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The ability of 73 male bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) to detect single mistuned harmonics in an otherwise periodic signal was studied. Bullfrogs in their natural environment were presented with playbacks of synthetic signals, resembling their species advertisement calls, that differed in the frequency of 1 harmonic component (out of 22). There were significant differences in the number and latency of the males' evoked vocal responses to these stimuli, suggesting that males were sensitive to the differences between the sounds. Differences in envelope shape (rate and depth of amplitude modulation) produced by the harmonic mistunings may underlie the differences in response. Frogs, like birds and humans, can discriminate sounds on the basis of harmonic structure, indicating that this is a general perceptual trait shared among vertebrates.  相似文献   

If one listens to a meaningless syllable that is repeated over and over, he will hear it undergo a variety of changes. These changes are extremely systematic in character and can be described phonetically in terms of reorganizations of the phones constituting the syllable and changes in a restricted set of distinctive features. When a new syllable is presented to a subject after he has listened to a particular syllable that was repeated, he will misreport the new (test) syllable. His misperception of the test syllable is related to the changes occurring in the representation of the original repeated syllable just prior to the presentation of the test syllable.  相似文献   

In the first experiment subjects identified a consonant-vowel syllable presented dichotically with a known contralateral masking sound at a stimulus onset asynchrony of ± 60 msec. When the mask followed the target syllable, perception of place of articulation of the consonant was impaired more when the mask was a different consonant-vowel syllable than when it was either a steady-state vowel or a non-speech timbre. Perception was disturbed less when the mask preceded the target, and the amount of disruption was independent of which mask was used. Greater backward than forward masking was also found in the second experiment for the identification of complex sounds which differed in an initial change in pitch. These experiments suggest that the extraction of complex auditory features from a target can be disrupted by the subsequent contralateral presentation of a sound sharing certain features with the target.  相似文献   

A principle of second-order isomorphism asserts that the functional similarities among internal representations parallel the structural similarities among the external objects to which those representations correspond. In accordance with this principle, subjects were asked to rate the similarities of all pairs of the numbers 0 through 9 in each of 24 conditions distinguished by the forms into which they were to be mentally transformed and then judged-including the visual forms of rows of dots and Arabic numerals, the auditory form of spoken English names, and the amodal form of the abstract concepts of the integers themselves. Similarity ratings were found to depend entirely upon the form in which the numbers were to be judged and not at all upon the form in which they were actually presented. Regardless of the form presented, multidimensional scaling solutions for each of the 24 conditions were readily interpretable in terms of structural properties of the form judged-curvature and closure for visual numerals; number of syllables, initial consonant, and vowel phoneme for auditory names; and numerical magnitude, odd-evenness, etc., for abstract concepts. Reanalyses of chronometric data are presented to illustrate how a fuller understanding of human cognitive processes may be attainable by using such structural models of internal representation in conjunction with studies of overt confusion and reaction time.  相似文献   

All sounds are multidimensional, yet the relationships among auditory dimensions have been studied only infrequently. General recognition theory (GRT; Ashby & Townsend, 1986) is a multidimensional generalization of signal detection theory and, as such, provides powerful tools well suited to the study of the relationships among perceptual dimensions. However, previous uses of GRT have been limited in serious ways. We present methods designed to overcome these limitations, and we use these methods to apply GRT to investigations of the relationships among auditory perceptual dimensions that previous work suggests are independent (frequency, duration) or not (fundamental frequency [ f0], spectral shape). Results from Experiment 1 confirm that frequency and duration do not interact decisionally, and they extend this finding with evidence of perceptual independence. Results from Experiment 2 show that f0 and spectral shape tend to interact perceptually, decisionally, or both, and that perceptual interactions occur within, but not between, stimuli (i.e., the interactions suggest correlated noise across processing channels corresponding to perceptually separable dimensions). The results are discussed in relation to lower level sensory modeling and higher level cognitive and linguistic issues.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to chart the development of motor imagery ability between 5 and 29 years of age and its relationship to fine-motor skill. 237 participants performed a computerized Virtual Radial Fitts Task (VRFT) as a measure of Motor Imagery (MI) ability. Participants aimed at five targets, positioned along radial axes from a central target circle. The targets differed in width over trials (2.5, 5, 10, 20 or 40 mm). Performance was indexed by the relationship between the movement time (MT) in executed and imagined movements. A subset of participants (11–19 years old, = 22) also performed the task with their non-preferred hand. We also examined if manual skill (measured by peg board task and posting coins) was related to the executed and imagined MT on the VRFT. Our results showed that the accuracy of the imagined movement improved steadily over childhood, reaching an asymptote during adolescence and into early adulthood. The correlation between the real and virtual MT using the preferred hand did not differ appreciably from that using the non-preferred hand. If the children could perform the tasks with their non-preferred hand (11 years and older), they also scaled performance in relatively precise terms using the less dextrous non-preferred hand. The correlation between real MT on the VRFT and fine-motor performance ranged between .53 and .42, while that for virtual movement was between .37 and .34. MI ability predicts manual skill to a moderate degree.  相似文献   

