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Food-deprived rats given constant access to water were exposed to fixed-time presentations of soybean milk and diluted sweetened condensed cows' milk. In some conditions these liquid foods were adulterated with varying amounts of sodium chloride. Under a fixed-time 30-sec schedule of food delivery, little water was consumed when the food was soybean milk alone, or soybean milk with sodium chloride added in concentrations of .9, 1.8, or 3.6%. However, schedule-induced polydipsia appeared when soybean milk adulterated with 7.2 or 14.4% sodium chloride was delivered under this schedule. When soybean milk containing 7.2% sodium chloride was presented under fixed-time 15-, 30-, 60-, 120-, and 240-sec schedules, schedule-induced drinking increased with the fixed-time value from 15 to 120 seconds, and decreased at 240 seconds. Like soybean milk, diluted sweetened condensed milk delivered under fixed-time schedules of 30, 60, and 120 seconds failed to evoke schedule-induced polydipsia, but did so when adulterated with 7.2% sodium chloride. Drinking induced by salted liquid foods resembled the polydipsia engendered by spaced dry-food presentations in several ways, including temporal relation to food delivery, persistence within and across sections, sensitivity to interfood interval, and magnitude relative to intake evoked by bulk-food presentation.  相似文献   

Rats' lever presses and drinking-tube contacts were studied under fixed-interval schedules of food presentation and under a tandem schedule composed of three fixed intervals. One group of rats was exposed first to the tandem schedule, next to fixed-interval schedules of comparable interpellet intervals, and once again to the tandem schedule; a second group of rats was exposed first to a fixed-interval and then to the tandem schedule. Under the tandem schedule, lever presses occurred at a higher rate and were more uniformly distributed in time than under the fixed-interval schedule. Tube contacts emitted by rats exposed first to a fixed-interval schedule consisted mostly of tongue contacts, which occurred at a high rate shortly after food; tube contacts emitted by rats exposed first to the tandem schedule consisted mostly of paw contacts, which occurred at a lower rate at times other than shortly after food. Changing the schedule from fixed interval to tandem decreased the frequency of tongue contacts for all rats. Under schedules of food presentation with comparable interpellet intervals, the schedule of food presentation, rather than the rate of food delivery per se, determined the topography and temporal locus of drinking-tube contacts.  相似文献   

Lever pressing in rats was maintained by continuous and intermittent schedules of food while defecation was monitored. In Experiment 1, reinforcement densities were matched across variable-ratio and variable-interval schedules for three pairs of rats. Defecation occurred in all 3 rats on the variable-ratio schedule and in all 3 rats on the yoked variable-interval schedule. In Experiment 2, fixed-ratio and fixed-interval schedules with similar reinforcement densities maintained lever pressing. Defecation occurred in 3 of 4 rats on the fixed-ratio schedule and in 4 of 4 rats on the fixed-interval schedule. Almost no defecation occurred during continuous reinforcement in either experiment. These results demonstrate that defecation may occur during both ratio and interval schedules and that the inter-reinforcement interval is more important than the behavioral requirements of the schedule in generating schedule-induced defecation.  相似文献   

In three experiments, access to wheel running was contingent on lever pressing. In each experiment, the duration of access to running was reduced gradually to 4, 5, or 6 s, and the schedule parameters were expanded gradually. The sessions lasted 2 hr. In Experiment 1, a fixed-ratio 20 schedule controlled a typical break-and-run pattern of lever pressing that was maintained throughout the session for 3 rats. In Experiment 2, a fixed-interval schedule of 6 min maintained lever pressing throughout the session for 3 rats, and for 1 rat, the rate of lever pressing was positively accelerated between reinforcements. In Experiment 3, a variable-ratio schedule of 20 or 35 was in effect and maintained lever pressing at a very stable pace throughout the session for 2 of 3 rats; for 1 rat, lever pressing was maintained at an irregular rate. When the session duration was extended to successive 24-hr periods, with food and water accessible in Experiment 3, lever pressing settled into a periodic pattern occurring at a high rate at approximately the same time each day. In each experiment, the rats that developed the highest local rates of running during wheel access also maintained the most stable and highest rates of lever pressing.  相似文献   

