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The main question in this study was whether Ss stuiter less under DAF when speaking with an accent such as a nasal twang. The hypothesis was verified: A group of 21 Ss stuttered less under DAF when speaking with a nasal accent than when speaking normally. This effect was shown to be due to: (1) The change in the acoustic output as a result of speaking with the accent. A passively produced distortion of the returning feedback (after Held, 1961), which was similar to the actively articulated nasal accent, also caused the Ss to stutter less than normally. (2) Paying less attention to the disruptive feedback. The Ss were shown to pay less attention to nasal feedback, probably because producing a nasal accent requires greater attention to articulation. These results were not due to a reduction in the intelligibility of the nasal feedback, which was just as intelligible as the S’s normal voice, even in noise. The significance of these findings for general theories of DAF and pathological stuttering were discussed.  相似文献   

Sparks G  Grant DE  Millay K  Walker-Batson D  Hynan LS 《Journal of Fluency Disorders》2002,27(3):187-200; quiz 200-1, III
Delayed auditory feedback (DAF) has been documented to improve fluency in those who stutter. The increased fluency has been attributed to the slowed speech rate induced by DAF, but recent experiments have suggested that increasing the speech rate may also decrease stuttering under DAF. This investigation described the effect of combining a fast speech rate and DAF on the fluency of four people who stutter. Fluency of the two mildly dysfluent subjects was the same for both no DAF and DAF conditions at normal and at fast oral reading rates. In contrast, the two severely dysfluent subjects improved in fluency from the no DAF to the DAF conditions. They were found to be dysfluent at both normal and fast oral reading rates without DAF. The results of the study point to the need for further research on the relationship between speech rate and stuttering frequency under conditions of DAF and no DAF. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Readers will learn about and be able to describe how the frequency of stuttering is affected by: (1) speech rates; (2) DAF; and (3) how stuttering severity influences such effects.  相似文献   

A portable on-the-body delayed auditory feedback was used in the establishment and transfer modes of fluent speech in a stutterer while he was on the Monterey Fluency Program. The performance of the client was compared with a “standard” population of stutterers. The portable DAF was comparable to the larger DAF in establishment and superior in transfer with minimal behavioral and technical problems. Use and potential value of the portable DAF in transfer and maintenance phases of therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on a review of the literature, sudden onset of stuttering following a closed head injury has generally had a prognosis of poor recovery. The present case study of an adult male reviews the relevant neurologic data, psychologic information, and subsequent speech therapy methods used to facilitate an essentially complete recovery of normal speech within a few months. A possible neurologic explanation for the stuttering behavior and associated factors in recovery is discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined effects of delayed auditory feedback (DAF) on music performance as a function of the temporal location of feedback onsets within produced inter-onset intervals (IOIs). In Experiment 1, pianists performed isochronous melodies at two production rates with different amounts of DAF. Timing variability decreased for DAF amounts that caused feedback onsets to occur halfway through IOIs (binary subdivisions) in a 500-ms, but not 600-ms, IOI rate condition. In Experiment 2, pianists performed melodies with DAF delays and chose a preferred rate. Performers chose slower rates for larger delays; preferred rates approximated twice the amount of DAF. Experiment 3 tested the possibility that subjects deliberately conceptualized subdivisions in Experiments 1 and 2. Performers were given (1) no instructions, (2) instructions to mentally subdivide produced events in two, or (3) instructions to mentally subdivide produced events in three, in different blocks. Instructions to subdivide reduced timing variability for larger feedback delays. These experiments indicate that DAF disruption is reduced by subdividing instructions and sometimes by coincidences of feedback onsets with subdivisions of produced intervals. Such facilitation may reflect the use of hierarchical cognitive plans in production.  相似文献   

Delayed auditory feedback disrupts the production of speech, causing an increase in speech duration as well as many articulatory errors. To determine whether prolonged exposure to delayed auditory feedback IDAFI leads to adaptive compensations in speech production, 10 subjects were exposed in separate experimental sessions to both incremental and constantdelay exposure conditions. Significant adaptation occurred for syntactically structured stimuli in the form of increased speaking rates. After DAF was removed, aftereffects were apparent for all stimulus types in terms of increased speech rates. A carry-over effect from the first to the second experimental session was evident as long as 29 days after the first session. The use of strategies to overcome DAF and the differences between adaptation to DAF and adaptation to visual rearrangement are discussed.  相似文献   

