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The theoretical framework of General Recognition Theory (GRT; Ashby & Townsend, Psychological Review, 93, 154-179, 1986) coupled with the empirical analysis tools of Multidimensional Signal Detection Analysis (MSDA; Kadlec & Townsend, Multidimensional models of perception and recognition, pp. 181-228, 1992) have become one important method for assessing dimensional interactions in perceptual decision-making. In this article, we critically examine MSDA and characterize cases where it is unable to discriminate two kinds of dimensional interactions: perceptual separability and decisional separability. We performed simulations with known instances of violations of perceptual or decisional separability, applied MSDA to the data generated by these simulations, and evaluated MSDA on its ability to accurately characterize the perceptual versus decisional source of these simulated dimensional interactions. Critical cases of violations of perceptual separability are often mischaracterized by MSDA as violations of decisional separability.  相似文献   

All sounds are multidimensional, yet the relationships among auditory dimensions have been studied only infrequently. General recognition theory (GRT; Ashby & Townsend, 1986) is a multidimensional generalization of signal detection theory and, as such, provides powerful tools well suited to the study of the relationships among perceptual dimensions. However, previous uses of GRT have been limited in serious ways. We present methods designed to overcome these limitations, and we use these methods to apply GRT to investigations of the relationships among auditory perceptual dimensions that previous work suggests are independent (frequency, duration) or not (fundamental frequency [ f0], spectral shape). Results from Experiment 1 confirm that frequency and duration do not interact decisionally, and they extend this finding with evidence of perceptual independence. Results from Experiment 2 show that f0 and spectral shape tend to interact perceptually, decisionally, or both, and that perceptual interactions occur within, but not between, stimuli (i.e., the interactions suggest correlated noise across processing channels corresponding to perceptually separable dimensions). The results are discussed in relation to lower level sensory modeling and higher level cognitive and linguistic issues.  相似文献   

General recognition theory (GRT) is a multivariate generalization of signal detection theory. Past versions of GRT were static and lacked a process interpretation. This article presents a stochastic version of GRT that models moment-by-moment fluctuations in the output of perceptual channels via a multivariate diffusion process. A decision stage then computes a linear or quadratic function of the outputs from the perceptual channels, which drives a univariate diffusion process that determines the subject's response. Conditions are established under which the stochastic and static versions of GRT make identical accuracy predictions. These equivalence relations show that traditional estimates of perceptual noise may often be corrupted by decisional influences. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.  相似文献   

General Recognition Theory (GRT; Ashby & Townsend, 1986) is a multidimensional theory of classification. Originally developed to study various types of perceptual independence, it has also been widely employed in diverse cognitive venues, such as categorization. The initial theory and applications have been static, that is, lacking a time variable and focusing on patterns of responses, such as confusion matrices. Ashby proposed a parallel, dynamic stochastic version of GRT with application to perceptual independence based on discrete linear systems theory with imposed noise (Ashby, 1989). The current study again focuses on cognitive/perceptual independence within an identification classification paradigm. We extend stochastic GRT and its implicated methodology for cognitive/perceptual independence, to an entire class of parallel systems. This goal is met in a distribution-free manner and includes all linear and non-linear systems satisfying very general conditions. A number of theorems are proven concerning stochastic forms of independence. However, the theorems all assume the stochastic version of decisional separability. A vital task remains to investigate the consequences of failures of stochastic decisional separability.  相似文献   

A Pascal (Turbo 6.0) program for testing perceptual separability, decisional separability, and perceptual independence—three types of independence defined in the context of general recognition theory (GRT)—is presented. GRT is essentially a multidimensional extension of signal detectability theory (Green & Swets, 1966) and has been employed in complete-identification experimental paradigms to examine whether information processing of stimulus dimensions is perceptually and/or decisionally separable and/or perceptually independent. The definitions of these different forms of “independence” are provided, the experimental design is described, and the program, MSDA, is described and demonstrated.  相似文献   

This article provides a formal definition for a sensivity measure,d g , between two multivariate stimuli. In recent attempts to assess perceptual representations using qualitative tests on response probabilities, the concept of ad′ between two multidimensional stimuli has played a central role. For example, Kadlec and Townsend (1992a, 1992b) proposed several tests based on multidimensional signal detection theory that allow conclusions concerning the perceptual and/or decisional interactions of stimulus dimensions. One proposition, referred to as thediagonal dtest, relies on specific stimulus subsets of a feature-complete factorial identification task to infer perceptual separability. Also, Ashby and Townsend (1986), in a similar manner, attempted to relate perceptual independence to dimensional orthogonality in Tanner’s (1956) model, which also involvesd′ between two multivariate signals. An analysis of the proposedd g reveals shortcomings in the diagonald′ test and also demonstrates that the assumptions behind equating perceptual independence to dimensional orthogonality are too weak. Thisd g can be related to a common measure of statistical distance, Mahalanobis distance, in the special case of equal covariance matrices.  相似文献   

