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The major aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of age on positive body image (operationalized as body appreciation) across the female lifespan. A secondary aim was to examine the effect of age on the relationship between positive body image and body satisfaction. Participants were 158 women aged between 18 and 75 years who completed questionnaire measures of body appreciation and body dissatisfaction–satisfaction. A significant positive linear relationship was found between age and body appreciation; that is, older women had higher levels of body appreciation than their younger counterparts. Although body appreciation was positively correlated with body dissatisfaction–satisfaction across all age groups, the association was weaker for older women. The results contribute to a richer picture of women's body image across the lifespan, as well as confirming positive body image as something beyond the mere absence of body dissatisfaction.  相似文献   

Psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) were examined using data from three samples: (1) a sample from the general population (n= 1157), (2) a student sample (n= 124) and (3) a clinical sample (n= 90). Analyses showed that a single factor solution might be a reasonable solution as 32 of the 34 items loaded heavily on the first factor. The derived short 14-item version of the BSQ also showed a coherent structure with all the items loading on one single factor. The BSQ showed high test-retest reliability, very high internal consistency, ranging from 0.94 to 0.97, and high split-half reliability (above 0.93). Furthermore, it showed high validity by correlating highly with the body dissatisfaction subscale of the Eating Disorders Inventory (r= 0.72 and higher), and high discriminant validity. Thus, the Swedish version of the BSQ showed good concurrent and discriminant validity as well as high reliability.  相似文献   

本研究的目的是验证航线飞行管理态度量表在中国文化背景下作为航线飞行安全文化测量工具的信度和效度.通过对量表的验证性因素分析,结合对驾驶行为规范性水平的实时评估,测定量表的信效度.结果表明:(1)航线飞行管理态度量表三因素结构模型具有良好的拟合效果和较高的信、效度,达到了心理计量学的标准.(2)航线飞行管理态度量表能够有效地预测驾驶行为规范性水平.研究结果确认航线飞行管理态度量表具有良好的信度和效度,可以应用于中国文化背景下的航空安全文化特征诊断.  相似文献   

目的:从贵州省青少年校园霸凌行为的实际出发,以大样本为基础,遵循心理测量学的方法编制《校园霸凌行为问卷》。方法:经理论建模、题库建设编制初测问卷,以3923名学生为被试进行项目分析和探索性因子分析; 以3899名被试进行信度检验及验证性因子分析,形成最终问卷。结果:问卷由7个一阶因子和2个二阶因子组成,共40个题项。问卷及各维度的内部一致性系数在0.7~0.927之间,重测信度在0.291~0.49之间,结构效度良好,与OBVQ-V和MBVS的相关分别为0.646和0.726。结论:本研究探索、发现并整合创新了反映当代校园霸凌治理难点的“恶整霸凌”; 问卷信效度良好,可作为国内青少年校园霸凌行为的有效测量工具。  相似文献   

《儿童元认知问卷》的编制与修订   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张雅明  俞国良 《应用心理学》2005,11(3):241-246,264
通过对现有元认知概念体系的分析与整合,初步确立《儿童元认知问卷》的六个基本维度:自我认知、动机信念、策略、计划、监控、调节。以此为基础编制原始问卷,对小学四~六年级学生取样测试。结果表明:修订后的问卷各题目在对应潜变量上有较高的负荷,数据与理论模型拟合良好,问卷具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

This study reports the content and psychometric properties of the Ok Religious Attitude Scale (in an Islamic tradition). Among two samples of university students (N = 934 and 388), high alpha coefficients were recorded (ranges between .81 and .91). Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses confirm that the scale with its four subscales (cognitive, emotional, behavioural and relational) form an ideal (first-order) or acceptable (higher-order) model. The scale revealed powerful criterion validity through its comparison with adapted versions of Francis Scale of Attitude Towards Christianity [FSAC] and Intrinsic Religiosity scale. In its final form the scale can be commended as a reliable, valid and viable instrument to be used in social science research.  相似文献   

《青少年心理健康素质调查表》的信效度再研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
该文报告了根据全国23个省、市、自治区51399名青少年的测验数据所计算出的《青少年心理健康素质调查表》信度和效度指标。分析结果表明,《青少年心理健康素质调查表》的信度和效度符合心理测验学的要求,并可用于青少年的素质教育、健康促进、心理健康教育和关于青少年潜能开发的研究与实践工作。  相似文献   