Three pigeons were exposed to a second-order schedule in which the behavior specified by a fixed-interval component schedule was reinforced according to a ratio overall schedule. The completion of components not followed by food was signalled by a brief stimulus never paired with food. Food and the stimulus occurred in a random sequence or in fixed alternation, but the overall schedules (variable ratio 2 or fixed ratio 2) ensured that an equal number of food and brief-stimulus presentations occurred in each session. The control exerted by the food and by the brief stimulus was measured by overall response rates, mean pauses, frequency distributions of pauses, and response patterning across components. In general, the stimulus controlled patterns of behavior more similar to those controlled by food when food and the stimulus occurred in a random sequence than when they occurred in fixed alternation.  相似文献   

Rats' lever pressing produced tokens according to a 20-response fixed-ratio schedule. Sequences of token schedules were reinforced under a second-order schedule by presentation of periods when tokens could be exchanged for food pellets. When the exchange period schedule was a six-response fixed ratio, patterns of completing the component token schedules were bivalued, with relatively long and frequent pauses marking the initiation of each new sequence. Altering the exchange period schedule to a six-response variable ratio resulted in sharp reductions in the frequency and duration of these initial pauses, and increases in overall rates of lever pressing. These results are comparable to those ordinarily obtained under simple fixed-ratio and variable-ratio schedules.  相似文献   

Rats' lever pressing terminated visual or auditory stimuli associated with fixed-time or variable-time schedules of food delivery and produced a timeout period during which food delivery could not occur. Lever pressing during a timeout period reinstated the food-associated stimuli and again permitted food delivery according to the fixed-time or variable-time schedules. The mean interfood interval ranged from 1 minute to 16 minutes (variable-time schedules) or 32 minutes (fixed-time schedules); the timer controlling schedule intervals did not stop during timeout periods. The percentage of session time spent in timeout increased when the mean interfood intervals were lengthened and decreased when the mean interfood intervals were shortened. Timeouts were initiated most frequently about half way between successive food deliveries (fixed-time schedules) or after 15 seconds or more had lapsed since the last food delivery (variable-time schedules). Elimination of food delivery increased the percentage of session time spent in timeout, and elimination of the timeout contingency decreased lever press rates. When timeout was produced only when the lever was held in the depressed position, little time was spent in timeout. The main determinants of timeout initiation and termination appeared to be the rate of food delivery, freedom of movement during timeout, and the stimulus change associated with initiation and termination of timeout.  相似文献   

Key pressing by squirrel monkeys was maintained under second-order schedules of either intramuscular cocaine injection or food presentation. Under one schedule, each completion of a 10-response fixed-ratio unit produced a brief visual stimulus; the first fixed-ratio unit completed after 30 minutes elapsed produced the stimulus paired with either cocaine injection or food presentation. Generally, short pauses followed by high rates of responding were maintained within the fixed-ratio units, and responding was positively accelerated over the 30-minute interval. Under another schedule, each completion of a 3-minute fixed-interval unit produced the brief stimulus; completion of the 10th fixed-interval unit produced the stimulus paired with either cocaine injection or food presentation. Generally, short pauses followed by high rates of responding were maintained within the fixed-ratio units, and responding was positively accelerated over the 30-minute interval. Under another schedule, each completion of a 3-minute fixed-interval unit produced the brief stimulus; completion of the 10th fixed-interval unit produced the stimulus paired with either cocaine injection or food presentation. Rates of responding increased within the fixed-interval units, and to a greater extent over the entire 10 fixed-interval units. Patterns of responding depended more on the schedule of reinforcement than on whether cocaine or food maintained responding. Omitting the brief stimuli following all but the last fixed-ratio or fixed-interval units decreased average rates and altered the patterns of responding. Substituting a visual stimulus that was never paired with cocaine or food following all but the last fixed-ratio or fixed-interval units decreased response rates to a lesser extent and did not substantially alter patterns of responding. When the duration of the paired stimulus was varied from .3 to 30.0 seconds, the highest response rates occurred at intermediate durations (1.0 to 10.0 seconds). The manner in which the stimulus changes affected performances depended more on the schedule of reinforcement than on whether cocaine injection or food presentation maintained responding.  相似文献   

