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(1) The study concerns Rorschach, Children Apperception Test, Bender Gestalt Test and Draw-a-Man. Data have been obtained on a number of personality variables from 12 pairs of identical twins at the ages of 9;6–10;6. (2) For the Ro 17 out of 21 and for the CAT 15 out of 23 intraclass coefficients are positive. The coefficients for the Gestalt test and Draw-a-Man are high and positive. It is argued that intraclass coefficients must be considered as underestimating both the true reliability of the ratings and the correlation between true scores for identical twins. (3) The intertest correlations give support to the construct validity of the ratings on the variables studied. Especially favourable are the intercorrelations for 'General adjustment'.  相似文献   

Twelve Danish pairs of uniovular twins brought up apart were studied individually using the 1938 version of Raven's Progressive Matrices. Significant within-pair correlations were found for raw scores and solving time pointing to a considerable influence of hereditary factors on such test performances.  相似文献   

The investigation concerns two main problems: (1) the distribution of ability test scores among twins in comparison with single-borns; and (2) intra-pair similarity among the various twin categories. More than 1000 individual twins were compared with 2700 single-borns on 21 test variables covering Swedish, Mathematics and English. The twin group consistently showed a lower average than the single-borns due to a displacement of the test score distribution as a whole among twins. The intra-pair similarities, expressed as intra-class correlations, run between 0.85 and 0.90 for identical pairs, whereas like-sex fraternals showed coefficients about 0.60. The unlike-sex fraternals had coefficients ten to twenty hundredths lower than those of the like-sex pairs.  相似文献   

The present investigation is part of a follow-up study of twins from grade 4 through 8 (age 11 through 15). Intra-pair similarities are studied, intra-class correlations being used as a criterion of similarity. Scores on achievement tests administered to practically all the twins in grade 4 in Sweden were collected and analyzed. The intra-class correlations obtained for an age group of twins in grade 6 are throughout higher than those obtained in grade 4. The findings refute the additive model of hereditary and environmental influences. Two alternative hypotheses are advanced to explain the results. Previous findings indicating an average superiority of single-borns over twins in cognitive tests are confirmed.  相似文献   

本文把感受野作为一个线性系统,以广义Gabor函数为其核函数,拓扑特性相同或不同的图对为输入刺激,计算出相应输出反应,结果和心理物理实验结果定性一致,说明感受野可能是对一些简单图对进行识别的神经生理基础。  相似文献   

Noncontingent reinforcement (NCR), a response-independent schedule for the delivery of reinforcement, has been found to be effective in reducing behavior when the reinforcer delivered is responsible for behavioral maintenance. In this study, dense and lean schedules of response-independent attention were compared to determine whether it is necessary to begin with a dense schedule before fading to a lean schedule, or whether treatment would be as effective using a lean schedule at the outset. The subjects were 5-year-old identical quadruplets diagnosed with mental retardation and pervasive developmental disorder who displayed destructive behavior that was maintained by social attention. NCR was selected partially because it is not very labor intensive and could be implemented by a single mother simultaneously with all 4 children. Using a combination multielement and multiple baseline design, it was found that (a) a dense schedule of response-independent reinforcement (i.e., fixed-time 10 s) resulted in immediate and dramatic reductions in destructive behavior with no evidence of an extinction burst, and (b) an equivalent reduction in destructive behavior was achieved with a lean schedule of response-independent reinforcement (fixed-time 5 min) only after a systematic fading procedure was implemented. The findings suggest that the effectiveness of NCR may be dependent on the use of a dense schedule initially, and that systematic fading can increase the effectiveness of a lean schedule.  相似文献   

中国与英国儿童对待欺负问题态度的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用修订的Olweus欺负问卷,对中国和英国近万名(中国8937名,英国1035名)中小学儿童对待欺负的态度进行调查。结果发现:(1)中国儿童对待欺负的态度比英国儿童积极。(2)儿童对待欺负问题的态度存在性别和年龄差异。女孩比男孩对待欺负的态度较积极;小学儿童对待欺负的态度比初中儿童积极。(3)儿童在欺负/受欺负关系中的角色与其对待欺负问题的态度有联系。未参与者对欺负的态度最积极,其次是受欺负者、欺负/受欺负者,而欺负者对待欺负的态度最消极;(4)儿童对受欺负者的同情多,而去帮助受欺负者的行为倾向少。  相似文献   

NIELSEN, T. C. Visual and tactual exploration in rats reared in different degrees of visual and tactual stimulation. Scand. J. Psychol. , 1971, 12, 53–61. – Four groups of eight rats each were reared in the four possible combinations of high and low visual and high and low tactual stimulation. Early tactual enrichment increased later tactual exploration regardless of visual stimulation. Visual enrichment did not influence exploration in the tactual enrichment groups, but in the tactual deprivation groups it seemed to produce more visual and less tactual exploration. The most deprived group exhibited a high locomotor activity which could not be explained in terms of an increased tendency to explore.  相似文献   

加工水平及词对类型在新异联系形成中的作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
该研究采用过程分离方法和知觉辨认方法探讨不同加工水平和词对类型在新异联系形成中的作用。结果表明,深加工是形成非相关词对间联想启动的条件之一。另外,具体词对的联想启动没有表现出加工水平效应,出现了内隐和外显记忆的分离现象,提示不同的词对类型与加工水平间存在着交互作用,当联系程度较紧时,并不一定需要语义加工,而联系程度不紧时,语义加工则是必要的。  相似文献   

This study investigated the suppressive effects of an oral hygiene punishment procedure on the ruminative behavior of profoundly retarded monozygous twins. Rumination, fingers in mouth/tongue out, appropriate behavior, and stereotyped behavior were measured before and during treatment with oral hygiene. Treatment was introduced for each meal in succession across the twins in a multiple-baseline design. Results showed that the rate of rumination of both twins was dramatically reduced to very low levels and stereotyped behavior increased spontaneously with the introduction of oral hygiene. Maintenance data showed that response reduction was maintained over a six-month period and, when compared to baseline levels, increased rates of socially appropriate behavior were evident in both children.  相似文献   

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