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Gregory R 《Perception》2003,32(8):899-902

<正>Wang:Thank you for accepting our interview.I heard that you had a great time during the tour around Nanjing.What are your impressions of Nanjing? Mike:Well,first of all,I'd like to thank you for the invitation and the hospitality that has been shown me.I very much enjoyed my two trips on Sunday and Monday.I thought the Purple Mountain was very beautiful,and I was very impressed by the Dr Sun Yat Sen Mausoleum and the Linggu Temple, and the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum was wonderful,particularly the ceremonial avenue with its animal statues.There is nothing comparable to that in England, so it was a real pleasure to see it.So I am very much enjoying my stay in China. Wang:Professor Xu Fangfu from the University of Petroleum asked me to pass on his greetings.I invited him,but he is very busy with his courses and cannot make it this time. Mike:I'm sorry not to have the chance to meet Professor Robin as I knew him in Manchester.It would be very nice if you could pass on my greetings to him.  相似文献   

Family therapists are increasingly called upon to work with individuals and families with medical issues, but often do not have sufficient background on the issue to be most helpful. The purpose of this paper is to help family therapists understand Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and its impact on the individual and his or her family. PD is the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder in the United States, following Alzheimer’s disease (Hirtz et al., Neurology 68:326–337, 2007). According to the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, approximately 60,000 individuals are diagnosed with PD every year, and approximately one million Americans are currently living with PD. In this paper, we provide an overview of PD based on research and the second author’s many years of providing services for individuals with PD, as well as offer specific recommendations for providing family therapy using narrative, solution-focused and emotionally focused therapy based on the first author’s work as a family therapist with individuals, groups, and couples dealing with PD.  相似文献   

It is widely held that the logical problem of evil, which alleges an inconsistency between the existence of evil and that of an omnipotent and morally perfect God, has been solved. D. Z. Phillips thinks this is a mistake. In The Problem of Evil and the Problem of God, he argues that, within the generally assumed framework, “neither the proposition ’God is omnipotent’ nor the proposition ‘God is perfectly good’ can get off the ground.” Thus, the problem of evil leads to the problem of God. Phillips goes on to provide an alternative response to the problem of evil, expounded by means of his Wittgensteinian analyses of various concepts drawn from the Christian tradition. I argue that his criticisms of the traditional conception of God either fail outright or are at best inconclusive. I also point out that the religious concepts analyzed by Phillips are not and cannot be the same concepts as those employed in the Christian tradition from which they are supposedly drawn. For the concepts as traditionally employed presuppose the actual existence and activity of precisely the sort of being that, according to Phillips, “God cannot be.”  相似文献   

Michael Cholbi 《Philosophia》2012,40(2):285-293
In “What is Wrong with Rational Suicide,” Pilpel and Amsel develop a counterexample that allegedly confounds attempts to condition the moral permissibility of suicide on its rationality. In this counterexample, a healthy middle aged woman with significant life accomplishments, but no dependents, disease, or mental disorder opts to end her life painlessly after reading philosophical texts that persuade her that life is meaningless and bereft of intrinsic value. Many people would judge her suicide “a bad mistake” despite its meeting “robust” conditions for rationality. Hence, Pilpel and Amsel conclude, even robust conditions for the rationality of suicide “fail to do their job: to exclude intuitively unacceptable suicides from being permissible.” I argue here that this counterexample fails to cast doubt on philosophical attempts to account for the moral permissibility of suicide in terms of its rationality.  相似文献   

This is the second in a series of four papers presenting work with a man suffering from a bipolar disorder. The present paper describes the second year of the work and my encounters with an omnipotent super-ego which made ferocious attacks on the work, especially when there were any developments. The attacks were particularly disabling because my own implacable super-ego was mobilized in the counter-transference. Consequently developments seemed to melt away as my patient and I were often reduced to mindless states. I came to understand that these omnipotent attacks were stirred by feelings of infantile helplessness and dependency, and were a means of trying to manage a dread of falling to pieces and unintegration.  相似文献   

The authors assessed connections among adolescents’ emotional dispositions, negative academic affect, coping strategies, academic stress, and overall grade point average (GPA). A total of 119 ninth through 12th-grade students completed assessments for (a) overall positive and negative moods, (b) GPA, and (c) academically related variables involving stress, negative emotions, and engaged and disengaged coping strategies. Greater negative academic affect and disengaged coping were related to lower GPAs, and disengaged coping mediated the connection between negative academic affect and GPA. By contrast, higher academic stress was related to students’ overall moods, negative academic affect, and disengaged coping; disengaged coping mediated the connection between academic stress and negative overall moods. Discussion focused on the especially problematic nature of disengaged academic coping.  相似文献   

Despite the growth in computer and Internet use, marriage and family therapists’ (MFT) use of such technologies to communicate with clients has received limited attention. The purpose of the current research was to understand the frequency and ways in which MFTs are communicating online with clients and identify their level of comfort with online treatments. We administered a survey to practicing MFTs across the US to identify the frequency with which they used online communications with their clients, and the extent to which they felt comfortable using online communications in various treatment modalities. Implications for research, training, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

