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Counselling has long been considered to be an ancillary service in American education, its general purpose being to assure that the student is free enough from personal concerns and emotional problems to concentrate upon the objective of education, which is the development of the intellect (or cognitive abilities). Humanistic education questions this goal, and proposes that the objective of education should be the development of the student as a whole person, or the development of self-actualising persons. Counsellors, ideally, have always held this as their goal. When education adopts it also, then counselling will not be an ancillary activity, but will be central to the educative process.  相似文献   

This study investigated the achievement goals and motivations of California Community College CalWORKs students in an effort to better support student success and persistence. This study was guided by three research questions: (1) What type of achievement goals do CalWORKs students enter with? (2) What are their rationales for these types of achievement goals? (3) How malleable are these achievement goals? Interviews with 48 participants focused on better understanding the relationship between achievement goal type and motivation changes while in college. Findings indicate that CalWORKs students enter college with a range of goal types, but formany changes in goal type led to more intrinsic motivation and ultimately persistence toward graduation and career goals. Findings from this study also reveal thatexperiences highlighting students' ability to be competent as learners while balancing other roles helped catalyze change in achievement goal type and/or rationale. The results of this study emphasize that CalWORKs students' achievement goals are malleable, and particular college experiences can facilitate students' movement toward more academically focused goals. More specifically, placing more focus on additional student support programs that can foster peer networking, faculty interactions, and additional career exploration opportunities can lead to change in academic persistence.  相似文献   

This study examined the extent to which treatment integrity of 4 special education teachers was affected by goal setting, performance feedback regarding student or teacher performance, and a meeting cancellation contingency. Teachers were trained to implement function-based treatment packages to address student problem behavior. In one condition, teachers set a goal for student behavior and received daily written feedback about student performance. In a second condition, teachers received daily written feedback about student performance as well as their own accuracy in implementing the intervention and would be able to avoid meeting with a consultant to practice missed steps by implementing the intervention with 100% integrity. This latter package increased treatment integrity the most above baseline levels. Higher levels of treatment integrity were significantly correlated with lower levels of student problem behavior for 3 of the 4 teacher-student dyads. Three of the 4 teachers also rated both feedback procedures as highly acceptable. Implications for increasing and maintaining treatment integrity by teachers via a consultation model are discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of an elementary physical education curriculum in which development of positive social skills, including leadership and conflict-resolution behaviors, was the primary focus. A second goal was to determine possible generalization effects beyond the primary intervention setting. Students in two urban elementary physical education classes served as subjects, with a third class used as a comparison. The effects of the curriculum intervention were evaluated in the training setting and in the students' regular education classrooms using a multiple baseline across classrooms design. Results showed (a) an immediate increase in student leadership and independent conflict-resolution behaviors, (b) an increase in percentage of class time devoted to activity participation, and (c) decreases in the frequency of student off-task behavior and percentage of class time that students devoted to organizational tasks. Similar changes in student behavior were also observed in the regular classroom settings.  相似文献   

Abstract. Can one uphold a call from an ecclesiastical body while teaching in a college classroom? This paper will argue that the dual roles of pastor and professor can be integrated by the adoption of faith development as a learning goal. This goal seems to stand at odds with three important aspects of academic teaching: the demographic reality of religious pluralism, the ethical requirement to preserve student autonomy, and the overarching goal of a university education to promote critical thinking. My argument will be that, far from violating these three areas, faith development as a broad learning goal can actually provide a valuable deepening of pluralism, autonomy, and critical thought in the educational experience of students. The method of exploration will be autobiographical. I will show how it is that in my dual roles as an ELCA pastor called to a faculty post I articulate and use faith development as an overarching learning goal in the context of (1) a theological pedagogy based on an interfaith logos theology, (2) a value‐laden pedagogy vis‐à‐vis consumerist self‐formation, and (3) an adaptation of stages of faith development to the classroom.  相似文献   

In this article, I explore an ethical and pedagogical dilemma that I encounter each semester in my world religions courses: namely, that a great number of students enroll in the courses as part of their missionary training programs, and come to class understanding successful learning to mean gathering enough information about the world's religious “traditions” so as to effectively seduce people out of them. How should we teach world religions – in public university religious studies courses – with this student constituency? What are/ought to be our student learning goals? What can and should we expect to accomplish? How can we maximize student learning, while also maintaining our disciplinary integrity? In response to these questions, I propose a world religions course module, the goal of which is for students to examine – as objects of inquiry – the lenses through which they understand religion(s). With a recognition of their own lenses, I argue, missionary students become more aware of the biases and presumptions about others that they bring to the table, and they learn to see the ways in which these presumptions inform what they see and know about others, and also what they do not so easily see.  相似文献   

