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Two pairs of experiments studied the effects of attention and of unilateral neglect on auditory streaming. The first pair showed that the build up of auditory streaming in normal participants is greatly reduced or absent when they attend to a competing task in the contralateral ear. It was concluded that the effective build up of streaming depends on attention. The second pair showed that patients with an attentional deficit toward the left side of space (unilateral neglect) show less stream segregation of tone sequences presented to their left than to their right ears. Streaming in their right ears was similar to that for stimuli presented to either ear of healthy and of brain-damaged controls, who showed no across-ear asymmetry. This result is consistent with an effect of attention on streaming, constrains the neural sites involved, and reveals a qualitative difference between the perception of left- and right-sided sounds by neglect patients.  相似文献   

An acoustic perceptual investigation of the five lexical tones of Thai was conducted to evaluate the nature of tonal disruption in patients with unilateral lesions in the left and right hemisphere. Subjects (n = 48) included 10 young normal adults, 10 old normal adults, 11 right hemisphere nonaphasics, 9 left hemisphere fluent aphasics, and 8 left hemisphere nonfluent aphasics. The five Thai tones (mid, low, falling, high, rising) were produced in isolated monosyllables, presented for tonal identification judgments, and measured for fundamental frequency (Fo) and duration. Results of an analysis of variance indicated that left hemisphere nonfluent speakers signaled and tonal contrasts at a lower level of proficiency. The extent of their impairment varied depending on severity level of aphasia. When compared to normal speakers, tonal identification for less severe nonfluent aphasics differed more in degree than in kind, and for more severe nonfluent aphasics differed both in kind and in degree. Acoustic analysis revealed that with the exception of one left nonfluent, average Fo contours were comparable in shape across speaker groups. Variability in Fo production, however, was greater in left nonfluent speakers than in any of the other four groups of speakers. Issues are discussed regarding the extent and nature of tonal disruption in aphasia and hemispheric specialization for tone production.  相似文献   

A picture story task was developed to examine expression of emotion via the verbal/lexical channel. The task elicited discourse with either emotional, visual-spatial, or neutral content and was administered to right brain-damaged (RBD), left brain-damaged (LBD), and normal control (NC) right-handed adults. Subjects were matched for gender, age, education, and occupational status. The brain-damaged groups were matched for months post-CVA onset and were similar with respect to intrahemispheric site of lesion. While the number of words produced was equivalent for each of the subject groups, the RBDs and LBDs expressed quantitatively less content than did the NCs. When content differences were examined within each subject group, there were no differences for LBDs and NCs, but the RBDs showed a selective deficit when producing emotional content. This finding suggests a special role for the right hemisphere in the production of emotional content in verbal discourse.  相似文献   

Eight severe aphasics were given sentences with either emotional or neutral content, presented once directly by the examiner and once via a tape recorder. Sentences with emotional content produced a greater number of responses than their neutral counterparts. Sentences spoken by the examiner also produced a significantly greater number of responses than the same items originating from a tape recorder. These results confirm the view that elements not related to the linguistic aspects of a message (and therefore referred to as paralinguistic) play a significant role in auditory comprehension.  相似文献   

The present study used a chimeric stimuli task to assess the magnitude of the left-hemispace bias in children with congenital unilateral brain damage (n = 46) as compared to typically developing matched controls (n = 46). As would be expected, controls exhibited a significant left-hemispace bias. In the presence of left hemisphere (LH) damage, the left-hemispace preference was found to be present, but attenuated, whereas right hemisphere (RH) damage resulted in a less lateralized process. Examination of lesion severity revealed that large lesions in the RH were associated with a reversal of the typical left-hemispace bias, while small lesions resulted in a left bias approximating that of controls. In contrast, the left-hemispace preference in children with LH damage was similar across lesion size. We conclude that damage to either hemisphere early in brain development may alter hemispheric preference for processing of nonverbal stimuli, and that at least in the case of RH damage, alteration of the normal perceptual asymmetry may depend on the interaction between lesion side and severity.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship between unilateral brain damage and the effect of nonverbal perceptual priming using a picture-fragment completion task. Subjects consisted of 11 left brain-damaged patients, 8 right brain-damaged patients, and 10 healthy normal controls. The mean score of normal controls was significantly higher than those of left and right brain-damaged patients. Although there were significant effects of priming in all the groups, a significant difference in amplitude of priming effects was found only between right brain-damaged patients and normal controls. The correlation between amount of fragmentation at which there was identification and priming effect was not significant. We conclude that the right hemisphere is more involved in perceptual priming of form than is the left hemisphere, and form-dependent processing in the perceptual priming task has an asymmetrical distribution in the right and left hemispheres.  相似文献   

