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In this article, we will apply aspects of Rychlak's philosophy of science to some of the most important issues in psychology today (issues of brain versus behavior, genetic destiny, the nature of scientific investigation, ecopsychology, and artificial intelligence). In our discussion of these issues, we attempt to show the ways that an appreciation of Rychlak's views can help conceptualize the bases of the disagreements in the field as well as explain why so many psychologists tend to “talk past” as opposed to “talk to” one another. We believe that a greater appreciation of Rychlak's major theses could allow psychologists to respect the work of others instead of trying to assert politically their favorite truth claims.  相似文献   

众所周知,明代有四大高僧。他们分别是释袜宏、释真可、释德清和释智旭。以他们是“出尘体道,以极佛化”的“出类拔萃”者,故有此誉。其中,释袜宏、释真可、释德清三大高僧,又以“久栖胜地,道著清凉,或暂入兹山,感通大圣”,而又谓之明代五台山的著名高僧。所以,《清凉山志》卷三《莲池大师传》中说:  相似文献   

叶矫然生当明末清初之际,此时期亦为史事派易学著作,如吴曰慎<周易本义爻征>、金士升<易内传>、胡世安<易史>等相继问世之时.<四库全书总目>于上述诸书,虽未选录于经部易类,然于叶矫然<易史参录>一书,则载诸<存目>,欲研究清初史事易学,探究史事易学何以至清而趋于极盛,则叶氏其人其书,自有不可不涉猎者.本文主要从<易史参录>著述背景与体制、易学渊源、援史证<易>特色、价值得失,并就<四库全书提要>主要论点提出一愚之见,略作修正与补充.由于叶矫然<易史参录>为清初史事宗易学重要之易家,其书亦影响同治年间另一史事易家曹为霖<易学史镜>甚巨,希望藉由本文之作,能提供未来从事清代史事易学,或清代易学史研究者之参考,进而有裨于吾人于清代易学全貌之了解.  相似文献   

Research has suggested that sexual relationships between psychology educators and their students often have adverse consequences. Therefore, ethical guidelines setting limits on such relationships are proposed. Coping strategies are offered for students who experience sexual harassment from educators. The task of the administrator in handling complaints of harassment is also discussed.  相似文献   

南北朝时期出现了各种佛教判教学说。判教亦称教相判释 ,萌芽于大乘经典中对大小二乘的分判 ,由来华梵僧译介经论时将其传入 ,为中土高僧所继承和发展。在南朝 ,自慧观分二教五时始 ,经刘虬、成论师的发挥 ,形成了三教五时等判教。北朝的判教学说以地论师为主 ,出现了四宗、五宗、六宗等异说。南北朝判教是自印度传入的佛教获得创造性发展、实现自身形态中国化的非常关键的一步 ,是中国佛教创宗立派的先声  相似文献   

Both classical anthropological evidence and recent psychological research suggest the possibility that obscene language is both a linguistic universal and one of man's most frequent types of linguistic expression. The report here is of the initial results of what will be a comprehensive research project concerned with the use, function, and personal-cultural-linguistic significance of obscene language within English and in a variety of other languages. In the present study of a college student sample, an empirically derived set of linguistic obscenities was obtained, the effects of sex and production mode upon the quantity of production were assessed, and the obtained obscenities were categorized with respect to the denotative domains of experience to which they referred. In addition, a questionnaire survey of attitudes toward and use of obscenity was taken among the producing Ss. It was found that while production mode (oral vs. written) did not affect the quantity of obscenity produced, males significantly outproduced females. Furthermore, the obtained obscenities were meaningly classifiable into a rather limited number of categories of social-psychological experience. Those categories containing the most exemplars seemed to reflect certain cultural attitudes toward the domains of experience represented by these categories. Finally, general analyses of questionnaire responses revealed that Ss (a) generally used obscenity freely, although they would limit usage around children and their own parents; (b) indicated restrictive reactions—particularly punishment—on the part of their parents when Ss used obscenity during their upbringing; and (c) gave the reason of emotional release as their primary motivation for using obscene language. Implications of the present research for future investigation—particularly across languages—were discussed.  相似文献   

