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Seven subjects were used in an experiment on the relation between signal modality and the effect of foreperiod duration (EP) on RT. With visual signals the usually reported systematic increase of RT as a function of FP duration (1, 5 and 15 s) was confirmed; with auditory signals no difference was found between FP's of 1 and 5 s while the effect at 15 s was equivalent to that found at 5 s with the visual signal. The results suggest that besides factors such as time uncertainty the FP effect is also largely dependent on the arousing quality of the signal.  相似文献   

In a simple RT task with variable interstimuli intervals (ISI), the negative slope of the RT-ISI duration relationship is generally interpreted as an effect of the increasing conditional probability of the response signal (RS). A previous study using 6 different ISIs has shown that the first order sequential effects (SE) contribute, for a part, to this slope. The aim of the present experiment was to investigate, up to the fifth order, the SEs observed when two different ISIs (1.5 and 3.0 sec) are used. The results show that SEs also intervene in the tendency for the Ss to be preferentially prepared when the RS occurs at the end of the long ISIs. They are discussed according to the hypothesis that the role played by these SEs in the negative slope of the RT-ISI relationship is primarily due to the opportunity given the Ss in such an experiment to make two successive preparations.  相似文献   

Two groups of pigeons were exposed to a simple reaction-time procedure in which mean foreperiod duration was 5, 10, or 20 seconds. For one group, the foreperiods had an arithmetic, or rectangular, distribution; for the second group, they had a constant-probability, or Bernoulli, distribution. Under both distributions, mean response latency was an increasing, negatively accelerated function of mean foreperiod duration. On a given trial, response latency was a function of its associated foreperiod duration: latency was a decreasing function of foreperiod duration in the arithmetic distribution, and an increasing function of foreperiod duration in the constant-probability distribution. Examination of the distribution of latencies revealed a harmonic structure reminiscent of distributions of interresponse times under variable-interval schedules of reinforcement. Taken together, the results confirm and extend previous findings with human subjects, and also suggest numerous similarities to behavior maintained by variable-interval schedules.  相似文献   

Choice reaction latencies were measured at three different a priori probabilities for two stimulus alternatives. Unlike the results of some other studies, the mean latency of a given response was nearly the same whether the response was correct or incorrect. The discriminable stimuli were a 1000- or a 1700-Hz tone presented at 70 dB SPL. Latencies and standard deviations, based on about 17,000 observations, are reported for three observers. The data are compared with predictions of the optimum sequential model of Wald and Stone and two modifications of that random-walk model, one proposed by Link and Heath and the other proposed by Laming. Fast-guess analyses were also carried out. The three-parameter version of either the sequential or the modified random-walk models provided reasonably accurate predictions of the mean data for each observer. The parameters estimated by the fast-guess analysis were unrealistic. There are three obvious differences between this experiment and most previous choice reaction-time experiments. First is stimulus modality#x2014;we used an auditory signal, whereas most of the previous studies used a visual signal. Second, the observers practiced more in this experiment than in most previous experiments. Finally, there was a random foreperiod with a heavy penalty for anticipations. One or more of these factors is the probable reason for the discrepancy between our results and those of previous studies.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether the negative relationship usually found between reaction time and foreperiod duration in the variable foreperiod paradigm is entirely due to sequential foreperiod effects. It has been shown that when a particular foreperiod has been preceded by a longer one on the previous trial, reaction time is longer than when the preceding foreperiod was equal or shorter. This may be sufficient to explain the increase in reaction time observed for short foreperiods in variable foreperiod conditions.The present results show that, when sequential effects were controlled by the elimination of all trials where the foreperiod was shorter than the preceding one, the negative slope of the reaction time-foreperiod function diminished but did not disappear. The results suggest an interpretation of the role of conditional probability of stimulus arrival in terms of variation in the tendency to reprepare when the moment initially chosen for preparation appears to fall short of the moment at which the stimulus is actually presented.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of loudness on the latency of evoked potentials and on simple reaction time were compared. It was found that both reaction time and the evoked-potential latency increases with decreasing stimulus intensity. However, different slopes of the curves were found. This is explained in terms of the arousal effect of loud auditory stimuli.  相似文献   

The reaction times (RTs) of 12 subjects were recorded in a design where a visual or auditory warning signal preceded an auditory RT signal by one of four short foreperiods 500, 750, 1000 or 1250 ms long, which occured in a random sequence. For the 16 trials at each foreperiod, with each modality of warning signal, the average of the 2-s long EEG samples following the warning signal was computed so that the record showed the scalp recorded (vertex--left mastoid) evoked potentials (EPs) to both warning and RT signals, and also the contingent negative variation or expectancy wave occurring during the foreperiod.

Differences between RTs with different foreperiods were not reflected in negatively correlated differences in the amplitude of the RT signal EPs, taking the major positive going deflection between peaks N1 and P2 at mean latencies of 126 and 231 msec after the RT signal. Furthermore RT signal EPs preceded by a warning signal were highly attenuated in amplitude relative to control EPs which were not preceded by a warning signal, whether or not an RT response was required. This was despite the fact that alerted RTs were slightly faster than non-alerted RTs, so that these findings contradict previous findings associating augmented EPs with responding versus not responding and with speeded RTs.

