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During reading information is acquired from word(s) beyond the word that is currently looked at. It is still an open question whether such parafoveal information can influence the current viewing of a word, and if so, whether such parafoveal-on-foveal effects are attributable to distributed processing or to mislocated fixations which occur when the eyes are directed at a parafoveal word but land on another word instead. In two display-change experiments, we orthogonally manipulated the preview and target difficulty of word n+2 to investigate the role of mislocated fixations on the previous word n+1. When the eyes left word n, an easy or difficult word n+2 preview was replaced by an easy or difficult n+2 target word. In Experiment 1, n+2 processing difficulty was manipulated by means of word frequency (i.e., easy high-frequency vs. difficult low-frequency word n+2). In Experiment 2, we varied the visual familiarity of word n+2 (i.e., easy lower-case vs. difficult alternating-case writing). Fixations on the short word n+1, which were likely to be mislocated, were nevertheless not influenced by the difficulty of the adjacent word n+2, the hypothesized target of the mislocated fixation. Instead word n+1 was influenced by the preview difficulty of word n+2, representing a delayed parafoveal-on-foveal effect. The results challenge the mislocated-fixation hypothesis as an explanation of parafoveal-on-foveal effects and provide new insight into the complex spatial and temporal effect structure of processing inside the perceptual span during reading.  相似文献   

Two reading experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of phoneme repetition during silent reading (also referred to as the visual tongue-twister effect, see McCutchen & Perfetti, 1982; Perfetti & McCutchen, 1982) in conjunction with end-of-clause and end-of-sentence wrap-up effects (Just & Carpenter, 1982; Rayner, Sereno, Morris, Schmauder, & Clifton, 1989). In both experiments, reading time was measured on sentences containing either six or zero words sharing the same initial phoneme. Sentences were presented in a phrase-by-phrase moving window, with each phrase either containing one word that involved a repeated phoneme or a matched word not involving a repeated phoneme. The sixth presentation region either contained or did not contain a comma (Experiment 1) or a period (Experiment 2). The results showed that the effect of phoneme repetition occurred relatively late during sentence processing, only after integration processing related to end-of-clause and end-of-sentence wrap-up occurred.  相似文献   

If exposure to two arguments supporting opposing conclusions establishes two memory traces that influence attitudes, repetition of one of the arguments should produce a delayed action effect. In a computer-controlled experiment, subjects read a large number of arguments about fictitious brands of consumer products from a T.V. screen. They rated each brand immediately after reading about it and again after spending 10 min reading messages about other brands. In the critical conditions of the experiment, two arguments were presented about each brand. One described a good quality of the product (e.g., excellent durability); the other described a bad quality (e.g., below-average efficiency). Subjects read one of the opposing arguments concerning each brand repeatedly and studied the repeated arguments for memory tests. As predicted, repetition and studying affected ratings on the delayed post-test, but not on the immediate post-test. Specifically, attitudes shifted over the delay toward agreement with the repeated arguments, supporting the idea that the persistence of attitudes depends on more than one memory trace.  相似文献   

Engelkamp and Rummer (2002) demonstrated that auditorily presented subordinate causal sentences are better retained than coordinate sentences. This subordination effect was explained by suggesting that subordinate sentences are merged more easily in memory than coordinate sentences. The present paper enlarges Engelkamp and Rummer's findings with respect to three aspects. First, it demonstrates that the subordination effect can only be found if a verbatim but not a content related recall score is used. Second, using self-paced reading, it demonstrates a processing advantage for subordinate sentences. This reading time advantage was only observed if the subordinate clause preceded the matrix clause. Third, it excludes an alternative explanation of the subordination effect which attributes memory differences to the fact that the critical causal conjunction word was presented earlier in subordinate than in coordinate sentences. In sum, our findings suggest a direct contribution of syntactic information to sentence regeneration.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the effects in sentence reading of varying the frequency and length of an adjective on (a) fixations on the adjective and (b) fixations on the following noun. The gaze duration on the adjective was longer for low frequency than for high frequency adjectives and longer for long adjectives than for short adjectives. This contrasted with the spillover effects: Gaze durations on the noun were longer when adjectives were low frequency but were actually shorter when the adjectives were long. The latter effect, which seems anomalous, can be explained by three mechanisms: (a) Fixations on the noun are less optimal after short adjectives because of less optimal targeting; (b) shorter adjectives are more difficult to process because they have more neighbors; and (c) prior fixations before skips are less advantageous places to extract parafoveal information. The viability of these hypotheses as explanations of this reverse length effect on the noun was examined in simulations using an updated version of the E-Z Reader model (A. Pollatsek, K. Reichle, & E. D. Rayner, 2006c; E. D. Reichle, A. Pollatsek, D. L. Fisher, & K. Rayner, 1998).  相似文献   

