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The current study examined whether the effect of post-encoding emotional arousal on item memory extends to reality-monitoring source memory and, if so, whether the effect depends on emotionality of learning stimuli and testing format. In Experiment 1, participants encoded neutral words and imagined or viewed their corresponding object pictures. Then they watched a neutral, positive, or negative video. The 24-hour delayed test showed that emotional arousal had little effect on both item memory and reality-monitoring source memory. Experiment 2 was similar except that participants encoded neutral, positive, and negative words and imagined or viewed their corresponding object pictures. The results showed that positive and negative emotional arousal induced after encoding enhanced consolidation of item memory, but not reality-monitoring source memory, regardless of emotionality of learning stimuli. Experiment 3, identical to Experiment 2 except that participants were tested only on source memory for all the encoded items, still showed that post-encoding emotional arousal had little effect on consolidation of reality-monitoring source memory. Taken together, regardless of emotionality of learning stimuli and regardless of testing format of source memory (conjunction test vs. independent test), the facilitatory effect of post-encoding emotional arousal on item memory does not generalize to reality-monitoring source memory.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the functional field of view shrinks by the presence of a weapon or the increase of emotional arousal. In Experiment 1, participants viewed two types of pictures depicting scenes involving weapons or control objects and were asked to identify digits presented at the periphery when the pictures disappeared. The results showed that the presence of a weapon impaired identification of the peripheral digits, even when the pictures were equal with respect to emotional arousal level. In Experiment 2, participants viewed emotionally arousing pictures or neutral pictures, neither of which included weapons, and they were asked to identify digits presented at the periphery when the pictures disappeared. The results revealed that the increased emotional arousal did not impair identification of the peripheral digits. These results indicate that the functional field of view shrinks because of the presence of a weapon but not because of increased emotional arousal.Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Noradrenergic activation of the basolateral complex of the amygdala (BLA) modulates the consolidation of memory for many kinds of highly emotionally arousing training tasks. The present experiments investigated whether posttraining noradrenergic activation of the BLA is sufficient to enable memory consolidation of a low-arousing training experience. Sprague-Dawley rats received intra-BLA infusions of norepinephrine, the beta-adrenoceptor antagonist propranolol or saline immediately after either 3 or 10 min of object recognition training. Saline-infused controls exhibited poor 24-h retention when given 3 min of object recognition training and good retention when given 10 min of training. Norepinephrine administered after 3 min of object recognition training produced dose-dependent enhancement of 24-h object recognition memory whereas propranolol administered after 10 min of training produced dose-dependent impairment of memory. These findings provide evidence that posttraining noradrenergic activation of the BLA enhances memory of a low-arousing training experience that would otherwise not induce long-term memory. Thus, regardless of the degree of emotional arousal induced by an experience, noradrenergic activation of the BLA after the experience ensures that it will be better remembered.  相似文献   

突发性危机情景下抢购现象的发生及其应对策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
今年1到4月份,在我国一些地区出现了几次因SARS疫情恐慌导致的抢购风潮,其特点主要表现为突发性、群发性和快速平息的短暂性。这些特点与人们的风险认知机制有关。研究表明,情绪唤醒抑制人类认知中的控制性加工部分,但对自动化加工部分起促进作用。人们在危机情景下的快速应对行为主要是自动化的,事前培训和行为习惯决定了自动化反应的策略和方式。由于口传信息的高情绪唤醒水平和操作上的方便易行,恐慌性抢购便被引发出来。  相似文献   

We propose that much of the variance among right-handed subjects in perceptual asymmetries on standard behavioral measures of laterality arises from individual differences in characteristic patterns of asymmetric hemispheric arousal. Dextrals with large right-visual-field (RVF) advantages on a tachistoscopic syllable-identification task (assumed to reflect characteristically higher left-hemisphere than right-hemisphere arousal) outperformed those having weak or no visual-field asymmetries (assumed to reflect characteristically higher right-hemisphere than left-hemisphere arousal). The two groups were equal, however, in asymmetries of error patterns that are thought to indicate linguistic or nonlinguistic encoding strategies. For both groups, relations between visual fields in the ability to discriminate the accuracy of performance followed the pattern of syllable identification itself, suggesting that linguistic and metalinguistic processes are based on the same laterally specialized functions. Subjects with strong RVF advantages had a pessimistic bias for rating performance, and those with weak or no asymmetries had an optimistic bias, particularly for the left visual field (LVF). This is concordant with evidence that the arousal level of the right hemisphere is closely related to affective mood. Finally, consistent with the arousal model, leftward asymmetries on a free-vision face-processing task became larger as RVF advantages on the syllable task diminished and as optimistic biases for the LVF, relative to the RVF, increased.  相似文献   

