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What is the meaning of saying that random variables {X(1), em leader, X(n)} (such as aptitude scores or hypothetical response time components), not necessarily stochastically independent, are selectively influenced respectively by subsets {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)} of a factor set Phi upon which the joint distribution of {X(1), em leader, X(n)} is known to depend? One possible meaning of this statement, termed conditionally selective influence, is completely characterized in Dzhafarov (1999, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 43, 123-157). The present paper focuses on another meaning, termed unconditionally selective influence. It occurs when two requirements are met. First, for i=1, em leader, n, the factor subset Gamma(i) is the set of all factors that effectively change the marginal distribution of X(i). Second, if {X(1), em leader, X(n)} are transformed so that all marginal distributions become the same (e.g., standard uniform or standard normal), the transformed variables are representable as well-behaved functions of the corresponding factor subsets {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)} and of some common set of sources of randomness whose distribution does not depend on any factors. Under the constraint that the factor subsets {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)} are disjoint, this paper establishes the necessary and sufficient structure of the joint distribution of {X(1), em leader, X(n)} under which they are unconditionally selectively influenced by {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)}. The unconditionally selective influence has two desirable properties, uniqueness and nestedness: {X(1), em leader, X(n)} cannot be influenced selectively by more than one partition {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)} of the factor set Phi, and the components of any subvector of {X(1), em leader, X(n)} are selectively influenced by the components of the corresponding subpartition of {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)}. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.  相似文献   

This study examined (a) hypothesized relationships between Rorschach variables and self-report test measures relating to nominally similar aspects of personality functioning and (b) interrelationships among Rorschach variables. Sixty-two undergraduates were administered the Rorschach, Barron Ego Strength Scale, Kaplan Self-Derogation Scale, Eagly Self-Esteem Scale, Multiple Affective Adjective Checklist (MAACL), Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale, and the Rotter Locus of Control Scale. Only a few of the predictions received confirmation: inanimate movement (m) correlated, as expected, with MAACL anxiety and hostility, the egocentricity index (3r + 2)/R (R = total responses) correlated significantly with self-esteem, and human movement with minus form level (M -) correlated (inversely) with ego strength. Among the unpredicted findings were some that appear inconsistent with standard Rorschach interpretation. Rorschach variables human movement (M), and experience actual (EA), generally interpreted as reflecting coping resources, related significantly with self-report measures of poor coping and of dysphoric affect. In general, the Rorschach appears better at identifying weaknesses in the ego rather than strengths.  相似文献   

Ke-Hai Yuan 《Psychometrika》2009,74(2):233-256
When data are not missing at random (NMAR), maximum likelihood (ML) procedure will not generate consistent parameter estimates unless the missing data mechanism is correctly modeled. Understanding NMAR mechanism in a data set would allow one to better use the ML methodology. A survey or questionnaire may contain many items; certain items may be responsible for NMAR values in other items. The paper develops statistical procedures to identify the responsible items. By comparing ML estimates (MLE), statistics are developed to test whether the MLEs are changed when excluding items. The items that cause a significant change of the MLEs are responsible for the NMAR mechanism. Normal distribution is used for obtaining the MLEs; a sandwich-type covariance matrix is used to account for distribution violations. The class of nonnormal distributions within which the procedure is valid is provided. Both saturated and structural models are considered. Effect sizes are also defined and studied. The results indicate that more missing data in a sample does not necessarily imply more significant test statistics due to smaller effect sizes. Knowing the true population means and covariances or the parameter values in structural equation models may not make things easier either. The research was supported by NSF grant DMS04-37167, the James McKeen Cattell Fund.  相似文献   

We consider models which combine latent class measurement models for categorical latent variables with structural regression models for the relationships between the latent classes and observed explanatory and response variables. We propose a two-step method of estimating such models. In its first step, the measurement model is estimated alone, and in the second step the parameters of this measurement model are held fixed when the structural model is estimated. Simulation studies and applied examples suggest that the two-step method is an attractive alternative to existing one-step and three-step methods. We derive estimated standard errors for the two-step estimates of the structural model which account for the uncertainty from both steps of the estimation, and show how the method can be implemented in existing software for latent variable modelling.  相似文献   

Although much progress has been made in clarifying the properties of canonical correlation analysis in order to enhance its applicability, there are several remaining problems. Canonical variates do not always represent the observed variables even though the canonical correlation is high. In addition, canonical solutions are often difficult to interpret.

