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攻击者的注意偏向与归因偏向及其关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在攻击者的认知偏向中,注意偏向与归因偏向尤为引人注目。攻击者常偏向于注意敌意性的刺激,并会对模棱两可的情境作出敌意性的解释。二者的关系存在注意优先模型与解释优先模型两种可能性,注意优先模型认为注意过程先于解释过程,解释优先模型则相反。两种假设各有论据支持,而攻击者注意偏向与归因偏向的关系尚无定论。今后的研究当改进实验方法、运用多种技术从理论和应用两方面更深入地探讨攻击者的这二种偏向及其关系。  相似文献   

通过数字线任务和离散物体任务对81名拥有错误整数偏向的儿童进行干预,再进行分数比较任务,以考查不同干预对错误整数偏向的影响以及分数在心理数字线上的表征方式。结果表明:(1)离散物体组儿童在干预任务中表现较好,在分数比较任务中得分也显著高于数字线组儿童,但反应时要慢于数字线组儿童。(2)正确比较分数时,两组均出现正确整数偏向,但错误的整数偏向依然存在,二者在整数系统扩展到有理数系统这个过渡期同时存在。  相似文献   

从解释偏向视角探讨共同内群体认同促进民族心理融合的认知加工过程。实验1和实验2设置群体情境(竞争/非竞争),分别考察即时解释偏向(包含自动解释偏向、迭代解释偏向)和延时解释偏向在共同内群体认同与民族心理融合关系中的作用。结果发现,在竞争和非竞争情境下,共同内群体认同能够促进民族心理融合,其促进作用发生在自动积极解释偏向和延时积极解释偏向阶段。研究从认知加工的视角拓展了共同内群体认同模型,并完善了解释偏向阶段模型。  相似文献   

以模糊情境句子和形容词为刺激材料,分别采用文本材料范式和改编的词汇情境联接范式,对害羞者的延时解释和即时解释偏向特点进行探讨。结果发现:害羞者对模糊情境信息不仅缺乏积极的即时解释偏向特点,而且也缺乏积极的延时解释偏向特点;害羞者未表现出消极的即时和延时解释偏向特点。研究表明害羞者可能是社交焦虑的前期阶段,对害羞者的干预可以通过引导其积极的解释偏向的方式来实现。  相似文献   

张丽华  苗丽 《心理科学进展》2019,27(12):2097-2108
敌意解释偏向是一种认知加工偏向, 指个体将模棱两可信息以敌意的方式进行解释的倾向, 它会对个体的攻击行为产生影响。攻击也会影响个体的敌意解释偏向:作为一种人格特质, 高攻击性使个体更容易产生敌意解释偏向; 作为一种行为反应, 攻击对敌意解释偏向具有发展和强化作用。敌意解释偏向和攻击之间可能存在循环关系。两者关系会受到性别、年龄以及人格特点等因素影响。未来研究需要改进敌意解释偏向与攻击的测量工具, 使测量更为直接、客观; 拓展两者不同亚类之间的交互研究, 以全面系统地了解两者之间的关系; 深入探究情绪在敌意解释偏向与攻击行为关系中的作用; 整合信息加工过程, 探究它们的交互作用对攻击行为的影响等。  相似文献   

人们常将满意的结果归因于自己的能力或努力, 将不满意的结果归因为他人或环境, 这种接受成功的荣誉而否认失败责任的倾向称为自我服务偏向。目前, 对该偏向的理论解释并未达成统一的结论, 争论主要集中在其产生是由认知驱动或动机驱动, 抑或两者兼有。大量研究表明, 自我服务偏向普遍存在于日常生活中, 并受年龄、性别、文化、精神机能障碍等因素的影响, 但对其脑机制的研究相对较少。未来研究中, 应拓宽对非抑郁症精神机能障碍患者的自我服务偏向研究以及不同群体自我服务偏向特点的研究; 自我服务偏向的脑机制研究、跨文化研究以及国外已有研究成果在我国的适用性也将成为未来研究的关注点。  相似文献   