Supervision is a primary instructional vehicle for genetic counseling student clinical training. Approximately two-thirds of genetic counselors report teaching and education roles, which include supervisory roles. Recently, Eubanks Higgins and colleagues published the first comprehensive list of empirically-derived genetic counseling supervisor competencies. Studies have yet to evaluate whether supervisors possess these competencies and whether their competencies differ as a function of experience. This study investigated three research questions: (1) What are genetic counselor supervisors’ perceptions of their capabilities (self-efficacy) for a select group of supervisor competencies?, (2) Are there differences in self-efficacy as a function of their supervision experience or their genetic counseling experience, and 3) What training methods do they use and prefer to develop supervision skills? One-hundred thirty-one genetic counselor supervisors completed an anonymous online survey assessing demographics, self-efficacy (self-perceived capability) for 12 goal setting and 16 feedback competencies (Scale: 0–100), competencies that are personally challenging, and supervision training experiences and preferences (open-ended). A MANOVA revealed significant positive effects of supervision experience but not genetic counseling experience on participants’ self-efficacy. Although mean self-efficacy ratings were high (>83.7), participant comments revealed several challenging competencies (e.g., incorporating student’s report of feedback from previous supervisors into goal setting, and providing feedback about student behavior rather than personal traits). Commonly preferred supervision training methods included consultation with colleagues, peer discussion, and workshops/seminars.  相似文献   

When you enrol as a student you are assigned a ‘place’ in education. This assignment will gradually imply an assessment of you as a human being. We argue that these are processes taking place in educational practice. In our orientation in educational research an orientation towards a theory of action has been inspired by the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur. In our search for an educational practice that could describe what it is that makes the student a capable human being we continue in the spirit of Ricoeur. The text is divided in two parts. In the first part, Basic Capabilities in Education, we are asking: Who is the student if education is the process where the student learns to be a capable human being? We try to answer this with the help of Ricoeur’s phenomenology of the capable human being which is structured around the capacity to speak, to act, to tell and finally to impute. In the second part, Institutional Mediations of Capabilities in Education, we try to show how the transmission of the human capacities to an actualization through education at an institutional level, represented by the teacher, is necessary. If the student shall become a capable human being s/he has to have conditions for actualizations of her capacities. A paradigm for this is found in the process of assigning and assessing in education.  相似文献   

This is an account of some of the learning experiences of mature students undertaking a Level 2 Diploma course in Person-Centred Counselling over four terms in a higher education establishment in England. The central question driving this research stemmed from a desire to understand the student experience of becoming professional. Therefore the question was that of qualitative inquiry: ‘What are the experiences of mature learners on person-centred counselling courses within higher education?’ This paper discusses students’ perceptions of training and the ways in which they evaluate their status as professionals.  相似文献   

浅谈医学文化中的人文精神培养   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
20世纪以来,传统医学教育在指导思想上、教育理论上和实践中人文精神存在不足。这是由于长期以来我国的医学教育过分注重医学生的专业知识教育而忽视人文素质教育,专业知识与人文精神分离的结果。因此,着重从医学文化的角度去思考医学的本质和目的,探讨在医学教育中加强人文精神的培养。  相似文献   

This project brought together the constructs of goal and emotion regulation as a way of understanding college students’ well-being, building on previous work that identified the ability to disengage in goal pursuit and to redirect energy toward alternative goals as an important contributor to well-being. In Study 1, we assessed the amount of variance in well-being accounted for by measures of goal management, adding to the regression measures of student stress and self-compassion, the latter defined as a healthy form of self-acceptance and characterized as a tendency to treat oneself kindly in the face of perceived inadequacy. In Study 2, the stress scale was replaced by measures of perceived need and availability of support. Across studies, although factors such as goal management, stress, and need for and availability of support were important predictors of well-being, self-compassion accounted for a significant amount of additional variance in well-being.  相似文献   

Now suppose we could use genetic engineering, regenerative medicine or drugs --chemical enhancers, or reproductive technology or nanotechnology to produce healthier, fitter and more intelligent individuals, what should our reaction be? Would it be unethical to do so? Would it be ethical not to do so? Our question is this: If the goal of enhanced intelligence, increased powers and capacities and better health is something that we might strive to produce through education, including of course the more general health education of the community; why should we not produce these goals, if we can do so safely, through enhancement technologies or procedures? If these are legitimate aims of education could they be illegitimate as the aims of medical or life science, as opposed to educational science?  相似文献   

