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In this study, the authors examined personality correlates (obsessiveness, dependency, self-directed hostility, and assertiveness) of anorexic symptomatology in female undergraduates. Regression analyses demonstrated that only obsessiveness and emotional reliance on another person (a measure of dependency) were related to anorexic symptoms, accounting for 19% of the variance. These findings are discussed in relation to S. Orbach's (1985, 1986) and other researchers' concept of the anorexic personality. Implications for therapeutic interventions and directions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

The authors explored the association among body dissatisfaction, religious coping, and bulimic symptomatology. The results suggest that spiritual discontent religious coping was detrimental for the college female participants (N= 398) when considered in relationship to bulimic symptomatology. Implications of the findings for theory refinement, future research, and clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Development and use of a new form of a body grid are reported in the present article by means of comparing body perception and its distortions of 32 anorectic patients with a group of 31 bulimic patients. The body grid allows the users to discriminate the degree of body acceptance and the level of integration and dissociation tendencies of single body parts. With the body grid we are able to identify important differences in body image and “body-experience profiles” of bulimic and anorectic patients. Furthermore, with the body grid some insights into the structure of the body image are depicted in the form of a readily accessible graphic figure, making them useful for therapeutic focusing, treatment, and experience, tasks that rarely have been achieved by conventional methods like questionnaires or so-called projective tests.  相似文献   


As previous studies of alienation can be criticized on the grounds that most measures do not control for acquiescence, the present study sought to reexamine the relationship between alienation and certain psychological variables in an Australian and in a white South African sample. This study used the new balanced General Alienation Scale (Ray, 1982). Results showed the alienated to be anxious (both samples), to have low self-esteem (South Africa), not to be respectful of those in authority, and to be of any age (both samples). The alienated in both samples were also found not to be political radicals. This latter finding is in contrast to earlier research (Ray, 1974).  相似文献   

Using a cross-sectional, mixed-method design, this study examined the frequency and psychosocial correlates of eating disorder (ED) symptomatology among male figure skaters (n = 29; Mage = 18.45 years) and explored their perspectives on skating-related weight pressures. One participant (3.7%) scored within range of a clinical ED. Body mass index, sport-related weight pressures, and sport-related body dissatisfaction explained 30% of variance in ED symptomatology; only weight pressures were significant. Although most endorsed the positive influences of skating, a perceived body–performance link was their most frequent weight pressure. Coping with sport-related weight pressures should be addressed in applied sport psychology and ED prevention.  相似文献   

Personality characteristics, as measured by the Personality Research Form E (PRF-E) and a specially designed questionnaire, of 33 male hemophiliacs were investigated, Subjects were subdivided into three separate categories, bases on the severity of their clinical manifestations of the disease. Results showed that, as a whole, all scored within plus or minus one standard deviation of the mean on all PRF-E scales. When the data were analyzed according to severity level, however, a significant difference appeared among the groups on the Harmavoidance scale, which indicated that those suffering from the most severe form of the disease were the least likely to avoid potentially hazardous activities. These findings and those from the questionnaire were discussed. It was suggested that when the disease is quite severe subjects may abandon attempts to seek and control life-style antecedents of the occurrence of bleeding episodes.  相似文献   

Studies of demand-side populism with a focus on attitudinal and behavioral factors are becoming more popular, but only a few have explored the phenomenon's psychological determinants. We tackle the lack of conversation between populism scholars and political psychologists and test the impact of conspiracy beliefs, moral disengagement, need for cognition, and belief in simple solutions on populist attitudes. We use the most widespread ideational definition in an attempt to bring clarity to demand-side populism, as the literature often conflates the concept of populism with adjacent ideological and psychological factors. We analyze representative samples from two very different countries (Italy and Turkey) to test our hypotheses. We use two of the most often-used measures of populist attitudes and also explore populism's individual building blocks: people-centrism, antielitism, and a Manichean worldview. We consistently find conspiracy beliefs (and our control variable of institutional trust) as primary sources of populist attitudes, whereas the impact of the other psychological factors is more dependent on context and operationalization. Our article calls for more conceptual clarity, careful theorization, and more work on the refinement of available survey measures. We also highlight the importance of national contexts and the dangers of generalization based on individual country studies.  相似文献   

Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine psychological factors in insomnia and the association between psychological mechanisms and nighttime and daytime symptoms. Methods: A cross-sectional examination in the general population was used. The study sample consisted of 1890 participants from the general population. The participants completed a survey on nighttime and daytime symptoms, health outcomes, and psychological factors. Results: Relative to poor and normal sleepers, the insomnia group had higher scores on worry, beliefs, physiologic arousal, monitoring/attentional bias, and safety behaviors than the other two groups, and the poor sleepers exhibited a similar pattern relative to the normal sleepers. High total wake time was associated with more worry, physiologic arousal, and safety behaviors (26.3% variance), low sleep restoration with more worry, unhelpful beliefs, and monitoring/attentional bias (28.2% variance), and low sleep quality with higher scores on all the psychological mechanisms (35.8% variance). Elevated daytime symptoms were related to more unhelpful beliefs and monitoring/attentional bias (44.3% variance). Conclusion: The findings indicate that psychological factors are linked to nighttime and daytime symptomatology in insomnia.  相似文献   


An analysis of some of the correlates of psychological hardiness in Canadian adolescents was presented in the present study. In a regression analysis, sex, age, grade in school, religion, and well-being were all significantly associated with differences in hardiness. Exploratory path analyses indicated two possible streams of causality: age and grade in school, and religion, sex, and happiness. A discriminate analysis indicated that these same five variables could be used successfully to classify 73% of the adolescents identified as high or low in hardiness.  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(3):235-253
This study assesses the dimensionality and correlates of individuals' attitudes toward human rights. In previous research, the Attitudes Toward Human Rights Inventory (ATHRI) was assumed to measure a unidimensional phenomenon and, as such, was used as an omnibus measure of human rights attitudes. In this study, factor analysis revealed the presence of 3 factors accounting for the variance in the measure, Personal Liberties, Civilian Constraint, and Social Security. This finding provided partial replication of results obtained by Diaz-Veizades, Widaman, Little, and Gibbs (1995) with their Human Rights Questionnaire and supports the contention that human rights attitudes should be considered multidimensional in nature. Correlation and regression analyses suggested that attitudes toward personal liberties are associated with political identification, whereas attitudes toward civilian constraint are related to moral judgment development and need for cognitive closure. Implications for ethics research and education are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine social psychological correlates of teachers' linguistic diversity attitudes. We surveyed 191 regular-classroom teachers in 3 states (Arizona, Utah, and Virginia) to determine the relative effects of psychological insecurity, political ideology, cognitive sophistication, and educational level on language attitudes. Region of the country was included as a contextual variable. We tested the effects of education and cognitive sophistication on tolerance of language minority groups. Psychological insecurity measures and political conservatism were associated with negative language attitudes. Cognitive sophistication but not education was related to positive language attitudes. Teachers from Arizona had more positive language attitudes than did their counterparts in Utah and Virginia. We discuss the implications of our research for inservice and teacher-education programs directed toward constructive attitude change around language diversity issues.  相似文献   

The relationship between some psychological factors and myopia (near-or shortsightedness) was explored. The hypotheses tested were to demonstrate a characteristic personality pattern of expressing anxiety and hostility. The myopes demonstrated, through the Rorschach Test, the manner of expressing anxiety covertly with a decrease in motor activity, while the hyperopes also demonstrated significant quantities of covert anxiety but with an increase in motor activity. The myopes and hyperopes, when each were compared to the normal-sighted control group, varied significantly less in the expression of non-specific anxiety and hostility. Thus, the findings supported the hypotheses.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of external and internalized heterosexism and sexism on lesbians' mental health. Hierarchical regression analysis, controlling for education and income, identified recent sexual‐orientation‐based hate crime victimization, recent sexist events, internalized heterosexism, and the interaction of recent sexual‐orientation‐based hate crime victimization and recent sexist events as significant predictors of psychological distress, accounting for 31% of the variance.  相似文献   