When portions of a sound are replaced by a potential masker, the missing fragments may be perceptually restored, resulting in apparent continuity of the interrupted signal. This phenomenon has been examined extensively by using pulsation threshold, auditory induction, and phonemic restoration paradigms in which two sounds, the inducer and the inducee, are alternated (ABABA ... ), and the conditions required for apparent continuity of the lower amplitude inducee are determined. Previous studies have generally neglected to examine concomitant changes produced in the inducing sound. Results from the present experiments have demonstrated decreases in the loudness of inducers using inducer/inducee pairs consisting of tone/tone and noise/noise, as well as the noise/speech pairs associated with phonemic restorations. Interestingly, reductions in inducer loudness occurred even when the inducee was heard as discontinuous, and these decreases in loudness were accompanied by graded increases in apparent duration of the inducee, contrary to the conventional view of auditory induction as an all-or-none phenomenon. Under some conditions, the reduced loudness of the inducer was coupled with a marked alteration in its timbre. Especially profound changes in the inducer quality occurred when the alternating stimuli were tones having the same frequency and differing only in intensity-it seems that following subtraction of components corresponding to the inducee, an anomalous auditory residue remained that did not correspond to the representation of a tone.  相似文献   

The INDSCAL multidimensional scaling model was used to investigate the distinctive features involved in the perception of 16 complex nonspeech sounds. The signals differed along four physical dimensions: fundamental frequency, waveform, formant frequency, and number of formants. Scaling results indicated that subjects’ similarity ratings could be accounted for by three psychological or perceptual dimensions. A statistically reliable correspondence was observed between these perceptual dimensions and the physical characteristics of fundamental frequency, waveform, and a combination of the two formant parameters. These results were further explored with Johnson’s (1967) hierarchical clustering analysis. Large differences in featural saliency occurred in the group data with fundamental accounting for more variability than the remaining dimensions. Further analysis of individual subject data revealed large individual differences in featural saliency. These differences were related to past musical experience of the subject and to earlier findings using similar signals. It was concluded that (1) the INDSCAL model provides a useful method for the analysis of auditory perception in the nonspeech mode, and (2) featural saliency in such sounds is likely to be determined by an unspecified attentional mechanism.  相似文献   

The integration of a newly learned spoken word form with existing knowledge in the mental lexicon is characterized by the word form's ability to compete with similar-sounding entries during auditory word recognition. Here we show that although the mere acquisition of a spoken form is swift, its engagement in lexical competition requires an incubation-like period that is crucially associated with sleep. Words learned at 8 p.m. do not induce (inhibitory) competition effects immediately, but do so after a 12-hr interval including a night's sleep, and continue to induce such effects after 24 hr. In contrast, words learned at 8 a.m. do not show such effects immediately or after 12 hr of wakefulness, but show the effects only after 24 hr, after sleep has occurred. This time-course dissociation is best accommodated by connectionist and neural models of learning in which sleep provides an opportunity for hippocampal information to be fed into long-term neocortical memory.  相似文献   

The contribution of different harmonics to pitch salience in a musical context was examined by requiring subjects to discriminate a small (1/4 semitone) pitch change in one note of a melody that repeated in transposition. In Experiment 1, performance was superior when more harmonics were present (first five vs. fundamental alone) and when the second harmonic (of tones consisting of the first two harmonics) was in tune compared with when it was out of tune. In Experiment 2, the effects of harmonics 6 and 8, which stand in octave-equivalent simple ratios to the fundamental (2∶3 and 1∶2, respectively) were compared with harmonics 5 and 7, which stand in more complex ratios (4:5 and 4:7, respectively). When the harmonics fused into a single percept (tones consisting of harmonics 1, 2, and one of 5, 6, 7, or 8), performance was higher when harmonics 6 or 8 were present than when harmonics 5 or 7 were present. When the harmonics did not fuse into a single percept (tones consisting of the fundamental and one of 5, 6, 7, or 8), there was no effect of ratio simplicity.  相似文献   

ObjectivesRecent research has elicited distinct differences in mental representations between athletes of different skill levels. Such differences suggest that the structure of mental representations changes as a function of skill level. However, research examining how such mental representation structures develop over the course of learning is lacking. In the present study, we examine the effects of practice on the development of one's mental representation of a complex action during early skill acquisition.DesignFor this purpose, we created a controllable learning situation, using a repeated-measures design with a control group. More specifically, novice golfers were randomly assigned to either a practice group (n = 12) or a control group (n = 12). Both groups were tested before and after an acquisition phase of three days as well as after a three day retention interval.MethodsMental representation structures of the putt were recorded, employing the structural dimensional analysis of mental representation (SDA-M), which provides psychometric data on the structure and grouping of action concepts in long-term memory. In addition, outcome performance of the practice group was measured, using two-dimensional error scores of the putt.ResultsFindings revealed a significant improvement in task performance, as well as functional changes in the structure of the practice group's mental representation. In contrast, no functional adaptations were evident in the mental representation of the control group.ConclusionOur findings suggest that motor skill acquisition is associated with functional adaptations of action-related knowledge in long-term memory.  相似文献   