Despite numerous measures of facets of the body image construct, no single assessment broadly measures a continuum of body image disturbance. Accordingly, this study developed the Body Image Disturbance Questionnaire (BIDQ), derived from the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Questionnaire. Participants were 220 college women and 75 college men who completed an online survey containing this new assessment and established measures of body image and psychosocial functioning. Results confirmed that the Body Image Disturbance Questionnaire was internally consistent and free of impression-management response bias. For both sexes, the measure converged appropriately with other body image indices (evaluation, affect, investment, and impact), was positively correlated with depression, social anxiety, and eating disturbance. Scores on this assessment also predicted psychosocial functioning above and beyond body dissatisfaction as a predictor. Greater body image disturbance was observed among women than men, among heavier than lighter women, and among White than African American women. Limitations and future research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The twin scales, Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire and Body Sensations Questionnaire (D. L. Chambless, G. C. Caputo, P. Bright, & R. Gallagher, 1984), have been used frequently in the area of anxiety, and in particular, panic disorder with agoraphobia. The present study employed confirmatory factor analysis to investigate the factor structure of the scales in a sample of Australian patients with anxiety disorder. Model testing indicated that neither the original nor the modified factor structures offered a good fit to the data. In addition, confirmatory factor analyses highlighted statistical inconsistencies in the scales. Except for a few, most of the items were problematic. This indicated a need for possible revision of the scales. Moreover, until further research is conducted, researchers and clinicians are recommended to use the scales with caution.  相似文献   

《Body image》2014,11(1):27-35
This study examined the one-year temporal stability and the predictive and incremental validity of the Body, Eating, and Exercise Comparison Measure (BEECOM) in a sample of 237 college women who completed study measures at two time points about one year apart. One-year temporal stability was high for the BEECOM total and subscale (i.e., Body, Eating, and Exercise Comparison Orientation) scores. Additionally, the BEECOM exhibited predictive validity in that it accounted for variance in body dissatisfaction and eating disorder symptomatology one year later. These findings held even after controlling for body mass index and existing measures of social comparison orientation. However, results regarding the incremental validity of the BEECOM, or its ability to predict change in these constructs over time, were more mixed. Overall, this study demonstrated additional psychometric properties of the BEECOM among college women, further establishing the usefulness of this measure for more comprehensively assessing eating disorder-related social comparison.  相似文献   

《Body image》2014,11(4):384-390
This study aimed at evaluating the validity, reliability, and factorial invariance of the complete (34-item) and shortened (8-item and 16-item) versions of the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) when applied to Brazilian university students. A total of 739 female students with a mean age of 20.44 (standard deviation = 2.45) years participated. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to verify the degree to which the one-factor structure satisfies the proposal for the BSQ's expected structure. Two items of the 34-item version were excluded because they had factor weights (λ) < 40. All models had adequate convergent validity (average variance extracted = .43–.58; composite reliability = .85–.97) and internal consistency (α = .85–.97). The 8-item B version was considered the best shortened BSQ version (Akaike information criterion = 84.07, Bayes information criterion = 157.75, Browne–Cudeck criterion = 84.46), with strong invariance for independent samples (Δχ2λ(7) = 5.06, Δχ2Cov(8) = 5.11, Δχ2Res(16) = 19.30).  相似文献   

为验证Carson等人的创造力成就问卷(Creative Achievement Questionnaire,CAQ)在中国成人群体的适用性,对其进行翻译、回译和文化调适后转换为中文版(C-CAQ)。以59名成人为被试,间隔3周的重测信度为斯皮尔曼相关系数ρ=0.77(p<0.01);以107名成人为被试,施测C-CAQ、托伦斯创造性思维测验(TTCT)的非常规用途任务(UUT)和补全图画任务(PCT)、中国大五人格简式版考察C-CAQ的聚合效度,结果发现与TTCT两个任务的多个指标及大五人格的开放性相关显著(与UUT任务各指标相关为:流畅性0.22、灵活性0.19、独创性0.26,与PCT任务的精致性相关为0.24,与大五人格的开放性维度相关0.29);用瑞文标准推理测验考察C-CAQ和智力的区分效度,结果显示二者为弱相关且不显著;以324名成人为被试对C-CAQ的10个领域进行探索性因子分析,结果支持问卷的领域特殊性构想;以122名成人为被试施测考夫曼创造力领域量表(K-DOCS)和C-CAQ以考察C-CAQ的效标效度,结果显示二者的科学、艺术领域及总分相关均显著(ρ=0.62, 0.47和0.41)。研究表明,CAQ问卷中文版在我国的成人群体具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

