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The aim of this study was to investigate the extent to which tactile information that is unavailable for full conscious report can be accessed using partial-report procedures. In Experiment 1, participants reported the total number of tactile stimuli (up to six) presented simultaneously to their fingertips (numerosity judgment task). In another condition, after being presented with the tactile display, they had to detect whether or not the position indicated by a (visual or tactile) probe had previously contained a tactile stimulus (partial-report task). Participants correctly reported up to three stimuli in the numerosity judgment task, but their performance was far better in the partial-report task: Up to six stimuli were perceived at the shortest target-probe intervals. A similar pattern of results was observed when the participants performed a concurrent articulatory suppression task (Exp. 2). The results of a final experiment revealed that performance in the partial-report task was overall better for stimuli presented on the fingertips than for stimuli presented across the rest of the body surface. These results demonstrate that tactile information that is unavailable for report in a numerosity task can nevertheless sometimes still be accessed when a partial-report procedure is used instead.  相似文献   

In the present research, we investigated whether eyeblinks interfere with cognitive processing. In Experiment 1, the participants performed a partial-report iconic memory task in which a letter array was presented for 106 msec, followed 50, 150, or 750 msec later by a tone that cued recall of onerow of the array. At a cue delay of 50 msec between array offset and cue onset, letter report accuracy was lower when the participants blinked following array presentation than under no-blink conditions; the participants made more mislocation errors under blink conditions. This result suggests that blinking interferes with the binding of object identity and object position in iconic memory. Experiment 2 demonstrated that interference due to blinks was not due merely to changes in light intensity. Experiments 3 and 4 demonstrated that other motor responses did not interfere with iconic memory. We propose a new phenomenon, cognitive blink suppression, in which blinking inhibits cognitive processing. This phenomenon may be due to neural interference. Blinks reduce activation in area V1, which may interfere with the representation of information in iconic memory.  相似文献   

Three experiments have tested for the existence of laterality effects in iconic storage by employing a Sperling partial-report paradigm and lateralized presentations of alphabetical or pattern material. Even though an overall laterality effect was found in favor of the right visual field for the alphabetical material and in favor of the left visual field for the pattern material, the amount and time decay of partial-report advantage was similar in the two visual fields. These results indicate that hemispheric asymmetries occur beyond the iconic stage of visual information processing.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to assess whether or not iconic memory is influenced by demands placed upon central processing capacity. In Experiment 1 S was required to store material in short-term memory while performing an iconic memory task. In Experiments 2 and 3 S performed an auditory classification task concurrently with iconic storage. The three experiments did not reveal any significant impairment of iconic memory as a function of performing a subsidiary task. Similarly, performance on the subsidiary tasks did not suffer as a result of the concurrent iconic memory task.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that the content of iconic memory (IM) and fragile visual short-term memory could be associated with a similar level of conscious accessibility as working memory (WM). The results of our studies, in which we used a subjective visibility scale in a partial-report change detection paradigm, indicate that it is possible to distinguish separate stages of memory based on both discriminative accuracy and conscious accessibility. The highest scores were associated with IM and the lowest with WM, while somewhere in the middle there was fragile memory. Based on classical assumptions, WM accessibility should be greater than the other two types of memory; however, our study showed that this might not always be the case. We discuss the potential sources of this outcome, of which one may be the task construction, as we only tested items that were directly in the focus of attention.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined integral and separable dimensions as attentional selective cues from iconic memory. Sperling's partial-report task was employed with physically separable and physically integral stimuli. Stimulus displays were varied in terms of the redundancy of the irrelevant non-cued dimensions—i.e. control, correlated, and orthogonal conditions within Garner's (1974a) framework—and selective readout performance was measured. The results demonstrate that, in initial processing, physically separable dimensions (e.g., circle size vs. angle of radial line) can be selectively attended to as independent dimensions, but physically integral dimensions (e.g., size vs. brightness and height vs. width) can only be represented as wholistic integral objects. Implications of these findings for current models of feature integration and perceptual development are discussed.  相似文献   