The question of whether sudden increases in the amplitude of pure-tone components would perceptually isolate them from a more complex spectrum was investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, a 3.5-sec noise was played as a masker. During the noise, two pure-tone components of different frequencies appeared in succession. Subjects were asked to judge whether the pitch sequence went up or down. The rise time of these components had only a small and inconsistent effect on discrimination. In Experiment 2, the 3.5-sec background signal was a complex tone. The amplitudes of two of its components were incremented in succession. Again, subjects judged whether the pitch pattern went up or down. This time there was a sizable, monotonic effect of the rise time of the increments, with more rapid increments leading to better discrimination. The difference between the two results is interpreted in terms of the auditory system’s response to changing and unchanging signals and the role of its “sudden-change” responses in attracting perceptual processing to certain spectral regions.  相似文献   

Integration of simultaneous auditory and visual information about an event can enhance our ability to detect that event. This is particularly evident in the perception of speech, where the articulatory gestures of the speaker's lips and face can significantly improve the listener's detection and identification of the message, especially when that message is presented in a noisy background. Speech is a particularly important example of multisensory integration because of its behavioural relevance to humans and also because brain regions have been identified that appear to be specifically tuned for auditory speech and lip gestures. Previous research has suggested that speech stimuli may have an advantage over other types of auditory stimuli in terms of audio-visual integration. Here, we used a modified adaptive psychophysical staircase approach to compare the influence of congruent visual stimuli (brief movie clips) on the detection of noise-masked auditory speech and non-speech stimuli. We found that congruent visual stimuli significantly improved detection of an auditory stimulus relative to incongruent visual stimuli. This effect, however, was equally apparent for speech and non-speech stimuli. The findings suggest that speech stimuli are not specifically advantaged by audio-visual integration for detection at threshold when compared with other naturalistic sounds.  相似文献   

ObjectivesRecent research has indicated that performers' mental representation of a motor skill changes over the course of learning. In the present study, we sought to ascertain whether the type of instructions (instructions that emphasize either an internal or external focus of attention) influences the development of skill representation during motor learning.DesignParticipants without golf experience were recruited to practice a golf putting task over the course of three training days. Participants were randomly assigned to either an internal focus (focus on the swing of the arms; n = 10) or external focus (focus on the speed of the ball roll; n = 10) learning group. Changes in putting performance and mental representation structure were assessed over the course of learning, as well as during a follow-up retention test two days after practice.MethodsMental representation structure was measured employing the structural dimensional analysis of mental representations (SDA-M), which provided psychometric data on the structure of the mental representation in long-term memory. Additionally, the change in putting accuracy and consistency was recorded over the course of learning.ResultsFindings indicated that the external focus group performed with greater accuracy and consistency during training, and revealed a larger degree of development in their mental representation of the putting task.ConclusionsOverall, our findings suggest that facilitating the link between an action and its effect by means of an external focus is crucial for motor performance as well as the development of skill representation.  相似文献   

The present experiment was designed to examine the development of the cognitive representation of semantic categories. Response latencies on a classification task were compared for second, fourth, and sixth graders (8, 10, and 12 years of age, respectively) and college students. On each trial the subjects were presented with two pictures that represented either typical or atypical category exemplars. The two pictures were physically identical, nonidentical pictures from the same category, or pictures from different categories. One half of the trials were primed by presenting a category name in advance of the stimuli. In addition, stimulus degradation was manipulated in order to assess the locus of priming effects. A significant interaction of age × priming × typicality was found for physically identical stimuli. This interaction indicated that the nature of the internal representation of categories changed from the second graders to the adults. It was suggested that the second graders might weigh features inappropriately in generating semantic prototypes. The fact that stimulus degradation and priming did not interact at any age level for any of the match types indicates that priming affected a conceptual encoding stage rather than a perceptual encoding stage.  相似文献   

The remembered vanishing location of a moving target has been found to be displaced downward in the direction of gravity (representational gravity) and more so with increasing retention intervals, suggesting that the visual spatial updating recruits an internal model of gravity. Despite being consistently linked with gravity, few inquiries have been made about the role of vestibular information in these trends. Previous experiments with static tilting of observers’ bodies suggest that under conflicting cues between the idiotropic vector and vestibular signals, the dynamic drift in memory is reduced to a constant displacement along the body’s main axis. The present experiment aims to replicate and extend these outcomes while keeping the observers’ bodies unchanged in relation to physical gravity by varying the gravito-inertial acceleration using a short-radius centrifuge. Observers were shown, while accelerated to varying degrees, targets moving along several directions and were required to indicate the perceived vanishing location after a variable interval. Increases of the gravito-inertial force (up to 1.4G), orthogonal to the idiotropic vector, did not affect the direction of representational gravity, but significantly disrupted its time course. The role and functioning of an internal model of gravity for spatial perception and orientation are discussed in light of the results.  相似文献   

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