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Although many studies have demonstrated that recall is better when tested in the learning environmental context (EC) than in a new EC, almost all of the studies have failed to find EC-dependent memory when recognition was used to measure memory. Evidence of EC-dependent recognition, however, was found in the three experiments of the present study, in which an incidental short-term memory task was used for input of learned material. The results suggest that type of processing during input is a predictor of context-dependent recognition; material studied for a long-term memory test is not susceptible to background context effects, whereas material merely maintained for a short-term memory test is more apt to lead to EC-dependent recognition.  相似文献   

The present study helped resolve the apparent conflict between many laboratory list-learning studies, which have not found environmental context-dependent recognition memory, and staged field studies (e.g. Malpass and Devine, 1981), whose results with ‘guided memory’ techniques suggest that eyewitness face recognition should depend upon environmental context reinstatement. It was found in two different experiments that, relative to testing in a new place, returning participants to the environment where a live staged event had occurred improved performance on identification of a confederate's face (i.e., hit rate). Although physical reinstatement improved identification performance in Experiment 1, mental reinstatement instructions to subjects tested in a new environment did not improve identification performance over an uninstructed group. The environmental reinstatement effect did not interact with test delay or confederate. In Experiment 2 it was found that environmental reinstatement improved accuracy (hit rate and foil identification rate) when the correct target was present in the test line-up, and that false identifications were not significantly affected by contextual manipulations when the correct target was absent from the line-up. The results provide an empirical basis for the hypothesis that returning to the scene of an event improves eyewitness face recognition.  相似文献   

To address questions about human memory’s dependence on the coincidental environmental contexts in which events occur, we review studies of incidental environmental context-dependent memory in humans and report a meta-analysis. Our theoretical approach to the issue stems from Glenberg’s (1997) contention that introspective thought (e.g., remembering, conceptualizing) requires cognitive resources normally used to represent the immediate environment. We propose that if tasks encourage processing of noncontextual information (i.e., introspective thought) at input and/or at test, then both learning and memory will be less dependent on the ambient environmental contexts in which those activities occur. The meta-analysis showed that across all studies, environmental context effects were reliable, and furthermore, that the use of noncontextual cues during learning (overshadowing) and at test (outshining), as well as mental reinstatement of appropriate context cues at test, all reduce the effect of environmental manipulations. We conclude that environmental context-dependent memory effects are less likely to occur under conditions in which the immediate environment is likely to be suppressed.  相似文献   

A solution to the problem of context-dependent recognition memory is presented in terms of the item, associated context, and ensemble (ICE) theory. It is argued that different types of context effects depend on how context information is encoded at both learning and retrieval. Matching associated context in memory and a retrieval cue produces increases in both hit and false alarm rates and may not be accompanied by a change in discrimination. Integrating item and context information in an ensemble and matching ensemble information in memory and a retrieval cue produces context-dependent discrimination. Empirical support for these predictions is presented.  相似文献   

A study of practice effects in recognition performance is reported. In each of two experiments, different conditions of training were followed by a critical final test. In Experiment 1, a yes-no procedure was used on the critical test. During the training phase, some subjects were tested by the same method, either with or without item-by-item feedback, whereas others were given forced. choice tests. No significant changes in recognition accuracy were observed, either during the training trials or on the final test. However, feedback and experience with forced-choice tests both served to increase the bias toward positive responding. In Experiment 2, the forced-choice procedure was used on the critical final test. Either forced. choice tests or yes-no tests were given on the training lists. Again, there were no significant changes in performance. The absence of practice effects is attributed to the difficulty of identifying and implementing test-appropriate strategies.  相似文献   

The distinctiveness of an ambient odor was examined in relation to its success as a cue in contextdependent memory. Distinctiveness was examined in terms of both cue novelty and contextual appropriateness. Two experiments were conducted in which three different ambient odors that varied in familiarity and contextual appropriateness were manipulated at an incidental word learning encoding session and at a free recall retrieval session 48 h later. Experiment 1 revealed that when a novel ambient odor (osmanthus) was the available context cue, word recall was better than in any other condition. Further, among familiar odor cues, recall was better with a contextually inappropriate odor (peppermint) than with a contextually appropriate odor (clean fresh pine). Experiment 2 confirmed that superior word recall with osmanthus and peppermint depended on the odor cue’s being available at both encoding and retrieval, and that the relation of an odor to the situational context is a key factor for predicting its effectiveness as a retrieval cue.  相似文献   

