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Four chronic global aphasics were treated with Blissymbols (C. K. Bliss, 1965, Semantography-Blissymbolics, Sydney: Semantography Pub.). As soon as possible the therapeutic communication was based solely on the use of the symbols. Three patients seemed to benefit from therapy. In one case therapy had to be discontinued because of massive perseveration. In one patient expression of needs relied solely on the use of the symbols. In another, expressive speech could be restored to such an extent that communication by the use of symbols was discontinued.  相似文献   

On the assumption that temporal resolution underlies an individual's ear advantage for speech perception, one would predict an ear advantage for a temporal resolution task to correlate precisely with an ear advantage for the discrimination of consonant-vowel syllables that differ in their temporal features. A gap detection task that required the resolution of brief silent intervals in bursts of noise was employed to test this hypothesis in four baboons. The findings offer support for such a hypothesis and thus increase the feasibility of an animal model of functional asymmetry in the auditory system.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported concerning the determinants of postdecisional preferences for decision-relevant information. Two factors were considered: the competence of the source of the information and the degree of prior familiarity with the contents of the information. The first two experiments showed that the competence of the source of decision-supporting information affected the desirability of reading both types of information, whereas the competence of the source of decision-opposing information had very little effect on the desirability of reading either type. In the third experiment, the effects of giving subjects access to prior information supporting or opposing their view on their preferences for further information were investigated under conditions in which the number of choices of this later information were either limited or unlimited. The effects of prior information on choices of decision-supporting information were identical regardless of whether the total amount of information available was limited or unlimited: Less decision-supporting information was chosen when subjects had previously been exposed to decision-supporting information than when they had not, and this difference was greater when they had not previously been exposed to decision-opposing information. However, the choices of decision-opposing information under unlimited choice conditions increased with the amount of decision-supporting information previously read, but decreased with the amount of decision-opposing information previously read. The processes that underlie the choices of information under conditions in which several types are available are discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper reports an experiment in which different amounts of negative self-discrepant information were induced and its effects on information seeking were tested. In addition, the monetary cost of the information available was manipulated. Subjects received fictitious intelligence test results that were negatively discrepant from their self-evaluation. They were then given the opportunity to choose among several articles containing information that either derogated intelligence tests (test-disparaging information) or argued for their validity (test-supporting information). The relative preference for test-disparaging over test-supporting information increased with feedback discrepancy up to a point, but then decreased as this discrepancy became more extreme. The relative preference in reading desirability for test-disparaging over test-supporting articles was also higher when the information cost money than when it did not. In addition, the difference between the desire for the two types of information was greater under cost than under no cost conditions, particularly at the extreme levels of feedback discrepancy.  相似文献   

Forty-five patients with unilateral demarcated vascular lesions in the basal ganglia, the thalamus and the deep white matter were investigated with an "aphasia battery." Patients with basal ganglia lesions performed worse than both other groups in tests of articulation, syntax, and lexical functions. The deficit of patients with basal ganglia lesions on all expressive language modalities was lateralized to the left hemisphere. Patients with left thalamic lesions showed impairments of speech fluency and in the Token Test. Patients with white matter lesions alone showed no effect of laterality in tests of language functions. The results are discussed on the basis of a recent theory of the participation of the deep nuclei in language processing.  相似文献   

Language disturbances were studied in 40 patients with well-demarcated vascular lesions of the speech-dominant hemisphere. Computerized cranial tomography was used for localization of the lesion. Special emphasis was given to the analysis of automatized speech and repetitive verbal phenomena.Subcortical infarctions with basal ganglia involvement led to transient aphasia although long-lasting abnormalities of language could be detected in these patients. Aphasia was more severe if a cortical lesion was combined with a basal ganglia lesion. Automatisms and recurring utterances occurred only with combined cortical and basal ganglia lesions. A lesion of Wernicke's area alone, without involvement of prerolandic structures or subcortical nuclei, was sufficient to produce long-lasting aphasia, whereas lesions of Broca's area alone produced only transient language disturbances. The results are compatible with a recent theory of multiple cerebral representation of function.  相似文献   

This article addresses the impact of unification on East German families and on the situation of women in the East. The main hypothesis is that women are the losers of German unification, not only in terms of their decreasing participation in the labor force, but also in terms of their weakened position in partnerships and their increasing responsibilities in the domestic sphere. The findings are based primarily on personal interviews of different types of families. The first part of the article describes respondents' recollections of their everyday lives during the days of the former DDR (East Germany) and analyzes the specific family structures and relations between family members that prevailed. It focuses on the domestic division of labor and discusses the impact of high female employment on gender roles in the family and in the socialist society. The second part deals with the effects of German unification on families in East Germany.  相似文献   

Christian contributions to the public discourse on bioethicscome from individual Christians, from Christian churches, andfrom academic theology. All contributors must frame their argumentsin such a way as to account for the pluralism of worldviewsin contemporary Germany. For this purpose, they must take issuewith certain hermeneutical and discourse theoretical considerations.That is to say, in order for their contributions to remain normativelyauthentic in a Christian and Protestant sense, these must relateto Scripture and to Protestantism's confessional documents,and in order for these contributions to remain pertinent andrelevant to the facts, they must relate to biomedical, philosophical,and legal contexts. Given these hermeneutical and discoursetheoretical requirements, two church statements addressing theethical discussion concerning the use of embryonic stem cellsfor medical research are analyzed.  相似文献   