Small optical flow fields are involved in object and shape recognition. These tasks depend on high resolution and low speed of the flow-field elements. Large optical flow fields are involved in tasks such as orientation and navigation, which require flow-field elements to move at high speed. From the above, we would expect to find different behavior of subjects for different parameter ranges of field size and speed of the elements. In this paper, we address the question of whether such different behavior exists for a task that is associated neither with object recognition nor with navigation. We obtained detection thresholds for expansion in the presence of translation for a wide range of field sizes. The same paradigm was used to investigate whether subjects made efficient use of peripheral information. We found viewing-distance invariance, meaning that subjects’ performance scaled with stimulus size. Subjects performed very similarly with and without foveal information.  相似文献   

The valence–arousal conflict theory assumes that both valence and arousal will trigger approaching or withdrawing tendencies. It also predicts that the speed of processing emotional stimuli will depend on whether valence and arousal trigger conflicting or congruent motivational tendencies. However, most previous studies have provided evidence of the interaction between valence and arousal only, and have not provided direct proof of the interactive links between valence, arousal and motivational tendencies. The present study provides direct evidence for the relationship between approach–withdrawal tendencies and the valence–arousal conflict. In an empirical test, participants were instructed to judge the valence of emotional words after visual–spatial cues that appeared to be either approaching or withdrawing from participants. A three-way interaction (valence, arousal, and approach–withdrawal tendency) was observed such that the response time was shorter if participants responded to a negative high-arousal stimulus after a withdrawing cue, or to a positive low-arousal stimulus after an approaching cue. These findings suggest that the approach–withdrawal tendency indeed plays a crucial role in valence–arousal conflict, and that the effect depends on the congruency of valence, arousal and tendency at an early stage of processing.  相似文献   

Empirical research since the year 2000 on trauma and autobiographical memory in adults is reviewed and related to four enduring controversies in the field: Whether traumatic memories are inherently different from other types of autobiographical memory; whether memory for trauma is better or worse than memory for non-traumatic events; whether traumas can be forgotten and then recalled later in life; and whether special mechanisms such as repression or dissociation are required to account for any such forgetting. The review concludes that trauma and non-trauma memories differ substantially, but only in clinical and not in healthy populations. Whereas involuntary memory is enhanced in clinical populations, voluntary memory is likely to be fragmented, disorganised, and incomplete. Progress in experimental and neuroimaging research will depend on analysing how task performance is affected by the interaction of voluntary and involuntary memory and by individual tendencies to respond to trauma with increased arousal versus dissociation.  相似文献   

The current monograph asserts that nonverbal behaviors can serve as useful overt indices of experienced arousal. Various conceptualizations of arousal and factors eliciting arousal in communication situations are examined. It is proposed that, from a communication standpoint, indices of arousal and arousal change are best classified along two dimensions of arousal intensity and arousal valence. Diverse bodies of literature on nonverbal concamitants of arousal are reviewed. As a first test of whether separate profiles exist for negatively, as opposed to positively or neutrally, valenced arousal, data are analyzed from a mock-interview experiment in which, following a baseline interview, participants (N=52) were subjected by an interviewer to either increased or decreased involvement. The involvement changes were expected to elevate arousal intensity for all participants and induce positively or negatively valenced arousal in the two respective conditions. Polynomial regressions and z-test comparisons of correlations revealed that 16 composites, comprising a total of 47 nonverbal variables, showed significant associations with changes in arousal.  相似文献   