However, it was also found that RT signal EP amplitudes were greater with the more effective modality of warning signal than the less effective, which was consistent with previous findings. The divergence from previous findings when comparing EPs preceded by a warning with those having no prior warning is tentatively accounted for in terms of persisting physiological refractoriness following the warning signal EP.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the process of temporal preparation for a target stimulus is the same regardless of the task required by the target stimulus. To this end, the same variable-foreperiod design was used in a temporal discrimination task (Experiment 1) and a reaction time task (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, both temporal sensitivity and perceived duration increased as a function of foreperiod, whereas in Experiment 2, foreperiod did not influence reaction time. Furthermore, both temporal sensitivity and perceived duration revealed an asymmetric sequential effect of foreperiod, but the pattern of this effect was opposite to the pattern observed in the reaction time task. Together these dissociative patterns of foreperiod effects suggest that the mechanism of temporal preparation depends on the task required by the target stimulus.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the process of temporal preparation for a target stimulus is the same regardless of the task required by the target stimulus. To this end, the same variable-foreperiod design was used in a temporal discrimination task (Experiment 1) and a reaction time task (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, both temporal sensitivity and perceived duration increased as a function of foreperiod, whereas in Experiment 2, foreperiod did not influence reaction time. Furthermore, both temporal sensitivity and perceived duration revealed an asymmetric sequential effect of foreperiod, but the pattern of this effect was opposite to the pattern observed in the reaction time task. Together these dissociative patterns of foreperiod effects suggest that the mechanism of temporal preparation depends on the task required by the target stimulus.  相似文献   

The effect of signal intensity upon reaction time (RT) was studied in three auditory RT tasks in which the signal was a tone of high or low frequency. Experiment I showed the well-known negative gradient with intensity of simple RT when the subject was instructed to ignore the frequency and give the same response to both tones. But when the subject had to discriminate the frequency in a choice RT task, the RT/intensity relationship appeared to be U-shaped. Experiment II showed that when the subject was required to make a response to one signal but withhold it for the other, a task which requires discrimination of the frequency of the tone but removes the necessity to choose between overt responses, no increase in RT at high intensities was obtained. The results indicate that it is the response choice stage rather than the stimulus encoding stage which is retarded at higher energy levels. Experiment I also demonstrated that visual and auditory leading signals have similar facilitating effects without affecting the RT/intensity relationships.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between the distribution of labour at home and employed women's psychological distress. The distribution of labour at home is measured by wives' estimates of their own and their husbands' time spent doing housework. It is hypothesized that what is more important to women's well-being is their estimates of their husbands' time spent doing housework rather than their own time. It is further hypothesized that one pathway in which wives' estimates of husbands' time spent doing housework influences their well-being is through perceptions of support. In a sample of 153 employed married women, using regression analyses, results are consistent with the predictions made. First, wives' estimates of their husbands' time spent doing housework is a better predictor of their well-being than their estimates of their own time spent. Second, support acts as a partial mediator in this relationship. These findings are discussed with respect to recent work in the area. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The attention/distraction models of prospective time estimation predict either a negative relationship or an independence between duration estimates and the number of stimulus events presented during the time period, but not a positive relationship. Two experiments examined this relationship under prospective conditions. Lists of words were presented during a 60-sec time period at either a fast or a slow rate. Subjects either passively viewed the words or actively responded by performing either a graphemic or a semantic classification task on each word. To measure subjective duration, the method of magnitude estimation was used in Experiment 1 and the method of reproduction was used in Experiment 2. Time estimates were independent of the number of presented words in the passive viewing condition, and negatively related in the classification task conditions. Furthermore, the two classification tasks had similar effects on time estimates. These findings are consistent with the attentional models of prospective timing, and they question the robustness of earlier findings of a positive relationship between time estimates of moderately long intervals and the number of presented stimuli under conditions of minimal processing of the interval events.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported aiming at a further understanding of the effect of response-specificity, operationalized as the degree of commonality of direction of movements. In a previous study, Spijkers (1987) has claimed that response-specificity affects the readiness of the motor system and is not related to response-selection processes. These suppositions were generally confirmed in experiments 1 and 2 respectively. Common to both experiments were the variables average movement velocity and response-specificity. In experiment 1 the effect of the additional variable foreperiod duration was found to interact with that of response-specificity, hereby confirming its expected relation to the muscular system. The effect of response-specificity did not interact with that of spatial S-R compatibility in the second experiment, but also failed to show a main effect. The third experiment examined the supposed relation of response-specificity more directly through manipulation of the muscle-tension of the responding limb. The predicted form of the interaction between the effect of response-specificity and muscle-tension was confirmed which provided additional evidence for the interpretation of response-specificity effects in terms of differential muscular activation.  相似文献   

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