The separate and combined effects of galvanic skin response biofeedback low wave amplitude self regulation (GSR LW) and amplified delayed auditory feedback (DAF) upon stuttering dysfluency are examined. Two college age male stutterers who were seen on an intensive longitudinal basis were the subjects in this study.Results suggest that GSR LW, when it is accomplished, functions to moderately but significantly reduce stuttering dysfluency compared to no GSR biofeedback. This effect does not noticeably dissipate over time. There occurred a marked and sustained reduction in stuttering dysfluency under DAF compared to no DAF conditions. Without separating accomplished and not accomplished GSR LW, there occurred slightly but not statistically significantly fewer blocks under the combined DAF-GSR LW condition than under DAF alone. Nevertheless, it does seem likely, considering these findings overall, that when GSR LW is accomplished, the fluency facilitating effect of its simultaneous combination with DAF is additive i.e., greater than either alone. Possible theoretical and therapeutic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A case study of DW, an 11-yr. old monolingual, English-speaking boy who exhibits stuttering, language delay, and ADHD is presented. DW experienced only limited improvement during stuttering therapy received in public schools, according to parents and the public school clinician. The purpose of this case study was to assess whether fluency treatment which incorporated Mediated Learning, Delayed Auditory Feedback, and Speech Motor Repatterning would enhance progress. Therapy was delivered in two treatments, with each treatment being 5 wk. of intense therapy, separated by one year. Treatment 1 of combined Mediated Learning and Delayed Auditory Feedback yielded improvement in fluency, judged by parents and the teacher to be clinically significant. The improved fluency was maintained for one year when DW was pretested for participation in Treatment 2, which combined Mediated Learning, Delayed Auditory Feedback, and Speech Motor Repatterning Exercises. As no conclusions are possible, further study is needed.  相似文献   

10 pairs of identical and 10 pairs of fraternal twins, matched by age, spoke under conditions of 0.0-, 100-, 200-, 300-, 400-, and 500-msec. delayed auditory feedback. Length of spoken passages was controlled. Product-moment and intraclass correlations were calculated for speaking times and disfluencies. Significant Pearson rs for times were noted at 0.0 and 300 msec. for both groups and at 100, 200, and 400 msec. for identical twins, while fraternal twins' times were significantly correlated at 500 msec. Difference scores were significantly correlated at 100, 200, 300, and 400 msec. for identical twins. Disfluencies were significantly correlated for identical twins at 400 msec. Data were combined with those of Timmons' (1969) study, increasing subjects to 21 pairs per group. Intraclass correlations supported the contention that responses of identical twin pairs to delayed auditory feedback were more highly correlated than those for fraternal twin pairs.  相似文献   

Several authors have suggested that devices delivering altered auditory feedback (AAF) may be a viable treatment for adults and children who stutter. This paper reviews published, peer reviewed journal papers from the past 10 years that investigate the effect of AAF during different speaking conditions, tasks and situations. A review of that literature indicates that considerable experimental evidence and limited Phase 1 treatment outcome evidence has been accumulated about the effect of AAF on the speech of people who stutter. However, critical knowledge about the effect of AAF during conversational speech and in everyday speaking situations is missing. Knowledge about how to determine the correct levels of AAF for individuals, and the characteristics of those likely to benefit from AAF, also needs to be established. At present there is no reason to accept a recent suggestion that AAF devices would be a defensible clinical option for children. In general device development and availability has occurred at a faster pace than clinical trials research. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: After reading this paper readers should be able to: (1) describe what altered auditory feedback is and common ways the speech signal is altered in stuttering; (2) describe the effects of AAF on the speech of adults who stutter; (3) provide a critical analysis of the literature in the area of AAF and stuttering.  相似文献   

The effects of delayed auditory feedback (DAF) on the performance of simple speech and keytapping tasks were compared. In the first experiment, each of the fourteen young adult subjects was asked to repeat the speech sound “b” in groups of three sounds. The subject heard his undelayed speech sounds through earphones. Under the delay condition, the speech sounds were delayed 244 millisec. before being returned to the subject's earphones. In the second experiment, each of the same subjects was asked to tap on a key in groups of three taps. The subjects heard an undelayed click through earphones each time they tapped on the key. Under the delay condition, the clicks were delayed 244 millisec. before being returned to the earphones. Graphic recordings were made of the time and intensity characteristics of tapping under both conditions.

The changes which occurred in speech and keytapping under DAF were qualitatively the same and consisted of increases in intensity and unit-to-unit time of both taps and speech sounds. When performing under DAF, the subjects also exhibited a tendency to repeat more sounds or to tap more times than had been requested. The percentage of change in intensity and time characteristics for speech and keytapping performances which occurred under DAF were not significantly different for the two motor systems. The amount of change in speech performance under DAF did not correlate significantly with the amount of change in keytapping performance.  相似文献   

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