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This study investigated coping resources (Coping Resources Inventory for Stress), perceived stress (Perceived Stress Scale), and life satisfaction (Satisfaction with Life Scale) among American and Turkish university students. Results support the use of transactional stress constructs in studying life satisfaction with students in both countries. American and Turkish students did not differ significantly in regard to perceived stress, life satisfaction, or an overall measure of coping resources; however, they did differ significantly regarding specific coping resources. Variables entering regression models for predicting life satisfaction differed for students in the two countries and for the sexes within countries, and these models accounted for between 30% and 62% of variance. Social support and a sense of financial freedom were particularly useful in predicting life satisfaction. Coping resources accounted for 54% of variance in perceived stress. There were significant sex differences for both countries, generally favoring males, in regard to specific coping resources.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a study that examined the coping strategies used by African Americans in managing the stressful effects of racism. A total of 213 participants (women, n = 137; men, n = 76) completed the Index of Race‐Related Stress (S. O. Utsey & J. G. Ponterotto, 1996), the Coping Strategy Indicator (J. H. Amirkhan, 1990), the Satisfaction With Life Scale (E. Diener, R. A. Emmons, R. J. Larsen, & S. Griffin, 1985), and the Rosenberg Self‐Esteem Scale (M. Rosenberg, 1965). Results indicated that women preferred avoidance coping for racism experienced on a personal level. For African Americans in general, seeking social support and racism condition were the best predictors of racism‐related stress. Life satisfaction and self‐esteem were best predicted by avoidance coping. Implications for the provision of counseling services to African Americans are discussed.  相似文献   


This study examined the relationships of perceived discrimination and religious coping with hypertension in a sample of Black and White Seventh-day Adventists. Data come from a community-based sample of 6128 White American, 2253 African American and 927 Caribbean American adults (67% women; mean age = 62.9 years). Results indicate lifetime unfair treatment was significantly associated with hypertension regardless of race/ethnicity. Positive religious coping was associated with lower odds of hypertension and did not interact with unfair treatment. Both positive and negative religious coping were indirectly associated with increased hypertension risk through an increase in perceived discrimination.


This study investigated the mediating role of perceived stress in the relationship between emotional intelligence and life satisfaction and psychological well-being when controlling for personality traits. The sample included 400 graduates (278 women, 122 men) from the University of Deusto with ages ranging from 22 to 60 years. Data on emotional intelligence, perceived stress, life satisfaction, psychological well-being, and personality factor scales were collected, and bootstrap methods were used to explore the multiple mediator effects. As expected, emotional intelligence was positively associated with life satisfaction and psychological well-being. The final model revealed a significant path from emotional intelligence through perceived stress to life satisfaction and psychological well-being even controlling for personality traits as covariables. Our findings suggest an underlying process by which high emotional intelligence increases well-being in graduates by reducing the experience of stress. Limitations of the results and implications of these findings for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Relationships between perceived life satisfaction and family structure were examined among 5,021 public high school adolescents using the self-report CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). Adjusted multiple logistic regression analyses and multivariate models (via SUDAAN) constructed separately, revealed significant race by gender effects. Living with other relatives, non-relatives, or guardians was significantly related (p < .01) to reported life dissatisfaction for all race and gender groups, except black males. However, white females and males living with both parents were significantly less likely (p < .001) to report dissatisfaction with life. Black females living with their mothers only were also significantly less likely (p < .001) to report dissatisfaction with life while black males living with their fathers only and white females living with their mother and another adult/adults were significantly more likely (p < .01) to report dissatisfaction with life. Differing family structures appear to exert disparate effects for life satisfaction on adolescents as a function of race and/or gender. Thus, a particular health promotion intervention may not benefit all adolescents. Intervention efforts must be tailored to adolescents’ specific race and gender characteristics.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examined the relations between approach and avoidance coping behaviors and general life satisfaction in a sample of 248 Hindu adolescents from an urban area in India. The major findings were threefold. First, gender differences were observed, with females reporting more frequent use of the strategies of seeking social support, direct problem solving, and internalizing behaviors. Second, using multiple regression analyses, the coping behaviors of problem solving and externalizing behaviors accounted for significant, unique variance in life satisfaction scores. Third, gender did not moderate the relations between any of the coping behaviors and life satisfaction. Possible implications for health promotion are discussed.  相似文献   

