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The use of visual habituation in the study of infant cognition and learning is reviewed. This article traces the history of the technique, underlying theory, and procedural variation in its measurement. In addition, we review empirical findings with respect to the cognitive processes that presumably contribute to habituation, studies of developmental course and long-term prediction, as well as recent attempts to address or explain the phenomenon of visual habituation through the use of mathematical or quantitative models. The review ends with an appeal for a return to the study of habituation per se as a valid measure of infant learning, rather than relegating the phenomenon to its use as a technique for familiarizing infants in procedures testing for discrimination or recognition.  相似文献   

Research on relationships between loneliness and psychological symptoms has generally shown significant positive associations across a wide spectrum of psychopathologies. However, such results may be artificial, to some extent, given the high intercorrelations of typical psychopathology measures. In the current study, we examined associations between psychological symptoms, assessed by the Symptom Check List-90 (SCL-90; Derogatis, Lipman, & Covi, 1973) and loneliness, as measured by the UCLA-R Loneliness Scale (Russell, Peplau, & Cutrona, 1980), in college students. Using partial correlations to control for the confounding influence of generalized distress, relationships between loneliness and individual dimensions of distress were examined. Results indicate a significant association between loneliness and interpersonal sensitivity (low self-esteem) and depression. Other dimensions of distress were not significantly related to loneliness. In addition, no sex differences in patterns of association were observed. Results support the notion that self-blame and self-devaluation are strong correlates of loneliness.  相似文献   

Eighteen 3-day-old human neonates were shown a 12 by 12 black-white checkerboard target for 45-sec. trials with either a 10-, 20-, or 30-sec. intertrial interval until their visual fixation time decreased to a set criterion for habituation. On subsequent recovery trials, a 2 by 2 black-white checkerboard target received significantly longer fixations from boys in the 10-sec. and girls in the 20-sec. conditions. 30-sec. intervals, however, produced little habituation and recovery. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relations between various aspects of social support and maternal and infant outcome variables in a group of families having infants showing food refusal compared to a control group. In the case of early food refusal, the results indicated that access to emotional support and satisfaction with support were related to maternal psychosomatic health. The relationships were interpreted as showing that social support has moderating effects on negative outcomes of food refusal.  相似文献   

This study examined 4-month-old infants' fixation times to familiar and novel visual patterns. Thirty-two male and 32 female infants were given 12 successive 15 sec exposures to one simple geometric pattern followed by test trials consisting of two exposures to the same pattern, two to a pattern with the same form but novel color, two with a novel form but the same color, and two with both novel form and color. Results indicated habituation of fixation times to the repeated stimulus and recovery to novel stimuli, particularly in male infants. Generalization was also obtained with less recovery to patterns with only one dimension novel than to those with both novel. Most individual infants were also found to be attending to both dimensions rather than some infants attending mainly to color changes and others attending mainly to form changes.  相似文献   

A high rate of ENT doctors were murdered by nasal disordered patients in China recently. It is obviously important and urgent to find out whether there is any potential relationship between nasal diseases (ND) and psychological distress that might contribute to violent behavior. For this purpose, we carried out this literature review. There is a complex relationship between ND and psychiatric distress, which is mainly considered as a bidirectional causal relationship with other controversy opinions. However, most of the previous studies were found to be focused on allergic rhinitis and chronic rhinosinusitis, while reports about other ND were rare. Further study is still needed to uncover the secret aspects in this field, and more attentions need to be paid to other ND.  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study, 62 parent-child dyads were seen during the second year of life and at 4 years of age. At 12 months, measures included parental sensitive responsiveness during free play, knowledge of cognitive-communicative development in infancy, and level of exploration and disinhibitedness of the infant. At 16 and at 20 months, parental responsiveness and directiveness and infant task mastery behaviour were assessed in constructive play. Quality of verbal guidance of the parent was assessed in a joint attention situation. At 48 months of age, the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities were administered at home, together with dyadic tasks. A path analysis revealed a model in which both verbal abilities and perceptual performance outcome measures were well predicted by the quality of parental verbal guidance in the second year. The latter measure was shown to be independent of the socioeconomic status of parents in the group, but was significantly related with knowledge of infant cognitive-communicative development. Of the measures at the outset of the second year, only socioeconomic status remained as having a direct path at pre-school age. The consistency of the model with other empirical findings underscores parental verbal scaffolding as an important shaper of cognitive development.  相似文献   