The partial report tachistoscopic task has been used to define “iconic memory,” a labile image-like precategorical visual store. Six interrelated partial report studies are reported that challenge the construct. On each trial, subjects were shown an eight-letter pseudoword (representing one of four orders of approximation to English) and a bar probe indicating which letter to report. The probe was delayed systematically, and the experiments included both mask and no-mask conditions. All three variables-familiarity of the material, masking, and delay of the probe-affected accuracy of report. Delaying the probe, for example, reduced accuracy by increasing location errors. Delaying the mask increased accuracy by reducing both location and item errors, but it did not reduce the location errors until its effect on item errors had reached asymptote. Across the stimulus array, however, masking reduced accuracy at all delays by increasing location errors. Finally, the greater accuracy associated with higher orders of approximation to English was complemented by a decrease in item errors, but the familiarity factor had no effect on location errors. Taken together, even though the task has been used to define the idea, the results indicate that the bar-probe task cannot be explained in terms of a simple iconic memory concept. Instead of a simple image-like buffer, the explanation requires a feature buffer, an “intelligent” letter identification process, and a postidentification character buffer. Iconic memory is a construct that oversimplifies the information processing system used in the bar-probe task.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to determine why evidence for perceptual selectivity based on conceptual category (e.g., digits vs. letters) has been found in some experiments but not in others. Experiments using the partial-report paradigm find no partial-report superiority when the report is cued by category, whereas, in recent visual search studies, evidence for perceptual selectivity has been obtained for arrays containing a single item that was categorically different from the other items (e.g., a digit among letters). Using a search task, Experiment 1 investigated the possibility that the number of categorically different items in the arrays could be a determinant of selectivity. One, two, or three digits and a variable number of letters were presented on each trial, and subjects determined if a particular digit was present. No evidence of selectivity was obtained, even for the one-digit condition. Experiment 2 verified this result, and Experiment 3 extended the failure of selectivity to a search task in which the possible targets differed in color from the distractor items. In Experiment 4, subjects counted the number of digits or red letters in arrays in which black letters were the distractor items. The counting task was used to eliminate the requirement in our previous tasks that the subjects search forspecific items. Evidence was obtained in the counting task for selectivity based on the color difference but not on the categorical difference. The color stimuli used in the counting task were essentially the same as those that did not yield any evidence of selectivity in the search task. The results suggest that task demands are an important determinant of whether or not perceptual selectivity will occur.  相似文献   

With a minimal set of assumptions resulting from considerations about the perception of temporal structure, we argue for the existence of a spatio-temporal memory established by the mapping of time into simultaneous physical properties. The important point of this model is the distinction between external, physical time and the internal representation of time. An immediate consequence of such a structure is the emergence of properties usually associated with the concept of iconic memory or informational persistence. Some of these properties may hence be regarded as epiphenomena produced by the testing of a spatio-temporal system with tachistoscopic spatial stimuli. The model can explain properties of the immediate memory span, the lack of effect of exposure duration on tachistoscopic report, the partial-report superiority, the decay of iconic memory, and effects of a backward mask. It does not only avoid the incompatibility problems of the frozen-image concept in dynamic vision, but also provides an adequate basis for the processing of time-varying scenes.  相似文献   

In studies of iconic memory using the bar-probe task, subjects see a brief display of target letters and are probed by an arrow to report one of them. According to the classic early-selection account, subjects use the probe to select material for perceptual analysis from a precategorical (iconic) memory, but according to late-selection theories, subjects first identify the letters and then use the probe to select one letter for report from the set of categorized items. Pashler (1984) based his test for the locus of selection on a manipulation of display quality in previewed displays. He presented a target for 200 msec and then added a probe, together with the target, for an additional 150 msec. Reducing the target’s stimulus quality increased response latency. If the subjects identified the characters before the probe appeared and then selected an item for report, the clarity of the original array should not have affected response latency. Hence, Pashler concluded that his subjects used the probe to select from a precategorical store (early selection). Pashler’s experiment did not force subjects to rely on memory of the target; hence, although his experiment documented a situation in which subjects used early selection, it did not rule out late selection in studies of information persistence. We replicated Pashler’s findings and, using his logic, showed that when subjects are forced to rely on memory of the target, they select from a categorized store.  相似文献   