When a fixed-time schedule of shocks was presented to rats lever pressing for food on a random-interval schedule, a pattern of behavior developed with a high rate of pressing after shock declining to near zero before the next shock was delivered. Once this pattern had stabilized, one-quarter of the shocks were replaced with brief auditory stimuli (tones) in a random sequence. Tone maintained behavior similar to shock, although tone was never paired with shock. Both tone and shocks elicited responding when presented at various times as probe stimuli, and responding was usually totally suppressed if neither stimulus occurred at the beginning of the fixed-time interval. When other stimuli were paired with tone and shock, only those paired with tone gained discriminative control and elicited responding. These findings suggest that stimuli that signal a shock-free, or safe, period will maintain the pattern of behavior generated by shock on a fixed-time schedule. There is a parallel between this phenomenon and the control of behavior on second-order schedules of positive reinforcement with nonpaired brief stimuli.  相似文献   

Conditioned reinforcement dynamics in three-link chained schedules.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In two experiments rats were trained on three-link concurrent-chains schedules of reinforcement. In Experiment 1, additional entries to one terminal link were added during one of the middle links to a baseline schedule that was otherwise equal for the two chains, and, depending on the condition, these additional terminal-link presentations ended either in food or in no food. When food occurred, preference was always in favor of the chain with the additional terminal-link presentations (which also entailed a higher rate of reinforcement). When no food occurred at the end of the additional terminal links, the outcome depended on the nature of the stimuli associated with these additional terminal links. When stimuli different from the reinforced baseline terminal links were used for the no-food terminal links, preference was against the choice alternative that led to the extra periods of extinction. When the same stimulus was used for the two kinds of terminal links, preference was near indifference, that is, significantly greater than when different stimuli were used. In Experiment 2, rats learned repeated reversals of a simultaneous discrimination under a three-link concurrent-chains schedule, in which the food or no-food choice outcomes were delayed until the end of the chain. Different conditions were defined by the point in the chain at which differential stimuli occurred. When the middle and terminal links provided no differential stimuli, discrimination was acquired more slowly than when differential stimuli occurred in both links. When differential stimuli occurred in the middle but not the terminal links, acquisition rates were intermediate. Both experiments together show that the effects of stimuli in a chain schedule are due partly to the time to food correlated with the stimuli and partly to the time to the next conditioned reinforcer in the sequence.  相似文献   

Three pigeons were studied under a multiple schedule in which pecks in each component were reinforced according to a variable-interval 120-s second-order schedule with fixed-interval 60-s units. In the first component of the multiple schedule, the completion of a fixed interval produced either food or a 4-s change in key color plus houselight illumination. In the second component an identical schedule was in effect, but the stimulus was a 0.3-s change in key color. Both long and short brief stimuli were not paired with food presentations in Conditions 1 and 3 and were paired with food in Condition 2. There were no consistent differences in response patterns under paired and nonpaired brief-stimulus conditions when the stimulus was a 4-s change in key color accompanied by houselight illumination. However, pairing the 0.3-s key-color change with food presentations resulted in higher indices of curvature and lower response rates in the early segments of the fixed interval than when the stimulus was not paired with food presentations. Low doses of d-amphetamine (0.3 and 1 mg/kg) produced small and inconsistent increases in overall response rates, and higher doses (3 and 10 mg/kg) decreased overall response rates. d-Amphetamine altered response patterns within fixed intervals by decreasing the indices of curvature and increasing response rates in the early segments of the fixed interval. Response rates and patterns under paired and nonpaired brief-stimulus conditions were not differentially affected by d-amphetamine. Thus, evidence for the enhancement of the conditioned reinforcement effects of psychomotor stimulant drugs was not found with the second-order schedules used in the present study.  相似文献   