There is reasonable evidence suggesting that humans have an innate tendency toward being religious. Consequently, religion is unlikely to disappear; the question then is how this feature will impact on future society. Three scenarios are discussed: One, science will dominate; two, religion will dominate; and three, the present conflict between the two is resolved. The latter scenario may happen through a realization that religion has the potential for doing more good than bad, in terms of individual quality of life and in improving society. Obtaining maximum benefit of religion will require a concept of God that is compatible with science, and that can be accepted as a common core for the various faiths. Science may help in this endeavor.  相似文献   

Observers viewed the optical flow field of a rotating quadric surface patch and were required to match its perceived structure by adjusting the shape of a stereoscopically presented surface. In Experiment 1, the flow fields included rigid object rotations and constant flow fields with patterns of image acceleration that had no possible rigid interpretation. In performing their matches, observers had independent control of two parameters that determined the surface shape. One of these, called the shape characteristic, is defined as the ratio of the two principle curvatures and is independent of object size. The other, called curvedness, is defined as the sum of the squared principle curvatures and depends on the size of the object. Adjustments of shape characteristic were almost perfectly accurate for both motion conditions. Adjustments of curvedness, on the other hand, were systematically overestimated and were not highly correlated with the simulated curvedness of the depicted surface patch. In Experiment 2, the same flow fields were masked with a global pattern of curl, divergence, or shear, which disrupted the first-order spatial derivatives of the image velocity field, while leaving the second-order spatial derivatives invariant. The addition of these masks had only negligible effects on observers’ performance. These findings suggest that observers’ judgments of three-dimensional surface shape from motion are primarily determined by the second-order spatial derivatives of the instantaneous field of image displacements.  相似文献   

The present study addressed the question whether attentional capture by abrupt onsets is affected by object-like properties of the stimulus field. Observers searched for a target circle at one of four ends of two solid rectangles. In the focused attention condition the location of the upcoming target was cued by means of a central arrowhead, whereas in the divided attention condition, the target location was not cued. Irrelevant abrupt onsets could appear either within the attended or within the non-attended object. The results showed that in the focused attention condition, onsets ceased to capture attention irrespective of whether the onset appeared within an attended object or within a non-attended object.  相似文献   

The personality dimensions of impulsivity and neuroticism have been linked to differences in basal arousal. The hypothesis tested was whether these personality variables and caffeine have additive effects on arousal. All subjects received three paired-associate trials on each of two neutral control lists, two lists with semantically similar stimuli, and two lists with acoustically similar stimuli. Half of the subjects received caffeine and half placebo. Although significant interactions with personality and drug condition were obtained, the ordering of the conditions was inconsistent with the assumption that the arousal performance curve is single peaked. Further, S. Schwartz's (Journal of Research in Personality, 1975, 9, 217–225) hypothesis that in paired-associate learning high arousal and low arousal subjects process semantic and physical information differentially was not supported. The general issue of how to determine whether individual differences in performance are caused by differences in arousal is discussed.  相似文献   

In two experiments, the 2-deoxyglucose metabolic mapping technique was used to examine the hypothesis that a stimulus of one modality (a light) will begin to activate the sensory cortex of a stimulus of another modality (a tone) with which it has been repeatedly paired. Adult gerbils received repeated presentations of either a light or the light paired with a tone known to affect 2DG labeling patterns in the auditory cortex. Intermittent footshock was included on a pseudo-random basis to maintain arousal in the subjects. One day after training, each gerbil was injected with 2DG and either received repeated presentations of the light only or was simply exposed to the training context. Analysis of the auditory cortex revealed no differences in overall metabolic activity of the auditory cortex between the groups. However, in both experiments, the light that was previously paired with the tone changed the relative activity of the cortical subfields compared to the light not previously paired with the tone. Specifically, the results indicate greater activity in the anterior auditory field (AAF—Experiments 1 and 2) and the posterior fields (DPVP—Experiment 2) relative to the primary field AI in response to the light that was previously paired with the tone during training. Gerbils either only placed in the context during the 2DG session or that received unpaired presentations of the light and tone during training did not show this shift in relative labeling between the subfields. Because no differences in overall activity of the auditory cortex were found, we conclude that the shift in relative labeling between the subfields reflects, on average, both an increase in activity of fields AAF and DPVP and a concomitant decrease in AI activity in response to the light stimulus. The results have implications for our understanding both of brain learning mechanisms in general and the potential functions of auditory cortex subfields in particular.  相似文献   

