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The aim of this study was to examine postural control in children with cerebral palsy performing a bilateral shoulder flexion to grasp a ball from a sitting posture. The participants were 12 typically developing children (control) without cerebral palsy and 12 children with cerebral palsy (CP). We analyzed the effect of ball mass (1 kg and 0.18 kg), postural adjustment (anticipatory, APA, and compensatory, CPA), and groups (control and CP) on the electrical activity of shoulder and trunk muscles with surface electromyography (EMG). Greater mean iEMG was seen in CPA, with heavy ball, and for posterior trunk muscles (p < .05). The children with CP presented the highest EMG and level of co-activation (p < .05). Linear regression indicated a positive relationship between EMG and aging for the control group, whereas that relationship was negative for participants with CP. We suggest that the main postural control strategy in children is based on corrections after the beginning of the movement. The linear relationship between EMG and aging suggests that postural control development is affected by central nervous disease which may lead to an increase in muscle co-activation.  相似文献   

The locomotor adjustment induced by step perturbation of human subjects walking on a treadmill was described by a quantitative analysis of the EMG activities of selected trunk and leg muscles and by rotations of leg joints. The role of the proprioceptive input in the EMG reaction was also evaluated. The perturbation was obtained by a rapid and unexpected increase of belt speed. The motor response showed the stereotyped characteristics of a motor automatism and was accomplished without affecting the basic motor pattern of the gait. The EMG adjustment showed short-latency reflex responses (40–60 msec) of muscles acting at the joints more directly affected by the perturbing stimulus. This result supports the hypothesis of a spinal neuronal mechanism involved in the rapid adjustment of gait. The activity of primary spindle afferents seems to play an important role in the production of the faster EMG responses.  相似文献   

Full functional mobility requires adaptations, such as turning, to the basic straight locomotor pattern. The aim was to assess the mechanics of completing a complex turning manoeuvre. A full 3-dimensional kinematic and kinetic analysis of the ipsilateral limb was carried out during both straight gait and unconstrained turning through 90 degrees. 10 healthy university students participated. Analysis indicated that two distinctive substrategies of the spin turn-ipsilateral pivot and ipsilateral crossover-were employed. The ipsilateral pivot was the more dynamic turn and required two additional power phases at the ankle and hip to facilitate the pivot phase. The ipsilateral crossover uses a fall into the new direction. The spin turn is a more complex action than previously indicated.  相似文献   

Postural responses, triggered by sensory feedback, are present very early in a child's development. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the ability of children to anticipate postural disturbances caused by self-initiated movements and their ability to coordinate anticipatory postural adjustments with movement execution. Children (N = 32) aged 4 to 14 years were asked to stand quietly on a stable force plate and to raise their right arm forward (or backward) to the horizontal position after a visual stimulus. Changes in the center of pressure beneath the feet were recorded before and during the arm raise. The anticipatory (feedforward) postural patterns seen before the arm movement, and noted in a previous study of adults, were present in the youngest of the children (4 years, 2 months). Longer reaction times and inconsistent postural responses (in the anteroposterior direction) suggest that children are less capable than adults of coordinating the anticipated postural adjustment with the forthcoming limb movement, however. In the lateral plane, anticipatory postural responses were initiated more consistently.  相似文献   

Anticipatory control of postural and task muscles during rapid arm flexion   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A multicomponent pattern of premovement (anticipatory) activity in both task and postural muscles was examined for a unilateral rapid arm flexion movement (Belen'kii, Gurflnkel, & Pal'tsev, 1967) performed under simple visual reaction-time conditions. Subjects performed 30 right- and 30 left-side responses on each of four consecutive days. The anticipatory postural muscle activity may be considered a valid component of voluntary unilateral arm flexion. Invariances and variability in the spatial and temporal characteristics of the neuromuscular pattern are described in relationship to behavioral and motor control models of response organization. It is suggested that some temporal patterning among response components may not be preprogrammed centrally.  相似文献   