In the initial link of a complex schedule, one discriminative stimulus was presented and lever pressing produced tokens on fixed-ratio schedules. In the terminal link, signalled by a second discriminative stimulus, deposits of the tokens produced food. With two rats, the terminal link was presented after each sixth component schedule of token reinforcement was completed. With the other two rats, the terminal link was presented following the first component schedule completed after a fixed interval. During the terminal link, each token deposit initially produced food. The schedule of food presentation was subsequently increased such that an increasing number of token deposits in the terminal link was required for each food presentation. Rates of lever pressing in the initial link were inversely related to the schedule of food presentation in the terminal link. These results are similar to those of experiments that have varied schedules of food presentation in chained schedules. Rates and patterns of responding controlled throughout the initial link were more similar to those ordinarily controlled by second-order brief-stimulus schedules than to those controlled by comparable extended chained schedules.  相似文献   

Following initial histories under a schedule of electric shock postponement, lever pressing in squirrel monkeys was maintained under fixed-interval and fixed-time schedules of electric shock presentation. No difference in either rate or pattern of responding was obtained when these schedules were presented as components of a multiple schedule. When they were presented singly for long periods of time, the fixed-interval schedule consistently maintained a higher response rate than the fixed-time schedule. The pattern of responding under both schedules was similar, typically consisting of a pause at the beginning of each interval followed by either a steady or a positively accelerating rate of responding. The results suggest that the response-shock dependency is of critical importance in the maintenance of high rates of responding under schedules of electric shock presentation, and support the general view that such responding may be conceptualized as operant behavior under control of many of the same variables that control responding under comparable schedules of food or water reinforcement.  相似文献   

Squirrel monkeys operated a key under second-order schedules in which every tenth completion of a 5-minute fixed interval resulted in either presentation of food or intravenous injection of cocaine. When a 2-second light was presented at the completion of the component fixed-interval schedules, positively accelerated responding developed and was maintained in each component. Over a tenfold range of doses of cocaine(30 to 300 microgram/kg/injection) and amounts of food (0.75 to 7.5 g/presentation); the second-order schedule of cocaine injection maintained higher average rates of responding than the second-order schedule of food presentation. Substituting saline for cocaine or eliminating food presentation decreased average rates of responding. When no stimulus change occurred at the completion of the first nine component fixed-interval schedules, but the 2-second light and food presentation or cocaine injection still occurred after the tenth component, only low and relatively constant rates of responding were maintained in each component. Patterns of responding characteristic of 5-minute fixed-interval schedules were maintained by the 2-second light paired with either cocaine injection or food presentation, though the maximum frequency of cocaine injection or food presentation was less than once per 50 minutes.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to induce polydipsia in rats whose lever pressing was reinforced with food pellets or electrical brain stimulation. Nine food-deprived, water-sated rats drank water excessively during sessions in which food pellets were delivered. When brain stimulation was substituted for food, drinking immediately ceased. Delivering brain stimulation according to a variety of schedules, pairing brain stimulation with food reinforcement, and substituting an air stream for water, each failed to produce polydipsic licking. These results show that polydipsia is not induced by all reinforcers.  相似文献   