Controversy still persists on whether emotional valence and arousal influence cognitive activities. Our study sought to compare how these two factors foster the spread of activation within the semantic network. In a lexical decision task, prime words were varied depending on the valence (pleasant or unpleasant) or on the level of emotional arousal (high or low). Target words were carefully selected to avoid semantic priming effects, as well as to avoid arousing specific emotions (neutral). Three SOA durations (220, 420 and 720 ms) were applied across three independent groups. Results indicate that at 220 ms, the effect of arousal is significantly higher than the effect of valence in facilitating spreading activation while at 420 ms, the effect of valence is significantly higher than the effect of arousal in facilitating spreading activation. These findings suggest that affect is a sequential process involving the successive intervention of arousal and valence.  相似文献   

Research on the lateralisation of brain functions for emotion has yielded different results as a function of whether it is the experience, expression, or perceptual processing of emotion that is examined. Further, for the perception of emotion there appear to be differences between the processing of verbal and nonverbal stimuli. The present research examined the hemispheric asymmetry in the processing of verbal stimuli varying in emotional valence. Participants performed a lexical decision task for words varying in affective valence (but equated in terms of arousal) that were presented briefly to the right or left visual field. Participants were significantly faster at recognising positive words presented to the right visual field/left hemisphere. This pattern did not occur for negative words (and was reversed for high arousal negative words). These results suggest that the processing of verbal stimuli varying in emotional valence tends to parallel hemispheric asymmetry in the experience of emotion.  相似文献   

Sensorimotor prediction and memory in object manipulation.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
When people lift objects of different size but equal weight, they initially employ too much force for the large object and too little force for the small object. However, over repeated lifts of the two objects, they learn to suppress the size-weight association used to estimate force requirements and appropriately scale their lifting forces to the true and equal weights of the objects. Thus, sensorimotor memory from previous lifts comes to dominate visual size information in terms of force prediction. Here we ask whether this sensorimotor memory is transient, preserved only long enough to perform the task, or more stable. After completing an initial lift series in which they lifted equally weighted large and small objects in alternation, participants then repeated the lift series after delays of 15 minutes or 24 hours. In both cases, participants retained information about the weights of the objects and used this information to predict the appropriate fingertip forces. This preserved sensorimotor memory suggests that participants acquired internal models of the size-weight stimuli that could be used for later prediction.  相似文献   

Goldstein and Gigerenzer's (2002) "Recognition Heuristic" (RH) was tested for its empirical validity in an experimental paradigm with induced recognition of objects. RH claims that upon inferring which of two objects (e.g., cities) scores higher on a criterion (e.g., city size), a recognized object will be chosen over an unrecognized one, if the recognition is a valid predictor of the criterion without considering additional object information. Trying to avoid potential shortcomings of former studies, we (a) used the city population task, (b) provided additional cue information only for recognized cities, and (c) had participants draw inferences from memory. Participants learned city names and additional information about some cities. They also learned that recognition and the additional information were valid predictors of the criterion "city size". In a subsequent decision phase, the additional information about the cities in memory strongly affected the inferences, suggesting that recognition information is clearly integrated into judgments, but by no means in a non-compensatory fashion that would dominate every other cue.  相似文献   

Research on the lateralisation of brain functions for emotion has yielded different results as a function of whether it is the experience, expression, or perceptual processing of emotion that is examined. Further, for the perception of emotion there appear to be differences between the processing of verbal and nonverbal stimuli. The present research examined the hemispheric asymmetry in the processing of verbal stimuli varying in emotional valence. Participants performed a lexical decision task for words varying in affective valence (but equated in terms of arousal) that were presented briefly to the right or left visual field. Participants were significantly faster at recognising positive words presented to the right visual field/left hemisphere. This pattern did not occur for negative words (and was reversed for high arousal negative words). These results suggest that the processing of verbal stimuli varying in emotional valence tends to parallel hemispheric asymmetry in the experience of emotion.  相似文献   

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