This paper examines the striking absence of women philosophers from German historiography of philosophy during the nineteenth and early twentieth century. While the general topic has been considered before, additional documents and considerations are presented that will help us better understand the omission of women philosophers in the German context. Firstly, material is presented showing that women philosophers were widely discussed in Germany prior to 1800. These discussions stand sharply in contrast with the silence about women in subsequent general histories of philosophy. Secondly, it is shown that the absence of women philosophers in German historiography of philosophy during the nineteenth century is not entirely new but has to be seen as a continuation of tendencies characteristic for the historiography of philosophy already during the eighteenth century. Thirdly, it is argued that, towards the end of the nineteenth century, there was a new stimulus for thinking about women in the history of philosophy, namely women’s emancipation and, more specifically, the right to a university education. Seen in this light, the renewed and intensified effort to diminish women philosophers can be understood as a symptomatic attempt to keep women out of academia in general, and out of philosophy in particular.  相似文献   

It is assumed that in a free-recall task the short-term store serves as a memory buffer between the long-term store and a final motor stage of word production. Because of this the retrieval process in long-term store is not hindered by the final motor stage of word production since continued output from the long-term store queues in the buffer for motoric processing. Otherwise a time consuming communication between the two processes would be necessary. A stochastic model of this conceptualization is provided to predict the temporal course of free recall as well as a paradigm in which the contribution of the short-term store in free recall can be studied. The experimental results from this paradigm were used to test the model and to estimate short-term storage capacity on the basis of the time course of free recall. The model predictions were in good agreement with the data and the capacity estimate coincides well with estimates found by totally different methods reported in the literature.  相似文献   

German psychologists may have been first to establish a university curriculum in psychology with the expressed purpose to provide—after its successful completion—a certificate of professional qualification. This Diplom-Prüfungsordnung (Diploma Examination Regulation) was accepted nationwide in 1941. However, it took over fifty more years before some progress toward the political and legal acceptance of autonomous clinical activities of psychologists was made. Legislation to secure these advances is still pending. In this context the efforts to establish the profession of clinical neuropsychology are described and discussed within the historical development of professional psychology in Germany with special emphasis on the problems of compromises within the force fields of science and professional politics. Finally, the postgraduate training as well as the certification and accreditation procedures developed by the Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie, the Society of German-speaking neuropsychologists, are presented.  相似文献   

马克思经济伦理思想不仅深受英、法古典经济学的影响,也受到德国古典哲学、历史学派以及青年黑格尔派思想的影响,诸如经济伦理的视角、方法以及劳动、异化、拜物教等问题,马克思都对其有着分析、批判与继承。  相似文献   

Subjects who came to an experiment expecting to receive a moderate amount of money for performing a task were then told, either before or after performing it, that their pay would be higher than, equal to, or less than they had expected. When the actual payment was announced after the task was performed, subjects' evaluations of the task increased with the amount they were paid; however, they estimated a higher rate of pay to be appropriate if they received either more or less than they expected than if they received what they expected. When the actual payment was announced before the task was performed (and before subjects made their decision to perform it), a different pattern emerged. Subjects rated the task more attractive when they were offered either more or less than the expected amount, while their judgments of the appropriateness of the pay offered increased with the amount of the offer. Implications of the results for incentive and dissonance theories as well as self-perception and equity theories are discussed.  相似文献   

A characterization of stochastic independence in terms of association of random variables is given. The result is applied to yield a simple proof of the Sattath-Tversky inequality without continuity assumptions.  相似文献   

The fall of Communism is now universally agreed to be what the philosopher Hegel called a world historical event—one that few predicted but nearly everyone saw as inevitable after it happened. In the aftermath many lives—and worldviews—changed, not only, but also in the human sciences. These remarks attempt to address in a preliminary way both the impact of the fall of Communism on psychology in former East Germany (including changes in personnel and approach) and the ways in which these sciences were employed as resources for reflection on the Communist past as well as the transition to new social and political regimes.  相似文献   

Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF; 133Xe-inhalation method) was investigated in 32 industrial workers (age: 51 +/- 9 years) who had been exposed to organic solvents during an average of 24.5 years. The measurements were made at rest and during learning of associated word pairs. The resting flow level was 17% lower than expected for normal subjects of similar age and the activation-induced changes of rCBF during the test lacked the frontal activation normally seen. Significant correlations between age, length of exposure, and rCBF level were found. In order to control for the age factor, results were also calculated from two subgroups of similar age but with very different levels of exposure (13 and 31 years of average exposure). The two groups differed only slightly in resting rCBF. A marked difference was, however, seen during activation, with significant post-central flow increases recorded in the lower-exposed group only. The results indicate the potential of the rCBF method for elucidating functional cortical changes related to neurotoxic effects of organic solvents.  相似文献   

The development of understanding the relationships between velocity, time, and distance was investigated in three tasks. In each task, values of two dimensions were given, and 5-year-olds, 10-year-olds, and adults had to infer values of the third dimension. These inferences were made in all age groups. The integration rules were found to depend upon age and task. In the distance = time × velocity task, all age groups obeyed the normative multiplication rule. In the time = distance ÷ velocity task, the two older age groups obeyed the normative division rule, but the 5-year-olds shifted to a simpler subtraction rule. In the velocity = distance ÷ time task, which was the most difficult, the two older age groups simplified to use of a subtraction rule, and the 5-year-olds simplified even further to use of a distance-only rule. The knowledge level revealed for young children contrasts sharply with results from previous studies using Piagetian choice tasks, which apparently investigate selective attention to one dimension rather than conceptual understanding of relations.  相似文献   

This paper is a survey of the law in the United States which is applicable to consulting scientists and engineers. Based on the body of law which has developed for the construction industry and professional “advice-givers” such as attorneys, medical doctors and accountants, the paper reviews professional responsibilities in the areas of Common Law Torts. Common Law Contracts, certain U.S. Federal and State Statutes and the protection of sensitive information.  相似文献   

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