This paper presents a method designed to deal with these two problems. Instead of maximizing the correlation between unobserved variates, the sum of squared inter-set loadings is maximized. Contrary to the canonical correlation solution, this method ensures that the shared variance between predictor variates and criterion variables is maximal. Instead of extracting variates from both criterion and predictor variables, only one set of components (from the predictor variables) is constructed. Without loss of common variance, an orthogonal rotation is applied to the resulting loadings in order to simplify structure.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether common geriatric conditions, family function, and nutritional problems have independent associations with functional dependence beyond the effect of cognitive impairment in patients with Alzheimer's disease. It was found that some common geriatric conditions affecting patients with Alzheimer's disease appear to have multiple and differential relationships with specific instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) dependency. These results have implications for medical care. Preventing one condition may not be sufficient to prevent further IADL dependences because the conditions are independently related to individual outcome variables. Thus, multiple conditions may need to be managed concurrently if further functional dependence is to be expected.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of "internal" organizational variables on representative perceptions of "external" negotiations. Representative reelection, involvement in position formation, and entry into groups perceived to differ in their stages of development were manipulated in the context of simulated union-management wage negotiations to determine their effect on negotiators' subsequent perceptions of the bargaining experience. Results indicated that entry into a newly formed group (vs. an ongoing group) and involvement in formulating the group position both increased negotiators' acceptance of the group goals. Further, several negative effects of new group membership in ongoing groups were attenuated by increasing the involvement of representatives in group decision making. There was no support for the hypothesis that a formal reelection process would strengthen representatives' commitment to the group goals. Overall, these findings suggest that involvement in position formation, and entry into groups differing in their maturity, influence the perceptions of representatives and may have several important and interesting effects on negotiations.  相似文献   

A classic social psychological model is that external variables influence behavior through their impact on subjective expected utility, the extent to which more good or harm is expected from behavior. The purpose of this research was to determine whether subjective expected utility is a major intervening variable that links external variables and the onset of alcohol drinking and cigarette smoking. The data are from two longitudinal studies of adolescents. The findings suggest that subjective expected utility does not account for the relationship between external variables and behavior.  相似文献   

A number of factors influence the outcomes of computer skills training and the likelihood of successful transfer. The first empirical test of a conceptual model of training transfer sought to explain how trainees' perceptions of various in-training transfer-enhancing activities such as overlearning, fidelity, stimulus variability, principles-meaningfulness, self-management activities, relapse prevention, and goal setting would predict the self-efficacy and implementation intentions (rather than actual transfer outcomes) of computer skills trainees. As expected, posttraining self-efficacy and transfer enhancing activities both predicted transfer implementation intentions. Pretraining self-efficacy also significantly predicted posttraining self-efficacy, trainees' level of learning during training and transfer enhancing activities, providing support for the conceptual model of training transfer.  相似文献   

职场孤独感是个体在工作场所中体验到的孤独感,包括情感和社交两个维度。在介绍其定义、结构和测量后,根据现有研究总结出职场孤独感的前因与后果。在群体层面上,职场孤独感的前因变量包括组织规模、地位和气氛;结果变量包括团队绩效、领导成员交换和团队成员交换。在个体层面上,职场孤独感的前因变量包括人格特征、职场排斥、工作倦怠、工作过载、经济地位和教育水平等;结果变量包括工作绩效、工作压力感、工作满意度、离职倾向和组织承诺等。  相似文献   

以500名青少年手机拥有者为被试,采用问卷调查法考察青少年新媒介依赖(包括网络和手机依赖)的特点,并探讨父母因素和抵制效能感对青少年新媒介依赖的预测作用。结果发现:(1)40%的青少年至少存在边缘网络成瘾行为,19.8%的青少年为手机依赖者。青少年网络成瘾和手机依赖这两种新媒介依赖行为间具有显著的关联性,46.4%的青少年存在至少一种新媒介依赖行为。(2)青少年新媒介依赖行为与其抵制效能感、父母行为/态度及父母行为监控显著相关。青少年抵制效能感在父母行为/态度与青少年新媒介依赖行为之间起到完全中介的作用,在父母行为监控与青少年新媒介依赖行为间起到部分中介的作用。研究结果对提高青少年新媒介依赖行为预防干预活动的有效性和针对性具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

