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刘萃侠  肖健 《心理科学》2001,24(6):724-726
现代意义的调查已有近百年的历史,它是官方统计、社会研究(如态度测量)与市场研究等常用的方法。在80年代以前,调查研究深受行为主义的影响,把问题看作是能引发被调查者的反应的刺激,即把问题作答(question-answering)看作是刺激一反应(S—R)过程。在60、70年代,一些领域的研究表明行为主义研究取向存在很多弱点,如语言学家发现  相似文献   

“寺”,原意是官署。《汉书》注曰:凡官庭所在皆谓之寺。西汉末年,佛教传入中国,寺又指寺院,而自东汉“白马驮经”这一佛事典故后。虽然作为官署的“寺”仍然存在,但不久即逐渐成为中国佛教寺院的专称了。“庙”,本为奉祀祖先的处所,所以又称祖庙、宗庙。后来,人们把对一地有特殊贡献的人物也立庙奉祀。所以说寺、庙有着明显的区别,但由于佛教诸神和民间神鬼信仰长期以来互相影响,互相渗透,佛、菩萨、人神等在人们心中的界限并不明确,所以在普通民众中往往寺、  相似文献   

Survey satisficing in online data collection biases the estimation of treatment effects in many ways. Extending the findings of a previous study, which demonstrated that satisficing biased the estimation of main treatment effects, this study also shows that satisficing distorts the estimation of moderation effects. Targeting Japanese adults’ attitudes toward food, this study tests how the effect of country of production (Japan vs. China) is moderated by preexisting ethnocentric attitudes. The results show that while nonsatisficers predictably adjust their attitude toward food based on their preexisting ethnocentric attitude, satisficers stick to their initial stereotypical response. That is, the theoretically predicted moderation effect was observed among nonsatisficers, but not among satisficers, which indicates that satisficing biases not only the estimation of a treatment effect but also that of a moderation effect.  相似文献   

2009年8月12—15日在世界佛教圣地五台山举行了由山西省政协民族宗教委员会、山西省宗教事务局、忻州市政府、五台县政府、五台山风景名胜区政府和五台山研究会共同主办,由五台山风景名胜区政府和五台山研究会共同承办的“首届五台山论坛”。参加这次论坛的有来自全国各地的专家学者、高僧大德和我省各级领导,以及台湾、日本有志研究五台山的专家学者150余人,收到论文27篇,计30余万字。  相似文献   

The Carlson Psychological Survey is designed to assess and classify criminal offenders but its reliability has not been estimated for use with female adolescents. The survey was administered to 36 female adjudicated delinquents between the ages of 14 and 16 years and readministered after a 2-wk. interval to estimate test-retest reliability. Support for its stability over 2 wk. with this specific adolescent population was obtained.  相似文献   

韩国基督新教鸟瞰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对韩国基督新教在日本殖民统治时期奋起抗争、军人独裁统治时期迅猛发展和民主宪政时期衰颓不振的历史脉络作出粗线条勾勒,概述韩国基督新教的民族主义、民主性和现代性诉求在国际国内政治-经济-文化沧桑情境中的曲折表现,尝试揭示韩国基督新教作为普世性基督宗教与局域性韩国宗教传统相结合的产物在全球化时代的文化交融特质及其固有困境.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a noninvasive method for measuring brain function by correlating temporal changes in local cerebral blood oxygenation with behavioral measures. fMRI is used to study individuals at single time points, across multiple time points (with or without intervention), as well as to examine the variation of brain function across normal and ill populations. fMRI may be collected at multiple sites and then pooled into a single analysis. This paper describes how fMRI data is analyzed at each of these levels and describes the noise sources introduced at each level.  相似文献   

Development of the Career Exploration Survey (CES)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development, properties, and uses of the Career Exploration Survey (CES) are described. The CES is intended to (a) facilitate further theory development and empirical research on how exploration affects career decisions, development, and job outcomes, such as job satisfaction, commitment, and turnover; (b) provide a network of variables for investigating the dynamics of the exploration process; and (c) provide a set of criterion measures for examining the effects of personal characteristics and educational treatments on career exploration behaviors and beliefs. The CES is based on a conceptual framework derived from theories of exploration, stress, motivation, and career preference. It consists of seven measures of the career exploration process, three reactions to exploration, and six beliefs about exploration. Dimensionality, reliability, and validity data are presented for four studies comprising 680 observations across 601 individuals.  相似文献   

