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The present study investigated the contribution of attention to one-handed catching success. A group of skilled (n = 8) and less skilled (n = 9) male subjects were compared in their ability to process secondary task information while executing a primary one-handed catching task. On 40% of the trials, a secondary visual stimulus (SVS) was presented in the peripheral visual field at predetermined times during the flight of the ball. On these trials, the subject was required to complete the one-handed catch and immediately throw the ball at a stationary target. Less skilled subjects made significantly more catching errors under both normal viewing and dual-task processing conditions. The differences were due to errors of positioning rather than grasping. Positioning of the hand appears to require visual attention regardless of skill level, as both skill groups experienced increased difficulty processing secondary task information as the ball approached the catching hand.  相似文献   

We give a condensed survey of recent research on generalized quantifiers in logic, linguistics and computer science, under the following headings: Logical definability and expressive power, Polyadic quantifiers and linguistic definability, Weak semantics and axiomatizability, Computational semantics, Quantifiers in dynamic settings, Quantifiers and modal logic, Proof theory of generalized quantifiers.This paper was inspired by the symposium on Generalized Quantifiers held at the 5th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information in Lisbon, August 1993. We feel that the work presented there motivates a survey of recent research areas and research problems in the field of generalized quantifiers. The speakers at the symposium, Natasha Alechina, Jaap van der Does, Lauri Hella, Michal Krynicki, Michiel van Lambalgen, Kerkko Luosto, Marcin Mostowski, and Jouko Väänänen, have cooperated and made (oral and/or written) contributions and comments to this research survey which we gratefully acknowledge, and without which it would not have been written. But it is easier to produce a paper with two authors than with ten, and so the present authors take full responsibility for the final formulation of the paper. In addition, we are grateful for comments received from some further colleagues, in particular, Dorit Ben-Shalom, Makoto Kanazawa, Victor Sanchez, Yde Venema and two anonymous referees.Presented byJan Zygmunt  相似文献   

The generalized matching law can be applied to a signal-detection matrix to give two equations. The first relates responding in the presence of the stimulus to the reinforcements for the responses, and the second relates responding in the absence of the stimulus to the reinforcements for the responses. Evidence for stimulus discrimination is given by biases that are opposite in sign in the two equations. As the logarithmic ratio and z proportion transformations are similar, the combination of the absolute values of the two logarithmic biases gives a measure equivalent to the signal-detection measures d′ and η. The two equations can also be combined to eliminate the biases caused by the signalling stimuli and to produce a generalized matching-law statement relating overall performance to the obtained reinforcements.  相似文献   

Ball catching involves predicting the time and place of arrival of a mobile object. Visual cues of various kinds may help a ball catcher to perform this task successfully. The aims of the present study were (a) to assess the role of the environment in the spatiotemporal planning of ball-catching movements and (b) to determine what specific cues are actually used for this purpose. In the first experiment described here, subjects' catching performances were compared under four different environmental conditions, namely, normal lighting, ultraviolet light with no background, ultraviolet light with a densely structured background, and ultraviolet light with a sparsely structured background. Our results showed that the sight of the mobile object alone does not provide enough information for a subject to achieve his maximum performance level. Accurately assessing the point of arrival of the ball requires the use of relative visual cues. The environment is also a source of visual cues used to assess the time of arrival of the ball. A second experiment was carried out with a view to determining the exact nature of the visual cues used. Here, the orientation (frontal vs. oblique plane) and the apparent visual angle (6 degrees vs. 42 degrees ) of the background were made to vary. The results of this experiment showed that the orientation of the background affected the percentage of spatial errors produced by the subjects, whereas the apparent visual angle affected the percentage of temporal errors. The relative velocity cue generated by the masking of successive structures in the environment by the oncoming ball seems to have been taking into account in estimating the time of arrival of the ball. This cue seems to be of crucial importance during the 200 ms prior to the time of contact between the ball and the subject's hand. This finding supports the idea that the method used to assess the time to contact may involve velocity information.  相似文献   

I advance a new theory of causal relevance, according to which causal claims convey information about conditional probability functions. This theory is motivated by the problem of disjunctive factors, which haunts existing probabilistic theories of causation. After some introductory remarks, I present in Section 3 a sketch of Eells's (1991) probabilistic theory of causation, which provides the framework for much of the discussion. Section 4 explains how the problem of disjunctive factors arises within this framework. After rejecting three proposed solutions, I offer in Section 6 a new approach to causation that avoids the problem. Decision-theoretic considerations also support the new approach. Section 8 develops the consequences of the new theory for causal explanation. The resulting theory of causal explanation incorporates the new insights while respecting important work on scientific explanation by Salmon (1971), Railton (1981), and Humphreys (1989). My conclusions are enumerated in Section 9.I would like to thank Nuel Belnap, John Earman, Richard Gale, Paul Humphreys, Satish Iyengar, Wes Salmon, and two anonymous referees for comments and discussion. I am also indebted to the members of an audience at the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh, where some of the ideas contained in this paper were presented.  相似文献   