Gait initiation is a useful surrogate measure of supraspinal motor control mechanisms but has never been evaluated in a cohort following concussion. The aim of this study was to quantify the preparatory postural adjustments (PPAs) of gait initiation (GI) in fifteen concussion patients (4 females, 11 males) in comparison to a group of fifteen age- and sex-matched controls. All participants completed variants of the GI task where their dominant and non-dominant limbs as the ‘stepping’ and ‘support’ limbs. Task performance was quantified using the centre of pressure (COP) trajectory of each foot (computed from a force plate) and a surrogate of the centre of mass (COM) trajectory (estimated from an inertial measurement unit placed on the sacrum).Concussed patients exhibited decreased COP excursion on their dominant foot, both when it was the stepping limb (sagittal plane: 9.71 mm [95% CI: 8.14–11.27 mm] vs 14.9 mm [95% CI: 12.31–17.49 mm]; frontal plane: 36.95 mm [95% CI: 30.87–43.03 mm] vs 54.24 mm [95% CI: 46.99–61.50 mm]) and when it was the support limb (sagittal plane: 10.43 mm [95% CI: 8.73–12.13 mm] vs 18.13 mm [95% CI: 14.92–21.35 mm]; frontal plane: 66.51 mm [95% CI: 60.45–72.57 mm] vs 88.43 mm [95% CI: 78.53–98.32 mm]). This was reflected in the trajectory of the COM, wherein concussion patients exhibited lower posterior displacement (19.67 mm [95% CI: 19.65 mm–19.7 mm]) compared with controls (23.62 mm [95% CI: 23.6–23.64]). On this basis, we conclude that individuals with concussion display deficits during a GI task which are potentially indicative of supraspinal impairments in motor control.  相似文献   

Previous postural studies of traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients have been limited to identifying deficits in static and quasi-dynamic postural control tasks such as weight shifting. In this study, we examined whether or not patients with TBI are able to scale adequately their postural adjustments during the performance of the dynamic task of bimanual load-lifting. An age matched group of healthy adults served as controls. We used the Tetrax posturography system that calculates a stability score (ST) based on fluctuations in vertical ground reaction forces, normalized for body weight. During quiet standing, the ST scores of the TBI group were significantly higher than the control group. Forward weight shift and percentage change in the vertical ground reaction forces (lift postural adjustment (LPA) and post-lift postural adjustment (PLPA) scores) linearly increased with increasing load weight in both healthy and TBI subjects. Group differences were found in the magnitude of forward weight shift but not in the relative increase of the LPA and PLPA scores during the lifting and post-lifting phases respectively. The forward weight shift of the TBI group was lower-than-normal and asymmetrical--there was significantly less forward weight shift on the more affected than on the less affected limb. In addition, a significant amplitude coupling was found between the scaling of the weight shift of the heel and forefoot of each limb. However, no coupling was found between the weight shift amplitudes of homologous parts of both limbs in the TBI group. The results showed that scaling based on prior experience was preserved in the TBI group, though some TBI subjects demonstrated absent scaling in either the more affected or less affected heel or forefoot. The differences between the normal and TBI groups in postural adjustments are not necessarily a sign of pathology; rather they may represent a deliberate choice of the central nervous system to counteract predictable disturbances.  相似文献   

Three hypotheses have been proposed for the roles of central and peripheral vision in the perception and control of self-motion: (1) peripheral dominance, (2) retinal invariance, and (3) differential sensitivity to radial flow. We investigated postural responses to optic flow patterns presented at different retinal eccentricities during walking in two experiments. Oscillating displays of radial flow (0 degree driver direction), lamellar flow (90 degrees), and intermediate flow (30 degrees, 45 degrees) patterns were presented at retinal eccentricities of 0 degree, 30 degrees, 45 degrees, 60 degrees, or 90 degrees to participants walking on a treadmill, while compensatory body sway was measured. In general, postural responses were directionally specific, of comparable amplitude, and strongly coupled to the display for all flow patterns at all retinal eccentricities. One intermediate flow pattern (45 degrees) yielded a bias in sway direction that was consistent with triangulation errors in locating the focus of expansion from visible flow vectors. The results demonstrate functionally specific postural responses of both central and peripheral vision, contrary to the peripheral dominance and differential sensitivity hypotheses, but consistent with retinal invariance. This finding emphasizes the importance of optic flow structure for postural control regardless of the retinal locus of stimulation.  相似文献   