The influence of religion on mental well-being has been the subject of controversy for a long while. Yet little is known about this relationship among black Americans. Using a probability-based sample of 451 urban black Americans, this study examines gender differences in religiosity and explores the ramifications for mental health. Findings indicate that females are more religious than males as evidenced by their greater participation in organizational forms of religious practice such as meetings and other gatherings. However, for both males and females, religiosity varied significantly by age and by marital and parental status. On the other hand, there were no differences in religiosity according to levels of education, income, and employment status for either males or females. With regard to mental health, greater religiosity was associated with fewer depressive symptoms for both males and females. Further, in the event of stressful circumstances, the influence of religion on mental well-being for females was direct, while religious involvement appeared to have an indirect or stress- buffering effect for males.  相似文献   


The twentieth century has been marked by advances in communications technology as well as mounting psychological distress. This study explored the premise that exposure to negative news via the media contributes to anxiety and depression. Levels of news media exposure, stress levels, irrational beliefs, optimism-pessimism, anxiety, and depression were assessed (n=239) and analyzed using multiple regression techniques. Negative stress was directly related to anxiety and depression. News media exposure and anxiety were positively related at low levels of irrationality. News media exposure was predictive of trait anxiety at low levels of optimism. However, media exposure was not predictive of depression. The implications of the findings for understanding how the news media impacts stress and the cognitive factors that effect this relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

In the last few decades, Spain has witnessed a slow but progressive change in predominant family models. The purpose of this work is to advance in our knowledge of stepfamilies through the perspectives and experiences of two of their members, the stepfather and the stepmother. The theoretical model examined in this investigation proposes that stepparents' role strain could have negative effects on their psychological wellbeing. It also proposes that a satisfactory couple relation could mediate in the relation between role strain and psychological wellbeing. In this study, participants were 116 stepparents who had been living for at least one year with their partner. The most relevant results showed the adequacy of the proposed model and the higher vulnerability of stepmothers in these family structures.  相似文献   

Unemployment, coping and psychological distress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study addressed the role of coping sytle in anxiety and depression of unemployed people. Two-hundred thirty-three people checking in at unemployment services participated. They filled in Carver, Scheier and Weintraub's (1989) coping measure (COPE), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HAD), gave information as to age, duration of unemployment and their appraisal of their situation. Four secondary dimensions of COPE were used in data analyses. Multiple regression analyses were undertaken with anxiety/depression as dependent and the coping variables as independent variables, with background/appraisal variables entered first. Coping variables added to the prediction of anxiety and depression over and above background/appraisal variables. For women Focus on Emotion coping as well as Avoidance was related to higher anxiety/depression scores ( p <0.01), whereas Reappraisal was related to lower anxiety/depression ( p <0.05). For men only Avoidance was related to anxiety/depression ( p <0.01). More Avoidance co-occurred with higher levels of anxiety as well as depression. The results are discussed with respect to possible intervention.  相似文献   

The study breaks down the data from a preschool (mean age of students, 63 months) visual habituation experiment using a second-by-second analysis of the entire process, including fixation time and onsets for habituation and recovery trials and for each intertrial interval. The results parallel those suggested by Cohen, DeLoach, and Rissman (Child Development, 1975, 46, 611–617), for infants and are described using a two-process model of visual attention.  相似文献   

This study investigated the mediating role of parental psychological control (PPC) and support in the relationship between self-compassion and parental burnout syndrome. The study participants included 1185 Vietnamese parents who completed questionnaires regarding demographic information, parental burnout, self-compassion, parental support of the child, and PPC. We used data analyses, including structural equation modeling, to test the mediation roles of PPC and parental support of the child. Our main findings include: (1) self-compassion had a significant negative effect on parental burnout; (2) the mediation roles of PPC and parental support of the child were also significant. These results suggest that parents with high self-compassion tend to provide more support for children in daily parenting, which helps reduce parental burnout. In contrast, parents with low self-compassion were more likely to use PPC, which exacerbated their burnout. The results from this study provide suggestions for creating effective interventions in the family context to reduce parental burnout and improve parenting effectiveness.  相似文献   