In studies of iconic memory using the bar-probe task, subjects see a brief display of target letters and are probed by an arrow to report one of them. According to the classic early-selection account, subjects use the probe to select material for perceptual analysis from a precategorical (iconic) memory, but according to late-selection theories, subjects first identify the letters and then use the probe to select one letter for report from the set of categorized items. Pashler (1984) based his test for the locus of selection on a manipulation of display quality in previewed displays. He presented a target for 200 msec and then added a probe, together with the target, for an additional 150 msec. Reducing the target's stimulus quality increased response latency. If the subjects identified the characters before the probe appeared and then selected an item for report, the clarity of the original array should not have affected response latency. Hence, Pashler concluded that his subjects used the probe to select from a precategorical store (early selection). Pashler's experiment did not force subjects to rely on memory of the target; hence, although his experiment documented a situation in which subjects used early selection, it did not rule out late selection in studies of information persistence. We replicated Pashler's findings and, using his logic, showed that when subjects are forced to rely on memory of the target, they select from a categorized store.  相似文献   

Recognition accuracy in a tachistoscopic identification task typically declines as the size of the set from which the target was selected increases. To determine whether this effect is due to selective encoding from iconic store, a masking stimulus, intended to erase the icon, was presented following the stimulus. Information about the set was then presented. It was found that subjects' performance in this post-cueing situation did not differ from performance in a pre-cueing condition, where the set was presented prior to the stimulus. It was concluded that set size does not have its effect through selective encoding from iconic store. Results were discussed in terms of the fragment theory.  相似文献   

This study explores how cued shifts of visual attention and rapid encoding of visual information relate to limited-capacity processing mechanisms. Three experiments were conducted placing a partial-report task within a dual-task paradigm. Experiments 1 and 2 involved a simple speeded visual discrimination (Task 1) and then an unspeeded partial-report task (Task 2). Generally, Task 2 accuracy declined as the temporal overlap between the two tasks increased. In addition, in Experiment 1, varying the number of items in the partial-report display had an effect on performance regardless of overlap. In contrast, in Experiment 2, varying the type of probe had an effect only at long task overlap. The generality of the interference effect was tested in Experiment 3 using an auditory discrimination as Task 1. Again, Task 2 accuracy declined as the temporal overlap between the two tasks increased. In all cases, the observed interference had the properties of a processing bottleneck. It is argued that encoding information into memory and response selection for the first task both require general-purpose processing. The results are discussed in terms of the functional relationship between attention and memory.  相似文献   

Nissen (1985) compared selection by location with selection by color or shape in partial-report experiments. Her analysis of response contingencies when a target was defined in terms of one attribute (location, color, or shape), and when the task was to report the two remaining attributes, suggested a special role for selection by location: It appeared that cross-referencing between color and shape was mediated by location. An alternative interpretation is developed here: The findings are explained by a theory of attention (Bundesen, 1990), in which selection by location is treated on a par with selection by color or shape.  相似文献   

According to a model of visual information-processing which originated with Sperling (1960), and which currently enjoys wide acceptance, the contents of brief alphanumeric displays are initially held in a high-capacity fast-decay visual-information store (“iconic memory”). Some of these items are subsequently transferred to a more durable form of storage; the remaining non-transferred items are lost. Observers can select which items are to be transferred on the basis of physical characteristics of the items (such as colour, location, size, shape or brightness).

