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This study examined attitudes about body image and racial identity among Black women at a predominately White college in the United States. We conducted in-depth qualitative interviews with 34 women about their school experiences, family, racial identity, self-esteem, and body image. We found that early childhood influences including family and school environment had profound impacts on their racial identity and body image. Through a qualitative analysis based in grounded theory, we found that participants’ identification with White and/or Black culture produced levels of body satisfaction and a set of beauty ideals that generally corresponded to four racial identity groups: identification with White or Black culture, floating between both, or having a diverse self-identity.  相似文献   

In accordance with Horner's (1969) assumption that the intensity of fear of success arousal increases with the subject's success potential, graduate students from a prestigious university were chosen for a pilot investigation of the motive to avoid success in black men and women. Thirty-five subjects (14 female; 21 male) received a verbal TAT and a 54-item sex role questionnaire designed for purposes of this investigation. Fear of success was scored according to the new, experimentally derived scoring system for this motive. Contrary to expectation, the results did not indicate any evidence of success avoidance in either sex. However, fear of success in females was clearly associated with striving to develop career interests compatible with their strong commitment to home and husband, while among similarly motivated males it was suggested that the pragmatic career orientation observed was the product of compensatory motivational dynamics. It was concluded that these subjects were motivated to avoid what are perceived to be role-inappropriate behaviors while conforming to socially accepted values internalized in earlier years.  相似文献   

Five female international students studying at a western Canadian university were interviewed about their experiences of being in a difficult intimate heterosexual relationship. An in‐depth interpretive analysis revealed that, according to the participants, these relational struggles influenced their adjustment to the host culture. Implications for counselors and future research are discussed. Se entrevistó a cinco alumnas que cursan estudios en una universidad canadiense sobre sus experiencias personales en una relación íntima heterosexual complicada. Un análisis interpretativo en profundidad reveló que, según las participantes, estas dificultades en sus relaciones influyeron en su ajuste a la cultura anfitriona. También se discuten las implicaciones para consejeros e investigaciones futuras.  相似文献   

The author describes a counselor intervention program used for facilitating the personal development of adolescents. Intervention occurred through activities that were designed for Black female adolescents in a secondary public school. Goals were met through structured developmental activities, counseling sessions, and organized network support. Results indicated the program was successful.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether target applicants of different race and/or sex affected the degree of contrast effect error, in an interview setting. This study was a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial ANOVA design (Preceding Applicants × Race × Sex). Undergraduates (N= 120) were randomly assigned to one of the eight experimental conditions. Each subject viewed and rated three videotaped interview simulations. As hypothesized, results indicated a large contrast effect, i.e., preceding applicant main effect. Furthermore, the results also revealed a significant three-way interaction. The ratings given to all target applicants in the Negative Predecessor condition were equally lenient, while the ratings given to ail target applicants in the Positive Predecessor condition were more variable. The focus of this condition was on the white male target applicant, who received the lowest ratings of any target applicant. Interpretation and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Although much research has investigated predictors of homophobia in males, little attention has been given to the predictors of homophobia in females. The current study investigated how self-esteem, self-discrepancy (how much females think they fit others' expectations of how they should act with respect to gender-stereotyped attributes), and gender-attribute importance (how important gender stereotypes are to their gender identity) related to homophobia in 71 primarily White and middle-class college women. Other predictors evaluated were gender role attitudes, authoritarian attitudes, and extent of contact with lesbians and gay men. Results indicated that unlike for college men, self-discrepancy did not correlate with attitudes toward lesbians. The highest correlations with homophobia for college women were authoritarian attitudes, belief in sex role egalitarianism, degree of contact with gay men and lesbians, and importance of feminine attributes to participant's femininity. The only significant predictor, however, was authoritarian attitudes, which accounted for 62% of the variance.  相似文献   

What does it mean for a Black woman to choose to do intellectual work? In the twenty‐first century, Black women, either by virtue of their academic careers or their vocations outside of institutional settings, pursue intellectual work for its own sake as well as in pursuit of collective goals. That is to say, they can acknowledge intellectual work as a source of personal fulfillment, indeed a source of joy in ways that earlier generations of Black women could not. At least that should be true. In fact, it remains difficult for Black women to own the joy that their engagement with ideas produces.  相似文献   

A longitudinal sample of over 800 MBA graduates surveyed across a 16-year period was recruited to investigate the relationship of work values to work effort, salary levels, and other work outcomes. As predicted, certain work values were related to higher salary levels and to the number of hours worked. Changing companies more often and receiving more promotions were also significantly related to work values. Work values did not differ for women and men in the sample, except that women were higher in the value of wanting to do an excellent job. Controlling for work values did not explain significantly higher salaries for men as compared to women. Implications of these data are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined predictors of postsecondary school success by analyzing a 5-year database of 2,258 students with disabilities participating in the Marriott Foundation's “Bridges…from school to work” internship programs at 6 national sites. Discriminant analysis revealed that acceptance of a job offer was predicted by internship completion, numbers of hours worked, and days absent during the internship. Internship completion and acceptance of a job offer were predictive of follow-up employment status. The implications of these findings for future research and practice with work-bound students with disablilities are considered.  相似文献   

The authors examined the roles of reasons for living and coping in protecting against suicidal behaviors among 361 Black college students. Results of a path analysis revealed that reasons for living mediated against suicidal ideation through an inverse effect on depression. Results also indicated that greater use of emotion‐oriented coping may lead to suicidal ideation through increased depression and decreased reasons for living, whereas avoidance‐oriented coping protected against suicide. Implications for these results are further discussed.  相似文献   

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