Responses on one key (the main key) of a two-key chamber produced food according to a second-order variable-interval schedule with fixed-interval schedule components. A response on a second key (the changeover key) alternated colors on the main key and provided a second independent second-order variable-interval schedule with fixed-interval components. The fixed-interval component on one variable-interval schedule was held constant at 8 sec, while the fixed interval on the other variable-interval schedule was varied from 0 to 32 sec. Under some conditions, a brief stimulus terminated each fixed interval and generated fixed-interval patterns; in other conditions, the brief stimulus was omitted. Relative response rate and relative time deviated substantially from scheduled relative reinforcement rate and, to a lesser extent, from obtained relative reinforcement rate under both brief-stimulus and no-stimulus conditions. Matching was observed with equal components on both schedules; with unequal components, increasingly greater proportions of time and responses than the matching relation would predict were spent on the variable-interval schedule containing the shorter component. Preference for the shorter fixed interval was typically more extreme under brief-stimulus than under no-stimulus schedules. The results limit the extension of the matching relation typically observed under simple concurrent variable-interval schedules to concurrent second-order variable-interval schedules.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on three-component chain schedules in which the initial component was either a fixed-interval or variable-interval schedule. The middle and terminal components were varied among fixed-interval fixed-interval, variable-interval variable-interval, and an interdependent variable-interval variable-interval schedule in which the sum of the durations of the two variable-interval components was always equal to the sum of the fixed-interval fixed-interval components. At issue was whether the response rate in the initial component was controlled by its time to primary reinforcement or by the temporal parameters of the stimulus correlated with the middle terminal link. The fixed-interval initial-link schedule maintained much lower response rates than the variable-interval initial-link schedule regardless of the schedules in the middle and terminal links. Nevertheless, the intervening schedules played some role: With fixed-interval schedules in the initial links, response rates were consistently highest with independent variable-interval schedules in the middle and terminal links and intermediate with the interdependent variable-interval schedules; these initial-link differences were predicted by the response rates in the middle link of the chain. With variable-interval schedules in the initial links, response rates were lowest with the fixed-interval fixed-interval schedules following the initial link and were not systematically different for the two types of variable-interval variable-interval schedules. The results suggest that time to reinforcement itself accounts for little if any variance in initial-link responding.  相似文献   

Progressive-interval performances are described using measures that have proven to be successful in the analysis of fixed-interval responding. Five rats were trained with schedules in which the durations of consecutive intervals increased arithmetically as each interval was completed (either 6-s or 12-s steps for different subjects). The response patterns that emerged with extended training (90 sessions) indicated that performances had come under temporal control. Postreinforcement pausing increased as a function of the interval duration, the pauses were proportional to the prevailing duration, and the likelihood of the first response within an interval increased as the interval elapsed. To assess the resistance of these patterns to disruption, subjects were trained with a schedule that generated high response rates and short pauses (variable ratio). When the progressive-interval schedule was reinstated, pausing was attenuated and rates were elevated, but performances reverted to earlier patterns with continued exposure. The results indicated that temporal control by progressive-interval schedules, although slow to develop, is similar in many respects to that for fixed-interval schedules.  相似文献   

Six rats responded under fixed-interval and tandem fixed-interval fixed-ratio schedules of food reinforcement. Basic fixed-interval schedules alternated over experimental conditions with tandem fixed-interval fixed-ratio schedules with the same fixed-interval value. Fixed-interval length was varied within subjects over pairs of experimental conditions; the ratio requirement of the tandem schedules was varied across subjects. For both subjects with a ratio requirement of 10, overall response rates and running response rates typically were higher under the tandem schedules than under the corresponding basic fixed-interval schedules. For all subjects with ratio requirements of 30 or 60, overall response rates and running response rates were higher under the tandem schedules than under the corresponding basic fixed-interval schedules only with relatively short fixed intervals. At longer fixed intervals, higher overall response rates and running rates were maintained by the basic fixed-interval schedules than by the tandem schedules. These findings support Zeiler and Buchman's (1979) reinforcement-theory account of response strength as an increasing monotonic function of both the response requirement and reinforcement frequency. Small response requirements added in tandem to fixed-interval schedules have little effect on reinforcement frequency and so their net effect is to enhance responding. Larger response requirements reduce reinforcement frequency more substantially; therefore their net effect depends on the length of the fixed interval, which limits overall reinforcement frequency. At the longest fixed intervals studied in the present experiment, reinforcement frequency under the tandem schedules was sufficiently low that responding weakened or ceased altogether.  相似文献   

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