In English, the size of the regularity effect on word reading-aloud latency decreases across position of irregularity. This has been explained by a sublexical serially operating reading mechanism. It is unclear whether sublexical serial processing occurs in reading two-character kanji words aloud. To investigate this issue, we studied how the position of atypical character-to-sound correspondences influenced reading performance. When participants read inconsistent-atypical words aloud mixed randomly with nonwords, reading latencies of words with an inconsistent-atypical correspondence in the initial position were significantly longer than words with an inconsistent-atypical correspondence in the second position. The significant difference of reading latencies for inconsistent-atypical words disappeared when inconsistent-atypical words were presented without nonwords. Moreover, reading latencies for words with an inconsistent-atypical correspondence in the first position were shorter than for words with a typical correspondence in the first position. This typicality effect was absent when the atypicality was in the second position. These position-of-atypicality effects suggest that sublexical processing of kanji occurs serially and that the phonology of two-character kanji words is generated from both a lexical parallel process and a sublexical serial process.  相似文献   

The extraction of structure during reading: Evidence from reading prosody   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to the structural approach to reading, the extraction of structure precedes the analysis of meaning and paves the way for it. In this study, reading prosody was used to examine this proposition. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that reading prosody produced on line reflects the early extraction of structure. In Experiment 1, readers were successful in assigning natural prosody to unfamiliar text immediately upon its reading. Experiment 2 showed that the prosodic patterns applied are tuned to the structure of the sentence and are largely indifferent to the content of the sentence or to its semantic coherence. The results join with other findings in speech production and comprehension in supporting the precedence of structure to meaning in reading.  相似文献   

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review - Models of eye-movement control during reading focus on reading single lines of text. However, with multiline texts, return sweeps, which bring fixation from the...  相似文献   

In three experiments, subjects read text as their eye movements were monitored and display changes in the text were made contingent upon the eye movements. In one experiment, a window of text moved in synchrony with the eyes. In one condition, the size of the window was constant from fixation to fixation, while in the other condition the size of the window varied from fixation to fixation. In the other experiments, a visual mask was presented at the end of each saccade which delayed the onset of the text, and the length of the delay was varied. The pattern of eye movements was influenced by both the size of the window and the delay of the onset of the text, even when the window size or text delay was varying from fixation to fixation. However, there was also evidence that saccade length was affected by the size of the window on the prior fixation and that certain decisions to move the eye are programmed either before the fixation begins or are programmed during the fixation but without regard to the text fixated on. The results thus provide support for a mixed control model of eye movements in reading, in which decisions about when and where to move the eyes are based on information from the current fixation, the prior fixations, and possibly, other sources as well.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the influence of cognitive factors on eye-movement behaviors in reading. Participants performed two tasks: a normal-reading task, as well as a mindless-reading task in which letters were replaced with unreadable block shapes. This mindless-reading task served as an oculomotor control condition, simulating the visual aspects of reading but removing higher-level linguistic processing. Fixation durations, word skipping, and some regressions were influenced by cognitive factors, whereas eye movements within words appeared to be less open to cognitive control. Implications for models of eye-movement control in reading are discussed.  相似文献   