There is little published on working psychodynamically with chronic illness and even less on the clinical insights of therapists working with people with multiple sclerosis. The objective of this study was to consider therapists’ reflections on the impact of multiple sclerosis on the internal worlds of clients with multiple sclerosis. I would also like to think about the challenges multiple sclerosis presents and how these challenges are worked with therapeutically. Finally, the impact of my multiple sclerosis diagnosis upon the research interviews was considered. Twelve counsellors / psychotherapists who had experience of working with clients with multiple sclerosis were interviewed. Data was analysed thematically and the findings revealed a number of significant themes. Denial appeared significant both for those with multiple sclerosis and those therapists working with them. Therapists also identified that people with multiple sclerosis hold a range of conscious and unconscious feelings in relation to their multiple sclerosis. Also, the meanings and impact of multiple sclerosis are broad and idiosyncratic. Therapists also faced a number of challenges in their work with people with multiple sclerosis: powerful countertransference feelings which could disable the therapy, embodied countertransference, the tendency to make generalisations, the physical reality of multiple sclerosis and its impact upon continuity, therapists’ unconscious phantasy and associations which if unaddressed could impact their ability to work with illness and the pressure multiple sclerosis placed on therapeutic boundaries. Therapists within the study recognised the need to work with both the physical reality of multiple sclerosis, as well as its psychological impact while at the same time keeping themselves open to powerful countertransference feelings and using them in the service of the therapy. The study has implications for theory, practice and future research.  相似文献   

Over the course of development, children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) may present with an array of behavioral symptoms in addition to the primary impairments in language, socialization, and repetitive/restricted interests. These developmental challenges allow outpatient psychotherapists the opportunity to provide helpful clinical services to children and adolescents with ASDs. This can be best accomplished by combining behavioral strategies that are typically effective with children with ASDs with evidence-based approaches helpful for other psychiatric conditions. Four case examples are provided that review how to use both ASDs and general child clinical interventions with children with ASDs and their families.  相似文献   

Children with ADHD often demonstrate sudden and intense shifts in both positive and negative affect. This study examined the role of diagnostic status on emotional impulsivity in children utilizing ecological momentary assessment (EMA). Parents of 64 8–12 year old children (15 ADHD-only; 27 ADHD-comorbid; 22 control) completed a diagnostic structured interview and then an EMA protocol, rating the child’s affect thrice daily for 28 days. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) suggested that children with ADHD and a comorbid disorder demonstrated significantly more EMA-derived emotional impulsivity than children with ADHD only and control children. No difference was found between children with ADHD only and control children. This study suggested that children with ADHD demonstrate significantly higher levels of emotional impulsivity than control children only in the presence of a comorbid disorder.  相似文献   

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), characterized by angry/irritable mood, and argumentative/defiant behavior, is associated with significant negative outcomes in childhood and beyond. Researchers posit that these behaviors arise from poor parenting and/or an incompatibility between characteristics of the child and the child’s parents, resulting in strained interaction styles. The present study examines parent–child synchrony, the inverse of parent–child incompatibility as a predictor of children’s emotional lability, aggression, and overall functioning following psychosocial treatment. Participants were 75 treatment-seeking families with children diagnosed with ODD (46 boys). Families received one of two empirically supported treatments for ODD (Parent Management Training or Collaborative and Proactive Solutions). Findings indicated that pre-treatment parent–child synchrony was associated with decreased emotional lability and aggression following both treatments, as well as improvement in overall functioning, irrespective of treatment condition. These results reflect the importance of parent–child relations at the onset of treatment in predicting response to treatment and suggest potential treatment targets within parent–child relationships.  相似文献   

To investigate play with electronic toys (battery-operated or digital), 25 mother–toddler (16–24 months old) dyads were videotaped in their homes playing with sets of age-appropriate electronic and non-electronic toys for approximately 10 min each. Parent–child interactions were coded from recorded segments of both of the play conditions using the PICCOLO checklist. Mean scores for each play session were compared and the result showed significantly lower scores in the electronic toy condition for three of the four domains of the PICCOLO. Family demographic and play pattern data were also collected, via self-report questionnaire. These data indicated that the play experiences of toddlers were compromised by the lower quality of parent–child interaction during joint play with electronic toys. The potential impact on early child development and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explore the nature and consequences of early trauma on the mental development of a 9-year-old boy I have called Luke. The traumatic event occurred within the context of a more chronic and ongoing trauma, which was due to the lack of receptive and containing parental figures. The combination of these two kinds of traumatic experiences had a destructive impact on the making of Luke's internal world and greatly disrupted the development of his capacity for thought. I will specifically refer to the theory of trauma and to Bion's theory of thinking in order to illustrate the crucial link between trauma and mental work and the complex challenge it brings. I will describe how, during the course of 2 years of intensive treatment, Luke gradually became able to restore his capacity for mental functioning, which made it possible for him to begin to think about and make sense of his extreme emotional experiences.

