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Two studies documented the American English usage frequencies for ninety-seven nouns that occur with sentence complements (e.g., rumor, The rumor that the student cheated ¨). An established usage preference methodology was used (see Connine, Ferreira, Jones, Clifton, & Frazier, 1984; Kennison, 1999).2 In Study 1, participants completed short fragments that did not contain the overt complementizer that, as in The rumor ¨ In Study 2, participants completed short sentence fragments that contained the overt complementizer, as in The rumor that ¨ The results showed that when the complementizer was absent (Study 1), bare (i.e., unmodified) usages and prepositional phrase usages were frequently observed. In contrast, sentence complement and relative clause usages were rarely observed. When the complementizer was present (Study 2), the frequency of sentence complement and relative clause usages varied. The estimates of usage frequency obtained in these studies are intended to be a resource for language comprehension researchers.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated how readers comprehend noun phrase (NP) arguments and adjuncts. Previous research suggested that argument phrases are processed more quickly than adjunct phrases (Clifton, Speer, & Abney, 1991; Kennison, 1999; Schütze & Gibson, 1999; Speer & Clifton, 1998). The present experiments investigated whether the type of verb in the sentence context could influence how NP arguments and adjuncts were processed. Reading time was measured on sentences containing NP arguments and adjuncts preceded either by verbs occurring most frequently with NP arguments (biased transitive verbs) or by verbs occurring most frequently without NP arguments (biased intransitive verbs) (e.g., Meredith read/performed every play/week.). In Experiment 1, reading time was measured using a self-paced phrase-by-phrase moving window. In Experiment 2, reading time was measured using eye tracking. The results of both experiments indicated that, following biased transitive verbs, NP arguments were processed more quickly than NP adjuncts. When NPs followed biased intransitive verbs, there was no significant difference between the processing time of NP arguments and adjuncts.  相似文献   

该研究通过采用维-汉两种语言不同书写顺序呈现的词组和句子为实验材料,考察其对维-汉双语者阅读加工速度的影响,为了解维-汉语阅读加工的规律,推动西部双语教学提供科学依据。研究结果表明:(1)在词组水平,对维语的加工速度显著快于汉语,顺意阅读的加工速度要显著快于逆意,按加工速度的快慢顺序为:维语顺意,维语逆意,汉语顺意和汉语逆意词组;(2)在句子水平,维-汉语之间的加工速度无差异显著,但顺意加工速度要显著快于逆意阅读,其快慢顺序为:维语顺意,汉语顺意,汉语逆意和维语逆意句子。这表明词组与句子水平的阅读顺序在不同语言对阅读速度有不同的影响。  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that phrase length plays a crucial role in modification ambiguities. Using a self-paced reading task, we extended these results by examining the additional pragmatic effects that length manipulations may exert. The results demonstrate that length not only modulates modification preferences directly, but that it also necessarily changes the informational content of a sentence, which itself affects modification preferences. Our findings suggest that the same length manipulation affects multiple sources of constraints, both structural and pragmatic, which can each exert differing effects on processing.  相似文献   

In parallel experiments, 12 English- and 12 Spanish-speaking subjects read right-branching and self-embedded sentences with one, two, or three subordinate clauses, in their native languages. Subjects read the sentences one word at a time, the subjects controlling the rate of presentation by means of a computer keyboard. The reading time for each word was recorded. After each sentence subjects performed one of four comprehension tasks. Reading times indicated that Spanish- and English-speaking subjects employ different processing strategies. Results of the comprehension tasks indicated that Spanish-but not English-speaking subjects understood self-embedded sentences with two subordinate clauses. These results are discussed in terms of the relative importance of the clause as a perceptual unit in the two languages, and the implications of the differences in comprehension for theories of sentence processing.  相似文献   

A strong body of work has explored the interaction between visual perception and language comprehension; for example, recent studies exploring predictions from embodied cognition have focused particularly on the common representation of sensory—motor and semantic information. Motivated by this background, we provide a set of norms for the axis and direction of motion implied in 299 English verbs, collected from approximately 100 native speakers of British English. Until now, there have been no freely available norms of this kind for a large set of verbs that can be used in any area of language research investigating the semantic representation of motion. We have used these norms to investigate the interaction between language comprehension and low-level visual processes involved in motion perception, validating the norming procedure’s ability to capture the motion content of individual verbs. Supplemental materials for this study may be downloaded from brm.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental.  相似文献   

