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Much clinical work has utilized G. Chapman's (1995) “love languages” model to promote relationship satisfaction, yet the model remains untested. This study addressed this issue by testing the hypothesis that couples with aligned love languages would report higher relationship satisfaction; we also explored the role that self‐regulation played in promoting satisfaction. A total of 67 heterosexual couples were assessed on love language preference, self‐regulation, and relationship satisfaction. Results provided limited evidence that love language alignment promotes satisfaction; self‐regulation contributed greater variance in satisfaction. Dyadic analyses identified that female self‐regulation positively impacted both male and female relationship satisfaction when couples had dissimilar primary love languages, although significant actor effects were also important predictors for both genders. The outcomes of this study suggest that the effectiveness of Chapman's model may be dependent on both spouses exhibiting appropriate self‐regulatory behaviors and that female self‐regulation plays an important role in predicting relationship satisfaction for both partners when they have different preferred love languages.  相似文献   

Drawing from theories of sexual development, the aim of this study was investigate whether sexual well-being was more positive when youth reported more frequent and better quality sex-related communication, and greater sexual subjectivity (sexual body esteem and pleasure self-efficacy). Sexual well-being was measured with reference to partnered behaviour, including safe-sex behavioural competence, sexual assertiveness, and emotional reactions. Young adults (N = 209; 61% female) aged 17–21 completed questionnaires. While also considering age, gender, romantic status and coital experience in regression analyses, participants higher in competence reported more frequent communication with mothers in high school, and current higher quality communication with mothers and friends. Participants reported more positive emotions related to sex when they had better quality communication with their friends. Associations of sexual subjectivity with greater sexual well-being were found, and small indirect effects were found between retrospectively reported communication frequency and sexual well-being via pleasure self-efficacy.  相似文献   


Most existing safety research focuses on climate and leadership, with most leadership studies investigating transformational leadership, which is likely to be more impactful when exhibited by executives that by frontline supervisors. Therefore, focusing on frontline supervisors, we investigate how leaders who “walk the talk”, by directly modelling safety behaviours, might encourage subordinates to behave more safely. Using a three-level sample consisting of 579 employees and their supervisors working in 161 groups within 53 organizations, we test a multisource multilevel indirect effects model. Results indicate that safety climate and supervisors modelling safety compliance explain unique variance in safety outcomes. We then addressed an unanswered question concerning whether safety climate is best conceptualized as a group or organizational-level phenomenon, finding that the group-level assessment of safety climate explained more variance in safety outcomes than the organizational-level assessment of safety climate. Both sets of results are consistent with social information processing theory and social learning theory, which highlight the immediate social environment’s influence on employees’ behaviour.  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of a therapeutic relationship with a sexually abused latency girl who, in the course of her two years of four times weekly psychotherapy, was placed in two different foster-homes. It is argued that the child's re-enactment of the abuse in the consulting room allowed her to move from a seductive relationship with the therapist to one characterized by basic trust. This was paralleled by her development of a capacity to think and to tolerate affect states. The use of an imaginary twin by the child and the use of powerful countertransference feelings in the therapist are seen as the main therapeutic tools in the treatment. The premature termination of the treatment – due to the therapist's departure – enabled the child to articulate for the first time her feelings, in the transference, about the trauma and the traumatizing agent. The child's progressing moves in the therapy are also presented.  相似文献   

Individual differences in humor styles have been identified, and these humor styles appear to be differentially related to well-being. The present study sought to replicate and extend previous findings by (1) investigating whether the differential effects of humor styles on well-being may be explained by their associations with social support, and (2) whether the weak and inconsistent relationship between aggressive humor and well-being may be due to a moderating role of gender. A total of 826 undergraduate students completed a series of online standardized questionnaires, including the Humor Styles Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), Satisfaction with Life Scale, and Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL-12). Mediation analyses revealed that the positive relationship between affiliative and self-enhancing humor and well-being was explained by a greater perceived availability of support. Meanwhile, the negative association between self-defeating humor and well-being was mediated by lower levels of perceived support. Moderation analyses provided preliminary support for the idea that an aggressive humor style may be related to higher levels of social support among men, and lower social support among women. Further research on the interpersonal context of humor and the role of gender in humor styles, social relationships, and well-being is warranted.  相似文献   

