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Rats were conditioned to avoid shock on a free-operant avoidance schedule in which no exteroceptive stimulus signaled impending shock. Injections of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) or dexamethasone raised blood levels of glucocorticoids. These increases were accompanied by changes in avoidance performance: there was a higher frequency of long-duration interresponse times, a greater stability among them, and fewer short interresponse times, total responses, and shocks.  相似文献   

Three groups of four pigeons, trained to press a treadle on a free-operant avoidance schedule, were given auditory discrimination training. Alternating 2-min components of avoidance and no shock were paired with either a tone or white noise. The pigeons were subsequently given two types of generalization tests, with and without avoidable shocks scheduled. Two of the groups, trained interdimensionally, produced excitatory and inhibitory generalization gradients along the tone frequency dimension. A predicted post-discrimination gradient was computed from the algebraic summation of these gradients of excitation and inhibition. The predicted gradient was compared with the actual post-discrimination gradient obtained from the third group of pigeons that had been given intradimensional discrimination training on the tone frequency dimension. The predicted postdiscrimination gradient agreed in shape with the empirical postdiscrimination gradient. The results in general support Spence's (1937) gradient interaction theory.  相似文献   

Lever pressing was maintained by Sidman's shock-postponement procedure and Herrnstein and Hineline's shock-frequency-reduction procedure with rats. Food deprivation to 80% and 70% of the animals' body weights on free feeding resulted in decreased response rates in both avoidance paradigms tested. Reinstatement of free-feeding conditions increased body weights and response rates and decreased shock rates. The effects of food deprivation were not dependent upon any particular avoidance parameters, or types, intensities, or durations of electric shock. These results mean that weight control is essential in long-term studies of avoidance behavior, and in studies of the effects on avoidance behavior of physiological interventions, such as hypothalamic lesions, that themselves may produce weight changes.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, presentation of a tone previously correlated with foot shock produced an increase in the rate of rats' foot-shock avoidance responding, while presentation of a tone previously correlated with tail shock had no reliable effect on the rate of foot-shock avoidance responding. In Experiment 2, a tone correlated with tail shock elicited heart-rate conditioned responses, but had no reliable effect on the rate of subsequent foot-shock avoidance responding. In Experiment 3, presentation of a tone previously correlated with foot shock, and a tone previously correlated with tail shock in separate groups produced increases in the rate of tail-shock avoidance responding. In Experiment 4, a tone correlated with tail shock in one setting accelerated tail-shock avoidance responding in a second setting. Interaction between US and negative reinforcer modifiability by skeletal responding may contribute to the pattern of results obtained.  相似文献   

Shock intensities (1 to 4 mA) and shock durations (0.3 to 0.75 sec) were concurrently varied over a range commonly used in free-operant avoidance studies using a lever-press response. Response rates were a positive linear function of the log of the product of intensity times duration. Shock rates were a negative linear function of that log. The increase in response rates was primarily due to a selective increase in the conditional probability of making responses with long interresponse times. The disproportionality of receiving shocks early in the session (warm-up) was also a linear function of the log of the intensity-duration product, with increasing disproportionality as the value of the intensity-duration product was increased. Thus, with all measures of the avoidance performance, shock intensity and shock duration combine in a multiplicative fashion to determine the avoidance performance.  相似文献   

The responses of white rats were maintained on an unsignalled free-operant avoidance schedule. Superimposed on the avoidance schedule was a blinking white light followed immediately by response-independent electric shock. Duration of the light stimulus was either 1 or 3 min. Avoidable shock was 1.5 mA; response-independent shock was 7.5 mA. Suppression of responding during the light stimulus (both durations) developed over sessions. Responding immediately following the response-independent light-shock sequence was neither suppressed nor accelerated. The similarity is noted between the present result and findings of “positive conditioned suppression”.  相似文献   