Eysenck's (1967) proposal that introversion is characterized by increased levels of activity in the cortico-reticular loop was treated in a series of experiments which compared high, middle, and low extraversion groups on the basis of OR habituation rate to visual stimulation. Generally, introverts were observed to have longer OR habituation rates to chromatic and word stimulation than extraverts as evidenced by cardiac, electrodermal, and vasomotor indices of habituation rate, a result which endorses Eysenck's hypothesis. Results are also discussed from the standpoint of individual differences in autonomic response.  相似文献   

Positive engagement activities support children's adaptive development and new parents are encouraged to be highly engaged with infants. Yet, fathers’ engagement is widely understudied and maternal engagement quantity is frequently overlooked. Our study contributes to growing knowledge on associations between infant temperament and parental engagement by testing transactional and moderation models in a recent sample of first-time parents when infants were 3, 6, and 9 months old. Stringent longitudinal, reciprocal structural equation models partially confirmed an engagement “benefit”. Mothers’ engagement marginally contributed to their children's gains in effortful control from 3 to 6 months regardless of child gender. Further, mothers’ engagement reduced infant negative affect from 6 to 9 months regardless of child gender. Mothers’ ratings of infant negative affect were gendered; mothers’ ratings of infant negative affect increases more from 3 to 6 months for boys. Fathers’ engagement was contextually sensitive; child gender moderated the link between negative affect and engagement from 6 to 9 months, such that fathers became more engaged with boys whom they rated higher on negative affect; there was no effect for daughters. Finally, we found that effortful control moderated associations between negative affect and maternal engagement; mothers’ engagement increases from 3 to 6 months were greater for children initially rated lower in effortful control. Implications for future research and parenting education and support services are discussed.  相似文献   

Women's involvement in multiple roles and psychological distress   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Women's involvement in multiple roles was examined in relation to three stress indices: role overload, role conflict, and anxiety. Using hierarchical multiple regression analyses, effects of number of roles occupied; occupancy of the particular roles of paid worker, wife, and mother; and the quality of a woman's experience in her roles were analyzed. Data were from a disproportionate stratified random sample (N = 238) of Caucasian women between 35 and 55 years of age. For the total sample and for employed women, occupancy of the role of mother was related to two stress indices; occupancy of the role of paid worker was related to none. The quality of experience in the work and parental roles was a significant predictor of role overload; quality of parental role experience was a significant predictor of role conflict and of anxiety.  相似文献   

We argue and demonstrate that setting high standards, an essential aspect of perfectionism, is not associated with maladaptive responses in and of itself. Rather, our findings suggest that people's responses to their perceptions that they consistently fail to meet their own standards are maladaptive. More importantly, in the present survey study (n = 293), we extend previous research by showing that low personal standards and the perception that others are imposing high standards on the self operate in concert to strengthen the link between perceived discrepancy and psychological distress. Furthermore, in support of our moderation‐mediation model, regression analyses provided evidence for the mediating role of generalised self‐efficacy beliefs. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Data collected in a community survey of psychiatric epidemiology in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1967 are reanalyzed to examine the relationship of sex-role expectations and power to rates of psychological distress. The results indicate that people who occupy powerful roles have low rates of distress, regardless of whether they conform to or deviate from role expectations. The occupation of the powerless role, however, is particularly productive of distress when the occupant of this role deviates from sex-appropriate behavior. The findings suggest that sex differences in distress may in part be deducible from more general differences in power and role expectations.The author is grateful to Jerome K. Myers for generously allowing use of his data in this article. Myers' research was supported by PGS Contract No. 43-67-743 and Research Grant No. MH 15522 from the National Institute of Mental Health, Department of Health, Education and Welfare.  相似文献   

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