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In the decade since professional counselor regulation was widely debated, more than half of the states have legislated regulation, and it is sought in others. The extent to which counselors in a state currently pursuing legislation are familiar with potential consequences of legislated regulation was examined. Most counselors were found to be unfamiliar with potential negative consequences of regulation, and most were desirous of more information regarding these issues. Implications of the findings for the profession are presented.  相似文献   

This article explores self‐reflection and self‐awareness from an ethical standpoint, proposing that counselors have a responsibility to themselves, their clients, and the profession to engage in these practices. The authors propose a path to counselor self‐awareness and a 2nd process that assumes counselor mastery.  相似文献   

This study explored the philosophical issues hindering the linkage of substance abuse and domestic violence treatment. Results suggest that counselors tend to use treatment models that could not concurrently assign responsibility and address either present or past victimization.  相似文献   

Hutchison  Ira W. 《Sex roles》1999,40(11-12):893-920
Although there is ample evidence that alcoholusage is associated with greater frequency, incidenceand severity of spouse battering, there is alsoconsiderable evidence which does not support a direct linkage. This research investigates aheretofore neglected area, the role of substance use ininducing fear in victims. As part of a larger study ofthe police response to battering, 419 female victims of male offenders participated in intensiveinterviews; the sample consisted of 69.9% Black and28.9% White women. All the women had been victims of atleast one occurrence of misdemeanor-level abuse, and many were in chronically abusive relationships.The women participating in this study were moderatelyeducated and relatively young, with a mean age of 30years old. Relationship status was bimodal with roughly equal numbers of married and cohabitingcouples; there were relatively few who were divorced orseparated from their assailants, or were ex-cohabitants.The male partners of women represented in this sample were extremely heavy drinkerscompared to a national sample. The quantity andfrequency of alcohol use was less predictive ofthreatening or physically battering behavior than wasmale drunkenness. Frequent drunkenness was highly correlated withboth threats and with battering. Similarly, victims'fear of their partners was much more strongly associatedwith how frequently they were drunk than with drinking itself.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The “clinical model” approach to estimating suicide risk assumes that persons sharing specific attributes will also share certain indicators of vulnerability to suicide. This would warrant an empirically derived risk assessment scale applicable only to persons with those attributes. Nine hundred seventy eight persons at risk for suicide who met our criteria for alcohol abuse were interviewed at length and followed for two years, during which 53 (5.5 percent) committed suicide. Eleven variables which best differentiated those who suicided from those who did not in an index set were then applied to an independent validation set. Clinical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   


Much of the literature on the problem of alcohol abuse in the nation and in the work place implies that salespeople should be particularly susceptible to problem drinking. Most discussion of alcohol abuse by salespeople has been anecdotal and speculative in nature, however, and little empirical research has been reported to support the anecdotes and speculations. This study examines the problem of sales force alcohol abuse and reports the findings of a nationwide survey of field sales managers concerning the extent of this problem in the nation's sales forces, the methods of dealing with alcohol-abusing salespeople, and factors related to problem drinking in the sales force. Implications for sales managers, sales management educators and trainers, and researchers in the field of sales and sales management are also discussed.  相似文献   

The authors discuss risk factors for late life alcohol abuse and characteristics that differentiate early‐ and late‐onset abusers. Problems in identification, diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of older abusers are reviewed. A case example illustrates the dynamics of effective treatment with this population.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the variety of roles that counselors working with drug offenders are expected to undertake. The authority, counseling, and intercessor roles are discussed, as well as the unwritten roles that are assumed by drug abuse counselors. Potential role conflicts and their effects, both on drug abuse counselors and on their clients, are addressed.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,酒精使用障碍已经成为一个重大的公共卫生问题,对我国居民酒精使用现状的调查迫在眉睫。在流行病学调查中,因我国文化的差异,DSM-IV酒精滥用诊断标准在实际应用时产生分歧,本文举例说明分歧所在,并阐明文化因素在不同诊断系统中的重要影响以及伦理学问题。  相似文献   

