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Children's stories, pajamas, robes, and stuffed animals provide the setting for Story Hour, a very successful program in a residence hall setting. This article describes the development of a three-year program that has become a significant support group for students, especially new freshmen. Story Hour also provides an ideal setting for exposing students to a variety of stimulating and thought-provoking ideas. The implementation, format, leadership, outcomes, and selected stories are discussed in this article.  相似文献   

This study investigates how game playing experience changes when a story is added to a first‐person shooter game. Dependent variables include identification, presence, emotional experiences and motivations. When story was present, game players felt greater identification, sense of presence, and physiological arousal. The presence of story did not affect self‐reported arousal or dominance. This study clearly demonstrates that story is something that video game players enjoy; it helps involve them in the game play, makes them feel more immersed in the virtual environment, and keeps them aroused. The greater character identification may be especially worrisome, as past research has shown that justified media violence disinhibits actual aggression on the part of the audience.  相似文献   


The hypothesis that belief in the paranormal is related to reasoning errors was tested. College students were administered the Belief in the Paranormal Scale (Jones, Russell, &; Nickel, 1977) and a syllogistic reasoning test. A slight but statistically significant correlation was observed between BPS scores and the number of errors made on the reasoning test. This relationship was larger but not significantly so for reasoning items with paranormal content than for symbolic content. An a priori comparison indicated that the relationship between BPS scores and reasoning errors was significantly greater for problems that required subjects to determine the validity of hypotheses given statements of evidence than for problems that required subjects to determine the validity of deduced empirical predictions given hypotheses. Thus, belief in the paranormal among college students was very moderately correlated with reasoning ability and was observed most clearly when the reasoning problems contained paranormal content and when they required subjects to determine the validity of hypotheses given evidential statements.  相似文献   

It's Not a Story     
This writing presents a firsthand account of living with the certain knowledge that you can't rely on your brain the way you used to. Epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, brain tumor—what do these words really mean day by day, moment by moment? The author blends poetry and prose in her account of forging a new relationship with her own brain. Activities that were once routine are now difficult and even dangerous. No longer is her brain a silent partner as she navigates the debilitating, embarrassing, and occasionally humiliating symptoms of her disease. Can I really get through this shower? How much help do we need today, Brain? Mindfulness practice helps the author become more aware of her moment-by-moment experience. Her therapist prods her to dig into her own story, but the author resists. She resists and yet she shares her story that may not be a story.  相似文献   

Current work on autobiographical memory does not take the term autobiographical seriously enough. Doing so requires taking not just single events, but the whole life and its coherence, into account: Only memories that are linked to self through their emotional or motivational significance over one's life are truly autobiographical. We introduce a new construct, the life story schema, a skeletal mental representation of life's major components and links. The life story schema provides 5 conceptual extensions to current models of autobiographical memory. The conclusion that results from these extensions is that the life story schema serves to bind autobiographical memory and the self over time. Research needed to substantiate our claims and further questions generated by the life story schema construct are discussed.  相似文献   

<正>丘处机带领十八弟子离开山东后,在留守山东的全真高道中,最著名的就是郝大通高徒普照真人玄通子范圆曦。范圆曦,号玄通子,宁海人,生于金大定十七年(1177)。他幼时即显示出与众不同的品格,据宋子贞撰《普照真人玄通  相似文献   

"从前,有一个神……"我小时候奶奶这样给我讲故事. 在世界上,我们中国是个有着悠久文明的国家,从远古时起,我们的祖先就兴水利以抗旱涝,制利器以驱豺狼,崇礼仪以避恶邪.他们勤劳、勇敢、智慧,前仆后继,留下了无数可歌可泣的篇章,也留下了无数神往的憧憬.  相似文献   

Story understanding and counterfactual reasoning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D. Kahneman and A. Tversky (1982), in a seminal study on counterfactual reasoning, claimed empirical support for a simulation heuristic wherein ease of converting unusual conditions determines their selection as causes over normal conditions. Discourse analysis of their stories revealed a confounding of explanation and normality. A connectionist simulation of online comprehension and memory access of alternative conditions without conversion accounted for their data. Normality and explanation were varied independently in 2 experiments. Explanation but not normality affected the rank ordering of counterfactual conditions after reading. Access of alternative conditions in simulation was again the best predictor of empirical findings. Comprehension and memory operate where stories communicate information for decision making such as counterfactual reasoning and hindsight bias.  相似文献   

Young children distinguish between the physical and biological domains of knowledge. The current study examines how this distinction is expressed in a story construction task. Three- and 4-year-olds were shown pairs of pictures, one that depicted a normal event and one that depicted an event that violated either physical or biological causal structure. Children were asked to choose which picture to include in a story. Three-year-olds generally showed no systematic patterns of responses when constructing their stories. Four-year-olds, in contrast, made more normal than violation choices overall, and their stories were relatively consistent with regard to the fictional world's internal coherence. When 4-year-olds did include violation events in their stories, those violations tended to be of physical rather than biological causality. These data suggest that a general understanding of impossible events is underpinned by causal domain knowledge.  相似文献   

拜神路上 鹿泉市铜冶镇南故邑附近的封龙山上,有一座寺庙,叫做白草寺,名闻遐迩,香火极盛。每年农历六月二十三,这里都有一场非常热闹的庙会,赶庙会的人们大都要去寺中拜神,祈求神灵保佑。 今年六月二十三(8月1日)的正日子还没到,在通往白草寺的山路上,已是人来人往,络绎不绝,各种车辆穿行其  相似文献   

李宏图 《学海》2007,16(2):147-153
本文围绕美国著名历史学家埃里克·方纳的著作《美国自由的故事》展开讨论,特别关注他在此书中所使用的研究方法,这就是,从历史语境出发研究概念的变化与演进,特别从不同的社会阶层,特别是下层来理解美国自由的发展。这样,在本书中,他就为我们重叙了一个不同于主流意识形态做理解的自由,一个时常被人遗忘的那一个群体所理解的自由一个更为全面的关于美国自由的故事  相似文献   


Career guidance clients are seeking to craft new identities that better position them in their careers. The focus of the present article is on narrative career counselling's potential contribution in providing a meaningful and useful experience for career guidance clients. To illustrate the potential of narrative career counselling, the story telling approach is offered as an example to illustrate how identity can be crafted in contextually and culturally sensitive ways.  相似文献   

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