Andrew Scull 《Deviant behavior》2013,34(1-4):275-289

This paper presents an assessment of the theoretical conflicts and debates within the sociology of deviance over the past two decades. It delineates the epistemological and theoretical confusion that currently characterize the field, and points out some of the dangers that this factionalization entails.  相似文献   

The visions of reality refer to assumptions about the nature and content of human reality and have been used to describe different genres of literature as well as psychoanalytic, behavioral, and humanistic modes of therapy. In this paper, four visions—the tragic, romantic, comic, and ironic—are applied to a single case, spelling out the way in which each can direct the focus of a therapist's attention to different aspects of a client's problems. Each vision can also influence the process of therapy and its goals. Keeping the several visions in mind can broaden both the therapist's and the client's view of the client's life situation and problems, thereby opening up possibilities for integrative work. The paper also spells out the shift in visions of reality that is necessary when conducting brief versus long-term therapy.  相似文献   

自我管理研究述评   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
王益明  金瑜 《心理科学》2002,25(4):453-456,464
在心理学的研究领域中,国外近年来出现了一类新的研究课题,即关于自我管理心理品质的研究。概括地说,在这类研究中自我管理是指主动调整自己的心理活动和行为,控制不当冲动,克服不利情境,积极寻求发展,取得良好适应的心理品质。显然,这种心理品质的好坏,亦即自我管理水平的高低,是影响个体社会适应效果和活动绩效以及心理健康状况的重要因素。因而,了解国外这方面的研究状况,介绍有关研究成果,对于在我国开展这方面的研究,加深对人的适应机制的理解无疑具有积极意义。  相似文献   

叶茂林 《心理科学》2005,28(2):423-425
随着网络的不断发展,通过网络进行心理测验的频率也迅速增加。本文分析丁这种新的测验方法的优点,如更容易获得样本、操作更灵活准确、成本更低廉以及能提供更优质的测评服务等。同时也指出网络测验法在信度、效度、管理、项目安全以及对被试保密等方面有其局限性。心理学工作者应该创造性地思考怎样利用网络来促进心理测验的发展。  相似文献   

The current review summarizes the literature on competing stimulus assessments (CSAs). CSAs are pretreatment assessments designed to systematically identify stimuli that reduce problem behavior (PB), ostensibly through reinforcer competition or substitution. We report on the participant characteristics, outcomes, and predictive validity of published CSAs that included (a) no-stimulus control trial(s), (b) test trials during which each stimulus was available singly and noncontingently, and (c) measurement of PB and stimulus engagement or contact. Results showed that CSAs have broad utility across a variety of topographies and functions of PB. In the majority of CSA applications for which extended analyses, or validations, were performed, stimuli shown to reduce PB during the CSA produced similar reductions during extended analysis. This was the case regardless of topography or function of PB, or whether the stimuli were assumed to be “matched” to the stimulation thought to be produced by PB. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Ken Hanly's recent article in this Journal (Vol. 9, No. 1, 1992) takes issue with Ronald Coase's approach to resolving problems of externalities, as set forth in his classic paper 'The Problem of Social Cost'. I argue that Hanly's discussion of Coase misinterprets or inappropriately rejects certain aspects of Coase's analysis, specifically, with regard to the reciprocal nature of externalities and the economic role of government. The resolution of externality problems is presented as an issue of selective normative choice as to whose interests are to count; neither efficiency nor morality claims are uniquely dispositive of the issue.  相似文献   

错误记忆研究范式评介   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
周楚  杨治良 《心理科学》2004,27(4):909-912
文章概括评介了当前错误记忆研究的几种主要范式及其各自可能的认知机制。联想研究范式(包括集中联想研究范式与类别联想研究范式)和无意识知觉范式描述了人们对单词的错误记忆,而误导信息干扰范式和KK研究范式则描述了人们对持续事件的错误记忆。这两类不同的研究范式证实了可能存在不同类型的错误记忆,且可能具有不同的认知加工机制。它们都从一定层面上揭示了错误记忆现象的本质和特征,并为人们进行更深入的研究提供了有效的方法。  相似文献   

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