Current developments in the areas of discourse analysis and cross-cultural studies have led to an increased interest in the way people of different cultures express their affections on various occasions. Individuals learn how to regulate their emotional reactions according to sociocultural norms of behavior defined by the cultures to which they belong. Accordingly, this article aimed to investigate the linguistic expression of emotions in English and Persian short stories in order to fathom out the impact of culture on the way feelings are expressed cross-culturally. For this purpose, a corpus of eight different English and Persian short stories, four in each language, was selected based on a purposive sampling method. Then, using Devon’s (The origin of emotions, 2006) typology of emotions, different types of emotive verbs were selected as the unit of analysis. Finally, the frequency and percentage values of emotive verb tokens used in these stories were carefully tabulated in terms of types and their respective metalinguistic categories introduced by Wierzbicka (Emotions across languages and cultures: diversity and universals, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999). The results obtained from the analysis of the targeted corpora reflected that English and Persian writers employ different types of emotive verbs in expressing their feelings. Essentially, the findings of the present study may have important implications for language teachers, material developers, and course designers.  相似文献   

常欣  王沛 《心理学报》2013,45(7):773-782
选取二语中等熟练者和高熟练者两类中国大学生被试,共40人(27女,13男),年龄为20~29岁,平均年龄23.88岁。采用ERP技术,以直译型英语被动句和意译型英语被动句作为实验材料,通过比较无违例、―句法违例句1‖(动词过去分词形式错误)、―句法违例句2‖(动词过去分词错误用为动词原形而造成的句法违例)以及―句法违例句3‖(动词过去分词误用为动词现在分词形式)条件下的行为数据和ERP多维数据变化的基础上,探讨了二语熟练度和语言间句法结构相似性对汉-英双语者英语被动句句法加工过程的影响。结果表明:高熟练者的反应时和正确率整体上优于中等熟练者;难易度不同的句法错误信息会直接影响被动句的加工,对明显有错误的句法信息的反应速度最快,―正确的局部句法信息‖反应时最长。对明显有错误的句法信息的正确反应率最高,最根本的句法结构的错误信息最低。最根本的句法结构的错误信息引发的P600最大,无违例条件引发的P600最小;高熟练者对最根本的句法结构的错误信息引发最大的P600效应,中等熟练者的P600效应未受不同句法错误信息的影响。行为指标支持句法加工相似性效应——直译句反应快、正确率高;意译句反应慢、正确率低。并且此效应在中等熟练者身上表现更加明显。但是脑神经活动模式未表现出句法结构相似性效应,说明二语熟练度在英语被动句加工中具有更为显著的作用。  相似文献   

One thousand and ninety-one children between the ages of 9 and 15 yr from three Tennessee schools completed the Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and an Impulsiveness Inventory. The American children scored significantly higher on the N, P, E and Imp scales and lower on the L scale. Common trends were noted on age and sex between the American personality norms and the English norms. The results were discussed in terms of the differences in crime rate and lifestyle between the two countries. Both questionnaires were seen as useful measures of personality for children in the U.S.  相似文献   

Sentence comprehension and memory for embedded structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An experimental simulation technique is introduced to study memory constraints affecting comprehension of embedded sentences. Memory for embedded structure is measured in a pairing task that simulates requirements imposed by sentence comprehension. With increasing memory load (number of embeddings), the rate of performance decline is consistent across all (recall and comprehension) conditions, and reflects a loss of order (as opposed to item) information. Short-term memory overload, rather than linguistic complexity, appears sufficient to account for comprehension difficulty. Performance was imperfect even with singly embedded constructions. Recall showed no abrupt failure with multiple embeddings, indicating that memory constraints are not as discontinuous as English syntax might suggest.  相似文献   

Younger and older adults were asked to remember noun pairs (e.g., head – cap), verb pairs (e.g., bounce – throw), and verb-noun pairs (e.g., break – stick). For half of the pairs, participants used imagined objects and performed an action or series of related actions for each pair. For the other half of the pairs, participants read but did not perform the pairs. Free recall and cued recall tests revealed that age differences in memory for both performed and nonperformed items were larger for verbs than for nouns. The recall advantage of nouns over verbs was larger for older than for younger adults. Verbs are hypothesized to be more difficult for older adults to remember because they are more and less specific than nouns and because it is more difficult to integrate verbs with other words than to integrate nouns with other words.  相似文献   