Strong cross-modal interactions exist between visual and auditory processing. The relative contributions of perceptual versus decision-related processes to such interactions are only beginning to be understood. We used methodological and statistical approaches to control for potential decision-related contributions such as response interference, decisional criterion shift, and strategy selection. Participants were presented with rising-, falling-, and constant-amplitude sounds and were asked to detect change (increase or decrease) in sound amplitude while ignoring an irrelevant visual cue of a disk that grew, shrank, or stayed constant in size. Across two experiments, testing context was manipulated by varying the grouping of visual cues during testing, and cross-modal congruency showed independent perceptual and decision-related effects. Whereas a change in testing context greatly affected criterion shifts, cross-modal effects on perceptual sensitivity remained relatively consistent. In general, participants were more sensitive to increases in sound amplitude and less sensitive to sounds paired with dynamic visual cues. As compared with incongruent visual cues, congruent cues enhanced detection of amplitude decreases, but not increases. These findings suggest that the relative contributions of perceptual and decisional processing and the impacts of these processes on cross-modal interactions can vary significantly depending on asymmetries in within-modal processing, as well as consistencies in cross-modal dynamics.  相似文献   

Four observers completed identification and categorization tasks. Learning and attention processes were examined by applying general recognition theory (F. G. Ashby & J. T. Townsend, 1986), which separates perceptual, decisional, and attentional processes. Learning led to decision regions that became more nearly optimal. Learning had little effect on perceptual processes in identification and decisional integration categorization tasks but affected perceptual processes in decisional selective attention categorization tasks, leading to perceptual selective attention. These findings suggest that (a) identification and categorization invoke decision strategies that are localized in the striatum (F. G. Ashby, E. M. Waldron, W. W. Lee, & A. Berkman, 2001) and (b) perceptual and decisional attention systems exist and are mediated by distinct brain structures (M. I. Posner & S. E. Petersen, 1990).  相似文献   

Researchers have used several composite face paradigms to assess holistic processing of faces. In the selective attention paradigm, participants decide whether one face part (e.g., top) is the same as a previously seen face part. Their judgment is affected by whether the irrelevant part of the test face is the same as or different than the relevant part of the study face. This failure of selective attention implies holistic processing. However, the authors show that this task alone cannot distinguish between perceptual and decisional sources of holism. The distinction can be addressed by the complete identification paradigm, in which both face parts are judged to be same or different, combined with analyses based on general recognition theory (F. G. Ashby & J. T. Townsend, 1986). The authors used a different paradigm, sequential responses, to relate these 2 paradigms empirically and theoretically. Sequential responses produced the same results as did selective attention and complete identification. Moreover, disruptions of holistic processing by systematic misalignment of the faces corresponded with systematic and significant changes in the decisional components, but not in the perceptual components, that were extracted using general recognition theory measures. This finding suggests a significant decisional component of holistic face processing in the composite face task.  相似文献   

Motion information available to different sensory modalities can interact at both perceptual and post-perceptual (i.e., decisional) stages of processing. However, to date, researchers have only been able to demonstrate the influence of one of these components at any given time, hence the relationship between them remains uncertain. We addressed the interplay between the perceptual and post-perceptual components of information processing by assessing their influence on performance within the same experimental paradigm. We used signal detection theory to discriminate changes in perceptual sensitivity (d') from shifts in response criterion (c) in performance on a detection (Experiment 1) and a classification (Experiment 2) task regarding the direction of auditory apparent motion streams presented in noise. In the critical conditions, a visual motion distractor moving either leftward or rightward was presented together with the auditory motion. The results demonstrated a significant decrease in sensitivity to the direction of the auditory targets in the crossmodal conditions as compared to the unimodal baseline conditions that was independent of the relative direction of the visual distractor. In addition, we also observed significant shifts in response criterion, which were dependent on the relative direction of the distractor apparent motion. These results support the view that the perceptual and decisional components involved in audiovisual interactions in motion processing can coexist but are largely independent of one another.  相似文献   