The role of binocular vision in a ball-catching task involving spatial uncertainty was examined in three experiments. In all three experiments, subjects' catching performance was evaluated during monocular and binocular viewing, in normal room lighting and in complete darkness with a luminescent ball. Subjects' performance was found to be significantly better with binocular than with monocular vision, especially under normal lighting conditions. In the second and third experiments, catching performance was evaluated in the presence of minimal visual frames, consisting of a series of light-emitting diodes (LEDs). In Experiment 2, the visual frame consisted of a single plane of LEDs, whereas in Experiment 3, the visual frame consisted of two planes of LEDs. Catching performance was found to be significantly better with the visual frame than in complete darkness, but this was true only for binocular viewing. This result supports the hypothesis that binocular convergence is used to scale perceived space and that this information enables subjects to contact the ball successfully. It was further found that postural sway varied between lighting conditions and that less sway was accompanied by higher performance. There was no effect of binocular viewing in this respect. In general, the results suggest two additive effects of viewing conditions: a direct effect of binocular vision on ball catching and an indirect effect of lighting on postural stability, which, in turn, affects catching performance.  相似文献   

The effects of binocular and monocular viewing on spatial and temporal errors in one-handed catching were investigated in two experiments. The first experiment-using expert catchers-recorded more spatial errors under the monocular than under the binocular condition. No significant differences in the number of temporal errors were apparent. In a second experiment, which paradigm, relatively poor catchers were trained under both vision conditions. Its objective was to investigate whether the superior results obtained under the binocular condition in the first experiment, for the number of catches and number of spatial errors, could be attributed simply to the fact that subjects had more experience with binocular than monocular viewing. The following results occurred after a period of training (a) a significant reduction in the number of spatial errors under the monocular condition, reaching a level similar to that under the binocular condition; (b) no significant reduction in the number of spatial errors when subjects transferred from monocular to binocular viewing, and significantly more spatial errors when subjects transferred from binocular to monocular viewing; and (c) a training-sequence effect. The latter effect indicates that subjects had more benefit from training in the sequence monocular-binocular than vice versa. These findings are discussed in the context of the strategies of specificity of learning and use of multisources.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to examine the effects of periodic visual occlusion on one-handed ball catching. Tennis balls were projected one at a time over distances of 8-12 m, and liquid-crystal visual occlusion spectacles provided intermittent vision by opening and closing the lens shutters at different frequencies. As well as frequency, we manipulated duty cycle, or the proportion of time that the lenses were open. Generally, catching performance deteriorated as frequency was reduced. Although longer visual samples (i.e., increased duty cycle) mediated this effect to some extent, the most potent variable was the time between visual samples; performance deteriorated rapidly when this interval was greater than 80 ms (i.e., 10 Hz with 20-ms lens open times). Presumably this occurred because subjects had difficulty integrating visual information separated by longer temporal intervals.  相似文献   

The authors studied how infants come to perceive and act adaptively by presenting 35 three- to nine-month-olds with balls that approached at various speeds according to a staircase procedure. They determined whether infants attempted to reach for the ball and whether they were successful (i.e., contacted the ball). In addition, the time and distance of the ball at the onset of the catching movements were measured for the successful interceptions. The authors found that not only catching skill but also the perceptual judgments of the catchableness improved with age; infants started to take their catching ability into account when judging whether a ball was catchable. Moreover, the authors observed that infants who made imprecise perceptual judgments were more likely to use a distance control strategy, whereas infants who made accurate perceptual judgments were more likely to use the more adaptive time strategy to control the catching movements. They conclude that the present study supports the proposal that, even in prelocomotor infants, the development of perception is intricately linked to or constrained by development in the visual control of action.  相似文献   

The present study is concerned with the perceptual information about the body and space underlying the act of catching a ball. In a series of four experiments, subjects were asked to catch a luminous ball under various visual conditions. In general, catching in a normally illuminated room was contrasted with catching the luminous ball in an otherwise completely dark room. In the third and fourth experiments, intermediate conditions of visual information were included. The results suggest that it is possible to catch a ball with one hand when only the ball is visible, but performance is better when the subject has the benefit of a rich visual environment and two hands. The second experiment indicated that subject performance does improve with practice in the dark, but time spent in the darkened room itself doesn't result in a significant decrement in performance. Results of the third study suggest that vision of one's hand does not aid in the performance of this task whereas the presence of a minimal visual frame appears to aid performance. The final study examined the relation between catching performance and body sway under similar visual conditions. Results of this experiment imply that persons who exhibit relatively little postural sway in full-room lighting performed better at this catching task.  相似文献   