One purpose of the experiments reported here was to further clarify the effect of varying loads on postural adjustments. Another was to reevaluate whether or not the timing of electromyographic (EMG) activity in the postural muscle is preprogrammed. To accomplish these goals, we compared the effect of the presence or absence of prior knowledge of a load on the timing of EMG activity in the postural muscle (biceps femoris [BF]) with that in the focal muscle (anterior deltoid [AD]). Although the sequence of EMG activation was similar under conditions with and without a load, the timing of postural EMG activities (BFi, ipsilateral BF; BFc, contralateral BF) in associated postural adjustments was dependent on the force of arm movement, and the latencies of postural EMG activities (BFi-BFc) were dependent on the speed of arm movement. This indicates that EMG changes in the upper (focal muscle) and lower limbs (postural muscle) were triggered by different motor programs. Moreover, similar EMG activities were observed in postural muscles when the subject had advance knowledge of the presence or the absence of a load. Thus, this suggests that BFi may be centrally preprogrammed (anticipatory regulation) and BFc may be feedback regulated. Furthermore, environmental information may be a critical source of influence on those postural responses.  相似文献   

This study was designed to (a) verify whether the time available for movement preparation and execution modulates anticipatory postural adjustments/focal movement coordination and (b) determine to what extent the coordination in an anticipation-coincidence (AC) timing task is specific. Ten subjects performed an arm-raising movement from standing position in the reaction time, self-initiated (SI), and AC conditions. In the latter condition, subjects had to synchronize movement initiation or the end of the movement to the passage of a visual mobile on a target. In AC trials, time to contact (TC), which is the time before the mobile reached the target, was varied (720, 1,200, 3,000 ms). Electromyography, kinetic, and kinematics data were collected. Results showed that the coordination patterns were modified by TC, the velocity of the mobile, and the condition in which the movement was executed. It also showed that the behavior in the AC condition came closest to the 1 observed in SI condition when TC increased. These results support the existence of different control modes triggered by the temporal pressure.  相似文献   

Automated movements adjusting postural control may be hampered during musculoskeletal pain leaving a risk of incomplete control of balance. This study investigated the effect of experimental muscle pain on anticipatory postural adjustments by reaction task movements. While standing, nine healthy males performed two reaction time tasks (shoulder flexion of dominant side and bilateral heel lift) before, during and after experimental muscle pain. On two different days experimental pain was induced in the m. vastus medialis (VM) or the m. tibialis anterior (TA) of the dominant side by injections of hypertonic saline (1 ml, 5.8%). Isotonic saline (1 ml, 0.9%) was used as control injection. Electromyography (EMG) was recorded from 13 muscles. EMG onset, EMG amplitude, and kinematic parameters (shoulder and ankle joint) were extracted. During shoulder flexion and VM pain the onset of the ipsilateral biceps femoris was significantly faster than baseline and post injection sessions. During heels lift in the VM and TA pain conditions the onset of the contralateral TA was significantly faster than baseline and post injection sessions in bilateral side. VM pain significantly reduced m. quadriceps femoris activity and TA pain significantly reduced ipsilateral VM activity and TA activity during bilateral heel lift. The EMG reaction time was delayed in bilateral soleus muscles during heels lift with VM and TA pain. The faster onset of postural muscle activity during anticipatory postural adjustments may suggest a compensatory function to maintain postural control whereas the reduced postural muscle activity during APAs may indicate a pain adaptation strategy to avoid secondary damage.  相似文献   