This study examined the interaction of the Thanksgiving holiday with gratitude in relation to well-being using a three-week long, daily diary design with a sample of 172 undergraduate students. Multilevel modeling revealed that without controlling for gratitude, people reported higher levels of positive affect on Thanksgiving holiday than during other days of the study. Reports of life satisfaction, meaning in life, and negative affect did not differ during the holiday. When within-person and between-person levels of gratitude were included, negative relationships were revealed between Thanksgiving and life satisfaction and positive affect. The results from this study sustain the argument that holidays impact people’s well-being depending on certain individual psychological characteristics. In the case of Thanksgiving, gratitude was critical for understanding whether the holiday appeared to positively or negatively influence life satisfaction and positive affect. The present study also supported an important role for gratitude in achieving and maintaining well-being.  相似文献   

Conclusion Winnicott suggests that transitional experiences after outliving their usefulness tend to fade into the background, leaving behind the capacity to develop further transitional experiences and symbolic thought. My understanding of this transitional experience remained uninterpreted as a form of joined action or play in the analysis. This complex set of actions and unverbalized meanings represented for me an aspect of the use of the metaphor of the baby and the allegory of the caretaking parent both in terms of the narrative structure and in the capacity to engage in a process of enacting the patient’s dissociated experiences and facilitating the development of his symbolic experiences of greed and aggression through the development of a playful transitional experience. I believe that it was the patient’s concrete experience of greed and aggression that was at the core of the patient’s arrested development in his capacity to be a sexual and loving adult and to develop an intimate relationship with another person. I believe that the evolving transitional experience of eating the donut and later the cookie enabled us to enact and play out the multiple meanings of greed, envy, the destruction of the object, and finally the reparation and recreation of the object. In the paradox created through the transitional experience I could be both greedy and trustworthy and he could be both sadistic and generous. In the beginning of this paper I suggested a series of dichotomies that define differences in contemporary approaches to psychoanalysis. In the developmental arrest position that I developed in this paper the treatment parameters emphasize mutuality, symmetry, constructivism, the political and social dimensions of experience, and most importantly the analyst’s countertransference participation is thought of as strategic, critical, and voluntary. Psychoanalysis has traditionally been thought of as involving multiple levels of experience, some conscious and verbal and some unconscious and experiential or acted out. The concepts of play, enactment, and transitional experience presented in this paper bring to the fore a mode of psychoanalytic related ness that is experiential and conscious, although not objectively or verbally interpreted, which I believe is necessary as a means of developing the capacity for symbolic thought. Presented to the Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis, October 19, 1995.  相似文献   

New employees can accelerate and optimize their socialization by behaving proactively, although the key behaviors vary across studies. Recent research suggests that newcomer proactive behaviors influence socialization through the mediating effect of corresponding proactive outcomes. This may partly explain differences across studies, along with possible variations in the relative importance of specific proactive behaviors. This study investigates further the mediating role of proactive outcomes, and the relative importance of different proactive behaviors and proactive outcomes in predicting newcomer learning, well-being, and work engagement. Based on a sample of 176 temporary agency workers, support for the mediating role of proactive outcomes was found, although some proactive behaviors were effective in their own right. Relative importance analyses revealed that different proactive behaviors were important for different socialization criteria. Practical and theoretical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Why are original artworks valued more than identical duplicates? The present studies explore 2 mechanisms underlying the special value of original artwork: the assessment of the art object as a unique creative act (performance) and the degree of physical contact with the original artist (contagion). Across 5 experiments, participants were exposed to hypothetical scenarios in which an original object was duplicated. The type of object varied across experiments (e.g., a painting vs. a piece of furniture) as did the circumstances surrounding the creation of the original object and the duplicate. Overall, the results support assessments of performance and contagion as key factors underlying the value of original artwork, and they are consistent with the conclusion that the discrepancy in value between original artworks and perfect duplicates derives from people's lay theories about the domain of art, rather than from associations with particular kinds of art or certain cases of forgery.  相似文献   

Social Psychology of Education - The present study considered global self-esteem and academic self-efficacy as two contrasting precursors and distinctive pathways that could account for...  相似文献   

