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大量的研究表明心理理论和语言之间存在着密切的关系,但具体关系如何,一直存在争议。文章介绍了心理理论和语言关系的新近研究,着重阐述了目前关于二者关系的两种观点: (1)心理理论和语言发展之间不仅是早期揭示的一般相关关系,而是可能存在着因果关系——或以语言为因,或以心理理论为因;(2)心理理论和语言都受第三种因素影响,如执行功能和生长环境,但这些因素是究竟如何影响心理理论和语言发展的,还需深入探讨。文章最后对该领域今后的研究提出了新的见解和思路,包括对不同语言能力间的比较研究,对二者关系的跨文化研究和毕生取向研究等  相似文献   

语言获得建构论认为儿童利用社会和一般的认知技能进行范畴化。通过主动的用法建构获得语言符号系统。通过大量研究分析推断:儿童心理理论的发展是儿童社会认知概念系统发展和语言表征发展的结果。通过概念系统发展和语言表征以及语言功能性发展的分析,有助于理解语言能力和心理理论的关系。  相似文献   

心理理论和语言能力的关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
心理理论和语言能力的关系已日益引起研究者们的关注.文章综述了以非人灵长类动物、正常儿童和特殊人群为对象进行的有关心理理论和语言关系的研究,从比较和发展的角度进行了理论分析.提出一定的语言能力水平也许是通过心理理论测试的前提条件,但二者有着不同的发展规律,并表现为复杂的共存关系.  相似文献   

语言与心理理论的关系是儿童研究领域的研究者们长期探讨的话题,大量的实验结果表明二者的确存在密切的关系,但具体机制尚未弄清。该文介绍了探讨二者关系的一种新思路,即把心理理论重铸为对认知灵活性的测量,来考察语言在心理理论中的作用。文中介绍了语言的标签效应对认知灵活性影响的实验证据,并预期了在心理理论任务中使用语言标签可能出现的结果。  相似文献   

张丽锦  吴南 《心理学报》2010,42(12):1166-1174
为探明汉语儿童语言和心理理论的发展, 追踪二者的动态关系及相互作用的方向, 本研究以80名4、5岁儿童为研究对象, 纵向探查了前后相隔6个月的儿童的一般语言能力和心理理论的发展状况, 并运用交叉-滞后组相关分析初步探查了二者是否存在因果关系及可能的作用方向。结果表明:4~5岁是汉语儿童心理理论发展的重要时期, 语言在这一阶段也得到快速发展。交叉-滞后组相关分析发现了4岁儿童语言和心理理论因果关系的证据, 但随着年龄的增长, 语言对心理理论的前提基础作用有所减弱, 5岁儿童没有表现出这种因果关系。  相似文献   

语言与数量认知关系的新认识   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
数量认知研究近年有长足发展。文章从新近提出的独立于语言的两个数量表征核心系统,语言与精确数量运算,语言与算术事实的储存,语言对儿童早期数概念发展的影响,语言与数量认知关系的最新脑科学证据,以及语言在数量认知模型中的角色等方面,介绍和评述了人类存在依赖和不依赖语言的两级数量能力的新认识。对于是否还存在其它不依赖语言的理解数量的系统,以及这些非语言数量表征系统的认知机制,文章认为有待进一步研究  相似文献   

从人类有传递信息的意识开始符号就随之诞生了,符号学发展至今已经与很多学科领域融合,文章所谈的美术符号就是符号学与美术这一领域结合相交便有的美术符号这一名词。美术符号与广义的符号学不同,它侧重研究绘画作品中的符号形式以及应用方法,也就是以美术符号的视觉来研究绘画的发展。文章将重点探讨美术符号在绘画作品中的解析以及其在绘画作品中应用的重要程度。  相似文献   

从早期的岩壁绘画到今天的当代艺术,符号始终都是艺术发展必不可少的重要元素。不同的表达、展现形式,不同的语言,所表现的符号意义也有所不同。它们可以是人衣服上的图案,可以是活跃在纸上的符号,也可以是绘画特殊符号形式的体现,或是陈列于美术馆里的一双鞋,这些都是符号的一种体现。当代艺术正流行装置、构成等这些以一种符号的形式所表达出来的一种艺术观念。每个年代都会产生不同的符号,而这些符号正是时代给予我们的丰厚馈赠。早期绘画大师们也都曾互相借鉴学习,最终形成属于自己的符号形式,这也正是所有艺术家们所追求的,即寻找一个属于自己的绘画语言、一种属于自己的符号。这也给我们的创作学习带来了很多的帮助,让我们学会探索、借鉴、学习,逐渐去寻找自己的符号语言,虽然这段时间是漫长的,但也是不可缺少的。时代在发展,科技在进步,符号形式的绘画与艺术在充实我们的艺术生活。通过学习和研究,我们可以更好地了解符号、应用符号,将属于我们自己的、象征着这个时代最具活力的符号展现给世人。  相似文献   