Dans cet article, l'auteur cherche à explorer la nature et les conséquences, pour le développement psychique d'un garçon de neuf ans qu'il appelle Luke, d'un traumatisme précoce. L'événement traumatique s'est produit dans le contexte d'une situation traumatique plus chronique et plus globale en raison de l'absence de figures parentales réceptives et contenantes. L'association de ces deux types de vécu traumatique, avec leur impact destructeur sur la construction du monde interne de Luke, a créé des perturbations majeures du développement de sa capacité à penser. L'auteur se réfère tout particulièrement à la théorie du traumatisme ainsi qu'à la théorie de l'activité de pensée de W. R. Bion afin d'illustrer le lien fondamental qui existe entre traumatisme et travail psychique, ainsi que le défi complexe que ce travail doit confronter. L'auteur montre qu'au cours de deux années de traitement intensif Luke a progressivement retrouvé ses capacités de fonctionnement psychique, de sorte qu'il a pu commencer à réfléchir à ses vécus émotionnels insoutenables et réussir à y comprendre quelque chose.

Mots-clés: Traumatisme, “pare-excitation”, fonctionnement psychique, théorie de l'activité de pensée, fonction alpha, attaques contre l'activité de liaison

Riassunto: In questo articolo si cerca di esplorare la natura e le conseguenze del trauma precoce sullo sviluppo mentale di un bambino di nove anni che chiamerò Luca. L'evento traumatico accadde all'interno di un contesto di trauma pi[ugrave] cronico e duraturo dovuto all'assenza di figure parentali recettive e contenitive. La combinazione di questi due tipi di esperienze traumatiche ebbe un impatto distruttivo sul mondo interno di Luca e interferì enormemente con lo sviluppo della sua capacità di pensare. Farò principalmente riferimento alla teoria del trauma e alla teoria del pensiero di Bion per illustrare il legame particolare tra trauma e lavoro mentale e la complessa sfida che ne consegue. Descriverò come durante il lavoro intensivo di due anni, Luca divenne gradualmente capace di recuperare la sua capacità di funzionamento mentale che gli permise di incominciare a pensare e dare un senso alle sue esperienze emotive estreme.

Parole chiave: trauma, scudo protettivo, funzionamento mentale, teoria del pensiero, funzione alfa, attacco al legame

Der Artikel versucht, die Eigenschaften und Konsequenzen von frühem Trauma auf die psychische Entwicklung eines 9-jährigen Jungens, den ich Luke nenne, zu betrachten Das traumatische Ereignis passierte im Umfeld eines mehr chronischen und fortdauernden Traumas, wegen Mangel an rezeptiven und haltenden elterlichen Figuren. Die Kombination dieser zwei Arten von Trauma hatte eine destruktive Auswirkung auf das Entstehen von Lukes innerer Welt und störte erheblich die Entwicklung seiner Denkfähigkeit. Ich werden mich speziell auf Traumatheorie und auf Bion's Theorie des Denkens beziehen, um die entscheidende Verbindung zwischen Trauma und mentaler Arbeit und der komplexen Herausforderung, die das mit sich bringt, zu illustrieren. Ich werde beschreiben, wie Luke allmählich im Laufe einer zwei-jährigen intensiven Behandlung in der Lage war, seine Fähigkeit für mentales Funktionieren wiederherzustellen, was es ihm ermöglichte anzufangen, über seine extremen emotionalen Erfahrungen nachzudenken und Sinn herzustellen

Keywords: Trauma, Schutzschild, mentales Funktionieren, Theorie des Denkens, Alphafunktion, Angriffe auf Verbindungen  相似文献   

Incest taboos should be seen as involving non‐sexual objections to sexual relations, that is, objections based on who people are in relation to each other, rather than their activities. What is at stake is brought out by considering certain objections to father‐daughter incest and certain features of taboos. The objections that matter do not depend on social ties and distinctions having a biological basis, but there is nonetheless a biological element in incest taboos. To see it, one must look to the nature of the Oedipus complex, and to the conditions for the development of the individual and of society. There may be prohibitions which are necessary (to morality, to society, to humanity) even though they may not be justifiable within a narrower conception (e.g. utilitarian) of morality and justification. And so taboos which are universal (occur, in one form or another, in every society), and absolute (allow no questioning), and impose strict liability (allow no excuse), may not be irrational: they may mark the boundaries that shape a way of life.  相似文献   

This research investigated the role of certain intrinsic features of two-dimensional nonrepresentational forms in their judged “upright” orientation. The forms were individually projected by an apparatus that allowed rotation through the 360-deg range. The subjects (from kindergarten, 2nd, 4th, 6th, college grades) were asked to place each form in “upright” orientation. For some forms, these chosen orientations were the same for all age groups, apparently reflecting the universal and equal effect of certain intrinsic features. For other forms, chosen orientation changed systematically across age, in a manner possibly reflecting the influence of reading-scansion habits that changed with age. The intrinsic features related to upright judgments were symmetry, polar axes, texture lines, taper, and flat bottoms. Results partly disconfirm the hypothesis that forms are judged “upright” with their “focal portions” at the top.  相似文献   

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