采用眼动追踪技术探讨中文阅读中无关言语效应的影响机制, 操纵了背景音的类型(有意义背景音、无意义背景音、无声), 通过3个实验考察其对简单句、复杂句、篇章阅读的影响。结果发现, 被试在无意义背景音条件下加工三类阅读材料时的眼动指标与无声条件相比差异均不显著; 但是, 在有意义背景音条件下, 被试在进行复杂句和篇章阅读时的眼动指标与无声条件相比差异显著, 而在简单句阅读中差异不显著。结果表明, 语义属性才是影响无关言语效应产生的关键因素, 其所起作用受到阅读任务难度的调节, 而对阅读过程的影响主要体现在晚期的词汇加工和语义整合阶段, 本研究结果支持了语义干扰假说。  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, it is shown that during reading the eye makes larger saccades near long words than near short words. The effects are reduced when the subject’s peripheral vision is diminished by the use of a moving “window” centered on the subject’s fixation point, outside of which letters are replaced by Xs. In Experiment 2, it is shown that even if linguistic predictions are kept constant, the eye tends to make longer jumps when approaching THE than when approaching a three-letter verb. This “THE-skipping” effect is weaker if THE is compared with an auxiliary (HAD, WAS, or ARE) than if it is compared with a less frequently occurring verb (ATE, RAN, MET). It follows that knowledge of the lexicon can combine with information from peripheral vision fast enough to influence saccade size from moment to moment.  相似文献   

This experiment investigates an apparent discrepancy in experimental measurements of the effect of texture predictability upon reading disruption under delayed auditory feedback (DAF). By measuring relative DAF decrement in three different ways, it is shown that the previous findings can be related; Fillenbaum's hypothesis of increased disruption by DAF with an increase in predictability of the material is rejected, less disruption being obtained after practice on a particular passage. Almost identical ratios of DAF rate divided by normal rate are found irrespective of the type of reading material and stage in practice. This has not been reported previously and suggests that behaviour under DAF may be related to behaviour under normal conditions by a multiplicative constant. These results are also consistent with the notion of limited channel capacity and the partitioning of attention between two sources of information.  相似文献   

利用元分析考察了言语节奏在言语加工中起作用的时间进程及影响因素。对36篇脑电文献(共43个独立效应量)进行分析,发现节奏影响言语加工主要表现在早期阶段的N100和P200成分、中后期阶段的P300、LAN、N400和晚期正成分上;个体对节奏违反非常敏感,言语节奏加工早于句法加工,在言语加工的中后期阶段,节奏与语义和句法发生交互;任务类型调节言语节奏对言语加工过程的影响,在外显任务中,言语节奏对言语加工过程的影响大于内隐任务和同时包含多项任务要求的混合任务。注意和预期是言语节奏加工的内在机制,研究结果支持交互论的观点。  相似文献   

Confirming the findings in search tasks with letters and digits, the typical RTsame < RTdiff result was obtained in a matching paradigm requiring the classification of geometrical stimuli that were given in pairs. The study supports a dual process model that is based on an identity reporter for the faster “same” response and a difference detector for the slower “different” responses, both operating with equal accuracy. Subjects appeared to perceive outline aspects of figures, formed by size and form, holistically. An internal characteristic, such as an interior line, was apparently processed as a separate attribute. However, the outlines of the stimulus configurations appeared to be much more salient and interfered with the judgment of the orientation of the interior line. Moreover, the latter stimulus aspect could be easily ignored as the task required.  相似文献   

Contextual cueing experiments show that, when displays are repeated, reaction times (RTs) to find a target decrease over time even when the observers are not aware of the repetition. Recent evidence suggests that this benefit in standard contextual cueing tasks is not likely to be due to an improvement in attentional guidance (Kunar, Flusberg, Horowitz, & Wolfe, 2007). Nevertheless, we ask whether guidance can help participants find the target in a repeated display, if they are given sufficient time to encode the display. In Experiment 1 we increased the display complexity so that it took participants longer to find the target. Here we found a larger effect of guidance than in a condition with shorter RTs. Experiment 2 gave participants prior exposure to the display context. The data again showed that with more time participants could implement guidance to help find the target, provided that there was something in the search stimuli locations to guide attention to. The data suggest that, although the benefit in a standard contextual cueing task is unlikely to be a result of guidance, guidance can play a role if it is given time to develop.  相似文献   