Prosody plays a clear role in the auditory comprehension of narratives by aphasic listeners. Previous research, however, has pointed to questions regarding variables which increase task complexity (e.g., memory, reading level) and the influence of the severity of aphasia. This study examined the role of the severity of aphasia and linguistic complexity in narrative comprehension by aphasic listeners. Findings indicate that while all subject groups improved their auditory comprehension when emphasis was present, people with severe aphasia improved significantly more, but only in a low linguistic complexity condition. However, subjects had additional opportunity for improved performance in both low and high linguistic complexity conditions. These results pose additional questions about perceived task difficulty (and performance) and resource allocation strategies.  相似文献   

Impairment of auditory perception and language comprehension in dysphasia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Men with chronic focal brain wounds were examined for their ability to discriminate complex tones, synthesized steady-state vowels, and synthesized consonant—vowel syllables. Subjects with left hemisphere damage, but not right hemisphere damage, were impaired in their ability to respond correctly to rapidly changing acoustic stimuli, regardless of whether stimuli were verbal or nonverbal. The degree of impairment in auditory processing correlated highly with the degree of language comprehension impairment. The pattern of impairment of the group with left hemisphere damage on these perceptual tests was similar to that found in children with developmental language disorders.  相似文献   

LW Balling  RH Baayen 《Cognition》2012,125(1):80-106
Two auditory lexical decision experiments document for morphologically complex words two points at which the probability of a target word given the evidence shifts dramatically. The first point is reached when morphologically unrelated competitors are no longer compatible with the evidence. Adapting terminology from Marslen-Wilson (1984), we refer to this as the word's initial uniqueness point (UP1). The second point is the complex uniqueness point (CUP) introduced by Balling and Baayen (2008), at which morphologically related competitors become incompatible with the input. Later initial as well as complex uniqueness points predict longer response latencies. We argue that the effects of these uniqueness points arise due to the large surprisal (Levy, 2008) carried by the phonemes at these uniqueness points, and provide independent evidence that how cumulative surprisal builds up in the course of the word co-determines response latencies. The presence of effects of surprisal, both at the initial uniqueness point of complex words, and cumulatively throughout the word, challenges the Shortlist B model of Norris and McQueen (2008), and suggests that a Bayesian approach to auditory comprehension requires complementation from information theory in order to do justice to the cognitive cost of updating probability distributions over lexical candidates.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess whether perceptual representation along the horizontal axis is affected by hemispace position of the stimulus or by orienting attention to one side. Ten control subjects and 10 right brain damaged patients with left unilateral spatial neglect (USN) were asked to bisect lines of five lengths in three space positions (left, center, right) and under three cueing conditions (no cue, left cue, right cue). Normal controls showed significant displacement of bisection opposite to the side of hemispace presentation and toward the side of cueing. USN patients showed a bisection error toward the right end which increased with lines placed in the left hemispace and decreased with lines placed in the right hemispace and when attention was oriented toward the left side. We conclude that (1) In absence of cues normal subjects tend to overestimate the portions of space closer to their body midline; (2) both normal and USN patients tend to overestimate portions of space that they direct their attention to; (3) USN patients' performance without cueing is consistent with an attentional shift toward the right hemispace implying a gradient of overestimation of the right-most portions of space. A common neural substratum for directing attention and space representation can explain these findings.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the abilities of left-hemisphere-damaged (LHD) non-fluent aphasic, right-hemisphere-damaged (RHD), and normal control individuals to access, in sentential biasing contexts, the multiple meanings of three types of ambiguous words, namely homonyms (e.g., "punch"), metonymies (e.g., "rabbit"), and metaphors (e.g., "star"). Furthermore, the predictions of the "suppression deficit" and "coarse semantic coding" hypotheses, which have been proposed to account for RH language function/dysfunction, were tested. Using an auditory semantic priming paradigm, ambiguous words were incorporated in dominant- or subordinate-biasing sentence-primes followed after a short (100 ms) or long (1,000 ms) interstimulus interval (ISI) by dominant-meaning-related, subordinate-meaning-related or unrelated target words. For all three types of ambiguous words, both the effects of context and ISI were obvious in the performance of normal control subjects, who showed multiple meaning activation at the short ISI, but eventually, at the long ISI, contextually appropriate meaning selection. Largely similar performance was exhibited by the LHD non-fluent aphasic patients as well. In contrast, RHD patients showed limited effects of context, and no effects of the time-course of processing. In addition, although homonymous and metonymous words showed similar patterns of activation (i.e., both meanings were activated at both ISIs), RHD patients had difficulties activating the subordinate meanings of metaphors, suggesting a selective problem with figurative meanings. Although the present findings do not provide strong support for either the "coarse semantic coding" or the "suppression deficit" hypotheses, they are viewed as being more consistent with the latter, according to which RH damage leads to deficits suppressing alternative meanings of ambiguous words that become incompatible with the context.  相似文献   

