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In a successive discrimination in which successively alternating red and green hues signaled component variable-interval schedules, sensitivity of the ratio of responses in the two components to variation in the component reinforcer ratio decreased systematically during the course of the component. This decrease in stimulus control or discrimination over the course of the component was shown to be the result of delayed control of responding during the component by the stimulus transition between components. When the red–green stimulus transition was altered by interpolating a white stimulus at the end of each 60-s component, discrimination at the beginning of the component (measured by the power-function exponent for sensitivity to reinforcement) was reduced. Conditions with the white stimulus inserted in other quarters of the component indicated that the current discriminative stimulus exerts control over responding throughout the component, whereas during about the first half of the component, response differentials are influenced by the transition between discriminative stimuli.  相似文献   

Concurrent schedule assessment of food preference in cows   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Six dairy cows (Bos taurus) were trained on several pairs of concurrent variable-interval schedules with different types of food available on each alternative. The required response was a plate press made by the animal's muzzle. Performance generally replicated that found with other species. The generalized matching law accounted for the preference data, showing that food preference could be quantitatively analyzed as a special case of response bias. The preference functions showed that the response- and time-allocation ratios were not as extreme as obtained reinforcement rate ratios (undermatching).  相似文献   

Operant conditioning techniques were applied to the study of how target fixations are controlled by the probability of signal occurrence. In a standard vigilance setting, gaze at three illuminable volt meters was monitored by a Mackworth television eye camera with automatic recording capability. Gaze at a given meter produced illumination of the meter, and signals (deflections of the needle on the meter) were scheduled as intermittent consequences of this response. Target fixations were thus placed under the control of concurrent variable-ratio, differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate, and fixed-interval schedules in normal adult volunteers.  相似文献   

In a conditional discrimination, reinforcement of pigeons' responses to pairs of simultaneously presented wavelength stimuli depended on the orientation of white lines superimposed on the wavelengths. Over different conditions in Experiment 1, three wavelength differences were combined with two differences between successively presented line orientations. Measures of stimulus discriminability increased with increases in the difference between both orientation and wavelength stimuli. Conditional-discrimination performance was thus conjointly determined by stimulus disparity in the successive and simultaneous discriminations. In Experiment 2, ratios of rates of reinforcement contingent upon the two categories of correct responses were varied over several conditions for difficult and easy discriminations. Ratios of responses to wavelength pairs were sensitive to variations in the reinforcement ratio to a greater extent for the more difficult orientation discrimination than for the easier orientation discrimination. Performance in the conditional discrimination was therefore determined by the interacting effects of stimulus disparity and the relative rates of reinforcement contingent upon the two correct choices. It was concluded that the effect of temporally distant reinforcement on behavior in a prevailing schedule component is attenuated to an extent that depends on similarity of stimuli that delineate the successive components.  相似文献   

Fading and errorless transfer in successive discriminations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A successive discrimination between red positive and green negative stimuli was established with pigeon subjects. Then, lines with different angular orientations were superimposed on one of the colors to form compound stimuli. Finally, either the colored element of the positive compound, the colored element of the negative compound, or both colored elements together, were gradually attenuated. Before each attenuation, the line elements were presented alone against dark backgrounds as probes to assess the degree to which they had acquired control of responding. When the positive color was attenuated alone or in conjunction with the negative color, angular orientation acquired control of responding in an errorless fashion. Lines, however, did not acquire control when only the negative component was attenuated. These results were interpreted in terms of changes in the predictability of reinforcement by color and line elements during stimulus attenuation. Finally, attenuation of the negative stimulus influenced the number of “dimensions” of the new line stimuli that acquired control of responding. When the positive stimulus was attenuated with the negative, only one dimension of the lines acquired control. When the positive stimulus was attenuated without the negative, however, more than one dimension of the lines acquired control of responding. These results were interpreted in terms of how errorless performance can be maintained while an organism attends to different dimensions of the new stimuli.  相似文献   

Six pigeons were trained on multiple variable-interval schedules and performance was measured in the presence or absence of another variable-interval schedule (the common schedule) arranged concurrently with both components. Manipulations included varying the rate of reinforcement on the common schedule, leaving the common schedule unchanged while the components of the multiple schedule were varied, varying the multiple schedule components in the absence of the common schedule, and varying one component of the multiple schedule while the other component and the common schedule were unchanged. The normal rate-increasing and rate-decreasing effects of reinforcement rate increase were found, except that changing one multiple schedule component did not affect the response rate in the successively available common schedule component. Both concurrent and multiple schedule performance undermatched obtained reinforcement-rate ratios, but the degree of undermatching in multiple schedules was reliably greater. Allocation of responses between multiple schedule components was unaffected by the concurrent availability of reinforcement, and allocation of responses between concurrent schedules was unaffected by the successive availability of different reinforcement rates.  相似文献   

