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行为遗传学:从宏观到微观的生命研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
行为遗传学是在多门学科发展的基础上形成的一门交叉学科。从19世纪末期到现在,行为遗传学已跨入第三个世纪。从孟德尔单基因遗传定律到多基因系统与环境交互作用影响复杂的人类行为,从传统的计量遗传学研究到连锁、关联研究再到功能基因组学技术的应用,无论在思想体系还是研究方法上,行为遗传学都取得了突破性进展。尽管行为遗传学在阐明基因究竟怎样影响行为的道路上仍处于起步阶段,但毋庸置疑,这一学科的进步将有助于人类了解自身行为,减轻人类病痛,并最终推动整个社会健康发展。  相似文献   

探讨原创性科学研究的作用及特点,从遗传学发展史中选取某些典型事例进行分析,遗传学的百年历史记载着一批遗传学大师们的原创性科学研究的光辉业绩,他们的研究工作具有共同的特点,但在某一方面又有独到之处.原创性科学研究是学科形成和发展的原动力.原创性科学研究主要包含四个特点:卓越的科研思想、巧妙的实验设计、恰当的材料选择、精辟的结果分析.  相似文献   

一哲学何以多元哲学多元,几乎是一个不争的事实。一门比其他任何学科更古老的学科,至今却连"什么是哲学"或者"哲学是什么"之类前提性或基础性的问题都无法求得一致答案,这对其他任何学科而言都是匪  相似文献   

哲学有长期的历史。人们需要哲学。奇特的是哲学究竟指什么,从来众论纷纭,难得一致看法。哲学无疑是真实的并且是必然的,不然,为什么总有某些使人关注、深刻而抽象的问题和论点不能归属到任何别的学科? 其他学科形成时,其对象、特征等大体上都有了比较一致的约定,尽管后来在学科发展  相似文献   

Matt McGue 《心理学报》2008,40(10):1073-1087
虽然遗传研究在20世纪初期的心理学里呈上升趋势,早期行为遗传学与优生学的襟带关系使这个学科蒙上阴影。20世纪下半叶的双生子和养子女的研究重新树立了该学科的威信,并为现今的遗传与环境互动的研究奠定了基础。本文以发展行为遗传学、遗传环境互动以及用行为遗传学来验证因果关系的研究为例,来突显这一学科对心理学的贡献。今后遗传与环境互动的研究将更侧重于辨识“候选基因”的技术。“全基因组关联”的研究为未来行为遗传学的发展提供了一个乐观的前景  相似文献   

我们时代所赋予“理解”一词的特殊意义,最初是由思想敏锐的当代青年揭示出来的。而本专辑,作为以中青年探索者为主要作者和读者的特刊,正是这种理解的产物。 当代科学的整体化和分化互为因果、相辅相成,正摧毁着学科间的传统屏障,使不同学科工作者之间的相互理解,比以往任何时候都重要。如果说,任何一门科学都只能在诸学科  相似文献   

人的感性解放与精神发展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
人的感觉解放、感性革命和全面发展成为全球化的21世纪思考的中心。马克思说:“任何一种解放都是把人的世界和人的关系还给人自己”。(《马克思恩格斯全集》第1卷,第443页)这一论断对全球视野中人的感性解放和精神发展具有重要的现实意义。纵观人类文明史,世界历史的发展无非是体现于感性与理性内在系统结构的辩证的矛盾运动。感性与理性既是哲学的一对重要范畴,又是构成世界历史的经纬线。二者的建构、整合和内在适度的  相似文献   

儒家思想对中医学的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
儒家思想对中医学的影响中国中医研究院研究生部(北京100091)童安荣宁夏中医研究院妇科(银川750021)王丽莉指导时振声任何一门学科的产生和发展,都不能脱离特定的历史条件和当时的文化背景。中医学作为中国文化的组成部分,当然亦不例外。中医学是随着我...  相似文献   

在任何时代里,任何学科、任何一个人都不可能脱离所处的社会,任何艺术都离不开当时的社会,艺术家的命运是和国家的命运联系在一起的,因此在美术专业教学中,开展素质教育具有重要意义.  相似文献   

基因工程伦理的核心问题   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
众所周知 ,过去几十年来在自然科学领域 ,没有任何一门学科像遗传学那样引发了如此巨大的社会震撼 ,以至于没有人能够否认当代最大的伦理挑战来自于基因技术与生物技术。因为这一技术使人类拥有了对人的受孕、出生 ,身体构造、心灵健康、生命历程及预期寿命等加以控制和把握的能力 ,而上述这些重大内容在以往的人类史上一直都被认为是出于造物主或命运的操纵。通过基因技术 ,人类正在实现对自己进化历程的控制 ,从而有可能改变现存的整个人类图景 ,甚至于能够有计划地培育一种崭新的人类类型。这样 ,一种前所未有的生物政治的出现似乎成为不…  相似文献   

Shah A 《Psychological reports》2008,102(2):398-400
Analyses of individual and aggregated data have yielded an association between suicide and unemployment, particularly for men in younger age groups. Examination of the relationship of elderly suicide rates with measures of unemployment in a cross-national study of 27 countries did not produce any statistically significant association between these two variables. Also, the magnitude of the actual correlations was small. One reason for low magnitude of correlations may be better welfare systems in the studied countries which mainly reported medium and high income.  相似文献   

Nesselroade and Molenaar suggest that it is the relationships between latent variables within subjects that are invariant across subjects and thus the appropriate unit of analysis. We disagree and take the view that between-factor correlations may differ systematically across subjects. Further, individual differences in these correlations may be an important source of information about each unique individual. Following from this premise, analyses of consistencies and differences between subjects of the within-subject pattern of interfactor correlations is a step toward an integrative science of behavior. We give several examples demonstrating how this approach has the potential to yield novel insights into personality functioning.  相似文献   