The problem of maintaining independence between response rates and reinforcement probabilities when determining the effect of varying the response-reinforcement contingency upon free-operant behavior was solved by programming local reinforcement probabilities for response and no response on a second-by-second basis. Fifty-seven rats were trained to lever-press on schedules of water reinforcement involving different values of contingency. All rats were first trained on a high positive contingency and then shifted to less positive, zero, or negative contingencies. Under these conditions, rate of lever-pressing declined appropriately when the contingency between response and reinforcement decreased or was made negative. The decline in rate produced by a zero contingency cannot be attributed to extinction, since the probability of reinforcement given the occurrence of a response was the same as for the positive contingency from which the shift to zero was made. That is, there was no change in the opportunity for response-reinforcement contiguity. It was concluded that the technique of programming local reinforcement probabilities offers promise for more critical examinations of the effects of contingency upon free-operant behavior.  相似文献   

Rate of response under a free-operant avoidance procedure decreases as the response-shock interval increases. The present experiment demonstrated an inverse relation between rate of response and lever-holding time. An invariance was found in the total time per session that a subject was in contact with the lever. It is suggested that lever-holding behavior may be as sensitive as response rate to changes in the response-shock interval.  相似文献   

Punishment of bar-pressing responses of rhesus monkeys with electric shock in one component of a multiple free-operant avoidance schedule suppressed responding in that component. These decreases were concomitant with response rate increases in the unpunished component (punishment contrast). Response rates in both components increased when punishment was removed and decreased in successive sessions. These effects of punishment on unpunished responding were similar to those obtained during single and multiple schedules of positive reinforcement and they suggest a further similarity in the development of discriminations during positive and negative reinforcement schedules.  相似文献   

Human subjects were tested in a free-operant avoidance procedure. Shock could be avoided by the emission of a verbal response of adequate intensity and duration. These schedules were found to control the emission of verbal operants in the same way they control motor operants. Some subjects showed conventional control by this schedule with or without response-produced feedback. Other subjects verbalized at a high rate under both these conditions until the addition of response cost brought this behavior under conventional schedule control.  相似文献   

A procedure (“discrete-trial” avoidance) was devised to differentiate between the two main theories of responding in Sidman's “free-operant” avoidance procedure. One theory, a version of two-factor theory, holds that responding is reinforced by the removal of a conditioned aversive stimulus. The conditioned aversive stimulus is held to be temporal, which accounts for the spaced responding, or timing, that Sidman's procedure produces. The other theory holds that the reinforcement for both responding and timing is shock-frequency reduction. The new procedure eliminated this reinforcement for timing, but retained the conditions for the formation of conditioned aversive temporal stimuli. According to one theory, the new procedure should have sustained timing as well as Sidman's, while according to the other, it should have sustained no timing. The results confirmed neither theory. Timing was found with both procedures, but unequally in degree and kind. Large variations in the precision of timing did not appear to be correlated with successful avoidance for either procedure.  相似文献   

Two studies examined effects of sleep deprivation on free-operant avoidance by rats. In Experiment 1, a 5-s shock-shock (SS) interval and 20-s response-shock (RS) interval produced baseline performances, which were reestablished after each experimental manipulation. Once baselines were established, animals were exposed to 24, 48, or 96 hr of sleep deprivation and equivalent periods of home cage and food restriction as a control condition. Compared to baseline, sleep deprivation increased response rates by increasing the proportion of brief interresponse times (IRTs); response rates changed little in the control conditions. Percentage of shocks avoided did not systematically change across conditions. In Experiment 2, the RS interval was manipulated (10, 20, and 40 s), while the SS interval (5 s) and level of sleep deprivation (48 hr) were held constant. Across RS intervals, sleep deprivation increased response rates via a shift toward brief IRTs. In addition, sleep deprivation increased the percentage of shocks avoided as an inverse function of RS intervals.  相似文献   