Processing polysemous words in context: Evidence for interrelated meanings   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Two experiments are reported which examined whether the various meanings of polysemous adjectives (e.g.,firm as insolid orfirm as instrict) are functionally independent during language comprehension. In Experiment 1 a priming technique was used, similar to that which has been used to investigate the processing of homonyms, to test whether alternative meanings of polysemous words become active even if they are irrelevant in the context. The results showed that this was only reliably the case for central meanings of the words (eg.,firm as insolid), for which effects were found as much as 1100 msec after prime onset. No significant priming of targets related to noncentral meanings (eg.,firm as instrict) was obtained in irrelevant contexts. This happened despite the fact that both types of target were equally primed when the prime occurred in isolation. Experiment 2 obtained similar results using a relatedness judgment task. The asymmetrical priming of central and noncentral targets in irrelevant contexts is discussed in terms of a hierarchical meaning structure relating the diverse uses of polysemous words.  相似文献   

Relational reasoning (A > B, B > C, therefore A > C) shares a number of similarities with numerical cognition, including a common behavioural signature, the symbolic distance effect. Just as reaction times for evaluating relational conclusions decrease as the distance between two ordered objects increases, people need less time to compare two numbers when they are distant (e.g., 2 and 8) than when they are close (e.g., 3 and 4). Given that some remain doubtful about such analogical representations in relational reasoning, we determine whether numerical cognition and relational reasoning have other overlapping behavioural effects. Here, using relational reasoning problems that require the alignment of six items, we provide evidence showing that the subjects' linear mental representation affects motor performance when evaluating conclusions. Items accessible from the left part of a linear representation are evaluated faster when the response is made by the left, rather than the right, hand and the reverse is observed for items accessible from the right part of the linear representation. This effect, observed with the prepositions to the left of and to the right of as well as with above and below, is analogous to the SNARC (Spatial Numerical Association of Response Codes) effect, which is characterized by an interaction between magnitude of numbers and side of response.  相似文献   

This study examined cognitive aspects of coping with stress, how these related to religiosity, and how they related to outcomes (positive mood and distress). Participants (n=126) were of Protestant or Jewish background, and had all experienced recent major stress. They were assessed on measures of religiosity, religious coping, perception of the consequences of the stressful event, attributions for its occurrence, and distress, intrusive unpleasant thoughts, and positive affect. Religiosity affected ways of thinking about the stressful situation, namely: Belief that G-d is enabling the individual to bear their troubles (religious/spiritual support), belief that it was all for the best, and (more weakly) belief that all is ultimately controlled by G-d. Religiosity affected neither the proportion of positive consequences perceived as outcomes of the event, nor the causal attributions examined. Religious background (Protestant vs. Jewish) had negligible effects on the cognitions measures. Causal pathway analysis suggested that religion-related cognitions might directly affect positive affect, but not distress. Problems of design and interpretation are discussed. The study suggests some cognitively mediated means by which religion may have comforting effects.  相似文献   

It is well known that an acoustic-sensory code supports retention of linguistic materials whose storage is particularly based on phonological information (e.g., unrelated word lists). The present study investigates whether such a code also contributes to the retention of sentences. It has been shown that short-term sentence recall particularly depends on propositional and lexicosemantic information, which are assumed to be supplied independently of modality influences. We employed the intrusion paradigm of Potter and Lombardi (1990) and manipulated the availability of acoustic-sensory information. Participants were instructed to read sentences either silently or aloud. Since these two reading conditions also differ with respect to articulatory information, a further condition that provided articulatory but not acoustic-sensory information was introduced (i.e., silent mouthing). Our data suggest that acoustic-sensory information is used, if available, even in sentence recall.  相似文献   

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