Individuals differ in their perceptions of actprototypicality. This study examined whether incorporating such individual differences enhances trait-behaviour correlations and provides stronger evidence for cross-situational consistency. Three hundred and fifty-three subjects rated the dominance prototypicality of 100 acts, indicated how often they performed each of these acts, and provided trait ratings of how dominant they were in general. There were substantial and reliable individual differences in prototypicality judgements over a 4–5 month period. A variety of weighting schemes were used to incorporate these individual differences, but none dramatically increased the trait-behaviour correlation. Similarly, incorporating individual differences did not increase the magnitude of cross-situational consistency correlations. However, incorporating individual differences did enhance the pattern of trait-behaviour and consistency correlations from less prototypical to highly prototypical acts. Differences in perceptions of act prototypicality thus do not affect the magnitude of the correlations that can be obtained, but they are useful in revealing theoretically meaningful patterns of relationships.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined correlations of the power function exponents of individual Ss obtained in each of two sessions. Half the Ss for any task performed second sessions immediately after the first, the other half after a week’s delay. In Experiment I, groups of 16 Ss gave magnitude estimations of apparent area, or else of area and loudness. In Experiment II, groups of 16 Ss made cross-modality matches of apparent time duration to area. Significant correlations in all cases indicated consistent and persisting S differences in exponents. The results are related to the findings of other studies of such individual differences.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated whether 2 characteristic aspects of the psychological profile of autism, theory-of-mind deficits and weak central coherence, might be functionally related. Experiment 1 showed that in the general population, performance on a proposed test of theory of mind was inversely related to speed on the Embedded Figures Test, a measure of central coherence bias. Experiments 2 and 3 confirmed that poor theory-of-mind performance was linked to weak central coherence among typically developing children and among children with autism; however, the correlations between these measures were reliable only after accounting for differences in individuals' verbal mental ages. This pattern of results is interpreted in terms of a relationship between individual differences in theory of mind and central coherence bias, a relationship that is separate from any developmental differences in these domains.  相似文献   

Research has identified bivariate correlations between speech perception and cognitive measures gathered during infancy as well as correlations between these individual measures and later language outcomes. However, these correlations have not all been explored together in prospective longitudinal studies. The goal of the current research was to compare how early speech perception and cognitive skills predict later language outcomes using a within-participant design. To achieve this goal, we tested 97 5- to 7-month-olds on two speech perception tasks (stress pattern preference, native vowel discrimination) and two cognitive tasks (visual recognition memory, A-not-B) and later assessed their vocabulary outcomes at 18 and 24 months. Frequentist statistical analyses showed that only native vowel discrimination significantly predicted vocabulary. However, Bayesian analyses suggested that evidence was ambiguous between null and alternative hypotheses for all infant predictors. These results highlight the importance of recognizing and addressing challenges related to infant data collection, interpretation, and replication in the developmental field, a roadblock in our route to understanding the contribution of domain-specific and domain-general skills for language acquisition. Future methodological development and research along similar lines is encouraged to assess individual differences in infant speech perception and cognitive skills and their predictability for language development.  相似文献   

Recent efforts have aimed to develop relatively short measures of the Five-Factor Model (FFM) of personality, particularly for when time and/or space is limited. We evaluate the Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI), a non-proprietary FFM measure with two items per dimension. We use a latent variable methodology to examine the TIPI’s factor structure and convergent validity with the 50-item International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) FFM measure. We provide correlations between the scale scores and latent factors, and compare each measure’s pattern of correlations with measures of other individual difference constructs. Results were favorable in terms of the factor structure and convergent validity of the TIPI, particularly regarding the correlations between the respective latent factors of the TIPI and the IPIP–FFM measures.  相似文献   

Recent efforts have aimed to develop relatively short measures of the Five-Factor Model (FFM) of personality, particularly for when time and/or space is limited. We evaluate the Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI), a non-proprietary FFM measure with two items per dimension. We use a latent variable methodology to examine the TIPI’s factor structure and convergent validity with the 50-item International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) FFM measure. We provide correlations between the scale scores and latent factors, and compare each measure’s pattern of correlations with measures of other individual difference constructs. Results were favorable in terms of the factor structure and convergent validity of the TIPI, particularly regarding the correlations between the respective latent factors of the TIPI and the IPIP–FFM measures.  相似文献   

This study contrasts results from different correlational methods for examining links between mother and child (N = 72 dyads) reports of early adolescent (M = 11.5 years) behavior problems and relationship negativity and support. Simple (Pearson) correlations revealed a consistent pattern of statistically significant associations, regardless of whether scores came from the same reporter or from different reporters. When correlations between behavior problems and relationship quality differed, within-reporter correlations were always greater in magnitude than between-reporter correlations. Dyadic (common fate) analyses designed for interdependent data decomposed within-reporter correlations into variance shared across reporters (dyadic correlations) and variance unique to specific reporters (individual correlations). Dyadic correlations were responsible for most associations between adolescent behavior problems and relationship negativity; after partitioning variance shared across reporters, no individual correlations emerged as statistically significant. In contrast, adolescent behavior problems were linked to relationship support via both shared variance and variance unique to maternal perceptions. Dyadic analyses provide a parsimonious alternative to multiple contrasts in instances when identical measures have been collected from multiple reporters. Findings from these analyses indicate that same-reporter variance bias should not be assumed in the absence of dyadic statistical analyses.  相似文献   

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