In the present study, the co-ordination of grasp and transport components of one-handed catching was examined following mechanical perturbations applied to the wrist. Six skilled catchers (mean age = 27.5 years) performed 64 trials in which tennis balls were projected at approximately 8 ms-1. The trial blocks consisted of 10 non-perturbed trials (NPTs) (baseline), and a block of 54 trials of which 20 trials were perturbed. The perturbation was in the form of a resistive force (12 N) applied via a piece of cord attached to a mechanical brake. In baseline trials participants reached maximal wrist velocity closer to the time of hand-ball contact (237 ms +/- 68) than in the perturbed (309 ms +/- 61) condition. Furthermore the wrist velocity profile of five out of six participants exhibited a double peak immediately after a perturbation. However, aperture variables such as the relative moment of final hand closure (approximately 70% of overall movement time) were not typically affected. The stability of grasp and transport coupling for one-handed catching was shown to vary from trial to trial. Skilled performers exploited redundant degrees of freedom in the motor system when faced with a sudden, unexpected change in task constraints.  相似文献   

In Johansson and Börjesson (1989), a new theory of visual space perception—the optic sphere theory—was presented in which the hemispheric shape of the retina is utilized for determination of slant of plane surfaces in wide-angle perception. The process of the optic sphere mechanism can be described as the projection of a translating distal line on the optic sphere, and an extrapolation of this projection to a great circle. The determination of the 3-D slant of the distal line is made by identification of points of no change on the great circle during its rotation. The main objective of the present study was to investigate this process as applied to central stimulation of the retina with reduced and minimal information of slant or horizontal orientation. Each stimulus pattern consisted of either two continuous lines or two pairs of dots in motion presented on a computer screen. The pairwise lines and the pairs of dots defined simulated 3-D slants (or horizontal orientations) of different magnitude within each pair, and the subjects' task was to discriminate between these simulated slants. It was shown that the simulations evoke percepts of 3-D slants, and of horizontal orientations, and that it is possible to discriminate between them even from minimal information (pairs of dots). Further, the empirical findings of Börjesson (1994) indicated that longer extrapolations of the projected arc to a point of no change yield less accurate discriminations of slant. We failed to replicate this in Experiment 4, in which case stimulus variables that covaried with extrapolation length were eliminated or minimized. It is suggested that this raises some doubt about discrimination accuracy as dependent on extrapolation length per se. The overall conclusion, however, is that the optic sphere theory represents a possible explanation of, or analogy to, the process utilized by the visual system for determination of the simulated 3-D slants and horizontal orientations in the present study.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed in which the acceleration component of limb movement information during prism exposure was manipulated, by controlling the trajectory and visibility of arm movement. When limb movements were confined to a lateral motion on a linear track, adaptation was evident when arm movement reversal at the end of the trajectory could be viewed (nonoccluded arm-movement reversal conditions). No adaptation occurred in the occluded arm-movement reversal condition. When movements were made on a curved track, adaptation was evident in both the nonoccluded and the occluded arm-movement reversal conditions. The results indicate that the acceleration component of reafferent stimulation may be critical in prism adaptation when no error information is available.  相似文献   

Prior research on cognitive skill learning has shown that algorithmic and direct memory retrieval strategies are not executed in parallel if the algorithm entails a series of long-term memory (LTM) retrieval steps (as in the case, for example, of mental arithmetic). This phenomenon has been hypothesized to reflect a bottleneck in LTM retrieval processes that forces a strategy choice during an early stage of processing. Here, we investigate simple perceptual–motor algorithms that involve no memory retrieval steps, a largely unexplored case in which parallel strategy execution models remain viable. Pronounced strategy interference was again observed, albeit interference that was different in important respects from that observed for LTM retrieval algorithms. It appears that neither parallel nor choice models, as developed to date, are sufficient as a generalized theory of this skill learning phenomenon. Issues central to the development of a more comprehensive theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Anticipatory responses to perturbation have rarely been studied in the co-ordination of dynamic interceptive actions. In this study, the kinematics of ball catching were examined in skilled catchers when mechanical perturbation of the catching arm was expected and unexpected. During trials where the perturbation was anticipated, participants initiated movements earlier (207 +/- 32 ms) than in randomly perturbed trials (223 +/- 34 ms). Furthermore, several individuals also tended to move their hand faster when perturbations were expected compared to baseline trials. Individual analyses revealed that three out of eight participants exhibited changes in the relative timing of the grasp phase to adapt to the specific manipulation of task constraints. Anticipatory responses were revealed in changes not only at movement initiation but also in the resulting adaptations to the co-ordination of reach and grasp phases of ball catching. When the catchers could not anticipate perturbations, movement strategies suggested the use of a continuous tracking-based mode of control rather than a prediction-based mode of control.  相似文献   

Following the argument that women as generalized other (Mead, 1934) could be empirically explored in much the same manner as self concepts, a variant of Kuhn's (1960) twenty statements test was applied to an examination of perceptions of women in general and of the relationship between self concepts and conceptions of women. College men and women were asked to reply to the questions “Who are they (women)?” and “Who am I?” in 20 open-ended responses. Content analysis of the statements revealed findings both consistent and inconsistent with other sex-role research findings.  相似文献   

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