采用整群取样方法对选自北京市的1164名流动儿童进行问卷调查,考察应对方式在歧视知觉与孤独情绪关系上的调节作用。结果表明,75.5%的流动儿童报告受到过歧视,但所报告的被歧视的体验并不强烈;受歧视儿童的孤独得分显著高于未受歧视儿童;受歧视程度越高,流动儿童越孤独;消极应对对是否遭受歧视与孤独情绪之间的关系具有增强作用;积极应对对受歧视儿童的歧视程度与孤独情绪之间的关系具有增强作用。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationships among perceived racial discrimination, coping resources, and psychological distress experienced by 372 ethnic Chinese migrants in 3 Australian cities, within the social context of ongoing debates on Asian immigration. Based on the stress‐coping‐strain framework, it was expected that migrants’ recent increases in psychological distress would be associated with greater perceived racial discrimination, and lower levels of coping resources. Possible moderating effects of coping resources were examined. Hierarchical regression analyses provided broad support for the stress‐coping‐strain framework, and indicated direct effects of low personal and ethnic self‐esteem and having a small number of Anglo‐Australian friends on increased psychological distress. The findings are discussed with regard to implications for migrants’ wellbeing in the context of sociopolitical debates.  相似文献   

目的:探讨职业倦怠、应对方式、生活满意度对心理健康水平的影响。方法:运用问卷调查法测量了南京市移动公司共132名员工(剔除无效后获得有效问卷113份)的职业倦怠、应对方式、生活满意度和心理健康水平。所用工具分别是职业倦怠问卷(MBI中文修订),简易应对方式量表,生活满意度指数(LSIA),症状自评量表(SCL-90)。结果:(1)职业倦怠三个维度与症状自评量表总分存在显著相关(0.655;0.502;0.365)。(2)简易应对方式量表中,积极应对方式与症状自评量表存在负相关(-0.134),消极应对方式与症状自评量表存在显著正相关(0.460)。(3)职业倦怠量表的情感枯竭,讥诮态度和简易应对方式量表的消极应对方式对心理健康有一定的预测效应。(4)生活满意度指数与症状自评量表没有达到显著相关,且该指数对心理健康没有明显的预测作用。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between attachment, coping, acculturative stress, and quality of life (QOL) in a sample of Haitian immigrants in the United States. Results indicated that an increase in years living in the United States and greater anxiety attachment were negatively associated with QOL and that higher levels of adaptive coping were associated with higher QOL and lower levels of acculturative stress. Implications for counseling and recommendations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective: Military veterans are more likely than civilians to experience trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Research suggests, however, that some people who experience trauma, including veterans, report posttraumatic growth (PTG), or positive personal changes following adversity. In this study, we tested a comprehensive model of PTG, PTSD, and satisfaction with life in a veteran population, exploring the roles of challenges to core beliefs, types of rumination, sex, and time since event. Method: Data were collected via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, an online crowdsourcing website, from veterans (N = 197) who had experienced a stressful event within the last 3 years (M = 16.66 months, SD = 12.27 months). Structural equation modeling was used to test an integrated conceptual model of PTG, PTSD, and satisfaction with life. Results: Results showed that challenge to core beliefs was directly associated with both deliberate and intrusive rumination. Deliberate rumination was positively related to PTG; intrusive rumination was positively related to symptoms of PTSD. PTG and PTSD, in turn, mediated the relationship between rumination styles and satisfaction with life; PTG was related to higher satisfaction with life; and PTSD was negatively related to satisfaction with life. Results failed to show differences on any model variables as a function of time since event or sex. Conclusion: Results indicate that the intentional facilitation of PTG may be a complementary and alternative option to the reduction of PTSD symptoms for improving satisfaction with life. Findings suggest that efforts to facilitate PTG should be focused on strategies for promoting deliberate rumination.  相似文献   

The authors examined age differences in perceived coping resources and satisfaction with life across 3 older-adult age groups (45-64, 65-74, and 75 years and older). The 98 participants represented healthy, socially active, community-residing adults. Group comparisons were made on 12 individual coping scales, and an overall coping resource effectiveness score was computed. No significant differences were found for 11 of the coping resources or for overall coping resource effectiveness. Similar consistencies in life satisfaction were found across the 3 age groups. The findings indicate that (a) for healthy adults, the oldest old cope at least as effectively as their younger counterparts, despite their likelihood of encountering increased levels of stress; and (b) psychologically, old age may be viewed as a time of resilience and fortitude.  相似文献   

