would be equivalent to increasing exposure duration byat least the same 50 msec. However, both the initial processing delays and the 30-msec prime’s worth are natural consequences of our theory that conjoins the random-sampling model with the linear-filter model.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine the frequency and severity of apraxia in patients with left- or right-hemisphere stroke in both pantomime and imitation conditions and to compare the frequency of apraxia in each stroke group across the three patterns of apraxia described in Roy's model (Roy, 1996). Ninety-nine stroke patients and 15 age-matched healthy adults performed eight transitive gestures to pantomime and to imitation. Gestural performance was quantified as accuracy on five performance dimensions; a composite score, an arithmetic combination of the five performance dimensions, was used as an index of the overall accuracy. Analyses revealed a comparable proportion of patients in each stroke group were classified as apraxic in the imitation condition, but a higher proportion of left stroke patients were apraxic in the pantomime condition. The severity of apraxia in each stroke group and the performance dimensions affected were, however, comparable. Analyses of the patterns of apraxia (pantomime alone, imitation alone or apraxia in both conditions) revealed a higher frequency of apraxia in both stroke groups for the pattern reflecting apraxia in both conditions, indicating that a disruption at the movement execution stage of gesture performance was most common.  相似文献   

The relation between attention demand and the number of items in the array (array size) was investigated by engaging subjects in a primary search task and measuring spare capacity at different points in time, with a secondary tone task that occurred randomly on half of the trials. The major variables in both tasks were array size 14, 8, or 12 letters and stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA: ?400, ?200, 0, 200, 400, and 600 msec. Subjects were able to perform the tasks quite independently, and me, st of the interference that resulted from nonindependence appeared in tone-task performance. Theamount of interference (i.e., maximum tone reaction time) was independent of array size, but theduration of interference (li.e., the number of SOAs at which tone reaction time was elevated) increased with array size. The findings were interpreted as supporting unlimited-capacity models of visual search performance.  相似文献   

Johnson DN 《Memory & cognition》2000,28(8):1303-1309
The effects of task demands on the representation of letter strings in long-term repetition priming (LTRP) were explored in two lexical decision experiments. The stimuli in both experiments were words and nonwords, some presented horizontally and some vertically. The only difference between the two experiments was the response required by the participant. In Experiment 1, the participants pressed one of two buttons, indicating whether or not a given stimulus was a word. In Experiment 2, the participants pressed one of four buttons, indicating both the lexical status and the orientation of a given stimulus. The results were that in Experiment 1, LTRP was not disrupted by a change in stimulus orientation, whereas in Experiment 2 it was, suggesting that the nature of the stimulus representation utilized in LTRP is partially dependent on the demands of the task.  相似文献   

Becker's (1976, 1979, 1980, 1985; Becker & Killion, 1977; Eisenberg & Becker, 1982) verification model was used as a framework to investigate the attentional demands of word recognition. In two experiments, a lexical decision task and an auditory probe task were performed in single- and dual-task conditions. Responses to probes were divided into detection and movement measures that indexed the demands of recognition and response output, respectively. In Experiment 1, single- to dual-task decrements in probe detection performance were larger during low-frequency as compared with high-frequency trials. This finding indicates that the attentional demands of word recognition vary with word frequency. These findings were replicated in Experiment 2, which was designed to separate a response compatibility and a capacity interpretation of the results. The findings are interpreted within Becker's verification model.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the processing capacity required to use sequential information in a serial reaction time task with partially predictable sequences. The first two experiments varied the response stimulus interval (RSI) between 0 and 500 msec and found the relative advantage of the high-probability stimulus to be independent of the length of the RSI. The third experiment compared utilization of sequential information either with or without a secondary task. The secondary task did not affect the high-probability stimulus but did increase the amount of time required to respond to the low-probability events. The results are discussed in terms of the attentional demands of memory access.  相似文献   

The temporal course of acquisition of visual information was mapped by measuring the speed and accuracy With which Ss could discriminate the position, intensity, or duration of a stimulus that was varied independently on these three binary dimensions. The speed-accuracy tradeoff was different for each of the three discrimination tasks, with performance substantially superior in the position discrimination task. In the intensity and duration discrimination tasks, there were systematic changes with RT in the relative influences of the three stimulus variables over the two alternative responses, suggesting .three phases of the corresponding perceptual processes: an initial dominance by position of the stimulus, a subsequent, joint influence by both intensity and duration, and finally an exclusive control by the correct dimension. The results demonstrate that Ss can selectively attend to various dimensions of the same stimulus, with concommitantly varying time constants. The perceptual processes being tapped by a discrimination task depend upon instructions and upon RT.  相似文献   

When searching for an object, an observer holds a representation of the target in mind while scanning the scene. If the observer repeats the search, performance may become more efficient as the observer hones this target representation, or "search template," to match the specific demands of the search task. An effective search template must have two characteristics: It must reliably discriminate the target from the distractors, and it must tolerate variability in the appearance of the target. The present experiment examined how the tolerance of the search template is affected by the search task. Two groups of 18 observers trained on the same set of stimuli blocked either by target image (block-by-image group) or by target category (block-by-category group). One or two days after training, both groups were tested on a related search task. The pattern of test results revealed that the two groups of observers had developed different search templates, and that the templates of the block-by-category observers better captured the general characteristics of the category. These results demonstrate that observers match their search templates to the demands of the search task.  相似文献   

Interest is growing in how information is retained in visual short-term memory (VSTM). We describe an experiment that assesses VSTM within the context of multidimensional signal detection theory. On every trial, participants were presented with a 250-ms display containing four colored shapes. They were then probed 900 ms later with a colored shape and made separate old/new judgments about the color and the shape. In any particular trial, one, both, or neither of the probed features had been presented. Performance differed according to whether both probed features belonged to a single object or to two different objects. When both probed features belonged to the same object, featural retrieval was better than would be predicted by independent feature storage. When both probed features belonged to two different objects, featural retrieval was worse than would be predicted by independent feature storage. We conclude that storage in and retrieval from VSTM operate on the basis of object-based representations.  相似文献   

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