The effects of passive interpersonal light touch (PILT) on postural stability can be observed through improved postural coordination through haptic feedback from the contact provider to the contact receiver while walking. It is unclear, however, whether PILT affects the contact receiver's detailed physical responses, such as muscle activity, body sway, and joint movements. In this study, surface electromyography and an inertial measurement unit were used simultaneously to explore changes in walking speed and control responses induced by PILT. We evaluated fourteen healthy participants for their walking speed and physical responses under two walking conditions: no-touch (NT) and PILT. As a physical response during walking, we measured muscle activity (rectus femoris, semitendinosus, tibialis anterior, and soleus muscles), body sway (pelvis and neck), and joint angles (direction of hip, knee, and ankle joint movements). In PILT condition, fingertip contact force was measured while the contact provider touched the third level of the recipient's lumbar spine. In comparison with the NT condition, PILT condition increased walking speed and decreased body sway on neck position. There were significant correlations between walking speed and neck sway regarding NT and PILT change values. Passive haptic information to the contact receiver may assist in the smooth shift of the center of gravity position during gait through interpersonal postural coordination. These findings suggest that PILT may provide an efficient and stable gait.  相似文献   

To examine whether anticipatory attention or expectancy is a cognitive process that is automatic or requires conscious control, we employed a paired-stimulus event-related potential (ERP) paradigm during the transition to sleep. The slow negative ERP wave observed between two successive stimuli, the Contingent Negative Variation (CNV), reflects attention and expectancy to the second stimulus. Thirteen good sleepers were instructed to respond to the second stimulus in a pair during waking sessions. In a non-response paradigm modified for sleep, participants then fell asleep while tones played. As expected, N1 decreased and P2 increased in amplitude systematically with the loss of consciousness at sleep onset; the CNV was increasingly more positive. Sleep onset latency was correlated with the amplitude of the CNV. The systematic attenuation of the CNV waveform at sleep onset and its absence in sleep indicates that anticipatory attention requires endogenous conscious control.  相似文献   

In competitions, judokas tend to have a predominant direction of fall: forwards or backwards. A relationship was hypothesized between the direction of fall and certain parameters of the judokas' postural activities. 20 judokas, 16 to 19 yr. old (17.7 +/- 0.4 yr.), had practised judo for at least seven years. They were separated into two groups. The group of forward fallers (n = 9) and the group of backward fallers (n = 11) performed posturokinetic tests to assess their static and dynamic balance. One parameter assessed through the analysis of postural activities, the average position of anteroposterior dynamic oscillations, was inversely related to the judokas' direction of fall. Postural activities might not play a direct role but perhaps an indirect one in the direction of falls by expert judokas.  相似文献   

BackgroundPeople with low back pain exhibit altered postural coordination that has been suggested as a target for treatment, but heterogeneous presentation has rendered it difficult to identify appropriate candidates and protocols for such treatments. This study evaluated the associations of task-related and person-related factors with the effect of low back pain on anticipatory postural adjustments.MethodsThirteen subjects with and 13 without low back pain performed seated, rapid arm flexion in self-initiated and cued conditions. Mixed-model ANOVA were used to evaluate group and condition effects on APA onset latencies of trunk muscles, arm-raise velocity, and pre-movement cortical potentials. These measures were evaluated for correlation with pain ratings, Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire scores, and Modified Oswestry Questionnaire scores.FindingsDelayed postural adjustments of subjects with low back pain were greater in the cued condition than in the self-initiated condition. The group with low back pain exhibited larger-amplitude cortical potentials than the group without pain, but also significantly slower arm-raise velocities. With arm-raise velocity as a covariate, the effect of low back pain remained significant for the latencies of postural adjustments but not for cortical potentials. Latencies of the postural adjustments significantly correlated with Oswestry and Fear Avoidance Beliefs scores.InterpretationDelayed postural adjustments with low back pain appear to be influenced by cueing of movement, pain-related disability and fear of activity. These results highlight the importance of subject characteristics, task condition, and task performance when comparing across studies or when developing treatment of people with low back pain.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to verify whether the expectation of perturbations while performing side-step cutting manoeuvres influences lower limb EMG activity, heel kinematics and ground reaction forces. Eighteen healthy men performed two sets of 90° side-step cutting manoeuvres. In the first set, 10 unperturbed trials (Base) were performed while stepping over a moveable force platform. In the second set, subjects were informed about the random possibility of perturbations to balance throughout 32 trials, of which eight were perturbed (Pert, 10 cm translation triggered at initial contact), and the others were “catch” trials (Catch). Center of mass velocity (CoMVEL), heel acceleration (HAC), ground reaction forces (GRF) and surface electromyography (EMG) from lower limb and trunk muscles were recorded for each trial. Surface EMG was analyzed prior to initial contact (PRE), during load acceptance (LA) and propulsion (PRP) periods of the stance phase. In addition, hamstrings-quadriceps co-contraction ratios (CCR) were calculated for these time-windows. The results showed no changes in CoMVEL, HAC, peak GRF and surface EMG PRE among conditions. However, during LA, there were increases in tibialis anterior EMG (30–50%) concomitant to reduced EMG for quadriceps muscles, gluteus and rectus abdominis for Catch and Pert conditions (15–40%). In addition, quadriceps EMG was still reduced during PRP (p < .05). Consequently, CCR was greater for Catch and Pert in comparison to Base (p < .05). These results suggest that there is modulation of muscle activity towards anticipating potential instability in the lower limb joints and assure safety to complete the task.  相似文献   