自我韧性量表与Connor-Davidson韧性量表的应用比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
于肖楠  张建新 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1169-1171
目的:考察自我韧性量表中文版的心理测量学指标,探讨其与Connor-Davidson韧性量表的关系,比较两者在中国人群中的应用效果。方法:在社区人群中施测自我韧性量表和Connor-Davidson韧性量表的中文版,以及自尊量表、生活满意度指数A问卷、大五人格问卷。结果:自我韧性量表中文版的内部一致性系数为0.77,略低于Connor-Davidson韧性量表。自我韧性量表与Connor-Davidson韧性量表的相关系数为0.61。在以自尊、生活满意度、大五人格为效标时,偏相关分析表明控制了Connor-Davidson韧性量表得分后,自我韧性量表与效标的相关未达到显著水平(除大五人格的外向性维度外);但控制了自我韧性量表得分后,Connor-Davidson量表与效标的相关仍达到显著水平(除开放性维度外)。结论:在我国人群的应用中,Connor-Davidson韧性量表优于自我韧性量表,是值得推广的韧性测量工具。  相似文献   

态度强度对内隐-外显态度关系的调节作用研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
吴明证 《心理科学》2005,28(2):388-391
本研究探讨了态度强度对个体的内隐一外显年龄态度间关系的调节作用。研究发现,随着态度强度的增强,内隐——外显态度间一致性随之增大,随着态度强度的减弱,内隐——外显态度间一致性随之减少,支持了态度强度的调节作用。这一研究为解决Fazio和Bargh关于态度自动激活效应的争论提供了新的视角。本研究支持了Fazio的观点。  相似文献   

目的:编制初中生情感能力问卷,检验其信效度。方法:在文献研究的基础上,构建初中生情感能力的理论维度,编写问卷题目。对316名初中生进行预测,形成初步问卷,再对864名初中生进行测量。使用SPSS17.0和Lisrel8.7软件对问卷进行探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析。结果:初中生情感能力结构分为情感识别能力、情感体验能力、情感评价能力、情感管理能力四个维度,由15道题目组成。验证性因素分析的GFI,NNFI,AGFI,CFI,IFI均在0.9以上,模型拟合较好。结论:初中生情感能力问卷具有较好的信度和效度,可以成为评定初中生的情感能力素质的测评工具。  相似文献   

Viewing thin models, pervasive in popular culture, is correlated with body dissatisfaction and anxiety in women. Whether or not the same is true when viewing healthy weight models is unknown. In this study we tested whether viewing healthy weight models increases the ideal female body size. Body image, anxiety, happiness and depression were measured in 44 female participants following viewing of images of thin or healthy weight models (within-subject separated by two weeks). We found that after viewing images of healthy weight models, women's body ideals (as measured by a participant-adjusted virtual model) were significantly larger than when the same women viewed images of very thin models. This effect was greatest in those women with the highest levels of baseline anxiety (as measured by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale). These results suggest that viewing healthy weight models results in more healthy body ideals than those typically promoted through media.  相似文献   

青少年未来取向问卷中文版的测量学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了芬兰著名心理学家J.-E.Nurmi等人编制的未来取向问卷,并考察了其在中国文化背景中的适用性。未来取向问卷中文版的测量学分析表明,该问卷题目具有较好的内部一致性和稳定性;采用探索性因素分析考察了计划过程分问卷的结构效度、以自尊和抑郁作为该问卷各指标的效标考察了问卷的效标效度,结果表明,该问卷具有较好的效度,适合在中国青少年中使用。  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to investigate the psychometric properties of the Japanese version of the Bermond‐Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire (BVAQ‐J), by testing a sample of 514 undergraduates. Explanatory factor analysis of 40 items of the BVAQ‐J had a similar result to the original BVAQ ( Vorst & Bermond, 2001 ), but 10 items displayed low factor loadings (items 14, 15, 19, 25, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, and 39); these results were slightly different from the original BVAQ. The validity and reliability of the BVAQ‐30J was suggested by a significant correlation with the Toronto Alexithymia Scale‐20 and estimates of test‐retest and internal consistency. These results suggest that this 30‐item version may be reasonably suitable for Japanese populations.  相似文献   

师范生心理素质评价量表的研制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该研究在前期研究的基础上,经进一步理论分析.初步编制了由责任感、有恒性、客观性、非权势性、创造性、监控性、教育效能感、角色认同、成就动机9个分量表构成的“师范生心理素质评价量表”。经项目分析、预测、非正式测量确定了量表的具体测验题。对976名师范生正式测量结果的分析表明,该量表有较高的信度和效度,能够较好地评定师范生的心理素质.对优秀教师与一般教师亦有一定的区分鉴别作用。在文章的最后,作者进一步讨论了师范生心理素质及其结构。  相似文献   

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