色彩油画作品的创作是一种色彩笔触、色彩心理和创作者感情的融合。作为绘画语言的色彩,不仅是画家情感的表现,也是画家精神的深化。当然,色彩心理也广泛运用于油画创作中。画家将自己的心情和思想通过色彩的变化来表现,形成自己独特的绘画风格。通过查阅大量西方绘画资料发现,在油画创作中,色彩是一种重要的艺术语言和绘画技巧,画家对画面色彩的表现和处理,在不同时期有些不同的发展和理解,同时,色彩心理效应也影响着油画创作的时代语言和符号。随着社会的发展,色彩绘画发展至今,有着不同的发展脉络,其在油画创作中的作用也愈发明显。  相似文献   

何秀煌谈记号与符号徐兰香港中文大学文学院院长何秀煌教授5月14日在中国社会科学院哲学所谈记号与符号问题。他说:英文sign,在台湾通译为记号,在大陆译为符号。与符号有关的另一个英文单词是Symbol,除可译为符号、记号外,还能译为象征。记号与符号,译法不同,意义也不尽相同。首先,记号比符号义广,它可分为自然记号和人工记号,前者适用于表达自然界的信息,如DNA代表遗传信息;后者指人类创造的符号系统,如文字、图象等,人工记号也就是符号。因此,符号学是研究人创造的符号系统,它有两个显著特征,其一,符号的意义有赖于特定的语言系统;其二,符号的意义随着历史的变化而变化。任何符号要成为语言,都必须遵循一定的规则,这些规则本身也是变化的,但又保持一定张力,即在特定的时期规则具有相对稳定性。与人工智能中的运算规则(程序)相比,自然智能中的符号的规则的变化要明显和重要得多,艺术创造就强调语言的个性特征,当然也不能完全不同于同时代的人,否则就无法与人交流。何秀煌指出,根据语用学,可将语言分为大语言和小语言,大语言是指日常生活中的用语;小语言是指某一专业领域的术语。大语言和小语言的关系在于,首先,用小语言无法表述、解决大语言的问  相似文献   

The present study explored the relationship between South African preschool children's intelligence scores achieved on the Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test (GHD), and the accuracy of teachers' ratings of the human-figure drawings and teachers' general perceptions of children's intellectual maturity. The GHD was administered individually to 30 boys and 30 girls between the ages of 4 and 6 years (M = 4.5. SD = 0.7) from a multicultural (Black, Colored, and White) preschool near the Cape, South Africa. The three class teachers of these preschoolers provided the ratings and perceptions of each child's intellectual maturity. Results indicated that the teachers' assessments of children's intellectual maturity were fairly similar to the formal measures of children's intellectual maturity using human figure drawings and their own perceptions. It appears that teacher ratings of drawings could be relied upon as a means of assessment. General perceptions of children's intellectual maturity should not be solely relied upon, but instead these perceptions should be used as an aid for enhancing the teachers' assessment of children's intellectual maturity in addition to the rating of human figure drawings.  相似文献   

Papafragou A  Li P  Choi Y  Han CH 《Cognition》2007,103(2):253-299
What is the relation between language and thought? Specifically, how do linguistic and conceptual representations make contact during language learning? This paper addresses these questions by investigating the acquisition of evidentiality (the linguistic encoding of information source) and its relation to children's evidential reasoning. Previous studies have hypothesized that the acquisition of evidentiality is complicated by the subtleness and abstractness of the underlying concepts; other studies have suggested that learning a language which systematically (e.g. grammatically) marks evidential categories might serve as a pacesetter for early reasoning about sources of information. We conducted experimental studies with children learning Korean (a language with evidential morphology) and English (a language without grammaticalized evidentiality) in order to test these hypotheses. Our experiments compared 3- and 4-year-old Korean children's knowledge of the semantics and discourse functions of evidential morphemes to their (non-linguistic) ability to recognize and report different types of evidential sources. They also compared Korean children's source monitoring abilities to the source monitoring abilities of English-speaking children of the same age. We found that Korean-speaking children have considerable success in producing evidential morphology but their comprehension of such morphology is very fragile. Nevertheless, young Korean speakers are able to reason successfully about sources of information in non-linguistic tasks; furthermore, their performance in these tasks is similar to that of English-speaking peers. These results support the conclusion that the acquisition of evidential expressions poses considerable problems for learners; however, these problems are not (necessarily) conceptual in nature. Our data also suggest that, contrary to relativistic expectations, children's ability to reason about sources of information proceeds along similar lines in diverse language-learning populations and is not tied to the acquisition of the linguistic markers of evidentiality in the exposure language. We discuss implications of our findings for the relationship between linguistic and conceptual representations during development.  相似文献   