在高等教育学生满意度模型基础上,构建了高校创业教育学生满意度模型,利用天津市两所创业教育典型高校2052名已参与创业教育项目学生的问卷调查结果,采用PLS-SEM方法进行了实证分析,结果显示:学生期望、质量感知、价值感知对学生满意度均有直接且正向的影响,学生满意度对学生忠诚有直接且正向的影响;学校形象对于高校创业教育学生满意度没有直接影响,而是通过学生期望产生间接影响;学生满意度直接正向影响学生忠诚。学生满意度主要源自两方面:一是学生期望和质量感知产生的直接效用,二是学生期望通过影响质量感知和价值感知而产生的间接效用。根据研究结论,对提高高校创业教育质量提出了建议。  相似文献   

Because conflicts between personal and professional values can interfere with ethical decision making, a goal of counselor education must be helping students reconcile such conflicts. This article describes one counselor educator's experience teaching ethical decision making and the effects on student learning. Growth was observed in increased tolerance for ambiguity, awareness of how values influenced decision making, use of multiple factors in decision making, and emphasis on the welfare of clients. Implications for teaching and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

On starting to think about interaction design for low-functioning persons in the autistic spectrum (PAS), especially children, one finds a number of questions that are difficult to answer: Can we typify the PAS user? Can we engage the user in interactive communication without generating frustrating or obsessive situations? What sort of visual stimuli can we provide? Will they prefer representational or abstract visual stimuli? Will they understand three-dimensional (3D) graphic representation? What sort of interfaces will they accept? Can we set ambitious goals such as education or therapy? Unfortunately, most of these questions have no answer yet. Hence, we decided to set an apparently simple goal: to design a "fun application," with no intention to reach the level of education or therapy. The goal was to be attained by giving the users a sense of agency--by providing first a sense of control in the interaction dialogue. Our approach to visual stimuli design has been based on the use of geometric, abstract, two-dimensional (2D), real-time computer graphics in a full-body, non-invasive, interactive space. The results obtained within the European-funded project MultiSensory Environment Design for an Interface between Autistic and Typical Expressiveness (MEDIATE) have been extremely encouraging.  相似文献   

This paper describes a self-study of the author’s implementation of peer assessment (PA) in an undergraduate education course. The goal was to improve alignment of assessment practice and theory of practice, by introducing PA to empower students and draw on their funds of knowledge. The PA design is described, and student perception data are analysed alongside lecturer reflections. The focus is on elaboration of personal learning points for the author. Findings suggest the success of PA related to students’ ideas about its value, highlighting the importance of motivation to engage as peer assessors. Other findings revealed the author’s blindspots, because there were ways that her values and beliefs constrained goal attainment, and illuminated next steps.  相似文献   

Although focus on linguistic and cultural variables in education has been a priority at the federal level, few empirical papers reporting experimental analyses of the influence of these variables have been published. The goal of this special issue is to highlight recent experimental analyses of cultural or linguistic variables on student behavior or academic performance and to illustrate the challenges in translating an applied behavior analytic approach across languages and cultures. The special issue is comprised of studies that address three issues relevant to behavioral education: (1) comparative effects of providing academic instruction or addressing challenging behavior of children with intellectual and developmental disorders in English or their home language of Spanish, (2) delivering effective instructional practices with students from diverse racial and cultural groups, and (3) considerations regarding the translation of applied behavior analysis in education for adoption in a different language and culture.  相似文献   

This study investigated readiness as a correlate of academic success among beginning university students. A total of 829 first-time entering students from a large business sciences faculty were participants (males = 319, females = 510, mean age = 19, SD = 0.50 years). They completed the Academic Readiness Questionnaire (Lemmens, 2010) during the first-year orientation week. Data on academic success, consisting of subject marks and credits were collected in 2009 after a results verification process. Data were analysed with three separate multiple regression analyses. The first analysis consisted of the overall student sample, the second and third consisted of the black and the white students separated from the overall student sample. The main findings reveal that high school marks, the number of subjects in first year (credits registered), goal orientation, race, learning-efficacy, gender and the geographical area of high school have a direct relationship with academic success. The variables that predict academic success for black students are high school marks, credits registered, and parental education. The variables that predict academic success for white students are high school marks, goal orientation, credits registered, learning-efficacy, gender, and parental education.  相似文献   

Obama's, and other policymakers’, speeches claim that creativity—the ability to derive novel, excellent and relevant ideas and products—is a valuable student asset for the 21st century, but why? Two types of rhetorical appeals to long-held educational values in these speeches are examined: pragmatic claims about student creativity focus on economic recovery, which implies a need to teach and research the link between creativity, academic success and workforce preparation. In contrast, humanist claims about student creativity emphasize a teaching and research agenda of promoting self-realization, cultural identity formation, and aesthetic learning principles, which include empathy and emotional awareness in addition to cognitive aspects of creative thinking and problem solving. These rhetorical appeals are examined in light of education reform and directions in art education.  相似文献   

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