Seventeen to 37 million Americans struggle with sexual addictions (P. Carnes, 1994b; A. Cooper, D. L. Delmonico, & R. Burg, 2000; B. Morris, 1999; J. L. Wolf, 2000), yet traditionally trained addictions and offender counselors often find themselves unprepared to assist clients who are sexually addicted. This article provides a general overview of the disorder, explores the ongoing definition debate, and offers clinically proven treatment protocols.  相似文献   

Counseling students' judgments of adolescent sex offenders with sexual or physical abuse histories were examined. Sexually abused offenders were more desirable as prospective clients than were nonabused offenders. Sexually abused counselors desired to see physically abused offenders as clients over sexually abused offenders. Implications for counseling are presented.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,酒精使用障碍已经成为一个重大的公共卫生问题,对我国居民酒精使用现状的调查迫在眉睫.在流行病学调查中,因我国文化的差异,DSM-Ⅳ酒精滥用诊断标准在实际应用时产生分歧,本文举例说明分歧所在,并阐明文化因素在不同诊断系统中的重要影响以及伦理学问题.  相似文献   

During their professional career, counselors may encounter a client who is deaf; however, they may feel unprepared to work effectively with this population. Counselors who have an understanding of individuals who are deaf through their history, language, and other important considerations might be better prepared to work with this unique and underserved population. A lo largo de su carrera profesional, los consejeros pueden encontrarse con un cliente que sea sordo; sin embargo, puede que no se sientan preparados para trabajar efectivamente con esta población. Aquellos consejeros que tienen un conocimiento de los individuos que son sordos a través de su historia, lenguaje y otras consideraciones importantes podrían estar mejor preparados para trabajar con esta población singular y desatendida.  相似文献   

Surgical clinical trials have seldom used a "sham" or placebo surgical procedure as a control, owing to ethical concerns. Recently, several ethical commentators have argued that sham surgery is either inherently or presumptively unethical. In this article I contend that these arguments are mistaken and that there are no sound ethical reasons for an absolute prohibition of sham surgery in clinical trials. Reflecting on three cases of sham surgery, especially on the recently reported results of a sham-controlled trial of arthroscopic surgery for arthritis of the knee, I present an ethical analysis that focuses on the methodological rationale for use of sham surgery, risk-benefit assessment, and informed consent.  相似文献   

The authors examined 3 motives and 3 techniques for forgiveness to assess differences between people high or low in dispositional forgiveness (HDF and LDF, respectively). HDF participants rated all motives as more compelling and familiar than did LDF participants. Forgiveness being the right thing to do was rated as more persuasive and familiar; however, mental and physical health benefits were rated as compelling but less familiar forgiveness motives. LDF participants rated the various techniques as less familiar and more difficult compared with HDF participants. Overall, participants rated forgive and forget as the most familiar but most difficult technique to implement.  相似文献   

A folk opera, AVE, explored issues of child abuse, sexual assault and violence through the character of Mary Magdelene. Using indigenous religious folklore images, Magdelene is befriended by Jesus's mother and healed of her childhood wound through a religious conversion. Six hundred secondary students attended three daytime performances and 486 returned a Likert‐scaled questionnaire. Results indicated most students perceived abuse as a personally relevant, real social problem, with felt relevance increasing with age. Significant trends supported initial expectations with an increase in community and personal awareness of child abuse/sexual assault and an increase in personal and community interest in helping others. Community risk factors contributing to denial of abuse were explored. More Hispanics responded positively to the sense of benefit. Findings suggest that performing arts can help increase awareness of child abuse as well as help stimulate personal and community interest in helping. This benefit increases with teacher discussion and age.  相似文献   

Whereas multicultural advances in the area of gay, lesbian, and bisexual issues have been made for increased knowledge and awareness, little development has been made regarding counselor skill building. This article outlines a model of training using role‐playing to enhance counselor skill when working with gay male, lesbian, and bisexual male and female clients. Mientras que avances multiculturales en el campo de cuestiones homosexuales, lesbianas y bisexuales han resultado en un aumento en el conocimiento y la conciencia, poco desarrollo ha resultado en cuanto a la habilitación de consejeros. Este artículo traza las líneas generales de un modelo de entrenamiento que utiliza el juego de roles para mejorar las tácticas del consejero cuando trabaja con clientes homosexuales, lesbianas, y bisexuales.  相似文献   

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