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The role of syllables using the conventional lexical task of naming was examined with 107 college students. Equal numbers of four- and six-letter mono syllabic and multisyllabic words were presented for naming. There were significant syllable effects for 4-letter words as in previous studies but not for 6-letter words. In stead, monosyllabic words take more time to process than multisyllabic words. Most monosyllabic words are exceptional words with irregular correspondence of letter to sound. These results confirm that letter-to-sound consistency is more important in word recognition than the number of syllables.  相似文献   

A dual-route approach was used as an initial framework to examine the relation between presentation format and lexical processing in a naming task. In Experiments 1 and 3, words were presented in lowercase versus case-alternated format. Presentation format interacted with word frequency and regularity: For irregular words (e.g., pint), case alternation was additive with frequency, whereas for regular words (e.g., mint), case alternation and frequency interacted. Experiment 2 dissociated the locus of case-alternation effects from those of stimulus intensity. Stimulus intensity was additive with frequency and regularity, suggesting that whereas stimulus intensity affects encoding, case alternation affects lexical processing at a postencoding stage in the word recognition system. It was concluded that a dual-route approach provides a suggestive but incomplete account of how case alternation influences lexical processing. As an alternative to a dual-route approach, we show that the present results can be addressed and successfully simulated using an implemented version of Norris's (1994) multilevel model.  相似文献   

Studies suggest that the left insula may play an important role in speech motor programming. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the role of the left insula in the production of monosyllabic or multisyllabic words during overt and covert speech conditions. The left insula did not show a BOLD response for multisyllabic words (which should require more speech motor programming) that was different from that for monosyllabic words. Left parietal lobe regions showed a greater response for multisyllabic as compared to monosyllabic words. This is consistent with clinical studies showing that left parietal lobe lesions can produce a deficit in speech programming. Despite similarities, covert and overt speech did not demonstrate the same patterns of BOLD response. The BOLD response was greater during overt speech in areas that have been shown to play an important role in speech production including left premotor cortex/BA6, left primary motor cortex, left insula, and left superior temporal gyrus.  相似文献   

The present study used two word-naming experiments to investigate whether a phonological representation is computed in the perception of multisyllabic words. In the first experiment, 100- or 250-msec beginning syllable previews were given, followed by the whole word. The results indicated that no phonological representation was computed at 100 msec, but a phonological representation was computed at 250 msec. In Experiment 2, the second syllable was given as a prime for either 100 or 250 msec. The results showed that no phonological representation was computed for the end of a multisyllabic word. Results are discussed in terms of current dual-route theory and connectionist models.This research was supported by a National Science Foundation grant BNS90110067. We thank Kim Clements, Cindy Connine, Fred Smith, Steve Straight, Sheldon Li, Steve Specht, Greg Boheimer, Deb Briihl, Rich Topoloski, Anna Chomiak and Chris Bruun for their support.  相似文献   


It is generally assumed that visual word recognition is accompanied by the activation of lexical representations corresponding to words orthographically similar to the target (neighbours). With regard to the pronunciation of their constituent units, these words can either converge with or diverge from the target pronunciation. The role of the frequency of the divergent pronunciations in print-to-sound conversion was examined in a naming experiment in which subjects pronounced regular and exception words. The results showed that naming latencies for exception words were affected by the orthographic similarity of the target with frequent phonologically divergent words (enemies). In a similar vein, regular words which include the letters G or C (whose pronunciations are contextually determined) and which are orthographically similar to words favouring an incorrect pronunciation of the letter took longer to pronounce than regular controls. A delayed naming experiment indicated that these differences were not attributable to the articulatory characteristics of the items. Finally, it also appeared that enemy frequency influenced naming latencies but not regularisation rates and regularisation latencies. The results are discussed within the framework of current dual-route and parallel distributed processing models of reading.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we examined 17-month-olds' acquisition of novel symbols (words and gestures) as names for object categories. Experiment 1 compares infants' extension of novel symbols when they are presented within a familiar naming phrase (e.g., "Look at this [symbol]!") versus presented alone (e.g., "Look! ... [symbol]!") Infants mapped novel gestures successfully in both naming contexts. However, infants mapped novel words only within the context of familiar naming phrases. Thus, although infants can learn both words and gestures, they have divergent expectations about the circumstances under which the 2 symbolic forms name objects. Experiments 2 and 3 test the hypothesis that infants' expectations about the circumstances under which words that name objects are acquired by monitoring how adults indicate their intention to name. By employing a training paradigm, these two experiments demonstrated that infants can infer how an experimenter signals his or her intention to name an object on the basis of a very brief training experience.  相似文献   

《Psychoanalytic Inquiry》2013,33(4):506-515
An analogy is drawn between the naming of preverbal mental constellations and the intrusion on aboriginal fixed beliefs and rituals. In order to interpret the unnamed complexes, we must venture past many personal taboos and time our interventions, taking care to secure a workable alliance. A review of current practices in psychoanalysis shows many breaches in the older requirement of neutrality in the name of empathy, alliance, and intersubjectivity. Nonetheless the verbalization of unconscious patterned behaviors must be rendered in words and mentalized, if patients are to proceed in life with fewer restraints.

