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Abstract: The Bush administration's military war on terrorism is a blunt, ineffective, and unjust response to the threat posed to innocent civilians by terrorism. Decentralized terrorist networks can only be effectively fought by international cooperation among police and intelligence agencies representing diverse nation‐states, including ones with predominantly Islamic populations. The Bush administration's allegations of a global Islamist terrorist threat to the national interests of the United States misread the decentralized and complex nature of Islamist politics. Undoubtedly there exists a “combat fundamentalist” element within Islamism. But the threat posed to U.S. citizens by Islamist terrorism neither necessitates nor justifies as a response massive military invasions of other nations. Not only does the Bush administration's war on alleged “terrorist states” violate the doctrine of just war, but in addition these wars arise from a new, unilateral, imperial foreign‐policy doctrine of “preventive wars.” Such a doctrine will isolate the United States from international institutions and long‐standing allies. The weakening of these institutions and alliances will only weaken the ability of the international community to deter terrorism.  相似文献   

对中医的科学性评价,应考虑到评判价值的非中立性,通过对中医的历史及未来发展的分析和我们科学观念的改变去完成。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍评价<语言·意义·指称>一书中的哲学观点,作者在该书中提出了一个与传统语义理论完全相反的语义理论,从区别语义学指称和形而上学指称开始,作者定义了语义学标记,对否定存在陈述、空名陈述、分析性等语言哲学的重要难题给予了全新的解释,但这一解释是否完全、一致、系统而且直观仍然是一个有待讨论的问题.  相似文献   




This study examined the relationship of three variables to verdict confidence in an experimental simulation of the jury deliberation process. The three variables were: sex of juror, verdict (guilty or innocent), and the similarity or dissimilarity between juror and confederate verdicts (congruence or incongruence). The subjects were 35 male and 37 female college students. They deliberated in groups containing a male confederate who role-played an obnoxious anti-White or anti-Black juror. Results indicated that before deliberation, male and guilt verdict jurors were more confident than females and innocent verdict jurors. After deliberation, however, sex differences in verdict confidence were absent while innocent verdicts jurors were more confident than guilt verdict jurors. Most important, as predicted from Heider's Balance Theory, males who deliberated with a confederate whose verdict was congruent with theirs' became less confident in their verdicts. Unexpectedly, females became more confident. The study's major hypothesis, then, that it may be advantageous for the defense to accept a juror who zealously advocates a guilty verdict, was only supported for males.  相似文献   

Pelegrina M  Tejeiro R 《Psicothema》2006,18(1):160-164
In this study, ROC and z-ROC parameters are applied in word recognition memory, with words classified according to frequency and class. In doing so, unbiased techniques can be used to assess hits and false alarms and to obtain standardized distributions for each experimental condition. Our results confirm the existence of differences in word recognition memory for experimental exposition time, type of words and other pre-experimental effects. These data are consistent with familiarity and recollection models when words' frequency is used, and with familiarity, recollection and dual-route models when words are organized according to class. Finally, we argue in favour of an interactive processing model (words organized according to frequency) versus a processing model nearer to modularity (words organized according to class).  相似文献   

"组织起来"像一条金线贯穿于建国后的农业合作化运动中,也渗透在毛泽东的农业合作思想中.作为毛泽东农业合作思想有力的通俗表达方式,"组织起来"蕴含着丰富的内涵,也有着背后的政治逻辑."组织起来"在一定程度上促进了农田水利建设,发展了农业生产,支援了工业化建设,但是,基于那个时代的局限,经验的有限与实践的复杂,毛泽东农业合作化思想在实践过程中凸显出理论、利益及制度方面的困窘,从而不可避免地在农业合作实践中遭受挫折和失败.今天,面对亿万分散的一家一户的小农经济,2010年中央一号文件进一步提出"着力提高农业生产经营组织化程度",毛泽东"组织起来"的农业合作思想再次呈现其广阔的前景和张力.  相似文献   

康德在《纯然理性界限内的宗教》一书中,以人性的善恶问题开始了他在后批判时期的宗教哲学论著。在《论恶的原则与善的原则的共居或论人性中的根本恶》一篇中,康德集中论述了人性的善恶和原罪的含义。本文通过梳理康德的人性论和原罪观及其交互关系,从中引出康德与基督教传统教义的原罪观在自由意志层面上的比较分析。  相似文献   

在几十年历史演变过程中,法兰克福学派批判理论经历了三期发展:第一期发展侧重于批判理论建构与工业文明批判;第二期发展侧重于批判理论重建与现代性批判;第三期发展完成了批判理论的“政治伦理转向”。如果说,哈贝马斯话语伦理学、商谈政治理论,意味着批判理论的“政治伦理转向”一定程度实现;那么,霍耐特承认理论及其多元正义构想,则标志着批判理论的“政治伦理转向”最终完成。尽管霍氏徘徊于批判理论与后批判理论、理想主义与现实主义、一元主义与多元主义之间,但是最终从批判理论走向了后批判理论。  相似文献   

僧肇的“空”,是“不真空”,即“性空”,具体包括“法空”、“智空”和“智法俱空”三层涵义。僧肇“空”论对我国当前社会转型期的价值冲突在意识层面的消解,具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

A theory is presented which assumes that individuals are represented by unique nodes in memory. To test the theory, simple facts were predicated of an individual person. Some facts referred to him by proper name, and other facts by his profession. In a before condition, subjects learned that the profession and name referred to the same individual before learning the facts, while in an after condition, they learned the identity after learning the facts. Subsequent to learning the facts and identities, subjects verified sentences based on what they had learned. Verification latencies indicated that in the before condition, one memory node was created to represent the individual, but two nodes were set up in the after condition. Assymmetries between proper names and professions indicate that the two types of referring expressions are treated differently in long-term memory.  相似文献   

儿童自我控制心理机制的理论述评   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自我控制是个体抑制和调节自身冲动的能力,是个体适应社会的主要标志。对自我控制心理机制的探讨在此领域的研究中居于核心地位。在精神分析理论、认知发展理论和行为主义理论早期观点的基础上,A.Gifford、W.Mischel和J.kuhl等人在近期研究中分别强调了情绪、认知和注意过程以及自我调节策略在个体自我控制过程中的作用,在此基础上,该文总结了关于自我控制心理机制研究中较为一致的结论和仍然存在的分歧。  相似文献   

广松涉认为,对近代认识论基础的问题式及其构成机制和局限进行反思,首先需要将着眼点放在康德哲学的问题式及其构成机制上。康德哲学的总的问题式就是在以先验逻辑学为基础的逻辑学、认识论和本体论“三位一体”的哲学构架中,探讨人的认识以及纯粹理性的先天综合判断及其能力何以可能。这一问题式潜含着一个意义非常重大的认识论问题——即“主体际共同主观性”问题.需要我们认真地加以研究。  相似文献   

汉武帝"独尊儒术"后,在政治理论上的一个最突出的变化,就是经学"受命"论的确立.根据董仲舒等人的诠释,汉代"受命"论的内容主要有两个方面:一是"受命"而王所应具有的种种标志和象征,如黄龙、麒麟、凤凰、甘露、朱草、灵芝等,这就是所谓"祥瑞"或"符瑞";二是当"受命"之君出现某些过失时,"上天"所采取的种种"警诫"和"谴告",如天变、灾害等,亦即所谓"灾异".汉代"受命"理论的确立,不仅圆满解决了汉王朝如何继统的法理性问题,而且标志着经学所推崇的"汤武革命"学说已为人们所认同,但同时它也是一把让汉王朝感到惴惴不安的双刃剑.  相似文献   

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