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Research on anorexia nervosa (AN), its etiology and treatment, and the results of outcome studies are reviewed. Early studies focused on psychodynamic aspects of AN whereas recently the brain's neurotransmitters and hypothalamic area, particularly, having been investigated as contributing to symptoms of AN. No treatment is successful for all AN patients. Recovery is slow and is often resisted. Diet, psychotherapy, and drugs have sometimes alleviated symptoms for some AN patients but the root cause and the best treatment have eluded a century of research.  相似文献   


With the dramatic growth in the number of adults undergoing orthodontics to correct malocclusion, and those undergoing surgical orthodontics or orthognathic surgery to correct skeletal discrepancies in the orofacial region, it is important to examine the psychological characteristics of these patients before and after treatment is completed. This paper serves as a general review and summarizes the findings of two major longitudinal studies of patients seeking surgical correction and compares them with people who underwent conventional orthodontics, those who rejected any treatment, and those who sought cosmetic surgery. Both studies revealed that most women seeking surgical orthodontics focused on aesthetic improvement as a motive, whereas men sought to improve their appearance and mastication. Women were also more likely to report problems with the temporomandibular joint as a motive. Men and women scored similarly on a measure of body image, although women reported lower facial image presurgically and higher postsurgically than did men. The greatest gains following surgery were in facial and profile image for both men and women. Orthodontic patients showed less improvement, while those rejecting treatment experienced a decline in body image. Many functional improvements did not occur until 24 months postoperatively; lingering paraesthesia was described by 49% of the sample. Emotional reactions included anxiety preoperatively, and depression postoperatively, especially among patients scoring high on neuroticism and those experiencing other major life events. These studies reveal that people seeking surgical orthodontics are within the normal range of most personality measures and experience greater gains psychologically than do conventional orthodontic patients.  相似文献   

This study used an experimental approach to investigate the conditions under which creative outcomes should be expected from the interplay of individual creativity, the innovation orientation of the organizational culture, and the rewards distribution rules. The results of this study suggest that the individual creativity of technically educated people working in group settings constitutes a predominant factor in the creative performance of its members and in the overall group creative performance. Moreover, consistent with predictions derived from previous person-environment fit studies, the innovation orientation of the organizational culture enhanced the creative behavior of groups formed by more creative individuals, but it did not significantly increase the creative behavior of groups formed by low-creativity individuals. Finally, rewards distribution rules that generate intra-group competition seem not to directly improve or impair individual creative behavior or the final group creative outcome.  相似文献   

A brief account is given of Pyrrhonian scepticism, as portrayed by Sextus Empiricus. This scepticism differs significantly from the views commonly attributed to ‘the sceptic’ which take scepticism to be a view or philosophical position to the effect that there can be no knowledge. The Pyrrhonist makes no philosophical assertions, because he does not find the arguments in favor of any position to be decisively stronger than the arguments against. Objections to scepticism, for instance that the sceptic cannot consistently show trust and confidence, that he must ignore the obvious achievements of science, and that he cannot distinguish between appearance and reality, are found to be indecisive in the case of Pyrrhonism. After submitting Pyrrhonism to criteria of positive mental health, the author concludes by suggesting there are cases where a sceptical bent of mind should be encouraged.  相似文献   

心理契约、工作满意度与组织承诺关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深入研究心理契约、工作满意度与组织承诺关系,将对组织变革中的人力资源管理具有重要理论和实践价值。本文首先回顾心理契约、工作满意度和组织承诺的概念,其次对心理契约、工作满意度和组织承诺之间的关系做一简单总结,最后提出对人力资源管理实践的启示。  相似文献   

Psychological aspects of temporal dominance during adolescence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The conceptual differences between organizational commitment and identification are discussed theoretically and examined empirically. The present study is based on data of 450 employees of five different organizations in Nepal. A revised eight-item scale was designed out of Cheney's Organizational Identification Questionnaire to assess the core aspects of organizational identification. In confirmatory factor analyses, identification was found to be distinguishable from four related commitment concepts (i.e. affective, continuance, normative, and attitudinal commitment).  相似文献   

