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This article suggests that counselors must examine their own gender-role issues, become aware of the body of knowledge about men which is emerging in the literature, examine the implications of that literature on counseling men, and develop an effective approach to counseling men. The author presents a counseling focus on male gender-role issues similar to a decision model for counseling and explores the use of that focus for both counseling and research with adult males.  相似文献   

This article describes the developmental tasks faced by adolescent males. Biological and psychological changes that occur during adolescence are discussed. Finally, common problems encountered by counselors working with adolescent males are reviewed.  相似文献   

Heppner, Paul, & Heesacker, Martin. Interpersonal Influence Process in Real-Life Counseling: Investigating Client Perceptions, Counselor Experience Level, and Counselor Power Over Time. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1982, 29, 215–223. Hackman, Hollis, & Claiborn, Charles. An Attributional Approach to Counselor Attractiveness. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1982, 29, 224–231.  相似文献   

Chronic pain affects 35% to 57% of the adult population in the United States and results in billions of dollars spent annually in direct health‐care costs and lost productivity. Extensive research confirms the considerable role psychological factors play in the experience and expression of chronic pain. The author discusses implications for counseling adult clients experiencing chronic pain, specifically interventions, interdisciplinary treatment approaches, treatment planning, diversity, and ethical/legal considerations.  相似文献   

Mental health scholarship of military populations is largely guided by researchers in psychiatry and psychology. Recent advocacy efforts have created increased opportunities for professional counselors to serve military clients, but the research within the profession has yet to be explored. A content analysis of 23 professional counseling journals from June 1998 to June 2018 was conducted to determine military population research trends. Findings indicated that counselors are researching topics similar to those of other mental health fields, such as posttraumatic stress, but are contributing to those topics conceptually rather than empirically. Topical areas in which counselors do produce more empirical studies include career counseling, and these studies relied on college student veteran populations. Suggestions for incorporating the philosophical principles of counseling into future research are provided to inform the trajectory of military scholarship in the profession.  相似文献   

We explored the work values of young workers who had been classified according to three degrees of work satisfaction by using two standardized instruments. The results lent support to the idea that job satisfaction is more closely linked to the intrinsic rather than the extrinsic factors of work. Considerable agreement on which factors contribute to work satisfaction was also evident regardless of the level of satisfaction. We suggest that counselors working with youths pay close attention to intrinsic work factors.  相似文献   

Although high school dropout rates have declined over the past several years, rates remain high for many segments of our population. Most of the attention devoted to dropout prevention counseling has focused on group counseling or programmatic issues, whereas individual counseling has largely been ignored. This article draws on commonalities between multicultural counseling and dropout prevention to produce a general framework for individual counseling with students who have potential to drop out of high school.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the rationale, essential principles, and constructs of counseling families from diverse cultures and the implications for professional counselors and other mental health service providers. Specific recommendations for incorporating cultural sensitivity, knowledge of cultures, and culturally relevant counseling skills are made.  相似文献   

An innovative Community Counseling Project was initiated as part of the federally funded Adult Consumer Homemaking Project in Great Neck, N.Y. Project participants are recruited from the disadvantaged community, (i.e. those whose needs are not being met by community services or agencies). These include the low income, foreign bom, senior citizens, mentally and physically handicapped, unemployed, school drop outs, teenage or single parents, socially isolated. While they were already learning skills to help improve the quality of their lives, an unmet need was expressed by many participants—the need for private, one-to-one communication. Thus, a supportive counseling program of four to six sessions was established on a no-fee basis. Careful records were kept, evaluation made, and follow-up pursued.  相似文献   

The Adult Persistence in Learning (APIL) model focuses on personal issues of the individual adult learner, learning process issues, and environmental issues related to the particular institution to guide counseling services for adult leaners. Factors that facilitate a realistic approach to adult learning provide the focus: self-awareness, willingness to delay gratification, clarification of career and life goals, mastery of life transitions, sense of interpersonal competence, educational competence, intellectual and political competence in learning, information retrieval from the institution, awareness of opportunities and impediments in the environment, and perceptions of the compati-bility of the learning environment. Counseling interventions for individuals and groups based on the factors in the model can aid retention of adult learners.  相似文献   

Most counselors working with an adult clientele are faced with negotiating the many ethical dilemmas that occur when counseling adult survivors of child sexual abuse. In this article, the primary ethical concerns encountered in the treatment of adult survivors are addressed. Meta-ethical principles are identified for guiding ethical decision making in dealing with issues that arise in the survivor's relationships with the counselor, the abuser, and other family members.  相似文献   

For three decades nondirectiveness has served as the central ethos for genetic counseling. It has evolved from narrow definitions defining what should not be done to broad definitions that promote active counseling skills in support of client autonomy and informed decision making. As broad definitions have been formulated, the term nondirective has become largely irrelevant to their content; it persists primarily as a historic relic. It has thus become an impediment to creative theory and clinical practice. I propose that nondirectiveness be replaced as the central ethos, while relevant components (providing balanced information, not imposing the counselor's values) are retained as elements of practice and ethics. This raises the question of what principle(s) should be adopted as a new guiding ethos. To promote a discussion of that issue I propose that the central ethos of genetic counseling should be to bring the psychosocial component into every aspect of the work.  相似文献   

Microaggressions are explicit and implicit forms of bias committed by many well-meaning and otherwise moral individuals, including counselors. This paradox has been explained in terms of socialized, systemic oppression of marginalized groups by those in power. In this article, the authors seek to extend this understanding by exploring the neurobiological dynamics underlying these systems. This understanding can aid counselors in increasing their multicultural counseling competence, spare clients from further injury, and model this prosocial orientation for clients and the community. Las microagresiones son formas de prejuicio tanto explícitas como implícitas cometidas por muchas personas con buenas intenciones y normalmente éticas, incluyendo consejeros. La explicación a esta paradoja se ha dado en términos de opresión sistémica y socializada de grupos marginados por parte de las personas que ostentan el poder. En este artículo, los autores buscaron la forma de expandir esta comprensión explorando la dinámica neurobiológica subyacente en estos sistemas. Dicha comprensión puede ayudar a los consejeros a aumentar su competencia en consejería multicultural, evitar mayores daños a sus clientes y modelar esta orientación prosocial para sus clientes y la comunidad en general.  相似文献   

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