This model has recently been attacked by Holding (1970, 1971, 1972, 1973), sometimes by claiming that iconic memory does not exist, and at other times by claiming that transfer from iconic memory cannot be selectively controlled by the observer. We argue in this paper that Holding's criticisms are incorrect, and that, even if they were correct, the experiment we report would not be open to objections he has raised concerning previous studies of iconic memory. Despite this, evidence fully supporting the orthodox model was obtained, and we therefore conclude that this model remains tenable.  相似文献   

Nissen (1985) compared selection by location with selection by color or shape in partial-report experiments. Her analysis of response contingencies when a target was defined in terms of one attribute (location, color, or shape), and when the task was to report the two remaining attributes, suggested a special role for selection by location: It appeared that cross-referencing between color and shape was mediated by location. An alternative interpretation is developed here: The findings are explained by a theory of attention (Bundesen, 1990), in which selection by location is treated on a par with selection by color or shape.  相似文献   

Perceptual grouping modulates performance in attention tasks such as partial report and change detection. Specifically, grouping of search items according to a task-relevant feature improves the efficiency of visual selection. However, the role of task-irrelevant feature grouping is not clearly understood. In the present study, we investigated whether grouping of targets by a task-irrelevant feature influences performance in a partial-report task. In this task, participants must report as many target letters as possible from a briefly presented circular display. The crucial manipulation concerned the color of the elements in these trials. In the sorted-color condition, the color of the display elements was arranged according to the selection criterion, and in the unsorted-color condition, colors were randomly assigned. The distractor cost was inferred by subtracting performance in partial-report trials from performance in a control condition that had no distractors in the display. Across five experiments, we manipulated trial order, selection criterion, and exposure duration, and found that attentional selectivity was improved in sorted-color trials when the exposure duration was 200 ms and the selection criterion was luminance. This effect was accompanied by impaired selectivity in unsorted-color trials. Overall, the results suggest that the benefit of task-irrelevant color grouping of targets is contingent on the processing locus of the selection criterion.  相似文献   

In the partial-report task, subjects are asked to report only a portion of the items presented. Selective attention chooses which objects to represent in short-term memory (STM) on the basis of their relevance. Because STM is limited in capacity, one must sometimes choose which objects are removed from memory in light of new relevant information. We tested the hypothesis that the choices among newly presented information and old information in STM involve the same process—that both are acts of selective attention. We tested this hypothesis using a two-display partial-report procedure. In this procedure, subjects had to select and retain relevant letters (targets) from two sequentially presented displays. If selection in perception and retention in STM are the same process, then irrelevant letters (distractors) in the second display, which demanded attention because of their similarity to the targets, should have decreased target report from the first display. This effect was not obtained in any of four experiments. Thus, choosing objects to keep in STM is not the same process as choosing new objects to bring into STM.  相似文献   

Iconic memory is operationally defined by part-report experiments (Sperling, 1960). If a mask is presented after the target, the mask is thought to be superposed on the target in the iconic representation, or to displace it from the representation. But could a cue presented after a pattern mask still allow selection within the target array? A target array of letters was followed by a checkerboard mask. We compared two target-mask interstimulus intervals (ISIs; 0 and 100 ms), and six cue delays. At ISI = 0 ms, performance was at chance, for part report and whole report. At ISI = 100 ms, with the shortest cue delay, observers demonstrated a part-report advantage of 25-30%. As cue delay increased the part-report advantage decreased. These results are inconsistent with an iconic memory that is automatically displaced or overwritten by new information. We consider two alternatives: a second-stage store, which represents letters in terms of their high-level features and which the mask cannot penetrate, or a four-dimensional store that preserves separately the representations of the target and its aftercoming mask. We discuss the implications of our results for studies that use backward masking to "terminate the icon".  相似文献   

Some simple models of iconic storage, based on the persisting responses of photoreceptors, were tested in two experiments. Substantial changes in such physical parameters as adapting luminance, stimulus luminance, and stimulus contrast produced little or no change in the duration of partial-report performance. This is at odds with most receptoral models. It seems unlikely that any model based on receptoral persistence can accommodate the results, thus forcing one to locate the icon beyond the receptors and probably beyond the retina as a whole.  相似文献   

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