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The repertory grid technique has long been the empirical tool of choice for research based on personal construct theory (Kelly, 1955). In some situations, respondents are asked to evaluate a set of elements with respect to a fixed or supplied repertoire of constructs, and an assumption is made that respondents will employ these constructs similarly. This situation is thus equivalent to the semantic differential technique. In the repertory grid context it is justified through the commonality of construing corollary of personal construct theory. This is an assumption that can be tested, although it seems to have attracted little attention in the past. Here a criterion for commonality of a construct is proposed, namely that of the data conforming to a unidimensional scaling model, and a simple method of testing this is illustrated.  相似文献   

In a repertory grid experiment based on elicited personal constructs we tested several predictive implications of a computational model of interpersonal judgment developed by Lefebvre, Lefebvre, and Adams-Webber (1986). Results are compared with related findings within the framework of personal construct theory.  相似文献   

The effect of personal construct elicitation methods on construct content and structure was addressed in two studies. In Study 1, a between-subjects design was used to compare Kelly's (1955) original Triadic Difference method of elicitation with a Dyadic Opposite method. Study 2 used a fully-crossed, mixed factorial design to compare Kelly's (1955) Triadic Difference method with Epting, Suchman, and Nickeson's (1971) Triadic Opposite method. Results showed that "difference" methods of construct elicitation produced significantly higher levels of construct differentiation, lower numbers of positive emergent construct poles, and less socially undesirable implicit construct poles than "opposite" methods (see also Caputi & Reddy, in press). Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to a critical reappraisal of repertory grid methods.  相似文献   

This study explored the contribution of personal construct psychology (PCP) and the repertory grid technique to understanding stress when raising a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Associations between child level of functional impairment, parenting stress, psychological distress, and maternal construing were examined in mothers of 25 children diagnosed with ASD. Results suggest that a personal construct perspective may help delineate factors involved in parent adjustment to ASD.  相似文献   

A repertory grid was administered individually to 39 Canadian undergraduates in which they rated 11 personal acquaintances on a scale from 1 to 5 on each of 12 bipolar constructs (e.g., generous-stingy). The degree of confidence expressed by these participants concerning their own self-ratings across constructs correlated positively with the extent to which they differentiated among their acquaintances in terms of the same constructs ( r s = 0.49, p < 0.005) and also with how definitely they rated them ( r s = 0.42, p < 0.02). It was hypothesized that the contrasting poles of personal constructs represent "fuzzy sets" without distinct logical boundaries and the self can function as a prototype to which information about others is compared in evaluating them on the basis of each construct.  相似文献   

Two repertory grids were administered to 31 Canadian undergraduates (20 women and 11 men) in which they rated themselves and 10 personal acquaintances on 11 supplied constructs. For the initial (baseline) grid they followed neutral instructions. For the second grid, they rated the same figures while listening to happy music and attempting to recall pleasant memories. The results from both grids closely approximated a set of theoretical predictions derived from a model of interpersonal judgment by Lefebvre, Lefebvre, and Adams-Webber (1986) within the framework of personal construct theory.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to explore the relationship, suggested by recent developmental approaches, between several aspects of self-knowledge organization and depressive symptomatology in late adolescence, within the comprehensive framework of Kelly's personal construct psychology. The repertory grid technique was used to obtain six measures of self-knowledge organization: global differentiation; polarization; presence of conflicts; and discrepancies between actual self, ideal self, and others. Two inventories were used to create two samples of late adolescents according to their level of depressive symptoms. Results supported the expectations of greater global differentiation and actual–ideal self discrepancy (or lower self-esteem) for adolescents with depressive symptoms, as well as a higher likelihood of intrapersonal conflicts. However, discrepancies between self (actual or ideal) and others (identification, and perceived adequacy of others), and polarization showed no significant differences. Furthermore, the association of symptom severity with different grid measures was stronger for adolescents with depressive symptoms. Results and limitations of this study are discussed, and the potential of using personal construct theory and the repertory grid technique in studies of self-knowledge and psychological adjustment during adolescence is explored.  相似文献   

The personal construct systems relating to fluency of a group of five stutterers and a group of five nonstutterers were examined using the repertory grid technique. The results support findings that stereotypical notions about stuttering were characteristic of both stutterers and nonstutterers and did not support Fransella's 1972 assumption that constructs relating to fluency differ in the communication subsystems of stutterers and nonstutterers.  相似文献   

When Kelly introduced the repertory grid in 1955 he linked it to a theory that emphasized anticipation and prediction and employed a formal statement of construct organization that argued for superordinate and subordinate relationships among constructs. Almost all analytic methods devised for repertory grid data have ignored this link although in the early 1980s several methods of assessing prediction were proposed. This article shows some simple predictive statistics that can be used to identify asymmetric relations in repertory grid data and provide different pictures of grid structure.  相似文献   