高笑  王泉川  陈红  王宝英  赵光 《心理学报》2012,44(4):498-510
虽然目前大量研究基于Vitousek和Hollon (1990)提出的饮食失调认知模型对胖负面身体自我图式者或饮食失调者的注意偏向进行探讨, 但对其注意偏向的成分仍未得出一致结论, 且尚无研究查考其时间进程特点。研究采用更具生态效度的身体图片为实验刺激, 刺激呈现时间2000ms, 采用传统经典的点探测范式与眼动追踪技术结合, 探讨胖负面身体自我女性对身体信息注意偏向成分的时间进程。基于前人的工作(Castellanos et al., 2009; Garner, Mogg, & Bradley, 2006), 研究考察了四个眼动数据:首视点定向偏向分数、首视点潜伏期偏向分数、首视点注视时间偏向以及总注视时间偏向分数, 系统探讨了注意定向、探测时间、最初注意维持/回避以及总体注意维持/回避。眼动数据发现, 胖负面身体自我图式者对不同身体图片存在不同的注意偏向模式, 对胖图片为注意警觉—维持模式, 具体表现为早期加速探测、注意定向, 以及最初的注意维持和总体注意维持; 对瘦图片仅为注意警觉, 具体表现为早期加速探测; 行为数据支持实验组对胖图片的注意维持以及对身体图片的注意脱离困难。该结果部分支持Vitousek和Hollon (1990)的模型, 即负面身体自我图式能够易化对图式一致信息的加工, 而未发现对图式不一致信息的回避或抑制。  相似文献   

经济心理学:超越与创新   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
鲁直  王锋 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1460-1464
经济心理学超越了传统经济学在理论假设、研究方法等方面所面临的困境,拓展了心理学对于学科界限的自我困囿.并以其独特的学科分野、理论贡献和跨学科的研究方法实现了对人类经济行为的更好解释与预测,对于现实经济生活它也已经并将继续发挥其独有的作用。  相似文献   

目前,关于自尊与认知相互作用关系的研究主要集中在认知加工偏向效应的探讨上。认知加工偏向效应的探索为自尊研究提供了一种全新的视角。该文以认知加工过程为脉络,重点介绍自尊的注意、记忆、解释加工偏向研究的实验范式和研究结果,并对其进行评价,以期为后来研究提供参考。  相似文献   

长久以来,研究者发现社交焦虑个体对模糊的社交情境存在偏向性的解释,而这种解释偏向对于社交焦虑障碍的产生、维持与复发具有重要影响。近年来,越来越多的研究者开始关注解释偏向矫正训练,因其能够通过简单的重复性实验"自下而上"地改变焦虑个体的这种解释偏向。与此同时,部分研究人员还发现经过这种"自下而上"的训练之后,焦虑个体的情绪状态也有所改善。然而,解释偏向矫正是一个新领域,存在整体研究异质性高、矫正训练机制不明确等争议。首先,本文总结了该领域的常用研究范式,从被试临床状态与年龄特征两个方面梳理了解释偏向矫正领域的研究现状。其次,本文重点关注了解释偏向矫正训练作用于社交焦虑障碍的起效机制,综合过往研究建立了一个新的"干预作用模型",探讨了可能影响因素(自我意象、自尊、对威胁性刺激的评估、正性评价恐惧、长时记忆、焦虑敏感性和回避行为)。最后,本文从解释偏向、焦虑症状、迁移效应、实验设计和整体领域研究质量等五个方面分析了目前存在的争议与问题,同时指出了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