Understanding the dynamics of memory change is one of the current challenges facing cognitive neuroscience. Recent animal work on memory reconsolidation shows that memories can be altered long after acquisition. When reactivated, memories can be modified and require a restabilization (reconsolidation) process. We recently extended this finding to human episodic memory by showing that memory reactivation mediates the incorporation of new information into existing memory. Here we show that the spatial context plays a unique role for this type of memory updating: Being in the same spatial context during original and new learning is both necessary and sufficient for the incorporation of new information into existing episodic memories. Memories are automatically reactivated when subjects return to an original learning context, where updating by incorporating new contents can occur. However, when in a novel context, updating of existing memories does not occur, and a new episodic memory is created instead.  相似文献   

The research support for Holland's concepts of consistency and differentiation has been equivocal (Nauta, 2010). To provide a reexamination of these concepts, a new method of operationalizing Holland's constructs of consistency and differentiation using the cosine fit function to the RIASEC score profile is proposed. The relation of these new indices to career certainty, congruence and the moderation of the congruence–certainty relation were examined in a sample of 118 college students (study 1). Support was found for the superiority of the cosine fit definitions of consistency and differentiation over the traditional representations. The cosine fit indices were further examined in a second study on 167 adults examining interest stability over 15 years. The cosine fit indices of consistency and differentiation were related to both occupational stability over 15 years and career satisfaction. The results suggest that the concepts of differentiation and consistency may still have merit but only with more exact methods of specification.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review abstract and episodic models of text repetition effects, describe the research supporting these types of models, and propose a new model called thecontextdependent representation model, which can explain both abstract-like and episodic-like repetition effects. The basic assumptions of the model are that the surface form and textbase are represented in a context-independent manner, and a coherent situation model binds together the surface features and the textbase and leads to context-dependent representation. When the situation model is well developed, it limits repetition benefits to semantically or contextually similar texts. This produces contextdependent repetition effects, which are functionally similar to episodic repetition effects. When the situation model is not well developed or not task relevant, repetition benefits are not limited to contextually similar texts. This produces context-independent repetition effects, which are functionally similar to abstract repetition effects. The context-dependent representation model provides a theoretical basis for explaining past research, and it can serve as a guide for future research aimed at understanding text repetition effects as well as text comprehension and memory.  相似文献   

Begg (1978), among others, has recently argued that recognition performance is independent of the size and number of units stored in memory, that is, the degree of interitem organization. In four experiments, interactive imagery was contrasted with separation imagery on recognition memory. In the first two studies, the recognition of single words was better under separation instructions; in the final studies, in which recognition of pairs of words was required, performance was better following interactive imagery. Rather than being independent of the size of memory units, recognition depends upon the relationship between the size of the units encoded at learning and the nature of the test items themselves.  相似文献   

The author investigated voice context effects in recognition memory for words spoken by multiple talkers by comparing performance when studied words were repeated with same, different, or new voices at test. Hits and false alarms increased when words were tested with studied voices compared with unstudied voices. Discrimination increased only when the exact same voice was used. A trend toward conservatism in response bias was observed when test words switched to increasingly unfamiliar voices. Taken together, the overall findings suggest that the voice-specific attributes of individual talkers are preserved in long-term memory. Implications for the role of instance-specific matching and voice-specific familiarity processes and the nature of spoken-word representation are discussed.  相似文献   

The demonstration of a repetition effect in recognition memory when context at the time of test is different from that occurring during presentation places limits on the role played by context in interpretations of recognition memory. Four experiments are reported that explore those limits, including a situation in which the repetition effect does not obtain due to the nature of the context. The data are interpreted in terms of the important interaction between item information and contextual information in theoretical accounts of recognition memory.  相似文献   