剖宫产作为产科分娩的干预手段,既可以挽救孕妇和胎儿的生命,又会对孕妇和胎儿带来某些预料不到的危险。近年来,许多国家的剖宫产率随着剖宫产术的推广不断上升,引起了社会各界的广泛关注。本文概述了国内外剖宫产率变化的主要特征,综述了导致剖宫产率上升的主要因素及社会各界对剖宫产率上升的不同看法。  相似文献   

The Child-Related Values Survey (CRVS) is being developed for assessment of various values that affect the nature of our regard for the psychological and physical welfare of children in general. Factor analysis of the CRVS resulted in six subscales. A confirmatory factor analysis on these subscales showed that the Affective Valence, Empathic Caring, Self-Sacrifice, and Societies' Duties subscales each reflect a humanitarian concern for children and that the Instrumentality and Authoritarian Attitude subscales tap values involving a moralistic expectation of children. Data on the validity of the CRVS include the humanitarian cluster of subscales predicting subjects' perceived satisfaction in pursuing child-related careers, relating the CRVS to various social issues, and the demonstration of several group differences with respect to CRVS subscales.  相似文献   

温州城市居民主观幸福感调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘玉进 《应用心理学》2008,14(2):155-163
运用中国城市居民主观幸福感量表(简版)和应付方式量表对425名温州城市居民的主观幸福感以及应付方式对主观幸福感的影响进行了调查研究,结果表明:温州城市居民的主观幸福感处于中等偏上水平,其年龄、受教育程度、健康状况、婚姻质量、家庭收入(自评)等对主观幸福感有主要影响;解决问题、求助等比较成熟的应付方式对主观幸福感有正面的影响,而自责、幻想、退避、合理化等相对不成熟的应付方式则对主观幸福感具有负面的影响。  相似文献   

中小学生校园欺负行为的调查研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
陈世平  乐国安 《心理科学》2002,25(3):355-356
对学校中的欺负行为研究始于70年代D.Olweus在瑞典和挪威的研究。所谓欺负行为是一种故意造成对他人的伤害行为,它是侵犯行为的一种形式,其特点是受伤害的对象不具备有效的反击、报复的手段和条件。欺负可以以踢打、抢夺钱物等形式出现,也可以以散布伤害性言语或社会排斥等形式出现。Rivers & Smith(1994)把欺负行为分为直接欺负和间接欺负两大类,其中直接欺负主要包括直接的身体欺负和直接的言语欺负等。间接的欺负主要是指通过某种中介手段来达到伤害对方的目的,如通过社会排斥、散布谣言和诽谤等。  相似文献   

明代礼类著作较易、诗、书类著作为少,其中关于《仪礼》的著作尤少。三礼之属,《四库》分周礼、仪礼、礼记、三礼总义、通礼、杂记分述,重点在前三类。本文就前三类中较为重要者概述如下。  相似文献   

This paper identifies and discusses ethical issues associated with the increasingly common use of multiple reminders in postal survey research. When undertaking postal surveys, it is common to improve response rates by contacting survey recipients multiple times encouraging them to complete the questionnaire. The ethical implications of the use of multiple reminders are rarely discussed in the literature advocating their use. The paper briefly reviews the arguments encouraging use of multiple reminders, and identifies and discusses the potential ethical issues raised by their use in postal surveys. A set of principles is then proposed for using multiple reminders in an ethically responsible way. It is argued that by following these principles, the use of multiple reminders should present no increased potential for harassment or coercion of survey recipients compared to alternative survey techniques. The use of these principles in a recent postal survey is then presented and discussed; a 60% response rate was achieved utilising multiple survey reminders in a way consistent with this set of principles.  相似文献   

剖宫产作为产科分娩的干预手段,既可以挽救孕妇和胎儿的生命,又会对孕妇和胎儿带来某些预料不到的危险.近年来,许多国家的剖宫产率随着剖宫产术的推广不断上升,引起了社会各界的广泛关注.本文概述了国内外剖官产率变化的主要特征,综述了导致剖宫产率上升的主要因素及社会各界对剖宫产率上升的不同看法.  相似文献   

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