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A classic study conducted by Ross, Lepper, and Hubbard (1975) revealed a perseverance effect wherein people who received positive performance feedback on an alleged social perceptiveness test reported more favorable self-perceptions in this domain than those who received negative feedback despite the fact that they had received standard outcome debriefing (i.e., been informed about the false, predetermined, and random nature of the feedback) prior to reporting self-assessments. The present studies extend this past research by revealing that (a) there is a form of outcome debriefing (i.e., informing participants about the bogus nature of the test as well as the bogus nature of the feedback) that effectively eliminates the perseverance effect, (b) the perseverance effect that occurs after standard outcome debriefing is limited to perceptions of specific task-relevant skills rather than more global abilities, and (c) affective reactions do not underlie the perseverance effect that occurs in the false feedback paradigm.  相似文献   

The present study presents a replication and methodological extension of MacLeod, Tata, Kentish, and Jacobsen (1997) with a nonclinical sample, using future-directed imagery to assess prospective cognitions. Results showed that only anxiety (but not depression) was related to enhanced imagery for future negative events. Both anxiety and depression showed significant zero-order correlations with reduced imagery for future positive events. However, when the overlap between anxiety and depression was controlled for, only depression (but not anxiety) showed a unique association with reduced imagery for positive events. Implications of these findings for cognitive models of anxiety and depression are discussed.  相似文献   

It has recently been argued that psychopathy can be understood and represented using common dimensions of personality taken from the Five-factor model (FFM). In this research, we examined this possibility by using the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R; Costa & McCrae, 1992) to assess psychopathy in an undergraduate sample. Specifically, we matched individuals' NEO-PI-R profiles with an expert-generated psychopathy prototype to yield a psychopathy score. These scores were correlated with self-reports of drug use, delinquency, risky sex, aggression, and several laboratory tasks. FFM psychopathy was significantly related to all forms of deviance, although the effects tended to be small in size. Moreover, individuals who more closely resembled the prototypic FFM psychopath were more aggressive in a laboratory aggression task, less willing to delay gratification in a time discounting task, and demonstrated a preference for aggressive responses in a social information-processing paradigm.  相似文献   

In this paper, gender differences in personality, psychopathology and personality disorders of alcohol-dependent patients are described. The sample consisted of 158 alcohol-dependent patients attending a psychiatric outpatient clinic (105 men and 55 women). All participants were assessed with various assessment tools related to personality (Impulsiveness Scale, Sensation Seeking Scale and STAI), psychopathology (SCL-90-R, BDI and Inadaptation Scale) and personality disorders (IPDE). There were no differences in personality variables, but the women had more anxiety and depressive symptoms and also more problems to adapt to everyday life than did the men. Personality disorders were not as prevalent as in the case of men, and the most frequent among women were obsessive-compulsive, dependent and histrionic personality disorders. Implications of this study for further research are commented on.  相似文献   


Mood-dependent memory (MDM) has been difficult to demonstrate, but Eich and Metcalfe (1989) reported a strong effect with music-induced moods and learning of self-generated responses. Bower and Mayer (1989), however, could not obtain the MDM effect with self-generated responses. The present experiment attempted to replicate Eich and Metcalfe, but induced positive and negative moods with self-referent statements rather than music. Sixty-four subjects (32 males, 32 females) were randomly assigned in equal numbers to one of four mood conditions, same or opposite mood at learning and testing. At learning, immediately following mood induction subjects (Ss) generated 16 response words and 16 repeated words. Forty-eight hours later, Ss were given recall and recognition tests. For recall, there was a significant learn mood by test mood interaction (P < 0.0001), with greater recall for generated than repeated words (P < 0.0001). The interaction for repeated words approached significance (P = 0.07). For recognition memory, the learn by test mood interaction was also significant (P = 0.03), with a significant interaction (P = 0.02) for repeated words, but not for generated words (P = 0.23). An analysis of the Eich and Metcalfe data and ours suggests that the generation procedure only produced better memory overall and that under some conditions (but not all) this level of memory was optimal for demonstrating MDM.  相似文献   

The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised was administered to a group of climbers (N=39) who were attempting to summit Mount Everest. The personality profiles for these climbers were characterized by higher scores on the Extraversion (sociability) and Psychoticism (toughmindedness) scales and lower scores on the Neuroticism (anxiety) scales than for the normative sample. This profile is consistent with the pattern typically observed for athletes and notably for higher achieving athletes.  相似文献   

The dual-criteria and conservative dual-criteria methods effectively supplement visual analysis with both simulated and published datasets. However, extant research evaluating the probability of observing false positive outcomes with published data may be affected by case selection bias and publication bias. Thus, the probability of obtaining false positive outcomes using these methods with data collected in the course of clinical care is unknown. We extracted baseline data from clinical datasets using a consecutive controlled case-series design and calculated the proportion of false positive outcomes for baseline phases of various lengths. Results replicated previous findings from Lanovaz, Huxley, and Dufour (2017), as the proportion of false positive outcomes generally decreased as the number of points in Phase B (but not Phase A) increased using both methods. Extending these findings, results also revealed differences in the rate of false positive outcomes across different types of baselines.  相似文献   