In a sample of 183 men and 186 women, the authors assessed (a) the relative contributions of gender and level of nonverbal social cues to the perception of a female actor's sexual intent during a videotaped social interaction with a man and (b) the association between those variables and personality traits implicated in faulty sexual-information processing. The authors assessed those variables while the participants viewed 1 of 3 film segments depicting a female-male interaction. The authors experimentally manipulated eye contact, touch, physical proximity, and female clothing. At all levels of those nonverbal cues, the men perceived more sexual intent in the female actor than did the women. The perception of the female actor's sexual intent increased as the nonverbal cues in the film segments were magnified: Both actors displayed more eye contact, touch, and physical proximity, and the female actor wore more revealing clothing. Relative to the women, the men demonstrated greater sexual preoccupation and reduced sociosexual effectiveness, variables associated with inferring greater sexual intent in the female actor.  相似文献   

Psychological flow states experienced during videogame play was the topic of this study. Flow is defined as a pleasurable, immersive state experienced when engaged in a challenging task for which one has requisite skills, and has been suggested as the primary reward of videogame play. One hundred eighty-five adult videogame players completed a survey of videogaming patterns, experiences of flow states during videogaming, and a measure of personality traits. Results indicate that individual dimensions of flow were reported as moderately frequent during videogaming, and showed strong coherence in a factor analysis. Personality traits reflecting a high need to learn and low need for activity predicted weekly videogaming hours in a path analysis model. Traits reflecting high need to learn, high need to compete, and low need for activity predicted frequency of videogaming flow experiences. Participant sex predicted flow as well, favoring males. Weekly videogaming hours modestly predicted frequency of flow experiences in a positive direction. Results are generally consistent with previous research on trait and motivational predictors of videogaming as well as supporting theoretical proposals about game-induced flow experiences.  相似文献   

Klingenspor  Barbara 《Sex roles》2002,47(1-2):51-64
The purpose of this study was to explore a hypothetical link between the development of bulimic eating behavior and the suppression of masculine traits in adolescence. Discrepancies between the actual and the ideal self were examined as precursors of negative self-evaluation and binge–purge behavior. Using the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (Bem, 1974), 821 German students between the ages of 13 and 20 were questioned anonymously. Data were analyzed with structural equation modeling. For girls in contrast to boys, the discrepancy between how much adolescents believed that they possess masculine traits (actual self) and how much they would like to (ideal self) was significantly greater at older ages. For both sexes, gender-related self-discrepancies were related to bulimic symptoms indirectly, via self-esteem and dieting.  相似文献   

Interventions that are designed to stem plagiarism do not always override the motivation of individuals to cheat and, therefore, may not diminish misconduct. To inform more effective approaches, we conducted a systematic review to clarify the psychological causes of plagiarism. This review of 83 empirical papers showed that a specific blend of circumstances may foster plagiarism: an emphasis on competition and success rather than development and cooperation coupled with impaired resilience, limited confidence, impulsive tendencies, and biased cognitions. Fortunately, whenever students feel their life and studies align to their future aspirations, many of these circumstances tend to dissipate.  相似文献   

The present investigation was intended to identify the emotional and cognitive factors associated with the transmission and acceptance of widely disseminated misconceptions about AIDS. A rumor questionnaire listing 10 prevalent misconceptions about AIDS was completed by 229 college students. Consistent with predictions derived from current rumor theory (Rosnow, 1980, 1988), anxiety elicited by AIDS rumors was found to be the factor most strongly related to rumor transmission. The subjects who reported having changed their behavior as a result of the AIDS crisis also were likely to transmit AIDS rumors. Regression analysis revealed that, together, personal anxiety elicited by specific rumors and behavior change represented the strongest predictors of AIDS rumor transmission (R2= .24, p < .0001). Anxiety-provoking rumors perceived as important and personally consequential were most likely to be believed (R2= .56, p < .0001). A minority of subjects (12%) reported behavior changes that actually reduce the risk of AIDS. Implications of this research for AIDS public education campaigns are discussed.  相似文献   

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