Many students’ knowledge of fractions is adversely affected by whole number bias, the tendency to focus on the separate whole number components (numerator and denominator) of a fraction rather than on the fraction's magnitude (ratio of numerator to denominator). Although whole number bias appears early in the fraction learning process and under speeded conditions persists into adulthood, even among mathematicians, little is known about its development. Performance with equivalent fractions indicated that between fourth and eighth grade, whole number bias decreased, and reliance on fraction magnitudes increased. These trends were present on both fraction magnitude comparison and number line estimation. However, analyses of individual children's performance indicated that a substantial minority of fourth graders did not show whole number bias and that a substantial minority of eighth graders did show it. Implications of the findings for development of understanding of fraction equivalence and for theories of numerical development are discussed.  相似文献   

晏倩  熊哲宏 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1269-1271,1246
从理论假设、概念体系和研究方法三个方面对B.Butterworth的“数字模块”理论进行了介绍和评价。该理论假定人类数学能力是先天的“数字模块”与后天的拓展模块功能的“概念工具”相互作用的产物。其概念体系涉及“数字模块”的定义、功能、结构及模块与文化资源间的相互作用。其方法以认知神经心理学为主,兼及跨文化、灵长目认知的研究和基因学的证据。  相似文献   

Many learners have difficulties with rational number tasks because they persistently rely on their natural number knowledge, which is not always applicable. Studies show that such a natural number bias can mislead not only children but also educated adults. It is still unclear whether and under what conditions mathematical expertise enables people to be completely unaffected by such a bias on tasks in which people with less expertise are clearly biased. We compared the performance of eighth‐grade students and expert mathematicians on the same set of algebraic expression problems that addressed the effect of arithmetic operations (multiplication and division). Using accuracy and response time measures, we found clear evidence for a natural number bias in students but no traces of a bias in experts. The data suggested that whereas students based their answers on their intuitions about natural numbers, expert mathematicians relied on their skilled intuitions about algebraic expressions. We conclude that it is possible for experts to be unaffected by the natural number bias on rational number tasks when they use strategies that do not involve natural numbers.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that there is a spontaneous preference for numerical, compared to non-numerical (e.g., cumulative surface area), information. However, given a paucity of research on the perception of non-numerical magnitudes, it is unclear whether this preference reflects a specific bias towards number, or a general bias towards the more perceptually discriminable dimension (i.e., number). Here, we found that when the number and area of visual dot displays were matched in mathematical ratio, number was more perceptually discriminable than area in both adults and children. Moreover, both adults and children preferentially categorized these ratio-matched stimuli based on number, consistent with previous work. However, when number and area were matched in perceptual discriminability, a different pattern of results emerged. In particular, children preferentially categorized stimuli based on area, suggesting that children's previously observed number bias may be due to a mismatch in the perceptual discriminability of number and area, not an intrinsic salience of number. Interestingly, adults continued to categorize the displays on the basis of number. Altogether, these findings suggest a dominant role for area during childhood, refuting the claim that number is inherently and uniquely salient. Yet they also reveal an increased salience of number that emerges over development. Potential explanations for this developmental shift are discussed.

Research Highlights

  • Previous work found that children and adults spontaneously categorized dot array stimuli by number, over other magnitudes (e.g., area), suggesting number is uniquely salient.
  • However, here we found that when number and area were matched by ratio, as in prior work, number was significantly more perceptually discriminable than area.
  • When number and area were made equally discriminable (‘perceptually-matched’), children, contra adults, spontaneously categorized stimuli by area over number (and other non-numerical magnitudes).
  • These findings suggest that area may be uniquely salient early in childhood, with the previously-observed number bias not emerging until later in development.