Various surface features—timbre, tempo, and pitch—influence melody recognition memory, but articulation format effects, if any, remain unknown. For the first time, these effects were examined. In Experiment 1, melodies that remained in the same, or appeared in a different but similar, articulation format from study to test were recognized better than were melodies that were presented in a distinct format at test. A similar articulation format adequately induced matching processes to enhance recognition. Experiment 2 revealed that melodies rated as perceptually dissimilar on the basis of the location of the articulation mismatch did not impair recognition performance, suggesting an important boundary condition for articulation format effects on memory recognition—the matching of the memory trace and recognition probe may depend more on the overall proportion, rather than the temporal location, of the mismatch. The present findings are discussed in terms of a global matching advantage hypothesis.  相似文献   

We empirically tested the assumption that study time increases recognition accuracy because the storage of information is better when study time is longer as Shiffrin and colleagues have reported, an assumption common to parallel models of recognition. In the present study with 123 subjects, we examined the effect of item strength on four measures: hit rate, false alarm rate, d', and beta, for a single-word recognition task with longer study times than those usually used in the literature. Analysis indicated significant increase for hit rate and d' and a decrease in false alarm rate, as one goes from weak to stronger study conditions, and a change in ln(beta) when study time is greater than 1 sec. These results suggest that familiarization is one, but not the only, factor underlying the strength-mirror effect.  相似文献   

In three experiments, Ss responded to individual digits or letters according to whether or not each was in some prememorized list. There were either two possible responses (yes-no condition) or a single response (yes-only and no-only conditions). With memory sets of one, two, or four digits, RT was a linear function of memory set size. The slope of the function was least under the yes-only condition and greatest under the yes-no condition. Nonspecific practice had little effect on any of the slopes. With memory sets of 4, 8, or 12 letters, the slopes under the yes-only and yes-no conditions did not seem to differ, and practice with specific sets flattened the function considerably in both cases. Overall, the errors under the yes-no condition were mostly false alarms, those under the no-only condition mostly misses, and those under the yes-no condition were divided about equally. The results are interpreted partially in terms of a multiple-observations model of decision time.  相似文献   

One widely acknowledged way to improve our memory performance is to repeatedly study the to be learned material. One aspect that has received little attention in past research regards the context sensitivity of this repetition effect, that is whether the item is repeated within the same or within different contexts. The predictions of a neuro-computational model (O’Reilly & Norman, 2002) were tested in an experiment requiring participants to study visual objects either once or three times. Crucially, for half of the repeated objects the study context (encoding task, background color and screen position) remained the same (within context repetition) while for the other half the contextual features changed across repetitions (across context repetition). In addition to behavioral measures, event-related potentials (ERP) were recorded that provide complementary information on the underlying neural mechanisms during recognition. Consistent with dual-process models behavioral estimates (remember/know-procedure) demonstrate differential effects of context on memory performance, namely that recognition judgements were more dependent on familiarity when repetition occurs across contexts. In accordance with these behavioral results ERPs showed a larger early frontal old/new effect for across context repetitions as compared to within context repetitions and single presentations, i.e. an increase in familiarity following repetition across study contexts. In contrast, the late parietal old/new effect, indexing recollection did not differ between both repetition conditions. These results suggest that repetition differentially affects familiarity depending on whether it occurs within the same context or across different contexts.  相似文献   

Recall of auditory items can be disrupted by presentation of an irrelevant auditory stimulus (a stimulus suffix). Previous researchers have suggested that suffix effects are not found on recognition tests. Two experiments are presented here that demonstrate suffix effects on recognition tests. These results suggest that suffixes interfere with item information and that suffix effects cannot be attributed solely to retrieval processes.  相似文献   

The first experiment determined whether frequency context would affect recognition memory decisions and frequency judgments. In the high-frequency context condition, 5 words were presented at study six times each prior to the section of the list containing the target items. In the low- frequency context condition, 30 words were presented at study one time each prior to the targets. The items tested were the same in the two conditions and were presented one, two, or three times each. Recognition performance and the judged frequency of target items presented once at study was higher in the high-frequency context condition than in the low-frequency context condition, but the opposite was true for items presented three times at study. The results of three subsequent recognition memory experiments suggested that encoding processes were critically involved.  相似文献   

The present study showed that using incidental learning tasks promoting structural/perceptual processing of targets it is possible to obtain a reliable spacing effect for nonwords in a yes/no recognition memory task, whereas no spacing effect is detected for words. These data are, collectively, incompatible with current theories of spacing effects. A theoretical proposal to account for these findings is outlined.  相似文献   

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