The concept of self-esteem is examined as it relates to the theory and practice of personal construct psychology (PCP). William James's two perspectives on the self, as a knower and as an object of knowledge, are related to two PCP perspectives, the self as a construct and the self as an element. Various PCP concepts, such as core role constructs, range of convenience, and emergent poles, are interpreted in regard to self-esteem. Methods for changing self-constructions to enhance self-esteem are also described. A modified repertory grid format is recommended for the study of self-esteem, one that uses positive experiences as grid elements instead of people who fit selected roles.  相似文献   

Elements form a key component of all repertory grid applications. Outside of the clinical context, the majority of applied research still relies on conventional role titles, objects, events, and situation elements for construct elicitation, limiting alternative applications of the technique. This article draws attention to a neglected topic in the grid literature by addressing the importance of element form and wording when eliciting personal constructs. In particular, no discussion to date has addressed the type of elements needed for more complex managerial and organizational phenomena, such as eliciting cognitive perceptions of a system of something (which, in the true sense of the word, may include people, objects, activities and events). The authors propose the use of more heterogeneous elements that would signify a more meaningful range of representativeness of the domain of interest. Once this is established, the elements would need to be reworded into "-ing" words to ensure triadic comparison are comparing like with like. The use of system elements opens up new applications of Kelly's (1955) grid technique.  相似文献   

The dominant method of analyzing repertory grid data in order to produce a joint spatial representation of constructs and elements has been Slater's INGRID procedure, often labeled "principal components" but more accurately described as a singular-value-­decomposition. This approach also involves centering the grid about construct means. In this article, it is shown that this removes a relationship between construct means and first component loadings for constructs. It is also shown, however, that a strong relationship between element means and element first component loadings remains. Ways of overcoming this problem are examined.  相似文献   


This paper reviews the relationship between personal construct theory and methods of repertory grid analysis. Traditional methods, such as factor or cluster analysis, are shown to relate to the fundamental postulate or construction corollary, while new hierarchical approaches relate to the structural corollaries of organization and range.  相似文献   

Seven couples referred to a clinical psychologist for marital therapy or psychosexual counseling were asked to complete a variety of repertory grid ratings and a marital satisfaction questionnaire. Links between understanding, similarity, perceived similarity, and marital satisfaction were examined; sex differences were also considered. In this small sample, understanding, similarity, and marital satisfaction were not found to be related. The men did tend to be better than the women at predicting their respective partner's grid. These findings are discussed in relation to previous research on marital satisfaction within the personal construct literature.  相似文献   

Repertory grids are used by some as the basis, and by others as the vehicle, for the transmission of meanings. This article is based on the premise that meanings are of paramount importance to those working within the framework of personal construct theory and attempts to establish two general propositions: (1) that, despite a considerable measure of content freedom, repertory grids severely constrain respondents; and (2) that it is difficult for meanings to pass through the linguistic constrictions of the grid matrix. Some implications of the argument are subsequently discussed.  相似文献   

Derivatives of Kelly's repertory grid have been widely used with children, but the prototype procedure is often simplified for the child's sake, with some loss of its exploratory power. The School Behaviour Game transposes the element elicitation and triadic construct elicitation phases of the repertory grid to a board-game for two (interviewer and child). It thus places a 'bizarre' procedure in a context that is meaningful from a child's viewpoint. The SBG was used in a study into children's perceptions of school. Its potential for guidance and counselling is considered.  相似文献   

This paper is intended to show the usefulness of a personal construct approach to assessment in sports psychology. A repertory grid design to assess managers of sports teams is presented. The method provides useful information about the commonalty between the group and the manager's view and also allows an evaluation of the changes produced as a result of manager's interventions. Research carried out in a Spanish football team is presented and some results are discussed from the perspective of selected information to be conveyed to the manager in order to develop his sociality in construing the players.  相似文献   

Personal construct theory has a focus on constructs rather than elements, as can be clearly seen in the corollaries proposed by George Kelly. Yet, in the operationalization of his fundamental postulate, namely the repertory grid technique, there is an equal focus on both constructs and elements. Here we examine the relative contributions to variation in the grid data of both elements and constructs and use the intraclass correlation to examine this in several data sets. It is shown that in many instances, elements contribute more to the variation in grid data, irrespective of whether elements and constructs are supplied or elicited, or whether the ratings are made construct by construct or element by element. Implications of this for both the theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Hypotheses derived from the literature on pain and on personal construct theory were tested using the repertory grid technique on samples of acute and chronic low back pain patients. Two main differences emerged between these groups: (a) Chronic pain patients showed a small but significant tendency to associate being in pain with being sensitive to others; and (b) chronic pain patients perceived significantly less anger around them. The two groups were then pooled to examine changes in construing with increasing pain duration. Two main trends were noted with increasing chronicity: (a) Pain patients perceived significantly less depression around them, with the construct depressed/not depressed becoming increasingly subordinate, and (b) pain was seen in increasingly less negative terms. The results are discussed with reference to the literature and suggestions are made for future research areas.  相似文献   

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