Adaptation to right-shifting prisms improves left neglect for mental number line bisection. This study examined whether adaptation affects the mental number line in normal participants. Thirty-six participants completed a mental number line task before and after adaptation to either: left-shifting prisms, right-shifting prisms or control spectacles that did not shift the visual scene. Participants viewed number triplets (e.g. 16, 36, 55) and determined whether the numerical distance was greater on the left or right side of the inner number. Participants demonstrated a leftward bias (i.e. overestimated the length occupied by numbers located on the left side of the number line) that was consistent with the effect of pseudoneglect. The leftward bias was corrected by a short period of visuomotor adaptation to left-shifting prisms, but remained unaffected by adaptation to right-shifting prisms and control spectacles. The findings demonstrate that a simple visuomotor task alters the representation of space on the mental number line in normal participants.  相似文献   

有的品牌仅邀请一位名人代言, 而有的品牌由多位名人代言, 那么一人代言还是多人代言会更有效?为了回答该问题, 研究基于形象转移视角和单人积极偏差, 深入探究了品牌代言人数因素(一位代言人vs.多位代言人)对品牌态度的影响机制和边界条件。研究发现:相比品牌多人代言, 品牌单人代言使消费者的品牌态度更高。原因在于消费者与一位(vs.多位)品牌代言人的自我-品牌联结更紧密, 进而促进品牌态度。该品牌代言人效应仅局限于象征型产品, 而对于非身份象征型产品, 品牌单人代言(vs.品牌多人代言)对品牌态度无显著差异。此外, 当多位品牌代言人为一个团体时, 品牌代言人数效应将被逆转, 即品牌多人代言(vs.品牌单人代言)对品牌态度的影响更高。  相似文献   

Both humans and non‐human animals exhibit sensitivity to the approximate number of items in a visual array, as indexed by their performance in numerosity discrimination tasks, and even neonates can detect changes in numerosity. These findings are often interpreted as evidence for an innate ‘number sense’. However, recent simulation work has challenged this view by showing that human‐like sensitivity to numerosity can emerge in deep neural networks that build an internal model of the sensory data. This emergentist perspective posits a central role for experience in shaping our number sense and might explain why numerical acuity progressively increases over the course of development. Here we substantiate this hypothesis by introducing a progressive unsupervised deep learning algorithm, which allows us to model the development of numerical acuity through experience. We also investigate how the statistical distribution of numerical and non‐numerical features in natural environments affects the emergence of numerosity representations in the computational model. Our simulations show that deep networks can exhibit numerosity sensitivity prior to any training, as well as a progressive developmental refinement that is modulated by the statistical structure of the learning environment. To validate our simulations, we offer a refinement to the quantitative characterization of the developmental patterns observed in human children. Overall, our findings suggest that it may not be necessary to assume that animals are endowed with a dedicated system for processing numerosity, since domain‐general learning mechanisms can capture key characteristics others have attributed to an evolutionarily specialized number system.  相似文献   

Numbers are conceptualized spatially along a horizontal mental line. This view is supported by mounting evidence from healthy adults and patients with unilateral spatial neglect. Little is known about children's representation of numbers with respect to space. This study investigated elementary school children's directional biases in physical and numerical space to better understand the relation between space and number. We also examined the nature of spatial organization in numerical space. In two separate tasks, children (n = 57) were asked to bisect a physical line and verbally estimate the midpoint of number pairs. In general, results indicated leftward biases in both tasks, but the degree of deviation did not correlate between the tasks. In the number bisection task, leftward bias (underestimating the midpoint) increased as a function of numerical magnitude and interval between number pairs. In contrast, a rightward deviation was found for smaller number pairs. These findings suggest that different underlying spatial attentional mechanisms might be directed in physical and numerical space in young school children, which would be integrated in adulthood.  相似文献   

研究主要探讨了整数数量表征和分数数量表征的关系以及年级对两者关系的影响。实验对155名三至六年级儿童进行0~1分数数字线估计任务和0~1000整数数字线估计任务的测量。结果发现:(1)对于整数数字线估计,所有年级儿童均主要采取了线性表征;(2)对于分数数字线估计,五六年级儿童主要采取了线性表征,三四年级儿童没有明显的线性表征或对数表征的倾向;(3)整数数量表征和分数数量表征呈显著正相关,不过年级对两者的关系产生了影响,表现在只有五六年级儿童的整数数字线估计对分数数字线估计有显著预测作用。  相似文献   

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