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This paper reports on an interview study with MFA students in two different full‐time MFA degree programs in painting. The interviews were conducted as part of two ethnographic studies, each one academic year in length, of art and design schools at two U.S. universities. The goal was to explore the extended process whereby MFA student artists, in the second and final year of their degree program, create the works to be displayed in their public graduation exhibition. Using a grounded theory approach, an emergent theory was developed from the interviews, with additional information provided by studio observations and analyses of the graduation exhibitions and the accompanying written theses. This emergent theory describes the artistic creative process to be wandering, unpredictable, non‐linear, and embedded in the physical act of generating work. There is no evidence that either moments of insight, or the attempt to be original, play a role in their creative process. This emergent theory is compared with theories of the creative process by creativity researchers, and with theories of the design process proposed by design studies researchers.  相似文献   


One hundred and eleven subjects, 14 and 15 years of age, were administered the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory and two questionnaires, modified from Bienvenu's Adolescent Communication Inventory, eliciting adolescents’ perceptions of their communication with both parents. The 10 males and 10 females with the highest self-esteem scores, and the 10 males and 10 females with the lowest scores were identified to form two groups: the High Self-Esteem Group and the Low Self-Esteem Group. Parents of these students completed questionnaires concerning parent-adolescent communication and marital communication and adjustment.

The five hypotheses tested were strongly supported. Adolescents with low self-esteem viewed communication with their parents as less facilitative than did adolescents with high self-esteem. Parents of adolescents with low self-esteem perceived their communication with their spouses as less facilitative, and rated their marriages as less satisfying, than did parents in the High Self-Esteem Group. There was lack of congruence between the perceptions of adolescents with low self-esteem and those of their parents; both mothers and fathers in the Low Self-Esteem Group viewed parent-adolescent communication as more facilitative than did the adolescents themselves.  相似文献   

A sample of 157 adult artists completed the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire together with information about the frequency of church attendance. The data confirmed that church attendance is significantly associated with psychoticism scores, but independent of both extraversion and neuroticism.  相似文献   

This study addressed the question of how artists differ from non-artists in visual cognition. Four perception and twelve drawing tasks were used. Artists outperformed non-artists on both kinds of tasks. Regression analyses revealed common visual processes in the two kinds of tasks and unique variance in the drawing tasks. The advantage of artists over non-artists was apparently in the way they perceptually analysed as well as in how they drew. The perceptual advantage seems to be closely linked to the activity of drawing and is discussed with reference to artists' extensive experience in visual interaction with objects and images during drawing. Artists appear to be more proficient at using visual analytic procedures that are qualitatively similar to those of novices, unlike experts in many other domains.  相似文献   

Advanced art and science students were compared on measures of emotionality and subjective well-being. Consistent with traditional findings, artists were found to experience more frequent negative affectivity, more anxiety symptoms, and more global symptomology. Artists were also higher in affect intensity, were no different from scientists in life satisfaction or positive affect, and listed fewer strivings to contain or control emotional experience. Results are discussed in terms of affect-intensity and arousal regulation theory (Diener and Larsen, 1987).  相似文献   

Over a period of five years, 31 architects, 28 artists, and 26 engineers, a total of 85 outstanding individuals in their respective fields, were studied intensively with a psychological test battery consisting of the Holtzman Inkblot Technique, Time Estimation measures, the Stroop Color-Word Test, the Embedded Figures Test, the Autokinetic Effect, Byrne's Repression-Sensitization Inventory, the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale, and the Welsh Figure Preference Test. Each subject in the study was chosen by a panel of faculty members as the most outstanding advanced students in nonrepresentational abstract art, architecture, and engineering drawing Highly significant differences were found between the three groups for a number of variables that had been predicted on the basis of previous research and theoretical considerations. These results served to validate the meaning of the perception variables while also giving additional insight into the differences between these three contrasting modes of visual experience as exemplified by the three occupational groups  相似文献   

Research on creative artists has examined mainly their personality traits or cognitive abilities. However, it seems important to explore also their emotional traits to complete the profile. This study examines two emotional characteristics: alexithymia and affect intensity. Even if most research suggests that artists are less alexithymic and experience more intensively their emotions, Botella, M., Zenasni, F., and Lubart, T. (Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 5 , 251, 2011) observed that art students were as alexithymic as psychology students and more alexithymic than a normative population. The aim of this study was to examine these issues with artists and non‐artists and to compare artists to art students. Results indicate that artists are less alexithymic and present higher affect intensity than non‐artists. Moreover, results show that art students present more difficulties processing their emotions than artists.  相似文献   

Theories in the behavioral sciences are constrained so that stated relationships are empirically testable and explanations have predictive power. These constraints constitute the classical paradigm, and are trivial just when ‘causal relationships’ do not hold. It appears that such relationships do not hold for linguistic, and presumably other, behaviors, thus precluding study within the classical paradigm. This compels study of those behaviors in terms of the non‐traditional approach to testability and explanation developed in Chomskyan linguistics. These constitute the grammatical paradigm. The existence of two paradigms requires that any inquiry begin by determining which paradigm is appropriate.  相似文献   

The circumstances in which societies adapt their cultural values and practices to cold, temperate, and hot climates include the availability of money to cope with climate. Country-level studies have shown that feeling good, doing good, altruistic volunteering, intrinsic work motivation, cooperative enculturation, and democratic leadership are least prevalent in poorer countries with more demanding climates, moderately prevalent in poor and rich countries with temperate climates, and most prevalent in richer countries with more demanding climates. The common denominator is that inhabitants of lower-income countries in more demanding climates emphasize survival values at the expense of self-expression values, whereas the inhabitants of higher-income countries in more demanding climates emphasize self-expression values at the expense of survival values. These findings have practical implications for the cultural consequences of global warming and economic growth, and for the effectiveness of financing for human development.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Snyder, H. Gregory, Teachers and Texts in the Ancient World: Philosophers, Jews Christians
Haines-Eitzen, Kim, Guardians of Letters: Literacy, Power, and the Transmitters of Early Christian Literature  相似文献   

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