In four human learning experiments, we examined the extent to which learned predictiveness depends upon direct comparison between relatively good and poor predictors. Participants initially solved (a) linear compound discriminations in which one or both of the stimuli in each compound were predictive of the correct outcome, (b) biconditional discriminations where only the configurations of the stimuli were predictive of the correct outcome, or (c) pseudodiscriminations in which no stimulus features were predictive. In each experiment, subsequent learning and test stages were used to assay changes in the associability of each stimulus brought about by its role in the initial discriminations. Although learned predictiveness effects were observed in all experiments (i.e., previously predictive cues were more readily associated with a new outcome than previously nonpredictive cues), the same changes in associability were observed regardless of whether the stimulus was initially learned about in the presence of an equally predictive, more predictive, or less predictive stimulus. The results suggest that learned associability is not controlled by competitive allocation of attention, but rather by the absolute predictiveness of each individual cue.  相似文献   

Rats' acquisition and transfer of performance in ambiguous discriminations was examined using discrete-trial operant lever-press procedures. Rats learned serial ambiguous discriminations (X----A+, A-; B+, X----B-) by acquiring both positive and negative occasion setting functions to the X feature. Mutual transfer occurred among cues from serial ambiguous, feature positive (Y----C+, C-), and feature negative (Y----C-, C+) discriminations, but that transfer did not extend to cues not trained within one of those serial discriminations. The ambiguous feature's positive occasion setting powers were unaffected by nonreinforced presentation of that feature alone, and posttraining counterconditioning did not eliminate the feature's ability to serve as a negative occasion setter. Occasion setting was not acquired with simultaneous ambiguous discriminations (XA+, A-; XB-, B+), which apparently were solved with a configural strategy.  相似文献   

Pigeons learned to respond to the middle-sized member of six or seven sets of three stimuli differing in size. The sets were used successively, each serving as the discrimination problem from 10 to 16 times. After attaining criterion with one set, the birds received the others as probes. The number of responses in probes was related to the similarity of the probes to the prevailing discrimination problem. The birds responded either to the probe stimulus to which responding had most recently been reinforced, or to the probe stimulus closest in size to the positive member (S+) of the prevailing discrimination problem. Responses to a middle-sized probe-set stimulus occurred when it was the probe-set member most recently correlated with reinforcement, when it was one of two stimuli closest in size to S+, and when the stimulus closest in size to S+ was a negative member of the discrimination problem. All of the behavior could be explained in terms of control by the absolute sizes of the various stimuli.  相似文献   

Two pigeons were exposed to factorial combinations of two values of line tilt and two frequencies of houselight flashes. During each of four baseline stages, key pecking in the presence of all four combinations was reinforced according to a variable-interval schedule. The baseline phases were followed by four different conditional discrimination training procedures in which reinforcement availability for pecking in the presence of the line tilts depended upon the houselight frequency. The subjects acquired each conditional discrimination. Behavioral contrast occurred during the acquisition and abolition of the discriminations. Generalization tests, given after each conditional discrimination, revealed that both the line tilt and houselight frequency dimensions controlled pecking only after conditional discriminations in which reinforcement availability depended upon the value of both dimensions.  相似文献   

When all stimuli elicit the same taste quality, solutions preceded by a high concentration level are judged to be significantly less intense than solutions preceded by a low concentration level. After repetitious stimulation with a different tasting stimulus, the intensity of the present stimulus is overestimated. This phenomenon is called “successive contrast.” In the present study, the cumulative effects of three identical stimuli on the saltiness ratings for a test stimulus are investigated. The preceding stimuli are manipulated with regard to taste quality, saltiness intensity, total taste intensity, and complexity. Whether the size of the cumulative contrast effect is associated with the degree of dissimilarity between preceding stimuli and test stimulus, or with the saltiness or total taste intensity of the preceding stimuli, is investigated. The size of the contrast effect depends on the type of preceding stimulus, its intensity, and the type of test stimulus. No association was found with judgments of the degree of dissimilarity between the preceding stimuli and the test stimulus. For nonsalty preceding stimuli, the contrast effects are independent of concentration level. When the preceding stimuli taste at least partly salty, the total intensity appears to determine the size of the contrast for an unmixed salty test stimulus.  相似文献   