Naming the unconscious fantasies designates the patient's psychic reality. The factual basis of psychic reality as memories of the past remains uncertain.  相似文献   

N Cowan 《Acta psychologica》1991,77(2):121-135
First and second language acquisition both require that speech be segmented into familiar, multiphonemic units (e.g., words and common phrases). The present research examines one segmentation cue that is of considerable theoretical interest: the repetition of fixed sequences of speech. On each trial, subjects heard repetitions ('pre-exposures') of two artificially-constructed, multisyllabic patterns that shared an embedded segment 1 or 2 syllables long (e.g., 2 shared syllables: [ga-li-SE] and [li-SE-stu]). There were 2 and 6, 4 and 4, or 6 and 2 repetitions of the two patterns, randomly ordered. Subjects were then to indicate the groupings they perceived within a subsequent, longer sequence containing both of the pre-exposed patterns (e.g., [ga-li-SE-stu]). Responses varied systematically with the size of the embedded segment, the repetition frequencies of the two pre-exposed patterns, and the serial position of each pre-exposure. The results illustrate how investigations of the processing of speech patterns may contribute to an understanding of some elementary aspects of language learning.  相似文献   

I defend a cluster of views about names from fiction and myth. The views are based on two claims: first, proper names refer directly to their bearers; and second, names from fiction and myth are genuinely empty, they simply do not refer. I argue that when such names are used in direct discourse, utterances containing them have truth values but do not express propositions. I also argue that it is a mistake to think that if an utterance of, for example, “Vulcan is a planet” fails to express a proposition, then an utterance of “Le Verrier believed that Vulcan is a planet” cannot express a proposition. The argument applies to claims about fiction, such as “Sherlock Holmes is strong,” and claims about the attitudes of authors and auditors. The upshot is a semantics for fictional statements that provides a satisfying way for direct reference theorists to avoid taking fictional entities to be abstract objects and to accept the commonsense view that what is true in a fiction is ultimately a matter of what is pretended to be the case.  相似文献   

In the present study, three aspects of the 2-month-old’s perception of multisyllabic utterances were explored. First, do infants perceive phonetic contrasts occurring either in the initial (Bada-Gada) or medial (Daba-Daga) positions of multisyllabic utterances? Second, are infants more likely to perceive these contrasts in stressed as opposed to unstressed syllables? Third, will infants detect a difference between two stress patterns? Our results indicate the following: (1) Two-month-olds are sensitive to place-of-articulation differences occurring in either the initial or medial positions of multisyllabic stimuli. (2) Whether the contrast occurred between stressed or unstressed syllables had little or no effect on the infant’s ability to detect it. (3) Infants as young as 2-months old respond to differences between stress patterns.  相似文献   

The status of semantic conceptual structures in aphasia was investigated with relation to naming disorders in spontaneous and constrained speech production. A battery of six tasks was administered to 25 control subjects and 25 aphasics: spontaneous speech production (from which the percentage of nouns was calculated), confrontation naming, understanding class relationships (verbal and pictorial), and understanding thematic relationships (verbal and pictorial). Results indicated the important role of taxonomic abilities for naming, while other conceptual structures (i.e., thematic relations) do not seem to play any important role in the process of naming. These results are discussed in terms of the internal organization of semantic information.This work was supported by grants to Drs. Semenza and Bisiacchi from the Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione and by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Unita 14, Scienza del Comportamento.  相似文献   

Although lexical semantic deficits are postulated to play a prominent role in the anomia of Alzheimer's disease, it is unclear whether the primary disturbance is one of lexical access or one of lexical semantic loss. Response consistency on a naming task is one means of evaluating the underlying source of naming impairment. Access dysfunction usually implies variable word-finding difficulty, while a theory of lexical loss predicts that many word names would be consistently unavailable. Nineteen Alzheimer's disease patients were administered a visual confrontation naming task (the Boston Naming Test) on two occasions 6 months apart. Eighty percent of errors occurred consistently at both times; only 20% of errors occurred on only one occasion. Response consistency occurred significantly more often than expected under the assumption of no response consistency. Findings support the hypothesis that anomia in Alzheimer's disease is in part due to a loss of lexical semantic information.  相似文献   

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