The performances of three rats were stabilized on a multiple schedule that maintained responding by a free-operant avoidance schedule during independent presentations of tone and light. The simultaneous absence of these stimuli signalled shock-free periods and controlled response cessation. Subsequently, test sessions were administered consisting of independent presentations of each stimulus and these stimuli compounded (tone-plus-light). During an extinction test, additive summation was observed to the compounded stimuli, i.e., more responses were emitted to the compound than to either tone or light. During a series of 28 maintenance-test sessions in which the shock schedule remained operative, the compounded stimuli produced a generally enhanced response rate and fewer pauses terminating with shock than either single stimulus condition. These results extend the generality of free-operant additive summation to responding maintained by aversive control. In addition, a comparison of the present study with previous experiments reporting additive summation of positively reinforced responding indicates that similar variables—rate and aversive differences between training stimulus conditions—should be considered in accounting for response distributions during stimulus compounding when responding is controlled by either positive or negative contingencies.  相似文献   

Rats pressed a lever to avoid shock on a free-operant avoidance schedule. Some subjects were also exposed to extinction in which the response-shock contingency was eliminated while the shock-shock contingency remained in effect. A specially constructed lever was used that registered not only presses, but also biting attacks on the lever. Throughout various phases of the study, shocks often elicited lever biting as well as post-shock responding. The results suggested that shock-elicited attacks that are forceful enough to activate the operandum might account for some of the responding that occurs in experiments on free-operant avoidance behavior. In particular, shock-elicited operandum attacking might account for post-shock response bursting during free-operant avoidance and the extreme persistence of responding sometimes noted when shocks are delivered during the extinction of avoidance behavior. To the extent that this is true, these phenomena should not be characterized as operant behavior in interpreting the results of experiments on free operant avoidance.  相似文献   

Density and delay of punishment of free-operant avoidance   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In two experiments, the free-operant shock-avoidance behavior of rats was punished by electric shock. Two aspects of the schedule of response-produced shock were varied: the frequency of punishment over time (punishment density) and the temporal interval between the punished response and the punishment (punishment delay). The general finding was that response-produced shock suppressed avoidance responding under most of the density-delay combinations studied, and suppression increased as a function of increases in density and decreases in delay. Rate increases of small magnitude also were observed, usually as an initial reaction to the lesser densities and longer delays. Response suppression, while decreasing the number of punishment shocks received, also increased the number of avoidance shocks, so that the total number of shocks received usually was greater than the minimal number possible. The results were discussed from the standpoint of similarities between the effects of punishing positively and negatively reinforced behavior. The finding that subjects did not minimize the total number of shocks suggested that when avoidance behavior is punished, responding is controlled more by the local consequences of responding than by overall shock frequencies during the course of the session.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to depress a lever to avoid electric shock under free-operant avoidance schedules without a warning signal, or with a warning signal that could be terminated only by a response. Most birds in the signalled avoidance procedure terminated more than 50% of the warning signals before shock. In the unsignalled avoidance procedure, several birds formed a temporal discrimination and received relatively few shocks; other birds responded only in post-shock bursts, and received many more shocks.  相似文献   

Three groups of albino rats were trained under a free-operant avoidance (Sidman) procedure with equal shock-shock and response-shock intervals. After stable performance was achieved, the animals were concurrently exposed to a brief electric shock after each response. The procedures were as follows: Punishment Schedule I: punishment shock was introduced at an intensity approximately one quarter that of avoidance shock; increments of nearly this same size were made as stable performance was achieved at succeeding punishment shock intensities. Punishment Schedule II: punishment shock was introduced at approximately one-half the intensity of avoidance shock; after stable performance, punishment shock was increased to the same intensity as avoidance shock. Punishment Schedule III: punishment shock was introduced and maintained at the same intensity as avoidance shock. Punishment was continued for all groups until one of two suppression criteria was attained. All animals made fewer responses and received more avoidance shocks as a function of increasing punishment shock. Half of the animals under Punishment Schedule I required punishment shock higher than avoidance shock to meet their assigned suppression criterion. A comparison of all procedures showed that suppression was greater when punishment shock was initially at high intensity.  相似文献   

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