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A comparison of perceptions held by selected rehabilitation subgroups toward counseling behavior was conducted. As expected, rehabilitation counselor educators were most different from state agency personnel in rehabilitation. State agency personnel appeared to value active counselor behavior more than educators. However, the predicted similarity between educators and trained counselors in state agencies and in other settings did not materialize. Differences between subgroups are discussed with respect to possible environmental and group influences. Some implications for communication between subgroups and training programs for rehabilitation counselors are also presented.  相似文献   

The role of the rehabilitation counselor in a high school Work Experience and Study Program for the Educationally Mentally Handicapped is delineated. The most common problems in placement, and the manifest vocational needs that these students exhibit are examined.  相似文献   

In the decade since professional counselor regulation was widely debated, more than half of the states have legislated regulation, and it is sought in others. The extent to which counselors in a state currently pursuing legislation are familiar with potential consequences of legislated regulation was examined. Most counselors were found to be unfamiliar with potential negative consequences of regulation, and most were desirous of more information regarding these issues. Implications of the findings for the profession are presented.  相似文献   

This study asked the question: What are the role expectancies of treatment personnel in the treatment community and are they consistent across patients' emotional condition? An 83-item inventory was developed and administered under three different sets of instructions, each characterizing a different patient condition. Treatment staff and administrators were asked to rate items on the basis of the level of expectancy they held for their team vocational rehabilitation counselor. The analyses suggest that treatment staff and counselors do not agree on role expectations and that patient condition is a significant mediating variable.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an investigation of the relationship of biographical information to the performance of counselors in state rehabilitation (DVR) agencies. The specific purposes of this study were to examine (1) what biographical data items differentiate more successful DVR counselors from less successful DVR counselors, and (2) if factors across biographical items could be found that relate to more successful performance. A series of statistical steps were involved in the analyses including chi-square, reciprocal average weighting technique, factor analysis, and a multiple regression model. No significant relationship to the criterion of supervisor ratings on overall effectiveness was found using either of two weighting procedures, nor were the responses to items composing the factors associated with the criterion variable. Some implications and limitations of the study were discussed.  相似文献   

The legal, ethical, and professional problems related to the private practice of rehabilitation counseling are described. Counselor licensure is recommended as a remedy.  相似文献   

In preparing students to work with individuals with disabilities, school and rehabilitation counselor educators face a number of challenges. Highlighting the major changes that have occurred in the 10 years following Hosie's (1979) recommendations for counselor preparation, this article suggests many competencies that are required to meet these challenges and describes how they can be integrated within the applicable accreditation guidelines.  相似文献   

Prediction is a fundamental part of counseling. Although counselors differ in their ability to predict accurately, there is no evidence that those who predict most accurately do the best job of counseling. Using 3 different sets of case data, 14 counselors predicted whether students would graduate and whether they would keep the “major” program selected at the time of admission. 3 supervisors agreed on the counselors rated “most” or “least” effective in their work with students. Although the amount of case data available to the counselors was unrelated to predictive accuracy, the counselors rated “most” effective predicted significantly better than those rated “moderately” or “least” effective.  相似文献   

With increasing competition for the tax dollar, it seems that the public demand for counselor accountability may persist. Therefore it may be in the best interest of the profession to seize the initiative by demonstrating collective worth via some accountability strategy, thus obviating the need for external monitoring and control. This professional initiative may protect the freedom of counselors to assume their appropriate roles and attend to the individual needs and aspirations of their clients.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of counselor bilingual ability and counselor ethnicity on client‐perceived counselor credibility and cultural competence. Participants were assigned to 1 of 4 treatment conditions created by crossing counselor ethnicity with counselor language. No significant differences were found. Regarding rank ordering of the conditions, the European American bilingual counselor was perceived to be more culturally competent than were the Mexican American bilingual counselors. Findings underscore the importance of bilingualism for European American counselors when working with bilingual Mexican American clients.  相似文献   

A humorous comparison of athletic and counselor signals is made, and the authors note unique aspects of counseling that make it more than a sport.  相似文献   

Self-disclosure in the counseling-therapy relationship has been an important area of research and study, with considerable emphasis placed on counselor self-disclosure. This study was initiated to explore further the phenomenon of counselor-therapist disclosure through direct assessment of potential clients' desires for disclosure and through development of a measure of counselor disclosure. Implications for counselor disclosure and for the counselor-client therapy relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

American Indians exhibit health-related problems at younger ages, as compared with the general population. They also have a disproportionate number of deaths related to alcoholism, accidents, homicides, pneumonia, influenza, diabetes mellitus, and tuberculosis as compared with the general population. In terms of mental health, depression and adjustment reactions are common problems, with the suicide rate among American Indian adults being more than twice as high as that for the general population. This article delineates specific steps necessary to successfully recruit and retain American Indians in counselor training programs, proposes a curriculum for training counselors to effectively provide services to American Indians with disabilities, and discusses the responsibility of counselor educators to concern themselves with the “job placement” of their graduates. En comparación con la población engeneral, los indios americanos tienen problemas de salud a edades más jovenes y tienen un número de mortandad deproporcionada debida al alcoholismo, acidentes, homicidios, neumonía, gripe, diabetes mellitus, y tuberculosis. En terminos de salud mental, reaciones a depresión y adaptación son problemas comunes, con la media de suicidios superior al doble de la cifra para la población general. Este artículo delinea medidas específicas que son necesarias para atraer y retener indios americanos en programas de entrenamiento de consejería, propone un programa para entrenar consejeros para el suministro eficaz de servicios a indios americanos incapacitados, y discute la responsabilidad de los educadores de consejeros para implicarlos en la búsqueda de un empleo para sus graduados.  相似文献   

Employment counselors must serve many different kinds of clients and provide a wide variety of services. They must be capable of providing individual and group counseling services as well as environmental intervention. The counseling process is somewhat different for the employment counselor who must also consider the available job market, motivational forces, aptitudes, skills, and interests. This article discusses the framework in which the polyvalent employment counselor works. This article was the basis of a workshop for the Employment Security Commission at their state meting in Burlington, North Carolina, in June 1977.  相似文献   

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