采用经典落球试验研究范式,同步观察视觉预期和注意指向对腰部姿势肌肉和上肢运动肌肉预期和补偿姿势调节的影响,探索视觉预期和注意指向影响姿势控制的早期心理生理机制。24名青年志愿者(10名男性,14名女性)参与完成本实验,分别在有、无视觉预期以及注意指向"托盘稳定"或者"重心稳定"的实验条件下观察外部姿势干扰对腰部姿势肌肉(L5~S1腰部多裂肌)和上肢动作肌肉(肱二头肌)预期姿势调节(anticipatory postural adjustments,APAs)和补偿姿势调节(compensatory postural adjustments,CPAs)相关时间和强度参数的影响。APAs和CPAs的时间和强度参数通过获取被检肌肉s EMG信号并参照相关检测规范进行。结果显示:(1)视觉预期对多裂肌的APAs启动时间,对肱二头肌的APAs启动时间、APAs强度和CPAs强度有显著影响;(2)注意指向对多裂肌的CPAs启动时间和肱二头肌APAs启动时间有显著影响;(3)视觉预期和注意指向对肱二头肌的APAs启动时间和APAs强度有交互作用。研究认为,突发外部姿势干扰条件下姿势肌肉和动作肌肉的姿势调节策略具有一定的差异,视觉预期和注意指向仅对姿势肌肉的时间参数有影响,对动作肌肉APAs和CPAs时间和强度参数都产生调节作用,表明在中枢神经系统的姿势控制中,人体姿势策略的调节是通过对姿势肌肉和动作肌肉的双重控制来完成的,视觉预期效应和心理指向效应反映在对不同功能肌肉前馈控制和反馈控制相应参数的调节。  相似文献   

In this essay, a new approach for the ethical study of emerging technology ethics will be presented, called anticipatory technology ethics (ATE). The ethics of emerging technology is the study of ethical issues at the R&;D and introduction stage of technology development through anticipation of possible future devices, applications, and social consequences. I will argue that a major problem for its development is the problem of uncertainty, which can only be overcome through methodologically sound forecasting and futures studies. I will then consider three contemporary approaches to the ethics of emerging technologies that use forecasting: ethical technology assessment, the techno-ethical scenarios approach and the ETICA approach, and I considered their strengths and weaknesses. Based on this critical study, I then present my own approach: ATE. ATE is a conceptually and methodologically rich approach for the ethical analysis of emerging technologies that incorporates a large variety of ethical principles, issues, objects and levels of analysis, and research aims. It is ready to be applied to contemporary and future emerging technologies.  相似文献   

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