In Experiment I, groups of rats were trained to press a lever for food reinforcement on differential reinforcement of low rate (DRL) schedules which differed in parameter value. A stimulus which terminated with either a 0.5-mA or 2.0-mA electric shock was then superimposed upon each DRL baseline. In general, the magnitude of conditioned suppression was an inverse function of DRL schedule parameter and a direct function of shock intensity. Experiment II demonstrated that the rate of responding maintained by the DRL component of a multiple DRL-extinction schedule decreased during a stimulus preceding a 0.5-mA shock, whereas the rate of responding maintained by the DRL component of a multiple DRL-variable interval schedule showed little change or increased slightly during a stimulus preceding a 0.5-mA shock.  相似文献   

This research asked whether performance engendered by contextual control procedures would generalize to novel matching-to-sample stimulus arrangements. Two studies were conducted with young adult participants. In Study 1, participants first were trained to perform the contextually controlled conditional discrimination, X-AB, where the sample-comparison relations A1B1 and A2B2 were reinforced in the presence of contextual stimulus X1, but the relations A1B2 and A2B1 were reinforced in the presence of X2. Then, a new conditional discrimination, CD, was established via an unreinforced-conditional-selection procedure. Next, participants were tested for X-CD contextual control performance. Participants selected the originally established CD relations in the presence of X1, but the opposite relations in the presence of X2. Next, an additional conditional relation, EF, was established. Then, participants received trials consisting of entirely novel contextual stimuli, Z1 and Z2, and EF samples and comparisons. Selections were consistent with contextual control; that is, participants selected the originally established EF relations in the presence of one of the novel contextual Z stimuli, but selected the opposite EF relations in the presence of the other contextual Z stimulus. Study 2 systematically replicated these results with naive participants and demonstrated the necessity of first establishing a conditional discrimination prior to tests for generalized contextual control. The findings are discussed in terms of unreinforced conditional selection, stimulus classes, and new ways in which contextual control performances can emerge.  相似文献   

Four adults were trained, using instructions and a matching-to-sample procedure, to select Stimulus B1 in the presence of Stimulus A1, B2 in the presence of A2, and B3 in the presence of A3 (the AB relations). Analogous PQ relations were trained. Afterwards, one stimulus in Set A and another stimulus in Set B appeared together as a sample, and novel Stimuli X1 and X2 were the comparisons. Responses to X1 were reinforced if the two stimuli in the sample had been related in the previous training (e.g., A1 and B1), and responses to X2 were reinforced if the two samples had not been related (e.g., A1 and B2). These were the ABX relations. In a test in which a stimulus of Set P and another of Set Q were the samples and X1 and X2 were the comparisons, 2 subjects selected X1 when the samples were P1 and Q1, P2 and Q2, and P3 and Q3, and selected X2 in the presence of the other six sample combinations (P1Q2, P1Q3, P2Q1, P2Q3, P3Q1, and P3Q2). Another subject showed the same responding after additional training. In the second experiment, 3 adults and an 11-year-old child were trained on AB, PQ, and ABX relations, and they showed the symmetrical relations BA and QP upon testing. Then all 4 of these subjects responded accurately to the PQX test. Results of Experiments 1 and 2 showed novel, consistent comparison selection based on the previously established relation between the two stimuli in the sample. In a third experiment, 3 of the subjects who had shown PQX relations were trained on EFX relations, with pairs of E and F stimuli as samples and X stimuli as comparisons. When the EF relations were tested, all 3 subjects consistently selected F1 in the presence of E1, F2 in the presence of E2, and F3 in the presence of E3 from the first trial. The results of Experiment 3 showed novel stimulus relations after training with a more complex conditional discrimination format.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained successively either on 2 delayed simple discriminations or on a delayed simple discrimination followed by delayed matching-to-sample. During subsequent transfer tests, the initial stimuli from the 1st task were substituted for those in the 2nd. Performances transferred immediately if both sets of initial stimuli had been associated with the presence versus absence of food on their respective retention tests, and the direction of transfer (positive or negative) depended on whether the substitution involved stimuli with identical or different outcome associates. No transfer was found, however, when the initial stimuli were associated with different patterns of responding but food occurred at the end of every trial. These results are consistent with outcome expectancy mediation but are incompatible with response intention and retrospective coding accounts.  相似文献   

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