Two auditory ERP studies examined the role of animacy in sentence comprehension in Mandarin Chinese by comparing active and passive sentences in simple verb-final (Experiment 1) and relative clause constructions (Experiment 2). In addition to the voice manipulation (which modulated the assignment of actor and undergoer roles to the arguments), both arguments were either animate or inanimate. This allowed us to examine the interplay of animacy with thematic interpretation. In Experiment 1, we observed no effect of animacy at NP1, but N400 effects for inanimate actor arguments in second position. This result mirrors previous findings in German, thus suggesting that an initial undergoer universally leads to the prediction of an ideal (animate) actor. We also observed an N400 effect for passive sentences with an inanimate initial (undergoer) argument. We attribute this effect to a language-specific property of the passive construction in Chinese, namely that the first argument is negatively affected by the event described (i.e. bears an experiencer role). Experiment 2 showed that both of these effects can also be observed in sentence constructions of another type, in which the critical information sources become available in a different order. These findings provide the first demonstration that the N400 is not only sensitive to general (universal) aspects of thematic processing (i.e. "who is acting on whom") but also to the interaction between thematic interpretation and language-specific pragmatic principles.  相似文献   

Studies examining a relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and relative visual inattention towards left space have produced inconsistent results. Here, based on previous studies with adult neurological patients who show very severe inattention to the left, we examine whether any spatial bias in ADHD may be modulated by changes in alertness levels. In a single case, we found that inattention to the left--that was intermittently apparent--dramatically increased as a function of time-on-task. No significant changes were observed on the right. The implications for clinical assessment and research design are discussed.  相似文献   

Neurological patients with unilateral neglect fail to orient and respond to stimuli on one side, typically the left. A key research issue is whether neglect is exhibited with respect to the left side of the viewer or of objects. When deficits in attentional allocation depend not merely on an object's location with respect to the viewer but on the object's intrinsic extent, shape, or movement, researchers have inferred that attention must be operating in an object-based frame of reference. Simulations of a view-based connectionist model of spatial attention prove that this inference is not logically necessary: Object-based attentional effects can be obtained without object-based frames. The model thus explains away troublesome phenomena for view-based theories of object recognition.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a system for training of stroke patients with unilateral neglect by using technology of virtual reality (VR). The proposed system is designed to compensate for unilateral neglect. This system contains the calibration of unilateral neglect and the training of this disease. The calibration procedure is implemented by aligning the virtual object at a subjective middle line. The training procedure is implemented by completing the missions that are used to keep the virtual avatar safe during crossing the street in a virtual environment. The results of this study show that the proposed system is effective to train unilateral neglect. The left to right ratio scores extracted from this system gradually decrease as the sessions of training are repeated. To validate the VR system parameters, the parameters are analyzed by correlation with those of traditional unilateral neglect assessment methods (such as the line bisection test and the cancellation test).  相似文献   

Fluency of conversational speech in children with unilateral brain lesions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The spontaneous conversational speech of 20 children with unilateral left hemisphere lesions and 13 with right lesions was compared to normally developing peers matched by age, sex, race, and social class for instances of stuttering type nonfluencies, normal nonfluencies, and rate of speech. Both left and right lesioned children provided quantitatively more and qualitatively different patterns of nonfluencies than their neurologically normal peers. Left and right lesioned children produced more stuttering types of nonfluencies than their controls, but neither lesioned group produced a greater number of normal nonfluencies than controls. Left lesioned children also had a slower rate of speech as measured by number of syllables per second during either stuttered or fluent speech. Considerable variability was observed among lesioned children. Implications for neurogenic theories of developmental fluency disorders are discussed.  相似文献   

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