At the segmental level, the rate of speaking affects the degree of physical undershoot of articulatory targets and the resulting perception. Little is known regarding evidence of these effects at the suprasegmental level, particularly in intonation. In this study, the effect of rate of speaking on fundamental frequency and on perceptual judgments of peak pitch in a rise-fall intonation pattern was investigated. First, speakers produced rise-fall intonations in sentence contexts at slow, normal, and fast speaking rates. Peak fundamental frequencies (F0) of the slow productions were significantly lower than those of the normal or fast productions. The mean normal rate production of the word Miami was used as a model for the target word in a series of subsequent perceptual experiments. Altering the duration of the target word to represent slow, normal, and fast rates of speaking did not affect listener judgment of peak pitch. Finally, the pitch of the target word was measured in a sentence context. No differences between peak pitch in isolation or in sentence context were found. It was concluded that the production and perception of this form of intonation was not subject to the effects of rate that are seen at the segmental level.  相似文献   

Using a 2 (speaker accent: standard American, Asian) x 2 (speakers' sex: male, female) between-subjects design, the present study examined the effects of accent and sex on listeners' cognitive and affective reactions towards speakers with standard American English accents and Asian accents. 70 female and 27 male college students (M = 21.8 yr., SD = 4.7) listened to the audio recording of a monologue by one of the speakers in the early 20s who differed in accent and sex. Standard American English was operationalized as nonaccented English, typical of the western part of the USA, and Vietnamese-accented English was used as an exemplar of Asian-accented English. Results showed that relative to standard American-accented English speakers, Asian-accented English speakers were perceived as poorer communicators who were less potent, less threatening, and more concerned about others. These cognitive reactions to Asian-accented English speakers include (a) the general stereotype associated with an accent, status and solidarity, as well as (b) the stereotype unique to Asians as an ethnic group, being concerned for others and poorer communicators. Analysis also showed that speakers with an Asian accent evoked more negative affect and required more attention from listeners than did speakers with a standard American English accent. Implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the tendency of overpassivization of unaccusative verbs by Korean learners of English as a foreign language (FL). Sixty Korean native college students participated in the study, along with 17 English-speaking counterparts serving as a comparison group. Consistent with the findings of previous research, this study found Korean students’ tendency to incorrectly accept passive-voice with inanimate subjects. The results of this study highlighted the role of lexical animacy, the hierarchy of agentivity, and language-specific effects on FL judgment. The findings of this study suggest a robust language-specific L1 effect on L2 acquisition and a greater involvement of cognition in FL use than language input.  相似文献   

Using latent semantic analysis, we examined gender stereotypes in American English by submitting over 100 masculine, neutral, and feminine role-words and trait-words to pair-wise semantic similarity comparisons with masculine (man, he, him) and feminine (woman, she, her) referents separately. We expected to find: (a) Stereotyping—roles and traits would be more semantically similar to the ostensible ‘matching’ than ‘mismatching’ gender category referent; (b) Categorical narrowness—both categories would be less semantically similar to counterstereotypical than to neutral or stereotypical characteristics; but this would be especially so for the male category, indicating its relatively greater narrowness. Results supported these hypotheses, but only among role-words. American English reflects and reinforces gender stereotypes regarding gender roles at a level beyond that recognized previously.  相似文献   

In this study we present a picture database of 160 nouns and 160 verbs. All verbs and nouns are divided into two groups as action and non-action words. Age of acquisition, familiarity, imageability, name agreement and complexity norms are reported alongside frequency, word length and morpheme count for each word. Data were collected from 600 native Turkish adults in total. The results show that although several measures have weak correlations with each other, only age of acquisition had moderate downhill relationships with familiarity and frequency with familiarity and frequency having a rather strong positive correlation with each other. The norms and the picture database are available as supplemental materials for use in psycholinguistic studies in Turkish.  相似文献   

The revised 51-event Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) was administered to a representative national sample of 5,000 in order to construct and interpret norms for overall scale scores and life-event frequencies. Directions asked for the frequency of each life-event during the previous 12 months. Life-event frequencies for each subject were multiplied by previously determined stressfulness ratings to produce an overall scale score. Norms for overall scale scores and life-event frequencies were calculated. A total of 3,399 completed surveys were returned (68%). The distribution of overall scale scores had a mean of 278, standard deviation of 422, and marked positive skewness of 4.12. Five of the top 10 most frequently occurring life-events were directly related to work. The normative information concerning overall scores on the revised Social Readjustment Rating Scale can be invaluable in understanding and interpreting individual scores, as well as diagnosing or identifying at-risk individuals with high scores who would likely benefit from stress management interventions.  相似文献   

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