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Eleven personal and organizational variables were measured in a large national sample of employment counselors. Data indicate that female counselors were younger than males, older counselors had higher educational levels than younger ones, and as the level of education increased, so did the number of professional association memberships and time spent in counseling activities. Employment counselors with first-line supervisors who had counseling experience tended to be older, spent more time in counseling activities, had higher education levels, and belonged to more professional associations than did counselors whose supervisors did not have counseling experience.  相似文献   

Although the feminist movement has expanded job opportunities for women, there are many psychological and cultural barriers that prevent many women job seekers from taking advantage of these opportunities. A review of the recent literature on the counseling needs of women points out the role conflicts, cultural hostility, and institutional bias that keep some women out of the labor market and cause job-seeking and job adjustment problems for others. Awareness of these factors on the part of employment counselors will aid the smooth transition from home to career for women applicants.  相似文献   

The relationship of role conflict and role ambiguity to job satisfaction and other variables was examined in a national sample of 506 employment counselors. A survey was mailed to USES counselors in ten states. Regression analysis showed that the 11 personal and organizational variables included in the study accounted for only a small amount of the variance in role conflict or role ambiguity. On the other hand, role conflict and role ambiguity were negatively and significantly related to job satisfaction of the counselors. These stress variables were related positively and significantly to counselors' propensity to leave the agency. Privacy of counseling facilities and time spent in counseling activities were two variables contributing most to explaining variance in role stress. Both related negatively and significantly to role conflict and role ambiguity.  相似文献   

How can the systems approach and the related tools and techniques be used to improve the training of employment counselors? This article is intended to provide a tentative answer to that question. First, a conventional model for training counselors will be evaluated. Second, a systems-based model will be described. Finally, some advantages and limitations of the proposed model will be examined.  相似文献   

This article describes the current situation in Hungary and the efforts that are being made to develop employment counseling service and training programs.  相似文献   

Thirty employment counselors appraised personal and job-related attributes of rehabilitation counselors using a 67-item semantic differential stereotype scale. Thirty rehabilitation counselors rated themselves and also how they believed employment counselors would rate rehabilitation counselors on the same scale. The rehabilitation counselors' self-ratings revealed a generally positive self-portrait; however, the self-ratings, when compared to how they believed employment counselors perceived rehabilitation counselors, yielded statistically significant negative relationships on 60 scales. Comparison of perceived versus actual ratings of rehabilitation counselors by employment counselors showed statistically different ratings on 49 scales, all in a positive direction. That employment counselors perceived rehabilitation counselors much more positively than the latter expected helps explain why placement functions and team cooperation are limited among these professionals, and should therefore be increased.  相似文献   

The authors studied the employment of counselors with master's degrees in multiservice mental health agencies. The study focused on the types of clients seen, the direct care services provided, and the administrative duties performed. Results suggested that the employment of counselors does not differ significantly from the employment of individuals with master's degrees in psychology and social work. Also, the data indicated that counselors are delivering direct care services that traditionally have been offered in mental health centers, that clients seen by counselors demonstrate a range of mental disorders, and that counselors are responsible for fulfilling various administrative duties.  相似文献   

The authors studied employment and roles of master's-level counselors in employee assistance programs (EAPs) and the services offered by different types of EAP organizations. The study focused on programs, workshops and seminars: assessment; counseling; consultation; and evaluation and marketing services offered by EAPs. Master's-level counselors were found to be similar to those with Master's of Social Work (MSW) degrees in employment rate and percentage of EAP staff. Both groups were the most frequently employed and constitute the greatest percentage of the professional mental health staff in EAPs. Also, counselors were found to be involved in all of the service areas studied within each type of EAP. Differences in counselors' roles among EAP types are discussed.  相似文献   

To prepare employment counselors for teaching career orientation to all students in the schools, an Inductive Training Style (ITS) has been developed in Mannheim, Germany.  相似文献   

Counselors in settings as diverse as schools, corporations, and community agencies are well aware of the numbers of people in the United States who daily come in contact with stressors that are extreme and potentially traumatic. Automobile accidents, disasters, or encounters with interpersonal violence are ubiquitous. Professional counselors, regardless of their professional identification or the settings in which they work, are very likely providing services to many people who are in distress after traumatic exposures. These counselors would benefit from knowing what other mental health professionals consider to be best practices for preventing and treating posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSDs). The purpose of this article is to summarize for counselors those best practices that have been recently developed and published by a multidisciplinary expert group (E. B. Foa, J. R. T. Davidson, & A. Frances, 1999) in their article “Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.”  相似文献   

A national survey of practicing school counselors was conducted to obtain information regarding (a) their accountability practices, (b) barriers to the collection of accountability data, (c) the relationship between involvement in accountability efforts and demographic variables, and (d) strategies for increasing activity in the area of accountability. Results indicated that 55% of the 239 respondents were collecting accountability data, often for the purpose of enhancing their professional growth and development. The 108 school counselors not involved in the collection of such data identified lack of familiarity with procedures and time constraints as major barriers. Respondents indicated a need for additional preservice and in-service training, as well as for dissemination of exemplary procedures.  相似文献   

A national survey of substance abuse counselors (N = 134) was conducted to learn their current and preferred supervision practices. Results are presented for the entire sample, as well as within-group comparisons based on counselor recovery status and education level.  相似文献   

Support for meditation is found across academic communities and popular culture. Although the application of meditative practices has yielded positive treatment outcomes, larger purposes of the practice are perhaps lost in the empirically driven West, thus driving a risk of appropriation. In response, the authors outline 4 implications for best practice for counselors who aspire to engage in the culturally responsible use of meditative practices.  相似文献   

It is the authors' belief that the skills or knowledge acquired in short-term educational experiences are often rapidly washed-out after returning to a work environment. This article describes an attempt to maintain the skills of employment counselors after they return from a workshop setting to their work environment.  相似文献   

Outservice practicum training of employment service counselors presents a particular challenge to counselor educators. An overview of a two-week practicum-laboratory training program is presented and discussed. The efficacy of the training is examined from the standpoint of helpful levels of empathy presented by the employment service counselors trained. The difference between pretraining and posttraining levels of empathy indicated statistically significant gains were realized.  相似文献   

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