Although psychological androgyny has been theoretically related to greater interpersonal and situational adaptability, the relationship between the two has not been articulated. The present study hypothesized that the superior adaptability of psychologically androgynous persons would be evidenced in a coping style characterized by high self-monitoring, internal locus of control, and positive expectations of achievement and affiliation success. To assess this relationship, the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) and seven self-report measures were completed by 236 college men and women. Analyses of variance, with participants categorized according to sex-role style, and multiple regression analyses of the BSRI femininity and masculinity scale scores for females and males on each of the self-report measures were conducted to test androgyny theory and alternative predictions. The analyses indicated that the predominance of masculine traits accounted more often than a combination of masculine and feminine traits for the more adaptive scores for both women and men. Only for expectations of affiliation success among women was there clear support for psychological androgyny theory.  相似文献   

This study examined the generalizability of psychological contract forms observed in the West (D. M. Rousseau, 2000) to China. Using 2 independent samples, results confirmed the generalizability of 3 psychological contract forms: transactional, relational, and balanced. This study also examined the nature of relationships of psychological contracts with organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). In particular, this study explored the role of instrumentality as a mediating psychological process. The authors found evidence that instrumentality mediates the relationship of relational and balanced forms with OCB; however, the transactional contract form is directly related to OCB. The authors discuss the implications of these results for the meaning of psychological contracts and OCB in China and raise issues for future research.  相似文献   

The possibilities of treatment of the congenital neurological disease myelomeningocele have improved since the 1960s. The patients who survive often suffer from severe motor and mental handicaps, and it has been discussed whether a selection should be made of those children who should be treated or whether all children should be treated. Here we present results of a longitudinal study of 56 children, who were all treated and still continue active treatment. The results show that mental retardation was not greater than in groups of children selected for treatment according to a criterion. There was no difference between the sexes. Mean IQ was 90, 75% attended normal school, and only 33% received remedial instruction, primarily because of difficulties with emptying the bladder.  相似文献   

Psychological aspects of low back pain: summary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Two common forms of countertransferential problems seen in genetic counseling, associative and projective, are described and illustrated. Both forms have the potential of reducing the quality of empathy counselors provide counselees. When counselors experience the same problems as the counselees they counsel it is virtually impossible to avoid facing countertransferential reactions which may not always promote the counselees' interests and/or redound to their benefit. Genetic counselors, like other personal counselors and psychotherapists, have a professional responsibility to be aware of, monitor, contain, and learn from their countertransferential experiences.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, progressive neurological disease that produces demyelination of the CNS nerve fibers. With onset most often in young adulthood, the disease produces a variety of neurological symptoms and follows an unpredictable course characterized by exacerbations and remissions. This article reviews the literature on psychological aspects of MS including early psychoanalytic studies and more current psychosocial research. Literature on the relationship between stress and symptoms, and the extent of cognitive impairment experienced is reviewed. A view of psychosocial adjustment to MS based upon an adaptive coping model, and a psychological treatment approach suited to the special needs of individuals with MS are discussed. Finally, a biopsychosocial research model is recommended due to the complex, interactive nature of MS and unique research difficulties it presents.  相似文献   

Psychological aspects of genetic counseling. VII. Thoughts on directiveness   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Directiveness and nondirectiveness in genetic counseling are poorly understood on the operational level, and information about what counselors allege they do and what actually is done in practice is lacking. Although they are often thought of as diametrically opposite approaches, when viewed as strategies of persuasion, their similarities become more apparent. Directive counselors attempt to influence the counselee's behavior, whereas nondirective ones attempt to influence the latter's thinking processes; there is need for both approaches. Directiveness may also sometimes occur because of inadequate interview skills. The case made for directiveness is discussed and critiqued, available research is reviewed, and suggestions for future studies are advanced.  相似文献   

Organizational commitment (OC), organizational trust (OT), and organizational identification (OI) are three types of psychological attachment to an organization. Each of these three variables captures an organization-targeted attitude toward an employment relationship, but it is unclear whether they have incremental validity over each other. To address this question, this study examined the incremental validity of each variable in predicting job involvement, job satisfaction, turnover intentions, and non-self-report measures of task performance and citizenship behavior. It also examined whether perceived organizational support and psychological contract breach, two other organization-targeted attitudinal variables, were related to OC, OT, and OI when the latter were considered jointly. Meta-analytical evidence suggests that OC, OT, and OI have incremental validity over and above one another in their relationships with some, but not all, of the above correlates. This highlights the need for future research to distinguish these three types of psychological attachment to an organization.  相似文献   

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