In the typical single-stimulus perceptual identification task, accuracy is improved by prior study of test words, a repetition priming benefit. There is also a cost, inasmuch as previously studied words are likely to be produced (incorrectly) as responses if the test word is orthographically similar but not identical to a studied word. In two-alternative forced-choice perceptual identification, a test word is flashed and followed by two alternatives, one of which is the correct response. When the two alternatives are orthographically similar, test words identical to previously studied items are identified more accurately than new words (a benefit) but tests words orthographically similar to studied words are identified less accurately than new words (a cost). Ratcliff and McKoon (in press) argue that these are bias effects that arise in the decision stage of word identification. We report five experiments that examined the alternative hypothesis that these bias effects arise from postperceptual guessing strategies. In single-stimulus perceptual identification, repetition priming benefits were equally great for young and older adults who claimed to use deliberate guessing strategies and those who did not (Experiment 1). In contrast, only groups of young and older people who claimed to deliberately guess studied words in a two-alternative forced-choice task (Experiments 2 and 5) showed reliable benefits and costs. Costs and benefits were abolished in the two-alternative forced-choice task when a very long study list was used, presumably because the increased retrieval burden made the use of deliberate guessing strategies less attractive (Experiment 3). Under conditions similar to those of Experiment 3, repetition priming was observed in single-stimulus perceptual identification (Experiment 4). These results are consistent with the view that costs and benefits in the forced-choice perceptual identification task arise from deliberate guessing strategies but that those in the single-stimulus task do not. The possibility that the observed relationship between strategy reports and priming effects reflects erroneous postexperimental assessments of strategies by participants is also considered.  相似文献   

Five observers categorized inverted L-shaped stimuli according to the length of the horizontal line segment. A centrally located spatial cue preceded the stimulus on each trial. On 80% of the trials, the (relevant) horizontal line segment fell within the cued location, and on 20% of the trials the (irrelevant) vertical line segment fell within the cued location. The empirical results provide support for the hypothesis that perceptual attention can focus on the stimulus attribute inside the spatially cued location at the same time that decisional attention is focused on the (relevant) horizontal attribute--that is, the results suggest that perceptual and decisional attention can function independently during categorization. Decision bound models and extended generalized context models that assume separate perceptual and decisional attention systems were fitted to the data. Versions of the models that assume that the spatial cue affected perceptual attention were superior to versions that assume no effect on perceptual attention. These theoretical analyses support the functional independence hypothesis and suggest that formal theories of categorization should model the effects of perceptual and decisional attention separately.  相似文献   

Predicting similarity and categorization from identification.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this article, the relation between the identification, similarity judgment, and categorization of multidimensional perceptual stimuli is studied. The theoretical analysis focused on general recognition theory (GRT), which is a multidimensional generalization of signal detection theory. In one application, 2 Ss first identified a set of confusable stimuli and then made judgments of their pairwise similarity. The second application was to Nosofsky's (1985b, 1986) identification-categorization experiment. In both applications, a GRT model accounted for the identification data better than Luce's (1963) biased-choice model. The identification results were then used to predict performance in the similarity judgment and categorization conditions. The GRT identification model accurately predicted the similarity judgments under the assumption that Ss allocated attention to the 2 stimulus dimensions differently in the 2 tasks. The categorization data were predicted successfully without appealing to the notion of selective attention. Instead, a simpler GRT model that emphasized the different decision rules used in identification and categorization was adequate.  相似文献   

Perceptual bias is inherent to all our senses, particularly in the form of visual illusions and aftereffects. However, many experiments measuring perceptual biases may be susceptible to nonperceptual factors, such as response bias and decision criteria. Here, we quantify how robust multiple alternative perceptual search (MAPS) is for disentangling estimates of perceptual biases from these confounding factors. First, our results show that while there are considerable response biases in our four-alternative forced-choice design, these are unrelated to perceptual biases estimates, and these response biases are not produced by the response modality (keyboard vs. mouse). We also show that perceptual bias estimates are reduced when feedback is given on each trial, likely due to feedback enabling observers to partially (and actively) correct for perceptual biases. However, this does not impact the reliability with which MAPS detects the presence of perceptual biases. Finally, our results show that MAPS can detect actual perceptual biases and is not a decisional bias towards choosing the target in the middle of the candidate stimulus distribution. In summary, researchers conducting a MAPS experiment should use a constant reference stimulus, but consider varying the mean of the candidate distribution. Ideally, they should not employ trial-wise feedback if the magnitude of perceptual biases is of interest.  相似文献   

Four observers completed perceptual matching, identification, and categorization tasks using separable-dimension stimuli. A unified quantitative approach relating perceptual matching, identification, and categorization was proposed and tested. The approach derives from general recognition theory (Ashby & Townsend, 1986) and provides a powerful method for quantifying the separate influences of perceptual processes and decisional processes within and across tasks. Good accounts of the identification data were obtained from an initial perceptual representation derived from perceptual matching. The same perceptual representation provided a good account of the categorization data, except when selective attention to one stimulus dimension was required. Selective attention altered the perceptual representation by decreasing the perceptual variance along the attended dimension. These findings suggest that a complete understanding of identification and categorization performance requires an understanding of perceptual and decisional processes. Implications for other psychological tasks are discussed.  相似文献   