传统的归纳推理观主要包括特征相似性观和概念观。在基于这两种传统观点的研究过程中,研究者逐渐发现类别知识,特别是标签起到的独特作用,但目前关于不同类型标签作用的分析还缺乏系统性。该文从分析目前两大主要标签研究现状——语言标签和类别标签入手,试图明确标签作用和关系、解释混淆和误解;同时,作者就以标签为载体的研究同儿童语言发展间存在的密切联系提出了儿童归纳推理发展的语言认知模式。文章最后认为未来的研究方向应集中在对机制、技术和深层次内部关系三方面问题的探讨上。  相似文献   

以绘画故事作为实验任务,对儿童绘画语义表达能力的发展进行探讨。研究对象为3~6岁儿童,按年龄分为3组。研究结果表明:儿童绘画故事能力的发展是一个从零散到整合,从无序到有序的过程。4~5岁是儿童绘画故事发展过程中的重要转折时期。故事的结构水平对儿童绘画故事有影响。  相似文献   

Children's judgments of sentences were examined in 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds in an effort to examine the relationship between children's use of various linguistic features and their judgments of these features in formal tasks. The sentences the children were asked to judge differed on the basis of features acquired gradually during the development of children's linguistic usage. The judgments made by the children did not appear related to the course followed in the acquisition of language usage, a finding that suggests that language acquisition and formal linguistic judgments may reflect different processes.  相似文献   

对心理理论两成分认知模型的验证   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:20  
Tager-Flusberg 和 Sullivan(2000)从主体信息加工的角度出发首次提出了一个心理理论模型,认为心理理论包括两个成分:一个是社会知觉成分,一个是社会认知成分。本研究设计了一个适合儿童特点的测查社会知觉成分的任务,将对心理理论两成分模型作进一步的验证,并对语言和心理理论两个成分的关系进行了初步探讨。被试为90名3~5岁的儿童,男女各半。结果表明心理理论的认知成分同语言相关密切,而知觉成分同语言没有表现出明显的相关。这个结果为该认知模型提供了进一步的证据  相似文献   

Smith LB  Jones SS  Yoshida H  Colunga E 《Cognition》2003,87(3):209-213
Booth and Waxman (Cognition 84 (2002) B11) have recently shown that linguistic cues to animacy affect children's novel name extensions. They argue that this demonstration contradicts two central tenets of our attentional learning account of object naming, which Booth and Waxman characterize as the "dumb attentional mechanism" or "DAM" account. In the present article, we show that the first of these tenets has never been a feature of the attentional learning account, and that the second tenet, which is central to our account, is not addressed by Booth and Waxman's findings. We suggest that the debate about the nature of children's language and cognition would profit from an increased awareness of the different levels of analysis at which different researchers are working.  相似文献   

康丹  李佳佳  蔡术 《心理科学进展》2022,30(6):1270-1281
睡眠是个体身心健康发展的重要保障。学前期的睡眠问题可能会对儿童的行为、认知、语言和健康等诸多方面产生负面影响。研究表明, 睡眠呼吸障碍、夜间睡眠不足以及入睡困难等睡眠问题是学前儿童语言障碍的潜在威胁性因素。学者们提出了睡眠记忆巩固假说、警觉性假说和突触稳态假说来解释睡眠问题影响学前儿童语言发展的内在机制。这些研究结果为语言障碍的早期干预提供了一种新思路, 即通过行为干预、药物治疗、手术治疗和游戏干预等睡眠问题干预方式来提高学前儿童的语言能力。未来的研究可以进一步深入分析睡眠问题与语言障碍相关联的内在机制, 了解不同年龄段儿童睡眠问题与语言能力的关系, 以及探究融合教育背景下有效的游戏干预方式。  相似文献   

通过两项实验分别对96名4~7岁儿童和144名4~9岁儿童进行研究,考察了4~9岁儿童关于图画作者年龄特征的认知发展特点。结果表明:6岁前儿童不能恰当地推测图画作者的年龄特征,5岁到8岁间儿童在判断长于自己的作者的图画过程中表现出了"完好"倾向。研究认为早期儿童在图画判断过程中经历了一个以自我为中心到去自我中心的过程。研究为儿童美术欣赏教育提供了建议。  相似文献   

: Statistically, women, particularly pregnant women and new mothers, are at heightened risk for depression. The present review describes the current state of the research linking maternal depressed mood and children's cognitive and language development. Exposure to maternal depressive symptoms, whether during the prenatal period, postpartum period, or chronically, has been found to increase children's risk for later cognitive and language difficulties. The present review considers both the timing of maternal depression and the chronicity of mothers' depression on children's risk for cognitive and language delays. Infancy is frequently identified as a sensitive period in which environmental stimulation has the potential to substantially influence children's cognitive and language development. However, children's exposure to chronic maternal depression seems to be associated with more problematic outcomes for children, perhaps because depression interferes with mothers' ability to respond sensitively and consistently over time. Consistent with this expectation, interventions targeting parenting practices of depressed mothers have been found to increase children's cognitive competence during early childhood. The current review provides a synthesis of the current state of the field regarding the association between maternal depression and children's cognitive and language development during early childhood.  相似文献   

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