The authors examined the relative contribution of ethnicity, life satisfaction, level of stress, familiarity with mental health treatment, and self- and public stigma on attitudes toward mental health treatment among a diverse sample (N = 632) of adults. Results indicated that ethnicity, stress, familiarity, and self-stigma of mental illness were significant predictors of attitudes. Additionally, familiarity with mental health treatment moderated the relationship between public stigma and attitude.  相似文献   

This study examined attachment, self‐efficacy variables, and life satisfaction of 583 undergraduate students. The type of analysis used was structural equation modeling. Findings indicated that students with greater avoidant and anxious attachment patterns reported lower levels of career decision self‐efficacy and coping efficacy, which then had a positive relationship with life satisfaction. Implications for theory, research, and practice were provided.  相似文献   

People who are high in self-compassion treat themselves with kindness and concern when they experience negative events. The present article examines the construct of self-compassion from the standpoint of research on coping in an effort to understand the ways in which people who are high in self-compassion cope with stressful events. Self-compassionate people tend to rely heavily on positive cognitive restructuring and less so on avoidance and escape but do not appear to differ from less self-compassionate people in the degree to which they cope through problem-solving or distraction. Existing evidence does not show clear differences in the degree to which people who are low versus high in self-compassion seek support as a coping strategy, but more research is needed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare anticipatory socialization experiences, adjustment to university life, and perceived stress of first- and second-generation university students, and first- and second-sibling students. The study employed a standardized questionnaire, in-depth interviews, and focus groups. As predicted, having a parent who had attended a university helped second-generation students feel more prepared for the university experience. However, second-generation students felt no more successful than first-generation students. Likewise, neither generation nor sibling status had an effect on grade point average. However, having an older sibling who had attended a university was related to completing more credit hours, suggesting that siblings may play a role in persistence. Perhaps one of the most interesting findings of the study was that second-generation status had essentially no effect in reducing the stress levels of students. The advantage of being a second-generation student seemed to be counterbalanced by parental pressure for high academic achievement.  相似文献   

Perceiving changes in life satisfaction has been linked to diminished health and well-being. Purpose in life is theorized to promote well-being by providing a sense of personal consistency, which may buffer the negative consequences of perceived change. Using data from the Midlife in the United States study, a cluster analysis was performed to explore profiles of adults’ (N = 1,746) ratings of life satisfaction for their past, present, and future. The analysis yielded three distinct profiles: continuous high, incremental, and decremental. Relative to the other profiles, decremental adults reported greater levels and variability of negative affect in everyday life. However, purpose moderated these effects such that no between-profile differences in negative affect level or variability were detected for adults reporting greater levels of purpose. Purpose is discussed as an asset for promoting positive adjustment in adulthood.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships among secondary traumatic stress, psychological wellbeing (purpose in life, environmental mastery and self-acceptance) and life satisfaction of social workers of Namibia. A cross-sectional survey design was used with a sample population of 116 social workers. The Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale, three subscales of the Psychological Well-being Scale, the Satisfaction with Life Scale and a biographical questionnaire were administered. The results showed that secondary traumatic stress (including arousal, avoidance and intrusion) was negatively related to purpose in life, environmental mastery, self-acceptance and life satisfaction of social workers. Satisfaction with life was best predicted by environmental mastery and low arousal. Avoidance impacted life satisfaction indirectly and negatively via low environmental mastery.  相似文献   

Stress, Positive Emotion, and Coping   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
There is growing interest in positive aspects of the stress process, including positive outcomes of stress and antecedents that dispose individuals to appraise stressful situations more as a challenge than as a threat. Less attention has been given to the adaptational significance of positive emotions during stress or to the coping processes that sustain positive emotions. We review evidence for the occurrence of positive emotions under conditions of stress, discuss the functional role that positive emotions play under such conditions, and present three types of coping that are associated with positive emotion during chronic stress. These findings point to new research questions about the role of positive emotions during stress and the nature of the coping processes that generate these positive emotions.  相似文献   

大学生自我和谐与生活应激、生活满意度的相关   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
桑青松  葛明贵  姚琼 《心理科学》2007,30(3):552-554,563
本研究探讨大学生生活应激、生活满意度与自我和谐之间的关系。采用SCCS,SLSI和CSLSS对420名大学生进行调查,对数据进行相关分析、多元逐步回归等,得出不同自我和谐程度的大学生在生活应激和生活满意度上差异显著;应激源、应激反应、主、客观生活满意度进入自我和谐的回归方程。因此,大学生生活应激、生活满意度能较好地预测自我和谐。  相似文献   

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