Four observers performed matching, identification, and categorization with stimuli that varied along the integral dimensions: brightness and saturation. General recognition theory (F. G. Ashby & J. T. Townsend, 1986) was applied to quantify the separate influences of perceptual and decisional processes within and across tasks, with a focus on separating perceptual from decisional attention processes. Good accounts of the identification data were obtained from perceptual matching representation. This perceptual representation provided a good account of the categorization data, except when decisional selective attention to 1 stimulus dimension was required. Decisional selective attention reduced the attended-dimension perceptual variance relative to the unattended-dimension perceptual variance, with a larger reduction resulting when brightness, as opposed to saturation was attended. Implications for color vision research are discussed.  相似文献   

Young men’s errors in sexual perception have been linked to sexual coercion. The current investigation sought to explicate the perceptual and decisional sources of these social perception errors, as well as their link to risk for sexual violence. General Recognition Theory (GRT; [Ashby, F. G., & Townsend, J. T. (1986). Varieties of perceptual independence. Psychological Review, 93, 154-179]) was used to estimate participants’ ability to discriminate between affective cues and clothing style cues and to measure illusory correlations between men’s perception of women’s clothing style and sexual interest. High-risk men were less sensitive to the distinction between women’s friendly and sexual interest cues relative to other men. In addition, they were more likely to perceive an illusory correlation between women’s diagnostic sexual interest cues (e.g., facial affect) and non-diagnostic cues (e.g., provocative clothing), which increases the probability that high-risk men will misperceive friendly women as intending to communicate sexual interest. The results provide information about the degree of risk conferred by individual differences in perceptual processing of women’s interest cues, and also illustrate how translational scientists might adapt GRT to examine research questions about individual differences in social perception.  相似文献   

Four observers completed perceptual matching, identification, and categorization tasks using separable-dimension stimuli. A unified quantitative approach relating perceptual matching, identification, and categorization was proposed and tested. The approach derives from general recognition theory (Ashby & Townsend, 1986) and provides a powerful method for quantifying the separate influences of perceptual processes and decisional processes within and across tasks. Good accounts of the identification data were obtained from an initial perceptual representation derived from perceptual matching. The same perceptual representation provided a good account of the categorization data, except when selective attention to one stimulus dimension was required. Selective attention altered the perceptual representation by decreasing the perceptual variance along the attended dimension. These findings suggest that a complete understanding of identification and categorization performance requires an understanding of perceptual and decisional processes. Implications for other psychological tasks are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines the relation between changing categorization decision rules and the nature of the underlying perceptual representation. Observers completed a matching task that required them to adjust the length and orientation of a single line stimulus until they perceived it to "match" a second line stimulus (Alfonso-Reese, 1996, 1997). The same observers then completed four categorization tasks with the same stimuli. Data from the matching task were used to estimate a perceptual representation for each stimulus and observer. Three hypotheses regarding potential interactions between categorization decision rules and perceptual representation were examined. One assumed that there was no interaction between decision rules and perceptual representation. The second assumed that linear categorization rules affect the perceptual representation differently from nonlinear categorization rules. The third assumed that dimensional integration rules affected the perceptual representation differently from decision rules that require the observer to set a criterion along one stimulus dimension while ignoring the other; this is referred to as decisional selective attention. The results suggested that (1) the matching task perceptual representation provided a good account of the categorization data, (2) decisional selective attention affected the perceptual representation differently from decisional integration, and (3) decisional selective attention generally decreased the perceptual variability along the attended dimension.  相似文献   

Three identification experiments were completed to disambiguate the associations between spatial frequency and orientation information at the sensory, decisional, and response levels. The stimuli were gratings generated by crossing four levels each of spatial frequency and orientation. In Experiment 1, the subjects made a single identification response to the stimuli. In Experiment 2, two identification responses were made, one for the spatial frequency component and the other for the orientation component. In Experiment 3, the subjects identified either the spatial frequency or the orientation component in any block of trials. The data were confusion matrices, and an information-transmission approach was used to investigate the interactions in the system. The results show that although there were sensory associations, there were no interactions at the decisional level. Performance parity was found: there was no significant difference between the single- and double-judgment paradigms in terms of information transmitted. Overall, the results suggest that although spatial frequency and orientation information is coded jointly at the sensory level, subsequent processing is independent, with each dimension drawing upon different attentional resources.  相似文献   

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