‘Serving with a smile’ has generally been associated with negative effects for employee well-being. The present study investigated whether emotional display rules also relate to positive outcomes by distinguishing demands to suppress negative emotional response (negative display rules) from demands to express positive emotions (positive display rules). In line with the job demands-resources model, outcomes involved emotional exhaustion and work engagement. Participants were employees in three occupational groups in the human service profession: sales (N?=?480), healthcare (N?=?399), and education (N?=?220). The outcomes of a multi-group analysis in LISREL revealed for all three occupational groups that negative display rules were related to emotional exhaustion while positive display rules were associated with work engagement. Together, these findings suggest that ‘serving with a smile’ can enhance employee well-being, when the emphasis is on showing positive affects instead of suppressing negative affects.  相似文献   

Abstract :  The concepts of home and migration are briefly explored. Reference is made to the reflections of several writers on migration suggesting that migrants may experience alienation, even permanent melancholia. There is discussion of the need to mourn what has been lost and left behind, and of the challenge in analytic work with a migrant to relate to the pain of the individual's core self amid environmental and cultural losses. The paper outlines the history of an individual before her migration from Latin America to London, and tendency to idealize as a new arrival. The symbolization process is discussed and it is suggested that repetitive enactment in the analytic transference may have been needed for her internal reality of estrangement to be confirmed and differentiated from her culturally and socially isolated external life as a migrant. Only then could she mourn losses and symbolize her inner reality. It is suggested that through mourning and symbolization the significance of migration for the patient was worked with and transformed so that, following a second migration, an ordinary, good enough home could be made in a new place.  相似文献   

Psychological acceptance (acceptance) and emotional intelligence (EI) are two relatively new individual characteristics that are hypothesised to affect well-being and performance at work. This study compares both of them, in terms of their ability to predict various well-being outcomes (i.e. general mental health, physical well-being, and job satisfaction). In making this comparison, the effects of job control are accounted for; this is a work organisation variable that is consistently associated with occupational health and performance. Results from 290 United Kingdom workers showed that EI did not significantly predict any of the well-being outcomes, after accounting for acceptance and job control. Acceptance predicted general mental health and physical well-being but not job satisfaction, and job control was associated with job satisfaction only. Discussion focuses on the theoretical and applied implications of these findings. These include support for the suggestion that not controlling one's thoughts and feelings (as advocated by acceptance) may have greater benefits for mental well-being than attempting consciously to regulate them (as EI suggests).  相似文献   

This study tests the job demands–resources model's proposal that the prediction of well-being at work is improved by identifying the most salient cohort-specific resources. Spiritual resources, conceptualized as a subcategory of personal resources, are identified as a salient resource for clergy, and their longitudinal influence on the occupational well-being of clergy (n = 399) is examined in three waves of data collection over an 18-month period. Results supported the antecedent role of spiritual resources in relation to well-being at work. Spiritual resources positively predicted future work engagement, which in turn predicted reduced turnover intention. The negative indirect effect of spiritual resources on turnover intention was fully mediated by work engagement. The findings support the need to identify relevant resources for specific work cohorts. For clergy, spiritual resources are important for motivation and vocational longevity, suggesting the need for spiritual interventions among this at-risk and under-researched population.  相似文献   

Hedonia, eudaimonia, and well-being: an introduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research on well-being can be thought of as falling into two traditions. In one—the hedonistic tradition—the focus is on happiness, generally defined as the presence of positive affect and the absence of negative affect. In the other—the eudaimonic tradition—the focus is on living life in a full and deeply satisfying way. Recognizing that much recent research on well-being has been more closely aligned with the hedonistic tradition, this special issue presents discussions and research reviews from the eudaimonic tradition, making clear how the concept of eudaimonia adds an important perspective to our understanding of well-being.  相似文献   

Beliefs that may underlie the importance of human values were investigated in 4 studies, drawing on research that distinguishes natural-kind (natural), nominal-kind (conventional), and artifact (functional) beliefs. Values were best characterized by artifact and nominal-kind beliefs, as well as a natural-kind belief specific to the social domain, "human nature" (Studies 1 and 2). The extent to which values were considered central to human nature was associated with value importance in both Australia and Japan (Study 2), and experimentally manipulating human nature beliefs influenced value importance (Study 3). Beyond their association with importance, human nature beliefs predicted participants' reactions to value trade-offs (Study 1) and to value-laden rhetorical statements (Study 4). Human nature beliefs therefore play a central role in the psychology of values.  相似文献   

Mitchell  Jonathan 《Synthese》2021,199(5-6):11793-11820
Synthese - It is a familiar feature of our affective psychology that our moods ‘crystalize’ into emotions, and that our emotions ‘diffuse’ into moods. Providing a detailed...  相似文献   

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