范畴变量对虚假记忆的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张积家  董昌锋 《心理学报》2006,38(3):324-332
以中文词为材料,考察范畴样例重复,样例熟悉性、典型性和范畴大小对虚假再认的影响。实验1表明,随着范畴样例增加,虚假再认也增加。实验2表明,对高熟悉的样例虚假再认多。实验3表明,对高典型样例更易虚假再认。实验4表明,和大范畴样例比,对小范畴样例有更多的虚假再认。整个结果可以用激活扩散理论统一地加以解释  相似文献   

The role of beliefs, personality variables, and demographic factors in the sentencing of juvenile offenders was investigated. The subjects (1,030 members of the juvenile justice system) judged hypothetical juvenile perpetrators. Various personality, belief, and demographic variables were found to be related to sentencing severity; these relationships differed based on the type of crime judged. Further, relations among these variables and sentencing behavior indicated three coherent patterns or resonances. A liberal group of individuals, believing in rehabilitation, external causality of crime, a positive prognosis for the perpetrator, and nontraditional views of women, sentenced moderately. Two types of conservative individuals were defined. Both groups were punitive, and believed in internal causality of crime; however, they differed on attitudes toward women, needs for cognition, and beliefs about seriousness and harm. One group sentenced the most severely and the other the most leniently. Implications for the sentencing of juvenile offenders are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the majority of prevention efforts have focused on women, reduction of heterosexual transmission of STDs also requires interventions for men, necessitating understanding of men's safer sex decision making. In a random sample of 486 heterosexually active men, the theory of reasoned action (TRA) was used to predict intentions to use condoms with casual partners, as well as 2 steady‐partner safer sex behaviors: mutual monogamy and condom use. The basic TRA model fit the data well. Expanded models identified the mediated (via attitudes, social norms, and self‐efficacy) and, for some, direct effects on intentions and behavior of selected intrapersonal, interpersonal, and sociocultural variables. Results suggest that the role of external variables might vary depending on the behaviors in question.  相似文献   

The sufficiency of fishbein's attitude model was tested with respect to behavioral intentions to conserve water. Regression analysis showed subjective norms (SN) to be the variable most highly correlated with intentions. It was also found that, contrary to the model, SN and evaluative attitudes (Aact) did not adequately mediate all the variation in intentions accounted for by the variables included in this analysis. Age was found to be an important external variable in explaining water conservation intentions, The equations of the models which predict SN and Aact were also analvzed. Analysis of regressions for dichotomized groups revealed strong individual differences in regression equations. Age, along with SN and Aact, was found to be an important variable in accounting for individual differences. The findings are discussed in relation to the sufficiency of Fishbein's model and the role of individual differences in Understanding water conservation intentions.  相似文献   

龚群 《伦理学研究》2004,(1):100-103
在人类共同的社会实践中 ,我们总是处在一种给予和接受的关系之中 ,因此 ,也就需要一种给予和接受的德性。亚里士多德和阿奎那考察了这类德性。包容着具体的公正慷慨的接受和给予的德性实践是我们自己共同体的基本实践 ,对于共同体的共同生活起了它所起的作用。  相似文献   

Resilience in couples experiencing infertility is critical to decrease the impact of infertility-related stress and sustain positive interactions and collective perceptions in couples. The Infertility Resilience Model (IRM) presented in this article provides a framework within which various individual, couple, and external factors that influence resilience can be understood. Although numerous approaches have been applied to infertility, few of them have examined resilience and the interconnections between individual, couple, and external influences. The concepts and connections within the model can be used by clinicians for assessment and interventions when working with couples facing infertility.  相似文献   

基于预期理论的参照依赖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
参照依赖是指个体基于某一参照点对得失价值进行判断:参照点之上,个体感受为收益,反之即为损失.参照依赖现象广泛存在于生活中的各种领域.当前,对参照依赖心理机制的解释主要有预期理论、后悔理论和三阶段参照点理论.参照依赖的影响因素主要包括经验、情绪状态、文化、目标和认知对象的特点等.未来的研究应主要集中于参照依赖的产生根源,深入探讨参照依赖的神经机制,加强动态参照点、多重参照点以及群体中参照依赖现象的研究.  相似文献   

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