Schizotypy has been proposed to be the expression of the genetic vulnerability to schizophrenia. Schizotypal features have been associated with personality dimensions found in patients with psychosis. In this study, we compared the Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology - Basic Questionnaire (DAPP-BQ) scores of patients with psychosis, siblings scoring higher on schizotypy (SSHS), and siblings scoring lower (SSLS). The SSHSs displayed a DAPP-BQ profile characterized by high scores in the dimensions of affective lability, anxiousness, submissiveness, social avoidance, identity problems, oppositionality, narcissism, and restricted expression, distinguishing them from the SSLS. Due to these dimensions, SSHSs are more similar to the patients' DAPP-BQ profile. The results suggest that this pathological personality profile might contribute to increase the risk of developing psychosis in siblings who have more schizotypal features.  相似文献   

This study replicated previous basic research into the dynamics of choice and extended this analysis to children's behavior in a naturalistic setting. Two preschoolers with disabilities were observed interacting with their teachers at baseline and during an experimental analysis involving four pairs of concurrent variable‐interval schedules of adult attention implemented by an experimenter. Each child was exposed to four experimental phases in which the relative reinforcer rates for on‐ and off‐task behavior were 10:1, 1:1, 1:10, and reversed back to 10:1. The 10:1 phase was designed to mimic the same schedules and types of adult attention observed at baseline. We used the generalized matching equation to model steady‐state behavior at the end of the transition phases and to evaluate changes in sensitivity at various points throughout the phases. Choice in transition was evaluated by plotting log behavior ratios by session, cumulated time on‐ and off‐task and cumulated attention for on‐ and off‐task behavior by session, and interreinforcer behavior ratios following different sequences of the first four reinforcer deliveries. The generalized matching equation accounted for a large proportion of variance in steady‐state responding, sensitivity values increased steadily throughout the phases, patterns of choice in transition were similar to those reported in basic research, and interreinforcer preference generally shifted toward the just‐reinforced alternative. These findings are consistent with previous basic research and support the generality of the dynamics of choice to children's on‐ and off‐task behavior reinforced by adult attention.  相似文献   

Two research questions were addressed in this study. First, what are the dimensions of the concept of control orientation with respect to substance-abusing behaviors as measured by Keyson and Janda's 1972 Drinking-related Locus of Control Scale and by an adaptation of that scale developed for users of other drugs. Second, utilizing a large sample of both male and female clients who abused both alcohol and other drugs, how does that dimensional structure differ from the one presented by Donovan and O'Leary in 1978 for male alcoholics at a VA hospital. Since the present sample was a large (N = 542) representative sample of publicly subsidized clients in Missouri, it provided an opportunity to extend earlier work across type of drug abused and sex. Like Donovan and O'Leary we used a principal components analysis with a varimax rotation to examine the dimensions of the 25-item locus of control scales. Like those authors, the analysis for male alcohol users produced a three-factor solution with interpretations resembling their "intrapersonal" and "interpersonal" factors but with a more fully developed third factor interpretable as a fate or luck dimension. These dimensions were apparent for the other groups as well, although the first two factors were reversed for male users of other drugs and the analysis for female alcohol abusers showed a more consistent sociability dimension than for males. While the derived structures are therefore similar to Donovan and O'Leary's results and consistent with the theoretical uses of control orientation in discussion of alcohol and other drug abuse, they also show some differences for type of drug abused and by sex. These are necessary but not sufficient conditions for including such measures in more specific models relating clients' motivation and propensity for change to outcomes.  相似文献   

Data collected electronically from the World-Wide Web (WWW) in two samples (n=429 and 1,657) were compared with traditional paper-and-pencil measure data from two university samples (n=760 and 148) in three psychometric studies of a new measure of self-trust, the Self-Trust Questionnaire. With the exception of scale score variance, which was larger in WWW samples, psychometric properties of the scale were comparable across samples collected from the two sources. WWW samples were more similar to psychology student samples (predominantly young females) than to typical Internet users. On balance, findings indicate that the advantages of the WWW as a data source, including large heterogeneous samples, outweigh problems with data accuracy and generalizability, making the WWW an attractive source of data for researchers developing self-report personality inventories.  相似文献   

Context-specific personality items provide respondents with a common frame of reference unlike more traditional, noncontextual personality items. The common frame of reference standardizes item interpretation and has been shown to reduce measurement error while increasing validity in comparison to noncontextual items (M. J. Schmit, A. M. Ryan. S. L. Stierwalt. & S. L. Powell, 1995). Although the frame-of-reference effect on personality scales scores has been well investigated (e.g., M. J. Schmit et al., 1995), the ability of this innovation to obtain incremental validity above and beyond the well-established, noncontextual personality scale scores has yet to be examined. The current study replicates and extends work by M. J. Schmit et al. (1995) to determine the incremental validity of the frame-of-reference effect. The results indicate that context-specific personality items do indeed obtain incremental validity above and beyond both noncontextual items and cognitive ability, and in spite of socially desirable responding induced by applicant instructions. The implications of these findings for personnel selection are discussed.  相似文献   

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